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Everything posted by AllisonLightning

  1. To be honest- subscribers are a gold farmer's paradise and are the ones that keep them is business, restrictions for a non sub are all well and good but subs who buy credits are at fault for those gold sellers. The exceeded credit cap among your characters would be an issue for a few people- they obliterated the crystals and commendations to a negative exchange for some people- I don't think they would care about obliterating the credits on a handful of people that would be affected. No, I don't think they shouldn't do anything like that but they haven't been concerned implementing changes on dedicated players before.
  2. If they are 'adjusting' based on 248 gear, my tip is to just not release a gear tier that people can then bring into PvP... I mean they brought up my healer class now, interruptible, lesser burst and overhealing by design (we don't get cute abilities that only work on damage taken) and generally granted the title of most balanced healer by PvP players when they aren't just demanding we all get nerfed into the ground. I'm frelled off because Keith made that joke about the super buff he'd like for us and they've just put this down without any word as to what they plan to do to the entire Operative/Scoundrel class. (The Sorcerer/Sages had class wide HPS/defence nerfs but they weren't announced openly) This makes me feel ambushed. It's my class and I wouldn't drop it for anything but I expect there not to be comments like this when there's going to be a change. We're considered trash for Ranked and while as long as Objective play isn't a part of Ranked, I have no interest in that but take it in mind we're considered second rate for the ranked arenas compared to the other healers. As this is his healer class, I especially expect him to be honest and upfront like they promised to be. I don't really want a buff either because I know my class is in an okay place and don't trust it not to make us in a position where we'd actually need a nerf. Having our utilities and DCDs touched doesn't sit well with me either because it'd be purely as a way to reduce DPS survivability and they didn't touch the DPS Mercenary/Commandos other than to screw with their heat management (DCDs intact so PvP players are still in straits)... and Operative/Scoundrel healers have to manage energy, so that getting affected is dangerous as well. They need to bring Expertise back because I'm damn sick of gearing becoming an excuse for class changes and an excuse for DPS who couldn't kill a healer playing blindfolded.
  3. Dear Bioware, Thanks for breaking GF for Operations, depriving your subscribers of their extra CXP for the GF and of course any CQ points. It's not like it wasn't showing up weirdly all day with no next day Op so if you monitored your own game, you'd have known something was wrong. Thanks, no thanks.
  4. My honest opinion is we subscribers should have been given a lot more- it isn't about freeloaders- it's about the fact that they saw fit to make subs pay for a F2P grind. The CXP garbage belongs to Preferred- give us the old system back, the old pass system back because it worked. I play an insane amount of characters at endgame group content- the pass system is absolutely worthless for me. I can't imagine playing with that limitation. What galls me is they are serving up old content, servers that are buggier than ever (want fun- try almost having a group wipe because we lagged during the Styrak burn phase today after reset- we lost half the group within seconds and then it was my turn) and we're defending this as an entitlement. I expect more because I'm not going to argue that F2P/Preferred should get less because we've only recently started actually getting new content- the state of the game is the fault of the 5.0 gearing system and the content drought because monthly chapters were seen as a good idea. They didn't leave because they couldn't freeload- they left as there was nothing to subscribe for. They've been the smokescreen for a long time and along with the new communication, content and so on- I want to see Bioware stop hiding behind F2P/Preferred as scapegoats... and yes, I do think we should have real expansions and pay for them.
  5. Think of your sub as a purchase point for a current expansion, anyone who was a sub at or past the launch of 5.0 has level 70 unlocked- if you weren't, you don't have access to it.
  6. I'd like an answer because I think this is very relevant. Are these changes designed to deal with a class in PvE and PvP at 5.0 levels or because of 248 gear and people at the far end of their classes progress? This comes from someone (apart from a few stupid DCD changes that hurt DPS Sorcs) who isn't getting touched, I think it'd be insanely erroneous to try and scale players down using their classes because you introduced 248 gear. But I also don't want to assume it's that or some weird purpose to force people to start over. I think people are confused right now and would very much like to know whether you're balancing the classes on the 5.0 level or by what a class is ultimately capable of at the 248 end of the spectrum. I'm open minded here as I know there are classes that desperately need a fix like the heal Sorc/Sages and that was since 5.0. Thanks
  7. That's stupid. With PvP the content is other players and a fair playing field where skill is what defines you against other players. PvE is different where you are progressively working your way through static content and gear means or did that you had cleared the previous stage. Ranked is merely where you have a rating and no offense but it's a tiny slice of warzones, considering I'd respect it as something shiny special if it included more than arenas... at the moment it's full of CXP farmers and the competitive players, of whom both can't keep the queues popping.
  8. We'd need so many new APAC people and I have friends and a comfortable guild home on The Harbinger so it's unlikely I'd do anything except have a few characters over there for Ops purposes with excessive coordination.
  9. Once. I had some idiot making it nigh on impossible to queue for his particular in progress group (probably a wipefest) between their failure to communicate for Dread Fortress so maybe we're looking at the same idiot. I just know I got to do it on my neglected DPS (I love healing and like tanking as well with PvE group content) on an impromptu guild run less than thirty minutes later while they were still asking on Fleet. You get those special little snowflakes on a regular basis asking for roles (or that one who asks for 'all rolls except heals and tanks') but basically aren't all that bright given they are still doing it thirty minutes later with people saying in gen chat they'll do it. It was amusing to me personally in that instance since I'm in an active guild but when it comes to how it affects other people, I've got little patience for morons wasting people's time.
  10. I think that since Keith specifically said that it'd be nice if we were immortal super healers that we are not getting touched as in a nerf- especially since we weren't in the change list, one of the DPS operative classes were. Fluff and overhealing isn't 'fix needed'- neither operative or mercenary healers are like sorc heals... and anyone looking at our HPS with envy- trust me, we're not a replacement FotM healer spec. A guildie think that because a key energy management issue ( there being none for good sorc/sages) isn't being fixed, that his healer spec will still be OP.
  11. In the heat of fights, when someone goes down as an Operative/Scoundrel healer- I'm often asked mid fight to stealth rez- from what I've read up on this since most of the time the stealth rez option involves me being the only healer up or being in a really bad position where stealth rezzing, involves me not having HoTs up on other people which I do religiously/any active heals on people. How viable is it a technique in HM and NiM for me to duck out and stealth rez given the more demanding level of healing? As a disclosure, the only other stealth on our team is our main tank so if this is something I'm going to have to do, it would be nice to have some current advice on doing it that's key to healers and not DPS without causing a wipe via lack of heals (as in firsthand situations during HM/NiM raids) and if this is something better avoided with our off-tank taking over and our Assassin tank doing it or something we can only really risk once per fight or in certain parts of fights. Because we are starting progression into HM, I want to at least be able to do everything I can for my team but know when it's a bad idea as well since SM and HM are two very different things. Thanks.
  12. Harbinger's apparently having issues and down... again so realize that turning Harbinger into a mega server is a really, really bad idea- it turned an EV HM run into a complete weird lag fest where the fact we kept the damned run going is a testament to how well our progression team is coming together. (Thank god it wasn't one of the other HM Ops).
  13. 'Starts hugging her DPS Sorcs/Sages and screams hysterically' Frelling Bioware- seriously not fixing DPS Sorcs straight away and hurting our defensive capacity? I feel so loved...
  14. As title says. It would be great for us to take an in-game picture to use as a decoration for strongholds, personal and guild. It would be awesome and when it comes to guilds, it would be a very useful feature for us and showing people that despite not being on at the current time are unique and irreplaceable to us.
  15. It's what happens when you hit an entire AC with the nerf hammer when only one branch- i.e. Heals in this case needs it so that a class that wasn't anything particularly OP DPS wise and already pretty low (Lightning) got absolutely obliterated. What is happening to DPS Mercs isn't anything like that but they are crying like mad and of course the PvP crowd (I love PvP but I understand why we're disliked) want to nerf an entire AC's DCDs and don't care about hurting the healers in that branch in the process.
  16. Would people stop trying to angle for the class wide nerf on DCDs so that it hurts the healers which needed them (and have to take utility options as well)? I mean I could understand if people wanted heal/reflect damage to be restricted to just the healer commando/mercenary. When people whine about DPS Sorcerer/Sages, they never needed a nerf to survivability or DPS but they were hurt by the DPS whack to the face- it was the healer Sorcerer/Sages that needed the fix. It will keep being too much if they continue to nerf entire ACs based on a particular aspect of their DPS/Heal/Tank branch. And Lightning Sorcerers are the real victims so let's please not whine you'll have it as bad. I PvP but sometimes I think a vast majority of PvPers won't be happy until all you can do is kill the other person without any need for strategy or concern for unique abilities. How easy is it to not attack the giant reflecting bubble with the abilities that cause it to hurt you/heal them?
  17. I'm actually re-speccing two DPS to Sage/Sorc healers and learning after they are re-balanced (I'll still have two other DPS which are my main DPS Sorcerer/Sage) because I prefer healing over DPS for group content (And tanking- what can I say, I love healing and dabbling in tanking). I don't get why you'd want to remain OP- it's not like they're going to get nerfed into the ground like the current bottom classes of the DPS chart were.
  18. Eww... as a healer, it'd be me delaying- is this the result of 'fixing' the achievement- they can re-break it in that case because that's just annoying. This is majorly bugging out an Operation that most people can run and is the best one to introduce people to Ops. This needs an out of cycle patch.
  19. I mainly heal so mine revolve around EHPS/HPS- it depends on your gear and how well you play your class from what I hear from my guild's DPS. I do have a couple DPS but mine are only good for SM clears- my highest parse DPS wise is around the 5.9k mark (I don't count fights where your DPS gets altered like the first in TOS), and not a maxed gear character.
  20. They don't do that. My guild would be the ones punished by Bioware for abusing the squelch system and we are told specifically not to squelch people and when you're a large guild you have a wide assortment of players who can do various aspects of the game and to varying degrees than when you only have a small smattering of opportunities to run ops and so on in other guilds where you bench a majority of the guild and don't care they can't regularly run content. We're an inclusive guild who are happy to help our players get into content- if that means people of any skill level can do things together and you know, hang out as guildies, then yes, we're guilty.
  21. How about bad DPS just learn to do their job and display a modicum of situational awareness in PvP- because believe me, there are some DPS that would need me to have at 90% healing nerf to kill me... and there are DPS who know how to do their job and actually squish me without crying on the forums for a crutch. I'm an operative/scoundrel healer primarily and as said, my class is often voted most balanced healer by PvP players (perceived easier kill rate) and the new producer said as much as he'd like us to be indestructible/outperforming all other healers but alas. You would still see issues if healers and tanks were banned from warzones because of bad DPS and 'this class is unfair!' and as a guildie said, even if we had all the exact same abilities, rotations and looked the same.
  22. Try being on The Harbinger- we have issues far more often- it's not to discount your problems but it's been unacceptable before this month the way we often go down.
  23. You're wrong. The target priority list on healers goes Operative> Mercenary> Sorcerer- a Merc of equal skill and ability will go down before a Sorc does now and that's just facts, if you as a sorc healer are dying before a merc healer, it's a you problem because even with a giant reflect bubble and a heal to full treasure chest- Merc healers will go down before a Sorc healer, they are the least mobile healer, they needed the DCDs and Sorc/Sage is a 'more' tanklike healer but with mobility.
  24. I just had really good numbers on Raptus on my Operative heals, the only weakness I'll claim apart from interrupts (Kolto Wave versus instantly placed and doesn't need to be channelled for the healing duration) is burst. My Operative/Scoundrel healers need a touch extra burst without any other changes, I love them and when your class is the least nerf it of the healing trifecta, it usually means something. The CCs aren't bad themselves, otherwise DPS sorcs wouldn't be in such a bad way outside of unranked warzones (they are completely viable in objective matches for versatility unless you want to number chase- then go for another class) where all those defensives/self heals come at a price that just can't be afforded when it kills an already mediocre DPS (they tank your force as well)- the issue is ease of cast/energy management for Sorcerer/Sages compounded by when the health cap rose. It's what happens when you don't fix the problem properly which is why Bioware should look to past a heal nerf and look at how they work, and how to make them less of a cheese heal spec. That said, bad DPS need to stop whining- a good DPS is absolutely capable of keeping a healer tied up saving themselves or dead and I hate to break it to you but the unkillable Sorc/Sage healers are more often a DPS that like the idiot I was healing right before GF reset, could barely take an inch off the health of an enemy DPS which didn't even have to self heal but was getting globalled by one person to the point the enemy DPS got bored and went for me... there's a reason I sometimes stop healing and CC/ damage... when my terrible healer DPS matches the idiot I'm trying to keep alive because his opponent knows what a rotation is. Any good Sorc/Sage healer knows their class needs to get fixed but bad DPS will still be struggling to kill them, regardless.
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