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Everything posted by Ollmich

  1. I noticed some changes to Sorc set bonuses which haven't been mentioned yet. New: (4) Reduces cooldown of Innervate ot Healing Trance by 1,5 sec. That's really nice. Looks like this set will be default for Corruption Sorcs, at least 4 pieces. Hopefully it won't be hard to get. New: (4) Force Speed makes your next Force attack deal 5% more damage. Guess it's good for dps Sorcs but I don't see myself using this set as a healer. Oh well, 1,5 sec reduction on Innervate CD rocks anyway.
  2. I just logged into PTS. All gear is BoL in current build.
  3. I’m not excited about the changes for Corruption / Seer spec. Set bonuses As others have already mentioned, the loss of the current set bonus affects rotation and Force management in a negative way. It does feel like a nerf. New set bonuses are not even close to being a decent alternative, very few of them are useful for Sorc healers in PvE. It feels like a tactical as they were described at first since it encourages you to adjust your rotation and precede each Dark heal with Consuming darkness while having stacks of Force surge. Sadly, the bonus amount of healing is not that big to justify possible problems with Force management, and no one is going to care about +2 end and +2 alac. I agree with those who are concerned that there’re too much buffs tied to Force speed. I don’t want to use it on CD to buff something, I want to use it when I need a quick relocation – you know, what it was designed for. I can’t double check it at this moment but I believe this set bonus provides one more effect which is similar to Surging Speed utility (reduced CD on Force Speed/Force Slow/Force Barrier). That's... weird. Sure, it allows choosing another utility from the 2nd tier, but nothing else here is really worth taking for PvE healing. Tacticals I’m still not sure if these tacticals actually work. Tested them on healing dummies, here’re numbers I got: One for all: 8 targets – 147k, 2 targets – 14k and 16k (comp happend to be around). All for one: 8 targets – 130k, 1 target – 17k. Without them: 8 targets – 136k, 1 target – 15k. Tested them both in Hammer Station HM and didn’t feel any difference. This one can be useful when a healer needs to off-dps a lot. I’d prefer it being a “smart” heal like Roaming mend which prioritizes group members with lower amount of HP but it just heals for a small amount a dude who happened to be closer to the target than others. I can see myself taking it from time to time though. Extra mend seems to be the most decent tactical but it’s also the most boring and unimaginative. TL;DR. New set bonuses and tacticals are hardly worth the grind. Losing out current set bonus affects negatively rotation and Force management. Please consider making old set bonuses available for 75 lvl players or at least turn their effects into passives for respective disciplines.
  4. Agreed, the pic looks very cheap and crude. Maybe replace it with Tau vs Malgus concept art?
  5. That's really bizarre. When Chiss FP was released and this deco was added to the game I put some on Umbara train without any problem. I removed them eventually and didn't touch until yesterday. Thanks for the info, I'll try and see if it works on other toons. Yeah, hopefully this bug will be fixed... some day. Along with other deco bugs.
  6. I’m sure I had a few Steam distributors (A Traitor among the Chiss drop) unlocked but now the list of decorations shows that I have 0/0. I bought one on GTN and tried to unlock it. The item was consumed but there were no prestige gain (neither 100 nor 2) and deco wasn’t added to the list, I still have 0/0.
  7. Nothing stopped you from responding with something like “healers are not really ‘needed’ to clear vets but you’re welcome to fulfill your role”. You chose to throw an unfriendly and contemptuous remark (two of them, actually) knowing that it will piss them off just because they queued as healer and asked to leave healing to them. Healer could be wrong (it’s hard to judge since your story lacks details) but you were not right either. No one deserves such attitude unless they annoy everyone with trollish comments like “you guys are garbage, you’ll never finish the run without my precious dps/heals/taunts” which happens once in a blue moon. Sorry if I sound too passionate about it but I know quite well how healer feels when dps instead of dpsing waste time running from one kolto to another even though their HP is stable thanks to healer’s efforts.
  8. Funny you didn’t mention how good the healer was at their job before leaving the group. Why another player decided to use kolto? Was their HP below 40-30%? Was healer slaking? Anyway, even if they were really bad, your “nah, we don’t need you” and “it’s not my job to help you learning” attitude is still fundamentally wrong and destructive for the community. The healer was probably new to the role or the game, their reaction shows they haven’t developed thick skin yet. Your comment may have discouraged them from learning that role further. Well done. It works both ways, you know. I was in groups where "special" dps players were kicked by tanks and healers because their behavior was annoying, they didn’t let others do their job and didn’t listen to reason. Everyone is replaceable, dps included. I can argue that dps are also not "needed" for Vet FPs since most of them can be done solo these days, even by a healer micromanaging their dps companion. It’s just faster with other 3 people. It’s hard to have fun when you want to tank or heal but the group doesn’t allow you to and pulls everything on sight or runs to koltos every time they take damage. Is it fun to ruin other players’ fun? There’re plenty of reasons for tanks and healers to queue vets. They may be learning their role in less stressful environment than MM FPs or ops, leveling or doing weekly on a char who can heal or tank only, or just being in mood for tanking or healing but nothing else pops. They shouldn't suffer through "we don't need you here" attutude which can be expressed not only with words but with actions as well, and being expected to enjoy it. This.
  9. First of all, there’s a vendor on the Fleet who sells a bunch of nice decos for CM certificates. You can buy stuff for yourself or sell it on GTN to make profit. No reputation is required. Maxing out Underworld Exchange rep to access CM vendors is not that hard. Rep tokens drop from Ultimate packs and Contraband Slot Machine decoration. Slot machine rarely shows up on GTN and when it does it’s always quite expensive but you can travel to strongholds that are opened for everyone, check if they have that deco and start gambling if they do. Drop rate is very good, you’ll get Legend in no time even with weekly cap. Btw, I have it in my Nar Shaddaa SH on Malgus, everyone who needs it to max out rep is welcomed.
  10. Look, I hope your questions will be answered rather sooner than later. We can safely assume lots of things based on recent update and info we got so far, e.g. format, replayability, certain companions being part of new story etc, but it’s always good to get confirmation. Dan’s roadmap shows what is assumed to be interesting and important for players. If you disagree, by any means, keep asking about stuff that interests you more, start threads, make sure they’re not buried and forgotten. All I wanted to do was point out some things. Gear is not the only subject devs are willing to talk about (one can get an impression that people in this thread believe they do). Discussing gear is more important at this moment (note: discussing it, not the gear itself) because it’s needed to gather players’ feedback and probably make some changes before it's too late in order to build a system that will function well and won’t infuriate playerbase once more causing another mass exodus. Discussing story is less crucial at this moment since it doesn’t imply gathering feedback and implementing changes based on it but it’ll become more important as we’re done with gear and get closer to expansion release.
  11. It seems story players are forgetting about this thread. If everything goes as planned we’ll get a lot of spoiler-free info about new story, planets and characters as we’ll be closer to 6.0. You see, Spoils of War has to be discussed as soon as possible because devs may need to time to change something based on feedback. It’s perfectly understandable why providing info about it got a priority over providing info about other stuff. One thing at a time. To answer OP, gearing system was a convoluted mess for several years straight, and I’m glad to see that devs chose to focus on creating another system that will satisfy both them and players. It looks like they’re trying to make a universal mechanism which will work smoothly and won’t need so much attention anymore. It’s a right thing to do.
  12. In general, I think Dantooine is a good addition to the game. The planet is nice even though it’s not that big, missions and exploration achievements are fun, little KotOR hints here and there are touching. Players have been asking for a new event for a long time, and it’s great that we finally got one. I haven’t grouped up for heroics for ages, and actually enjoyed running Dantooine ones with other folks since soloing them is really tedious. People have already discovered ways to avoid trash and such, that’s amusing. It’s weird to hear concerns that no one is going to bother with this content when the novelty effect fades away. I regularly see people grouping up for Ragkhoul and Gree heroics, and these events are years old. Still, it would be better if there were two separated weeklies, one for dailies and another for heroics. I can’t remember what kind of weekly was on PTS, maybe I was distracted by scenery and forgot to pick it up, but I also don’t remember any concerns about it on PTS forums. I (we?) would better be more attentive next time. It also bugs me that Dantooine Outbreak music (or at least its most recognizable parts) didn’t make it into live version. I hear the same stuff as on Iokath most of the time. There’s a lot of negative feedback about rewards but I actually like the decos. It’s a bit sad though that CM keeps getting updates with cool stuff while thingies you can earn playing the game aren’t even comparable.
  13. I’d definitely recommend watching a stream, it was very informative, but I’m sure the article Dan is working on will provide the very same info and it will be more clear and thorough than a recap. No need to overreact. Just wait a bit. I personally don’t want to comment on anything until I see it on PTS.
  14. Well, I referred to Eric’s comment about going crazy, and I also called my own ideas somewhat crazy, so there’s no need to be sensitive about that. Infinite resource pools? If you screw up your rotation on (some / most) dps classes, you’re going to have energy issues and lose dps as a result. Sage’s energy management certainly needs some tweaks even though I find it far easier than mando’s and scoundrel’s but things you suggest are a bit too much for me. Gotcha. I get your point. Yeah, it can work as new passive, why not, but certainly not as Tactical Item since those items as I understand it are supposed to make you play the class differently, prioritize other abilities than before, etc. You actually mentioned in your first post that you want it being channeled while moving as standard so no questions there. Let’s agree to disagree about the rest. I think most of your suggestions will make this class faceroll easy to play which is not fun at all, but obviously it’s up to the devs to decide what changes they want to implement. I just wanted to note that not everyone will be happy if you ideas make it into the game.
  15. Most of Darthanimus' suggestions seem too OP to me but since we’re supposed to bombard devs with crazy ideas, that’s probably fine. Here’re a few notes though. IMO, it simplifies Force management too much and makes Resplendence stacks almost obsolete. Besides, Healing Trance crits so often that you'll have instant Salvation most of the time since you won't need Resplendence for Force regen. Sounds nice but... isn't it a bit insane? In this case I think all healing classes should have it, and CD has to be the same for everyone. But it would make DoT dps specs even less preferable in PvP than burst ones unless CD is increased significantly. What’s wrong with Force Mobility utility? Wouldn’t it just turn this ability into Benevolence clone with higher healing output? Yeah, Force management can be a bit tricky now. Still, healer is not responsible for other players’ mistakes. If good healer carries newbies and keeps alive even though they ignore mechanics and stay in stupid, they’ll never learn, never improve and continue doing the same mistakes over and over again. When they get a newbie healer in their group who is still learning and can’t heal through stuff which isn’t supposed to be healed through, they’ll blame him, not themselves, and probably discourage from learning this role further.
  16. I’m very happy to visit Dantooine again even though it’s so small. Makes me feel nostalgic. Also, THAT MUSIC. It’s nice to see that not everything on the planet evolves around pirates' attack. Little things like codex entries and mysterious datapads (I found two so far) are much appreciated. I also have a suggestion regarding new conquest: wouldn’t it make sense if Rishi dailies were added, or objectives like “defeat x amount of Nova Blade pirates on Rishi”? And what these dudes are doing down there?
  17. Well, people can have their ruins if Yavin is not enough for them, why not, but only under one condition: Odessen, Zakuul and Alderaan go first. Jokes aside, I think it would be nice if it was used in future story content. Or it can be a separate zone with tricky datacron puzzle.
  18. Well, when I finished all class stories and expansions for the first time, it also seemed to me that there’s nothing else to do in the game anymore except for group content I wasn’t interested in back then. I was so wrong. If you’re looking for a challenge while playing solo, try Veteran / Master mode chapters or run Veteran / Master mode flashpoints without a group, at your own pace, with all intros and cutscenes. You can also try to complete Eternal Championship without dying and / or under 15 minutes. Other “what to do” options for those who’re not interested in endgame content: Collecting datacrons. Jumping is not perfect in SWTOR but lots of players find daracron hunt quite fun. Achievement hunting. It’s not always about killing 500 Bormu and such, there’re also interesting achievements like taming nerf pets, jumping over Monolith’s head on the speeder, defeating special mobs, unlocking all lore objects (they’re actually worth reading), exploring planets, etc. Space Barbie. Dress up your character(s) combining different sets, weapons, mounts, toys and come up with your own unique look. Strongholds. It’s expensive hobby but plenty of people enjoy it. If you’re worried that you can’t sit in chairs, well, there’s /chair emote, use it. Conquest. Join active guild and help them to obain required amount of points each week. Crafting and playing GTN. Space missions. Well, why not. Ask yourself: did you really complete all story? Every single quest on both sides? Every Alliance Alert? You never know what gems may be hidden behind seemingly trivial quests.
  19. Tactical Items which could make medic / bodyguard gameplay more engaging and fluid for me. Trauma Probe / Kolto Shell now grants less amount of stacks (maybe 5 down from 7) but: stacks refresh when target is healed with Kolto Bomb / Kolto Missile OR stacks refresh when target is healed with Med Shot / Kolto Shot Trauma Probe / Kolto Shell now has CD and the buff it applies to the target has no longer 7 stacks but: when target with TP / KS buff takes damage it is instantly healed for high amount (CD: 10-15 sec) OR when target with TP / KS buff takes damage it is instantly healed for moderate amount, and every member of the group in 30m range is healed for x% of initial heal (maybe 70%; CD: 20-25 sec)
  20. I’d like this class being a bit more bursty so here’re some ideas for Tactical Items. Mental Alacrity / Polarity Shift: Both CD and duration of MA / PS are descreased (e.g. CD: 30 sec, duration: 5 sec) and it makes every casted / channeled ability instant OR both CD and duration of MA / PS are descreased (e.g. CD: 1 min, duration: 10 sec) and it grants immunity to all controlling effects Mind Crush / Crushing Darkness: When Telekinetic Throw / Force Lightning is used on target affected by MC / CD its damage output is significantly increased OR when Telekinetic Burst / Lightning Bolt is used on target affected by MC / CD it has 100% chance to hit the target twice, and 2nd hit would damage the target for 70% of the 1st hit. I also like that Chain Lightning example. Yes please!
  21. I’d like to have an option to use big / moderate instant heals on the move since there’re fights where constant movement during certain phases is required, and HoTs are not always enough to keep group members alive. It’s especially stressful if scoundrel / op is the only healer in the group (e.g. MM FPs: final boss in Assault on Tython, bonus boss in Lost Island). Suggestion for Tactical Item: Kolto Pack / Kolto Infusion can be used on the move OR Underworld Medicine / Kolto Injection can be used on the move but goes on x sec CD (maybe 5 sec?)
  22. I like suggestions listed above. Here’re some more regarding Tactical Items. Maybe they’re a bit crazy but I hope make sense anyway. Mental Alacrity / Polarity Shift grants 2 stacks of Fancily Named Effect which makes: Healing Trance / Innervate and Deliverance / Dark Infusion instant (can be helpful when burst healing is required) OR Healing Trance / Innervate and Salvation / Revivification instant (can be helpful when strong AoE healing is required) Salvation / Revivification is no longer affected by stacks of Resplendence / Force Surge but: its healing output is increased OR its cast time is decreased Benevolence / Dark Heal is no longer affected by Deliverance / Dark Infusion (Altruism effect for sages, not sure how it’s called for sorcs) but in addition to initial heal: puts a HoT on the target which heals it for the same amount OR heals sage / sorc for the same amount [based on Estelindis' idea] Force Mend / Unnatural Preservation heals not only sage / sorc but also group members: affected by Salvation / Revivification for 50% of FM / UP healing output OR affected by Rejuvenate / Resurgence for 100% of FM / UP healing output Possible additions to Force management: Consuming stacks of Resplendence / Force Surge 2 or 3 times in a row via Vindicate / Consuming Darkness increases the amount of Force restored with each stack by 5 points (1st: x; 2nd: x+5; 3rd: x+10) OR If player has 2 or 3 stacks of Resplendence / Force Surge and uses Vindicate / Consuming Darkness, all 2 or 3 stacks are consumed instantly (2x / 3x)
  23. How about this? I’m looking forward to it. Hopefully there’ll be no other unseen circumstances.
  24. I encountered this bug in MM, the whole group had to /stuck and run back. We were able to click the flag and complete conversation but the game put us back into combat right after the cutscene. It seems the bug appeared after the last patch, I did Blood Hunt MM run right before it and everything was fine.
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