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Everything posted by Jdast

  1. And who are you to moderate the forums? BW/ EA also didn't moderate or delete the thread. You have to account for variation since we have seen them moderate threads before, most recently as I recall about one discussing the patch of a different MMORPG. Bottom line, you and Andryah are annoying little wanna-be forum moderator twits. And something good did just come from this thread. I didn't know there was an ignore feature. I now never have to read a post from Andryah again unless someone quotes the twerp again. Sometimes the squeaky wheel gets the oil. If you have a problem with Icy's threads, it is very easy to ignore them since he/she is always very clear in the title. Alternatively, you can report them. As a last resort, both you and Andryah can apply to be forum moderators in Austin since you seem hell-bent on doing so for free -- you might as well get paid. P.S. Icy, thank you for this thread. At a minimum you taught me that there is an ignore feature. Buh-bye Andryah.
  2. I rejoined in December after a several year absence along with two friends (and getting tired of WoW (hich I still play on occasion). I was happy for the XP bonus and it encouraged me to fire up a couple alts. At this stage in the life of the game, I think it is fine to have the option to level quickly. I never really bought the argument that leveling a character makes you better with that class for three inter-related reasons: 1) As in most MMO-s where you gain new abilities, skill point synergies as you level, the rotation / skills you use are very different end-game. 2) While this part is an assumption -- I think of a lot of leveling is done solo (I know there are counter-examples). Point being, what you do while soloing vs. grouping is very different. 3) End-game rotations are still relatively easy to learn for a skilled player. The learning curve at end-game can indeed be steep, and indeed steeper for particular encounters, but good players will rise to the occasion even after only a couple hours playing a class (exception of PvP, which requires you also know other classes). Regards, Dasty
  3. Grazzt, Ignore those two. I'm just back in the game too and it is stunning to me how many of the grizzled veterans are so unwelcoming to newcomers and returnees on the forum. You simply can't win with them. The search function is terrible and your title was very clear. There was no reason for them to respond other than to be curmudgeonly jerks. This is particularly the case given how few people actually post at all. Andryah, in particular, you will find to be one of the most annoying posters on any gaming forum in the history of MMORPGS. In any case, welcome back. Glad some people took the time to answer your question. Fortunately, in-game, I've found people to pretty nice and respectful.
  4. Your self-righteous indignation would carry a lot more weight if, in fact, any one individual in this thread had done that. Even with the limitations you speak of with respect to timing of announcements, I only see people faulting the company for their handling of the situation. I know you liken yourself to the forum den mother whose vast cornucopia of historical experience of managing complex projects, understanding of heuristics, and keen (dare I say unequaled) insight into human nature affords you the luxury of lecturing us on how, where and when to post but... Please know that some of us think you are nothing but a smug tool.
  5. With the XP level boost, I have been playing actually a bit more, particularly since I am happy with the 5.2 gearing changes. Absent the 5.2 changes, I would have tapered off. P.S. Clarian, your obsession with the DvL pop-ups is starting to border on the pathological. If it is true that you haven't played since December b/c of this and still need to post about it as often as you do...well, draw your own conclusions.
  6. My testing replicates these results. It is not surprising, of course, given Treek's inherent design (e.g., no taunt). I would make further two points to respond and pre-empt responses which are categorically off-point. 1) Necro threads are only bad when the issue is no longer relevant. That is not the case here. 2) To the self-appointed net nannies who insist on telling people how and where to post (you know who you are)-- might I steal a page from your playbook (the irony is not lost upon me) and suggest you let forum moderators do their jobs as opposed to you Elara Dorning us with your Fifth Grade Hall Monitor Badgering. This issue is not a bug, it is a design flaw after normalization. Moreover, there is nothing in the last 9 months to suggest any change to Treek. There is no scaling involved, no buffing, etc. Given the absence of those changes, the situation that held 9 months ago remains true today. Of course, if this thread is actually deleted or moved, I will not be upset in the slightest as it would imply by definition that someone from BW actually looked at the post. In turn, this suggests the remote possibility that they will communicate the issue to the devs.
  7. Soul of Flames, You remind me of an annoying graduate student who likes to try and one-up professors by playing semantic games. What you say, of course, is objectively true. It is also absurd on its face. Is an ice cream cone with one tiny chip of chocolate still a chocolate chip ice cream cone? In your literal and narrow-minded world, yes. In the real world, i.e., the business world where there are consumers, the relevant question is as follows: "In an era of normalization of companions, is it reasonable to expect that Treek will perform relatively on par with others?" Most consumers would say, yes. The problem is that Treek objectively performs worse in every role. So, congratulations, you score debating points for being technically correct and are no doubt basking in your self-righteous pseudo-intellectual prowess. At the end of the day, it remains a foolish decision on the part of the Devs not to address the issue, particularly since it is presumably easy to fix.
  8. I know this is a total necro thread, but I'll chime in: 1) His hatred of Senya is hypocritical. He's pissed because she hunted him. Well, she was just following orders. He himself admitted doing some pretty nasty things before he saw the light (no pun intended). To top it off, when I tell him to zip it on the subject he doesn't. 2) At one point he says, "take me, I can handle this group." He was dead, cold wrong. 3) HE PUT A FRIGGIN QUANTUM BOMB ON THE SHIP AND ONLY HE KNEW THE CODE.
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