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Everything posted by MrJunay

  1. DS Arcann will have an evil white Loth-Cat. And LS will have ... a flock of porgs.
  2. Ivory Cheldu https://torf.mmo-fashion.com/ivory-cheldu/ Mad hybrid of caterpillar and chicken legs.
  3. Dr Evil !So that's who Arcann reminds me of! I think Moonlight Vrake would have looked good near the throne. He has a very similar face to Valky.
  4. Now it is understandable why he persistently does not remove the dragon's emblems from his clothes. (ominous laughter) By the way, what kind of pet would suit him? When Arсann sits on the throne, I present on his knees a large white and fluffy cat. But in the Star Wars there are no cats ...
  5. I will miss the creators of the series "Arсann - the devourer of resources." After receiving the romance I expected from them a new grand opening of the season, but ... It seems that they ran out of resources.
  6. Yes, simple Zakuul clothes would have suited Arcann. Considering that he is no longer Emperor of Zakuul, it is strange to wear an imperial dress with dragon emblems. By the way, this dragon is Zildrog?
  7. Oh, No! I hope Arcann will never change body! Let devs give a couple more customizations with different clothes (not an emperor's) and that's enough. All the characters to whom the body changed look terrible!
  8. I also did not understand why Theron did not try to signal the PC. He could take him to the forest, where there are no eavesdropping devices and virtual networks and to tell everything . Or write a message on paper. Perhaps Gemini 16 could have tracked all the actions of Theron through his cybernetic implants?
  9. "Arсann's fanatics" would be happy if he went to Nathema, and did not start whining about mercy for Theron on Odessen. Lana is not just useless, she's just annoying. I will soon break the Spacebar from the fact that I escape the cutscenes with her face.
  10. Let these "only important characters" rot in the dark! The death of the "sacred cows"!
  11. Now the eyes of the DS can be simply bought. But in those distant times, to have them, we had to do a lot of "dark" actions. And to reach DS5 was quite difficult. And the skin looked disgusting.
  12. And it turns out that in the case of the SW, Arkann accidentally step on his the sore spot. I understand this dialogue perfectly in the case of LS, but in the case of DS ( and SW) it seems strange to me. I never hide the DS on the character because of the burning eyes. The PC usually wears a helmet (or mask) that allows you to see only the eyes.
  13. Fortunately, he is a human. Unfortunately, his skin became cadaverous pale-blue. But I saw pale pink pureblood Sith.
  14. Bloodthirst has nothing to do with it. DS does not at all mean that the character is a mad bloodthirsty maniac. He may just be a tough warrior who does not know what "mercy is to traitors" and he has no friendships with Theron. Theron is just another subordinate for him, just like Lana. At the time of the dialogue, Arcann does not know that Theron is a double agent. He asks for a mercy for the traitor. (And this despite the fact that the "traitor" for the Sith Warrior is a trigger (he is betrayed by the whole vanilla story)) That's why my warrior's reaction was: "What?! :eek:Arcann, go to sleep! You're drunk!" My SW started KOTFE with DS5. And all the cutscenes he was without a helmet ... That's why he did good things with the KOTFE / KOTET. What would get rid of this terrible face.
  15. Yes, it is very suitable for the LS option. But in the DS version of the relationship is not based on friendship, but in the style of "master - slave." This excludes such concepts as mercy and friendship. Dialogue for DS PCs should be based on personal gain. Most likely, the developers think that the DS PC can not have Arcann at all. And they made only one version of the dialogue - for the LS PC. But for the Sith to live their rage - the norm. It turns out, Arcann refers to the "dark" PC as if he were "light".
  16. I hope their relationship does not turn intoin the style of "The Deity and His Devoted Slave." Perhaps the developers in this way just want to show that Arсann has changed and is grateful to the PC for saving his life, or he is under the influence of the first love that dazzles ... But I sincerely hope that Arcann will not turn into a weak-willed and spineless follower. I was sure that with DS PC they would together rule the galaxy, like Revan and Malak. Any idea why Arсann begs about mercy for Theron ? Earlier in the letter he was ready to punish the traitor. Why did he change his mind to the opposite? He does not want to see a PC a cruel executioner? Or are they friends with Theron? Very strange...
  17. I was hoping that Arcann would be able to participate in the FP as a multi-companion, but this place was occupied by Theron. Although it was more logical to reveal the cards of Theron only before the final battle, and not to destroy the intrigue at the beginning of the FP. Honestly, I expected various interesting plot twists: that the traitor is Lana, that Theron was being zombified, that Valky / Vaylin is still sitting in the head of the PC, and Theron is trying to stop them ... But the story, unfortunately, turned out to be banal.
  18. It seems that Arcann too much idealizes the PC and raises it on a pedestal. Arcann's love becomes like fanaticism or worship. Absolute devotion and complete dissolution in the object of love. PC for him a new god? How are the Valky for the residents of Zakuul? By the way, Jaessa in any case become a DS? LS no option at all?
  19. As I understand it, Arcann is now only suitable for the "LS" PC? It was very strange to hear that he asked the DS Sith warrior to spare the traitor and speaked of friendship and mercy. My Sith was shocked by such a terrible (in his opinion) manifestation of weakness and he doubted in Arcann. His reaction was almost like this: https://imgur.com/a/OsIhp1G Of course, everything ended well, Theron was not a traitor, and no one had to be executed, but... It seems that the DS Sith and Arcann have absolutely different views on life. ¯ \ _ (ツ) _ / ¯
  20. About Senya and the Koth, it seems, they just forgot. If the PC type looks mature enough, why not? My PC was flirting with her, but he looks like her grandson.
  21. This is the task of developers. In the same SoR was in fact, one story (divided into fractions), but most of the players liked this. KOTFE / ET is the worst story I know. This is the most illogical, ragged, sometimes impassable obtuse story, with constantly jumping accents. 1) The theme of the Valky's family, which remained undisclosed. If this is not the main thread of the story - why are they given so much attention? And if the main thing - why is it not completed properly? Why in the finals there was no place to sum up the results of this family? 2) The Eternal Empire and Zakuul. Apparently, no one is interested, including developers. 3) Iokath and the ancient race of gods-machines. Virtually not disclosed at all. Beat Zildrog, as a baby and all. The result of several years of playing in the KOTFE / ET - well ... Absolutely no sense, but you can marry Lana / Theron. Grandiose finale of story. I do not know if the next addition will be good, but I can say for sure: no one of my characters will walkthrough KOTFE / ET any more.
  22. And this men has every right to think so, because there should not be any "show" at all. There must be a story, a story of our PC and the world, and not of secondary (and many unnecessary) NPCs. The story should be interesting for each player, and not for the fans of certain characters. Players in most do not need half-hour cutscenes with characters that they are not interested in. The players are interested in their PCs and the story, associated with it. Everything else is secondary. I do not need the opportunity to "remove an unloved companion." I need that the story stop being a "show of certain characters," and returned to the format of vanilla, where the only main character was our PC. And the player could choose with which companion he willwalkthrough the story.
  23. Does this mean that the whole story of KOTFE / ET was exclusively the story of Lana and Theron, and the rest of the story and characters (and our PC) - empty decorations? I sincerely hope that this show of "sacred cows" is over. Because I do not want to participate again in this farce.
  24. As an option. OMG, why do developers so stubbornly do not want to give players Vaylin? There are many opportunities for this. Or are they afraid that Vaylin will become more popular than their precious Lana? Faithful followers will forever wait for the advent of HL3! Our faith is unshakable!
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