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Everything posted by JenaSalton

  1. Since Disney is a struck company per the guild, I wonder if that affects SWTOR's writing at all (and in turn its voice actors, since they went on strike in part to support the writers). And thanks for sharing the article!
  2. Oof, that's rough. Hopefully the devs see your post here (or the one you made on Jackie's announcement) and either move the transfer to the 14th or 16th or start with another server.
  3. I like the sound of the next GS based on Jackie's post. I hope that if a season of interacting with new characters (rather than getting a single new companion) goes well that future seasons might be tied to interactions with existing characters/companions rather than new ones.
  4. Pretty sure the Leviathan will be the first one transferred to the cloud, hence the long downtime. Everything else is just restarting quickly but not being transferred to the cloud at the time. Presumably after the Leviathan is switched over they'll move on to the next server and all the other ones will restart again for a second
  5. Yay! Very exciting news Jackie, fingers crossed that the migration goes smoothly for everyone.
  6. I'm sure Jackie or another one of the devs will be making an official post about this soon, but it looks like servers are going to start being moved to the Cloud starting August 15th. https://www.swtor.com/info/news/20230811
  7. And other chapters relating to Koth leaving your Alliance. War and Ruin - I'm not a fan of how this one ends, because considering how upset Koth was with Arcann getting away, his response here doesn't make a lot of sense. Dark Reunions and Where Dreams Die - I like Koth's portrayal in both of these chapters and honestly don't get why people don't like him. He's one of the few characters that really takes a stand for what he believes and is willing to make sacrifices/take action for what he believes. As has been talked about here before, based on Theron's character, he should but gameplay reasons have him sticking with DS characters who are actively trying to harm the Republic. And I'd rather have Theron act OOC for those people then have him disappear from the game almost entirely like Koth does, but at the same time I'd love to see the PC's choices have an affect on Theron staying with the Alliance or even just influencing his relationship with the PC in some way. There's also a scene near the beginning of Where Dreams Die with the PC, Theron, Torian, and Koth that I quite enjoy. End Times - This isn't the whole chapter, just a few scenes where Hylo, rather than Koth, is on the Gravestone during the battle. And I got to say, I quite like Hylo's lines, possibly even more than Koth's but I'd have to relisten to Koth's to confirm.
  8. Here's Chapter 15. 😄 And because I couldn't get the idea out of my head (and its a long weekend, so who needs to be productive anyway, right?}, here is my new headcanon version of the Battle of Odessen with both my JK and Agent taking active roles. Kaliyo's presence throughout the video should be ignored - if I thought of it before I was making the edits, I would've put a helmet on her and pretended she was just a random soldier. Likewise, Koth at the beginning shouldn't be there, because I think my final headcanon will be that he does leave after the bombing and my JK is out on another mission at the time, so she's not able to speak with him to convince him to stay. They do end up talking via holo later and discuss that Koth should spend some time helping the Zakuulans who suffered because of the bombing and help train the refugees while Jorgan goes to attack the Spire. Then follows Arcann's fleet back to Odessen and rejoins the battle as per the video. And I want to say, until I began seeing you guys share your videos, particularly the ones where you splice various scenes together, I never thought about doing something like this. So, thanks for that. 😁
  9. Here they are. The end of Firebrand where Koth leaves and the Battle of Odessen. I'll likely upload alt lines for the Firebrand chapter, but I'll have to replay the chapter at some point, because I just wanted to get over that painful experience as quickly as possible. As painful as it was though, I think I'm going to headcanon that the bombing did happen. After my JK and everyone who rescued her makes it to Odessen, Theron and my agent aren't quite displeased that she'd already gone back to Odessen to recruit Scorpio and aren't about to agree that she goes back again to see Firebrand, so instead my Agent goes. My Agent and Kaliyo have a terrible relationship (though that can be said of all of her original crew members) and the last time the two of them saw one another, was when Kaliyo was being arrested by Imperial Intelligence. My Agent did nothing to stop that and once she had dealt with the Star Cabal she took a shuttle there and just left. Never spoke to Keeper or Watcher, never said goodbye to any of her crew. (Game wise, she gave the Codex to Kothe and became a double agent; headcanon, she kept it and vanished for a while, before reaching out to Kothe and agreeing to be a double agent for him. As such, she got back on Marr's radar to assist with Makeb and that got her on Lana's radar so she was involved with the whole Revan thing, while Theron recruited my JK.) All of that aside, because Kaliyo and my agent are not friends, Kaliyo bombs the city despite my agent telling her not to. Depending on how alt lines work out, Koth will either not leave the alliance at all, or he'll leave for a bit and return for the Battle of Odessen and stay from that point forward, after he had a chance to clear his head. With the Battle of Odessen chapter, I'll also record that again, because I always have to replay that romance scene with Theron a few times - it's definitely one of my favourite lines - and redoing the line apparently meant on the bits I had recorded, Torion is both staying on Odessen and going with them to Arcann's ship. Oops! 😅 With the other chapters, I don't think there was much of a difference, other than Koth not being there and his lines not being said. Tora does pilot the Gravestone during the Gemini chapter so I guess that's a bit different too, so I'll probably upload that at some point as well. Same. Although, that's most of my characters anyway, so that's not saying much. And since most of my characters (and certainly all my main ones) exist in the same timeline, only my Fem!Agent romances Theron. One day I will do Theron's romance on some other characters, but it'll probably always feel a bit wrong. I agree with this so much. Especially on characters that didn't kill Arcann and Senya. Because if in one version Arcann and Senya can go with you to rescue one of them and in another version of that battle you can go with Lana and Theron to rescue someone, there's absolutely no reason why you couldn't go with two of them to rescue someone and have the other two go rescue the other person. And for players who've done of the Alliance alerts and haven't killed anyone so they have a ton of companions sitting around the base, it makes no sense why Torion and Vette would've gone and done those missions by themselves anyway. And excuse me sir, put Theron down! That is not okay! I do like your HC of that being a nightmare that Theron has though, I could definitely see that being an actual thing.
  10. Well. I had an agent that was part way through Shadows of Revan that I just did a speed run through KotFE and it turns out that if Koth leaves your alliance a bunch of unresolved trust issues pop up. Like, wow, there is definitely some unresolved issues between Theron and Lana. But first of all, if anyone needed another reason why they shouldn't make Koth leave their Alliance - apparently Kaliyo and the Outlander head back to Odessen without Theron and he just casually mentions that he was almost caught in the explosion. And then there's no flirt line or option to ask if he's okay; definitely not an example of the Outlander being a good partner or even friend to Theron. Theron, on the other hand, proves he is a great boyfriend/friend. But, for the important lines, after defeating Arcann, having Koth steal the Gravestone, and not shooting at Senya, here is the cybernetics line. And here are the other two conversation choices. Like I said earlier, there are definitely some unresolved trust issues there. Less Theron related, though he's seen briefly in both scenes, Koth leaving also apparently really makes my Agent question why she's doing this job of being the Alliance Commander. Here is her reaction after Koth leaves the Alliance. And here is her reaction after he steals the Gravestone. She's just completely done with all of this, which is honestly how I headcanon her acting, so despite the pain of making Koth leave, I am glad I was able to get the recordings (though I'll need to rerun a bunch of stuff with proper outfits for everyone).
  11. Never trust a crystal ball that's on backorder. If the crystal balls were half way decent, the manufacturers would have been able to see how many they would need and planned accordingly.
  12. Well, all these video clips convinced me: I need recordings of these lines for my F!Agent, so I guess its time to speed run a clone through FE/ET, doing a lot of space barring through scenes where I make the necessary dark side choices to get Koth to leave and killing Senya/Arcann so I can record the relevant scenes. I really love Theron's response to the third dialogue option here. I think this line works really well in preparation for Nathama. Valkorian trying to plant a bit of doubt about Theron/Lana's loyalty, which the PC ignores only to be reminded of it when Theron "betrays" them. None of my main characters ever really believed Theron was actually betraying them (or at least trying to kill them), but a conversation like this might make them a bit more susceptible to believing - and also starting to question if Lana is really loyal after all. Thanks so much for sharing that. I just spent way too long trying to find a recording of it as well with no luck. I wouldn't think that it'd be that rare of a dialogue option to get, but apparently it is, which is crazy to me. I loved this whole thing, I mean, other than needing to kill Arcann. But Arcann and Vaylin's interactions, Arcann and Valkorian, Vaylin's reaction to her brother's death. All of that was absolutely fantastic. Thanks a bunch for sharing.
  13. Please share. And your edit of adding it to your other playthrough. I believe that the lines are worth it, but I don't know that I'd ever be able to bring myself to do it, no matter how good the lines are. All of my characters definitely lean lightside because some of those darkside choices are too hard for me to make! Which is rough, because my IA who romances Theron (and who I'd do a clone for a run through of this) would be willing to kill Senya, so its just me holding my characters back. Also, I feel like I remember reading at some point in this thread, that if your character shoots at Senya's shuttle at the end of KotFE (plus some other requirements that I don't remember), Theron brings up Lana getting him captured/tortured on Rishi. If you or @yenzin have that line (assuming I didn't just imagine someone mentioning it exists), I'd love a recording of it as well. 😁
  14. I don't think you get a bonus for having each companion maxed out? There is a bonus for completing each of the companions' storyline- is that maybe what you need?
  15. Arcann is alive on all of my characters, including the ones who would definitely should/would have killed him because none of my characters are willing to kill Senya. That scene with Senya and Valkorian singing as she dies though, that breaks my heart.
  16. This will probably be my last post in this thread for at least a few days, because at you mentioned earlier, neither of us are likely to convince the other and this whole thing is something that frustrates me to the point where I realize it's time to take a step back. Maybe I'll re-engage when I'm less frustrated and maybe I won't, we'll see. I do appreciate this though. I know this, but somehow I still constantly get my affects and effects mixed up and I need to stop. It shouldn't be hard, but somehow it is. I also agree that it's important to choose words carefully and make sure your meaning is being properly conveyed. I wasn't trying to misquote you, but add on to your quote so it would read: "Implementing a quick 1-click warp button doesn't do anything to enhance the content/story itself but it does enhance the gaming experience of some players." Because I agree, the button doesn't add anything to the story (nor does it take anything aqay), however since it benefits some players in other ways, I think it's a good thing to have an opinion to use for players that want it.
  17. I will admit that I frequently checked on the this thread (even though I get notifications when new posts are made on it), because I was always waiting for you to share new screenshots of Theron. And I'm glad you have, they never disappoint. 😄 SoR definitely gets my vote for content that I'd love to be able to replay. From the first flashpoints to Yavin, it is by far my favourite expansion and there are so many varient lines I'd love to be able to record. And I definitely don't mind either of Theron's outfits, but I'm now going to imagine that some time after Theron's first meeting with (a Pub) PC, he gets a crush and asks Jonas for advice. And Jonas jokingly tells him that his outfit makes him a great catch and he should wear it frequently to impress PC. Poor Theron never realizes that it was a joke and PC and Lana both assume he really likes the outfit and never tell him that it's not great to avoid hurting his feelings. 😂
  18. But, if players can't be bothered to read mission descriptions, that doesn't effect you AT ALL. If there are players who just want to run around with their lightsaber, killing enemies and don't care about the story or figuring out missions, that is perfectly acceptable when they're running their solo missions (obviously groups activities this is different) and it has no effect on you and how you play the game. Acting like they are somehow inferior to you because that's what they like isn't a good look. This is something I do consider a legitimate complaint, the button ans the blinking are quite annoying. But what about the players who've come back from a long break, have forgotten about Malgus and are running through Galactic seasons with their in-game volume turned off and chat as well? How are they going to be reminded about Malgus and realize there is more story to continue? But, implementing the button does enhance some players gaming experience. And that alone is enough of a reason to include it, even if some players think that it's lazy. And if players finish quickly and are left with nothing to do, so they move on to other games for a bit, that's great for them. They have no obligation to EA/Bioware/Broadsword or any other players to stick around if they don't want to because there isn't content that they want to enjoy in a way that they find the most enjoyment. And really, it's not like players who utilize the quick travel are finishing content that much quicker than people who don't.
  19. I'm not a transient player. I have an imagination and a very true concept of what immersion is. And, I appreciate having the launch buttons for the same reason I appreciate having quick travel. My using the launch button to get to the starting point of a quest is no different than me quick traveling across Hoth rather than having my character walk across it. Sure, one of those options is more immersive and realistic, but the other option actual let's me play the game and the story rather than needing to waste time moving across a planet I've walked across several times already with nothing of immediate interest to me. The option, as @xordevoreauxmentioned, is still there for people who want to do the walking route - and sometimes I do take it. But lets not pretend that people who chose not to are somehow missing a vital part of a game that is meant to be entertainment and fun for the person who is playing, whether people on the forums agree with their methods of playing.
  20. It's been long enough since this thread was on the first page, so I thought I'd share the realization I had the other day: while driving, I frequently find myself "let's go, people" when the cars in front of my aren't going when lights turn green or aren't turning right at red lights or other things like that. (Am I an impatient driver? Perhaps, but that's not the point.) I also just recently finished playing through Yavin on my newest Trooper. And I was quite surprised to realize I've been quoting Theron without realizing it when annoyed at other drivers. Which seems appropriate because I feel like Theron would probably be an aggressive driver; safe but definitely aggressive.
  21. I'd be way more excited if I could make my own character. I'll likely still play it and enjoy it, but just like with Jedi Survivor, I suspect it'll be play one and be done sort of game.
  22. I'm attached to the way my characters and favourite companions/main NPCs sound. I want to keep their voices for the entirety of the game (which I want to last forever and ever), but obviously that's not realistic. As other people have mentioned, life happens and there's no guarantee that a voice actor will always be around to voice a certain character. When that situation arises, I think the best solution would be to replace the voice actor with another person - preferably someone who can do a similar voice, but as long as they can do a good job with the character, I'd be happy after a bit of an adjustment period. If, for whatever reason, the games entire budget for paying voice actors disappears, I'd be questioning a lot of things about how the game is being managed and how much longer it would be around for. But, if it was going to continue developing story, I'd take kotor-style cinematics without voiced lines. It'd be disheartening, but I think it would be vastly preferable to me than AI. Using AI to replace voice actors would be so far down on my list that it might as well not even be there. At least right now when there aren't universal laws/regulations that give voice actors (and actors and singers and narrators) protection for how their voices are used and compensation when they are used when AI is involved. At this year's Comic-con, apparently some voice actors raised a few concerns about AI in their field and I think these are very reasonable concerns that should be addressed before the option of using AI to voice characters becomes widespread. If these, and other concerns, are adequately addressed to the point where voice actors feel like they will be protected and compensated for their work, then I'm all for going ahead with AI, but until then, its not something I want to see in SWTOR or any other media.
  23. Keith, in a fairly recent post, said 7.4 would come as we enter the holiday season so the plan is for sometime this year. Of course, unexpected things can occur that might delay the update, but I think it's quite reasonable to expect you'll have more story to play by December.
  24. Eh, it's only been two and a half weeks since the various Devs posted on social media that they were laid off by Bioware and moving over to Broadsword. Assuming everyone gets moved over all at once, that's a lot of onboarding and adjusting required by both old and new Broadsword employees. And since nome of the near future plans for the game are expected to change as a result of this move, I don't think there's any need to worry. Everyone's probably just still getting settled.
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