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Everything posted by Kendaric

  1. Of those I played (either finished or in parts): 1. Consular (yes, I'm one of the few who love that story) 2. Sith Warrior 3. Smuggler/Bounty Hunter (torn between these two, so I'd rate them as equal with BH having the better companions) 4. Inquisitor 5. Jedi Knight (too much forced epicness, dislike the JK companions with the exception of T7)
  2. Don't get me wrong here, I want more story (and story-related cutscenes). But resources are limited, so they must set priorities and I'd rather not have the average filler sidequests with cutscenes if that means they can devote resources to planetary and (hopefully) class story arcs instead. This is especially true in case of dailies, the prime example being the dailies on Belsavis and Ilum. The cutscenes don't really add anything to them, least of all a story. Dialog is still there in the Rishi and Yavin-4 sidequests, it's just that no cutscenes were made for them. For anything related to the story, sure, I want cutscenes and dialog with choices, etc. But for simple filler quests... that's wasted resources. If they'd add meaningful sidequests or would tie sidequests into the story in some way, I'd be all for keeping the cutscenes like in the base game. I quite frankly don't see the sidequests as something interesting nor do they, for the most part, give meaningful opportunities for RPing my character. There are exceptions, of course, like the sidequest with the senate droid on Coruscant and those need cutscenes but the majority doesn't.
  3. I actually like the way the did it in SoR. No amount of voice acting & cutscenes will make a typical sidequest like "Get out and bring me 10 droid butts" interesting. Ever. So saving workload on those unimportant sidequests is a good thing.
  4. No, it's silly to not have 8 good reasons or if absolutely needed, lump the two Jedi/Sith classes together and have 6 logical reasons. The way it is now, it doesn't make sense at all. If a guy with a blaster can handle the situation, there's no need to call in a Jedi master (who also happens to sit on the Jedi council) or a Dark Council member for the Empire side. You wouldn't call Satele Shan to do grunt work either, would you? And quite frankly, if they continue their current route of no more class stories or even class-based missions, I'll be out as soon as TESO proves to be any good and thus far I've remained with the game since headstart. But with their current direction, there's just little to no reason for me to stick around.
  5. Class stories, flashpoints and RP if you must know. I've never been one for "endgame" content in MMORPGs, one of the reason I prefer sandbox games to themeparks like SWTOR, but sadly there are very few sandbox MMORPGs around these days (and none of them is Star Wars...)
  6. Balancing will happen anyway, it's an ongoing process in every MMORPG. And the SSSP, whether you like it or not, is content. It may not be content you enjoy, but it's content regardless. I neither raid nor engage in PvP and I'm not interested in the SSSP either, yet I don't constantly complain about BioWare adding content I don't enjoy.
  7. 1. Hood toggle 2. Optional chat bubbles 3. Removal of weapon restrictions (especially the restrictions on saber choices for Jedi/Sith) 4. Some class-based content. (No, I don't expect a full class story like chapters 1-3 in that timeframe, but something like class-based dailies for example).
  8. We've requested a wardrobe/appearance without success since well before launch, it's not going to happen. While the current situation is far from perfect, it's way better than what we started with (few armor models, no color matching at launch, no adaptive armors at all).
  9. I'd love a system like that. Yes, it will lead to some people wearing combining the ugliest choices possible but then, a lot of the combined dyes currently available do that already.
  10. I could live perfectly well with Force classes only being able to use vibro-/techblades/-staves and lightsabers. But at the very least they should have a choice which type of saber they want to use. I'd also not mind assault cannons and sniper rifles to be restricted, but blaster rifles and pistols should be available to all tech classes without restriction. As for animations, a lot of the required animations already exist in game and could probably be used. You can notice that a lot with companions, who often use PC class attacks with completely different weapons (Kira uses Master Strike with a doublebladed lightsaber for example, all of Corso's attacks work with both pistol or rifle).
  11. The main issues with SWTOR's classes for me are these: Unnecessary restrictions on weapons (some restrictions I agree with, but most are plain silly and not needed) All abilities tied directly to the class rather than basing them on equipped weapons like Guild Wars 2 or Secret World (though TSW lacks classes, a similiar system could work in a class-based MMORPG like SWTOR). This would, of course, also require removal of most weapon restrictions. With so few classes per side, the game simply needs more variety to prevent getting stale. Especially as the game, in theory, encourages creating alts.
  12. Most of the necessary animation exist already. Sure, some new animations might be needed, but far less than you think.
  13. You can't do that in SWTOR without getting the same problem Age of Conan had (and still has). There the first 20 levels (the starter area) were fully voiced, afterwards you had next to no voice acting at all, which made it feel like two entirely different games. In SWTOR it can work for sidequests as long as those are handed out via datapads/terminals, but everything given by an actual NPC needs a voice over or it will stick out like a sore thumb.
  14. To answer the OP: No. I wouldn't mind sidequests having no voiceovers (since "Bring me 10 droid butts" isn't going to be interesting. Ever.), but only if it means more and more involved planetary stories and getting back to class stories. But if new content would be just more dailies and operations, then I'd prefer to have even the sidequests voiced.
  15. Let's face it, most of the stuff in the new packs looks quite horrible and not like something I'd waste credits or real money on. It's not just the crystals but most of the armors as well. I'm really not sure what they are trying to achieve...
  16. No, 2.4 won't be the deciding factor for me. The deciding factor for me will be the state of the game when TESO hits, as I will have to decide which of the two will be worth spending my time. And with the lack of continuation of class stories (which are my primary interest in SWTOR aside from RP), I suspect TESO will be the winner unless Bethesda screws up bigtime. But as a Jedi master once said: "Always in motion the future is. Impossible to see"
  17. The whole issue wouldn't exist if they had done it like SOE did with EQ2 ... once a new expansion gets released, you get the previous one(s) included for free when bying the new one. Giving it away for free now before a new expansion is actually released (or at least a release date is announced) is causing the issue. I'm not overly thrilled by the way they handled it, but it's not that much of an issue.
  18. However, the class stories offered a reason to play through content more than once or twice. Now if you look at Makeb, it's ok to play through twice (once for each side), but afterwards there's no reason to do so again. There's simply no difference aside from the intro cutscene and quite frankly, the way it's set up it doesn't make sense in a lot of cases ("Hey, let's call in a Jedi master since we got this situation a soldier or a hired smuggler can handle well enough.") Even two actual, class-dependent missions per such story arc would go a long way to make things more interesting. Add to that a couple of class-specific dialogue options to resolve a mission and most people would be happy.
  19. In my case it's pretty simple: I don't care about PvP or Ops at all. As that is most of the stuff on the PTS, there's absolutely no reason for me to go there except when major changes are incoming.
  20. If we don't get any more class quests in the true sense, can we at least now get a questline that allows us to defect to the other side at level 55?
  21. Unlike the storyline of Makeb, it would offer replay value. That's my biggest gripe with Makeb actually, once you've done the story, it's painfully boring to do so again on an alt. If they had class-specific parts in it, it would at least be somewhat different. A generic faction storyline just doesn't really cut it and it doesn't even make a lot sense (why call in a Jedi Master for something a grunt with a blaster can do?).
  22. As with many others, the class stories are the main reason for me to play. I have zero interest in PvP or raiding, so without further class stories, there is extremely little for me to do aside from running dailies (which I utterly despise due to their horrific and uninspired design). Planet stories like Makeb are well and good, but they lack replayability in the way they are currently done.
  23. And quite frankly I'd still laugh about pandas even if we would get Gungans rather than Ewoks. It's an optional companion, so who cares? I have definitely no interest in getting that furball.
  24. Didn't buy it, that things looks utterly stupid and doesn't belong in Star Wars at all.
  25. Well, not that great but at least better than the pink/purple one.
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