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Everything posted by turbomagnus

  1. I can see the uses in this... discovering you've accidently locked yourself out of a romance you were trying for; accidently making a major decision that goes against your chosen alignment and not discovering the consequences until later; having some special event mount/costume/toy/title that you don't want to lose that can't be transferred to a different character... There's potential in the idea, at the least...
  2. Roughly estimated, based on my own experience, about twenty to thirty hours (broken up over however you like to play the game) will get you to Alderaan, another six to ten hours will get you through to Hoth, depending on which you mean. Though personally, I've never considered Alderaan a 'snow planet'...
  3. There's a thread based partially on that idea (though expanded to include other H4+) over here; http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=9815637 Have to warn you, though, the idea seems to be a powder keg...
  4. Okay, that explains the contradictory information I was finding. Some things were saying Influence, some were saying story progression, so I wasn't sure which was correct. Thanks.
  5. The sidequests for class companions in the 'vanilla' game, the conversations and occasional missions (yes, and the romances for some), are they tied to Influence level or progress through the main storyline of the game?
  6. No, it makes sense. Romancing Senya while you've got the Force Ghost of her estranged husband riding around in your head would definitely make for an awkward relationship.
  7. I don't know if he gave it back to the Rebel Alliance or not... But to the best of my knowledge, Han never actually paid off his debt; that's why Boba Fett could still hand Carbonite-Han over to Jabba for the bounty. I'm pretty sure, now that I think about it, that the year between Bespin and Tatooine is when Luke was building his new lightsaber (hiding out at 'Old Ben's place) and the events of "Shadows of The Empire" were taking place...
  8. If my memory is correct, I remember reading somewhere that it was supposed to be about three years between Yavin and Hoth, then another year between Bespin and Tatooine, so Yoda's death would likely have been in 4 or 5 ABY...
  9. Well, if you don't mind the character's eyes being covered, there's always Visas Marr's hood...
  10. Unless he's talking about adding a new Advanced Class to them or something; Powertech, Mercenary, and then 'Agent-actalike'?
  11. It's like that Datacron on Imperial Balmorra; requires two people just to get one silly Green Matrix Shard because two buttons have to be pushed at the same time. It's just not worth it.
  12. And tinting. I've noticed that some outfit pieces seem to have an innate tint to them that alters the tone of a color; apply the same dye color to two different outfit pieces (or a chestpiece and then use the match colors button) and they'll end up with different tones because one is tinted. Tinting is all well and good for 'natural' outfit pieces, but dyes really need to override it otherwise it can defeat half the purpose of using them.
  13. Honestly, as near as I can tell, as long as your character has artifice as their crafting crew skill, you should still be able to learn schematics from color crystals if they're available. To the best of my knowledge, the only difference between 'Reverse Engineering' and 'Deconstruction' is that for higher level gear players can now Deconstruct items other than their crafting skill's category and get Jawa Junk and Tech Fragments for them while still getting the 'normal' rewards for Deconstructing items within their crafting skill.
  14. That last part is the problem; I've tried over several Bounty Week events, but the achievements have locked each other out so that they cannot simply be 'regained' without something being done on BioWare's end...
  15. I thought the number was expanded to about ten or twelve when the Rishi stronghold came out in anticipation of new strongholds? Even with the coming Alderaan Estate, that would still only be a total of nine, wouldn't it? Mirrors, maybe not actually truly reflective, but freestanding or wall-mounted mirrors would be an interesting decoration to add... There's a 'Makeb Pergola' that can be found on the GTN sometimes, but I wouldn't mind having a gazebo as well. The pergola has vegetation and such on it, but a gazebo could be left plain enough to work even somewhere like Dromund Kaas or Tatooine... Yes. At the very least, be able to remove Empire/Republic iconography, either completely or replacing it with Alliance. It just doesn't fit to have a Light Side Sith Warrior, Commander of the Alliance, sided with the Republic on Iokath, Ossus and onward... flying around in a ship with Imperial banners hanging all over it, even if it is/was an Imperial Fury Interceptor...
  16. I'm going to assume you mean with pants or a frontal loincloth as well... Let's see... one of the Daragons' outfits has a set of briefs, the Resort Swimwear outfit comes with shorts, Naga Sadow's got the only skirt with bare legs (clips like crazy, unfortunately), Noble Attendant and Force Guardian (I think is the name) have skirts with leggings, females with the Dancer and Loungewear outfits have what's basically bikini bottoms... But I don't think there is a legs option that only has a kama, unfortunately.
  17. I like the idea of that; it could also serve as a 'fix-it' for those who accidently dumped a prior relationship with a class companion for an FE/ET companion and didn't mean to. Query; wouldn't this work even better if additional post-Knights relationships with 'vanilla' companions were added? By this I, of course, mean it could be a way to make companions from other classes at least partially romancible for those who want to see their Dark Side Smuggler paired up with Kalliyo (just to pick an example). There would, admittedly, have to be limitations regarding those companions who specifically return only for their original class character (i.e., Corso and Risha only return for the Smuggler, but either a Smuggler or a Bounty Hunter can get Akaavi and Mako since they return together for both of those classes, but everyone can get Kalliyo and Jurgan as part of the storyline).
  18. Okay, yes, I know, the servers were merged something like two years ago, but I wasn't concerned about this particular issue until it started interfering in my completion of Bounty Hunter Week for my Legacy and getting the associated titles and whatnot... How do I report and request a fix for my Legacy having registered certain bounties as killed or captured for the individual achievements but not the group one and vice versa (showing as captured or killed for the Henchmen or Kingpin groups, but not as individuals)?
  19. Five or six hours, best done on a weekend. Thanks, Steve, I'll remember that. Of course, I'm probably going to end up one of those who go the (3) route too, knowing me...
  20. I can't help on the 'Dark Side Corruption' issue, but I'm fairly certain that the reason Nautolans don't have a 'Hide Head Slot' option is because, like Togutans, they automatically hide any head equipment anyway.
  21. Which automatically supposes the player looking to complete the Heroics are in a Guild or want to be in a Guild. Not everyone is or does. Personally, I have to agree with the Original Poster, especially for - as they mentioned - story arc Heroics like for The Shroud/Macrobinoculars and Dreadseeds/Seeker Droids where all of the other missions can be completed solo. It's, honestly, a little annoying to get all the way to the final mission on your own, then suddenly you need to team up with someone to finish everything off...
  22. All of this talk about completing chapters III through IX in one go to ensure the Lana romance locks in correctly.... out of curiousity, about how long - on average - would anyone say it takes to play through those chapters?
  23. Or they could have just made the contracts themselves 'Bound to Legacy' and ignored the currency tab for that matter. And it's not just Bounty Contracts, either, based on what happened to my Rakghoul DNA Canisters, they turned all event currencies into bound currency tab items that you have to buy Tokens to move around a Legacy... Like you, it doesn't make much sense to me...
  24. Ugh; spawn time on those guys for the Face Merchants bonus is hideously slow, especially when there's more than one player present trying to get them. Steve's right that if you want quick, Coruscant is good, just avoid that particular bonus. It's worse than "Possessed Hunter (2+)" on Dromund Kaas (I've seen a dozen people crammed into that little room, all waiting for that one Mandalorian to spawn and hoping to claim the kill to complete the mission...)
  25. Okay, the Commander's Token was a consumable item, once you used it and deleted the character, it was gone. You'll either need to buy a new Commander's Token (which takes a character to access the Cartel Market in addition to the character you plan to boost... weird, I know...) and use it to boost a character straight to lvl75 and, I believe, the Jedi Under Siege storyline - be advised, the game takes default decisions based on class and faction in this case that might not always be what you want for you character... OR The long way... You'd need to create a new character, complete the class storyline, Ilum, Makeb, The Shadow of Revan storyline, then you would be able to continue with FE/ET, the Nathema Conspiracy and finally Jedi Under Siege/Onslaught.
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