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Everything posted by Daelenn

  1. Should be right next to the companion gifts vendor
  2. They used to have hoods, but I guess all the people that whined in beta about their lekku sticking out looking stupid won out in the end. Hopefully this will be remedied in a future patch like many of the other graphical issues/improvements Bioware has mentioned coming.
  3. The companion standing on top of everything you try to interact with has been an issue since beta. Best I can suggest is to try moving so that they move around you or pan your camera up some more. As for the grapple ability, you can turn that off if you prefer. Hit the "~" key and it will bring up your companion's full action bar. From here you can toggle on and off any ability you wish.
  4. If you check out the guide in my sig below, look at the Quick Guides section which has a printable, visual list of each class, advanced class, skill tree and which roles each thing can do. Gives a good list of what's possible depending which way you go.
  5. I have a Star Wars - The Old Republic folder inside my Documents folder, which has a screenshots folder inside of it. This is on Windows Vista 64bit.
  6. Updated to v1.2 V1.2 Added info to UI - Crafting Panel and Crafting Missions Panel updates Fixed title - Space Combat - The Pilot Removed Titles updated Added Mission note: daily reset time, 6am CST Added Operation note: reset Tuesday, 6am CST Added Tip - General - Don't keep running when entering phased area Added Tip - General - Saving money for speeder piloting Added Tip - Class / Story - Advanced Class starter NPC Added Tip - Class / Story - AC bag Added Tip - Companions - Ship Droid is not a full companion Added Tip - Crew Missions - Crafting with ship Droid
  7. The ship droid was originally not used for combat period. A lot of people complained in Beta though that some classes got their healing companion really late, especially after they changed the customization feature to appearances instead of combat abilities. Now the ship droid can be given armor and can be a pretty decent healer. Fact is though, they're still not meant to be a full-fledged companion with their own story and affection. Being able to be used as a make-shift healer till you get your real healing companion was throwing players a bone.
  8. The one in Outlaw's Den on Tatooine is cross-faction as well.
  9. They have also added a "Flashpoint Ship" or whatever they're called to about every planet I think. You can take this "taxi" straight to the Fleet from wherever you are, so that's pretty convenient. The "emergency fleet pass" has an 18hr cool-down but can be used from anywhere. Its not much effort to use your quick travel back to the bind area near the flashpoint taxi and click that for a free trip to the fleet. Seems to me they're constantly adding more quality of life improvements like that.
  10. You don't need to have the companion window open at all, just have the companion summoned. Hit Ctrl-P to bring up Options, go to User-Interface > Tooltip and turn on Enable Companion Comparative Tooltip. Now when you mouse over and item it'll compare it to what you AND your companion have equipped.
  11. Found a few more things I missed, will probably push out a short v1.2 update in a few days.
  12. Looks like they've been moved to Planetary cantinas, possibly for spoiler protection. First one I ran across on Smuggler was the cantina on Taris, which had 6 sets for Corso as an example.
  13. Actually they specifically said they removed a lot of titles in the final patch notes before beta ended. Most of the removed ones seem to be the light/dark and social tiers.
  14. Ok, v1.1 finished for now. Changelog added as well.
  15. Ok, added a few items, including 4 new "quick guides" (look for the new Quick Guides section in the Table of Contents). I have some more to add later this evening when I'm home, as well as posting a changelog that I'll keep updated as I make new changes in the future. If you enjoy the guide, leave a comment to keep the post visible for others to make use of^^
  16. Sorry for the delay. With the server maintenance last night I pushed the update off until today. Will try to have it out soon.
  17. Had some site maintenance earlier, will push update out tomorrow.
  18. Getting late so I'm going to hold off on pushing out the update tonight. Good news is I have 4 "quick-guide" images knocked out for it already. May add a few more by tomorrow evening, we'll see.
  19. In the final beta build they ended up removed a bunch of titles from tier completions. So no more title for every tier of dark or light side gains or from social tiers. As far as I know.. I think there's only 2 titles now for dark and light.. maybe 3 for social. Wanted to update the titles in my guide but could never get full confirmation on which ones were definitely removed. Some of the titles were kind of ehhh, and you did get overwhelmed with them fairly early on... but removing yet more fluff from the game seemed like an odd decision. Oh well.
  20. Thanks, trying to make it the definitive guide by a landslide too Will post an update tonight as well that includes a few printable "quick guides" for Class Roles, Crew Skills and Milestone Levels. If there's any requests for additions, I'll be glad to hear them out^^
  21. They actually did a really nice job with that, though it bugs me to no end that you can't click on the images and get a bigger view. Also, the title is in reference to the books like "CSS: The Missing Manual", I wasn't saying that there IS no manual. The guide I created also has about 10x more information in it, because I don't think they'd ever create a guide quite as in-depth on their site.
  22. Thanks^^ I already have a list of some updates I'll be making as soon as I manage to get into the game. If I don't get in today, I may do a small update tonight anyway though since I have a few additions ready to go.
  23. UPDATE: The guide has been redone as a full website at trippintheforce.com so please use that for the updated information and new guides, enjoy~ This is a comprehensive guide & FAQ to the game, compiled from various sources including 7 months of being a full-time beta tester. It's an ongoing project that I'll be updating as well. Something to read while you wait to get into the game http://liberi-fatali.net/the-old-republic/star-wars-the-old-republic-guide-and-faq/ If you're curious what's in the guide, here's a break down of the Table of Contents: Table of Content: General FAQ Timeline Classes Races Planets Companions Crew Skills Voice Cast Game Systems: User-Interface Keyboard Commands Class Resources Character Stats Item Mods Loot Enemies Codex Titles Gameplay: Missions Datacrons Space Combat Flashpoints Warzones/PvP Operations Tips & Suggestions I'll be updating the guide on a normal basis, and if you see any information that is wrong, feel free to hit me up about it.
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