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Everything posted by nepochop

  1. There are these guys running around with TrixxieTriss names and doing this on DM in lowbies
  2. They are open to them, they just need to que with a sub.
  3. Yeah its totally "new people" unfriendly. You may be able to get your one toon to full 248 with a combination of HM ops and PVP, but then the rest..... 230 is easy to get but still, that does not help much in terms of ranked.
  4. lol where have you been these past 6 years?? This has been an issue since day 1 I think.
  5. If you spend less time posting on forums and more playing GSF you would have mastered 4 ships already!
  6. Well, they seem to have a lot of free time for stuff like this
  7. One thing to know is that CS can grant ANYTHING, you just need to find the right CS guy and provide proof, thats all.
  8. Yup, solo and group ranked is dominated by a small band of people who always get to top. Then they play so many games that it is hard to go through their history to check for the cheating. What they do is sync que, que dodge and much much more. it is easy for them to gain rating when they que as tanks, heals and so on. They also use bot accounts to leave que or match and many more dirty tricks. The second issue is the mentioned account selling. That was quite popular, although I dont think its a thing now as the game is not so popular anymore so they cant be making money with this. However, I can say that bans are being made but I have yet to see rating resets for example.
  9. There is nothing to nerf, with the jugg fix they are fine, all classes are balanced now, just Sorc DPS needs a slight buff and its fine.
  10. It only proves how the game is still not doing well
  11. It started working like 2 min after my post, so its fine now.
  12. To me it loaded but said its downloading the game at 0.00% and i could only play starter planet
  13. Yup, que syncs rep side are sooo typical, since noone ques rep side they basically have a premade and can do a few warzones before people either stop quing or swap to rep side to compensate. The tank syncs are also silly!
  14. lol they were 2 ppl and one had your name Trixxie and they trolled people in PVP last week
  15. We all know the top players wintrade, cheat. Yes, they are also good and play a lot, but in general, they help their rating by cheating at various points. Its a FACT! However, who cares? They get their rewards and titles and so it goes on and on.
  16. Well, I guess that goes with the trend in the game these days with making stuff too easy. Even Izax should have had a NiM buff but people dealt with it with relative ease, even made sales runs for the 8M versions.
  17. He just wanted to say how funny it is to see the Izax mount on lowbie planets on low level toons. It was a pretty weird move by Devs to allow this mount like this. I never seen Wings on a level 20 Well, we once did it for fun and got a friend wings on a level 50 toon, those were the days of 3.0 and he also was a lvl 50 warrior (no advanced class).
  18. Yup also have Chapter 1 stuck on ship on multiple accounts, weird.
  19. There is a SM achievement as well, but they didnt say anything about that, just about VM achievement.
  20. This reminded me of a funny story when I was living in the United States. I was in 6th grade and words like "hell" or "damm it" were considered the highest evil! Well coming from EU it was extremely funny for me as such words are pretty common like if you would say plate or box! So I guess its fine to say it.
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