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Everything posted by Flusssaeure

  1. Hello DarthCognusSion, Just dropped in to point out that you mentoined in the comments to your Guide on Dulfy, that you send Dulfy a Telekinetic version of your Guide but that one is by now not published on the page or mentoined in the class master list as received for editing may be published soon. So you probably might want to check with Dulfy if she really received your Telekinetic guide.
  2. As a German speaking European Server T3-M4 might not be the server for every one but according to SWTORData, which has taken over torstatus server activity tracker, T3-M4 has a compareable population to Ebon Hawk which is bigger than the one from Shadowlands. With T3-M4 being my homeserver I can confirm that we do have an active GSF community, still after we usually aren't mentoined when the topic comes to active GSF communities I thought I might mentoined it. The server population of Jedi Covenant should also be bigger than Shadowlands and The Progenitor compareable to Shadowlands. But that alone is of course not an indicator of the GSF community, but if someone is on a server not mentoined by Ramalina or myself the population alone is already a problem to build up a community, GSF or otherwise. If someone is interrested in the population data her is a link
  3. @ kissingaiur And because of the big number of replies I already assumed that no one was lisening. However it is the class buff not the companion buff. That is the one that last one hour if you use your class ability that gives the buff to you and all group members. For Consular the ability is called Force Valor and for Inquisitors Mark of Power. Both give a 5% Mastery Buff and Internal and Elemental Damage Reduction of 10%. The important thing here is that you can unlock them in your legacy by finishing act 2 of the class story of that class. While the other classes do not gain the ability they get the buff when they use their own class ability. (For Agents Coordination, for Bountyhunters Hunter's Boon, for Knighty Force Valor, for Smuggler Lucky Shots, for Trooper Fortification and for Warriors Unnatural Might.) So you can make sure that your charakters have all class buffs available at all time. These are: Agent / Smuggler: Critcal Rating +5% (you should consider that one when looking if you already in Diminishing Returns range) Bountyhunter / Trooper: Endurance +5% Consular / Inquisitor: Mastery +5%, Internal and Elemental Damage Reduction 10% Knight / Warrior: Melee, range, force and tech bonus damage and healing +5% While you can get access to all buffs this way you can't stack them so unlocking Consular and Inquisitor buff gains no additional stats increases over unlocking only one of them. While I have read elsewhere that it was not intended to get imperial buff on republic chars or the other way around everyone I know that everyone that has these buffs unlocked once gets imperial and republic chars buffed. If that was changed during the games life time or the writers misunderstood that you can't stack the buff of the imperial and republic classes that one I can't say for sure. On a similar note I indeed play PVE but also PVP, and GSF..., that way I noticed during 4.X that PVP and PVE Guides often didn't matched how the stats work. Digging deeper into it most important PVE guides where based around Bants calculation while most PVP Guides where on the we already did that during 3.X page. After 4.0 changed how the stats worked you can make you own conclussion what was closer to what happened in the game. And nowhere was the clash bigger than in "stack as much Power as you can get" which was already false because of the crit redesign and that Mastery could also be better if you have the buff didn't helped. But guess how many: "But the guide says stack as much Power as possible." "Because he uses the 3.X stat system which is outdated since 4.0." "But all PVP guides say stack as much Power as possible" discussions I had during 4.X in my guild... @ jordhanus The problem with stacking to much crit is that crit has diminishing returns. That means while in the beginning, only as example not actual numbers, you get 1% crit change and 10 points of crit bonus damage for every 100 points of crit as soon as you hit the diminishing return cap you would need 105 points of crit to get 1% crit change and 10 points of crit bonus damage, if you still add more crit than you need 110 points of crit to get 1% crit chance and 10 points of crit bonus damage and so one. The more crit you take the more crit you need to see a further crit chance and bonus damage increase. While stacking crit itself is not the problem as soon as you hit the cap you have to ask yourself wouldn't it make sense to buff another stat instead of wasting slots to "dead weight crit" that itself gives you no stat increase but that you need that the next point of crit gives you a stat increase. While I had to look up the exact cap it lies between 40 and 45 % crit chance. With 50% crit chance you definitly are deep in diminishing returns range.
  4. Hello, if you scroll down the main forum you will see that Galactic Star Fighter has an own forum section, where you can write about GSF related topics. Like in regular PVP you can report suspicious behavior via the same ways you can report cheating in regular PVP. The more proof / Information you can provide the better. Especially after not all of your examples are without more information a clear sign of hacks / cheating. The most common GSF hacks are indeed intentional lagging and teleporting hacks. If you see something like that reporting it defenitly might be worth it. One shooting opponents can happen under specific circumstances. In Team Deathmatch you probably known the power ups hidden around the map. The most powerfull of them is the Damage Overcharge, the red one, massivly increases your damage. Gun Ships equiped with a slug railgun are abel to one shot kill someone after picking up a damage overcharge. I am not the best pilot out there but I can reliable fit three one shot kills into one damage overcharge collected with a slug railgun Gun ship, so I think even better pilots can get even more. This is why pilots collecting a Damage Overcharge are clearly announced in game. Even more complicated is the "taking no damage when shot by multiple enemies". First some scouts have the ability to stack evasion to a point that with regular weapons they are nearly impossible to hit. In that case you have to reduce their evasion, or increase your accuracy or need weapons that ignore evasion to hit them. If a scout with high evasion is your problem you will see no hit animation on the scout if you shoot him. Maybe the problem is a damage reduction bomber, in that case you indeed hit the ship but it reduces your damage to a very small amount, after these bombers have access to self heals they often can heal this small damage bevor you hit them again. In this case you need armor piercing weapons to reliable deal with them. And if missiles are your main weapon there are lots of abilities that can make a fired missile lose its target. This makes missiles one of the more unreliable weapons in GSF. So in short taking no damage can have lots of in-game reasons that are no hacks and need more information to figure out if hacks or in-game abilities were the result of what was going on.
  5. Sorry for not noticing this earlier and having to go back to page 4, but either you or your friend missed an if in Bant's answer. Is is not the augment itself that makes the difference it is the sage / sorcerer class buff that makes the Mastery augment better than the Power augment because the class buff increases your Mastery but not your Power. So if you havn't unlocked the sage / sorcerer class buff in your legacy by finishing chapter 2 of the sage or sorcerer class story and you play something else than a sage or a sorcerer Bant's statement that Mastery augments are better than Power augments does not apply. Bant's numbers are targeted fot high end raiders and because of that implies that you have all buff that you can get unlocked this includes class buffs and datacrons and companion unlocks. After the PVP bolster also affects new players you can argue if everyone reading this guide does have all these unlocks. If they havn't this unlocks they might buy the wrong augments because they don't know that they are not meating the requirement to make it better. However if you following Bant's numbers you would know that this was already the case in 4.X, but it was largely ignored by the PVP community. In that regard you might argue that it was noticeable that all main theocrafters were focussed on PVE and because of that were largely ignored by PVP players. Mayby your bolster guide does help in that regard to bring some gearing information that were already known by the PVElers to more regocnition in the PVP community.
  6. Hallo Nightmaregale, da du meinen Forennamen wahrscheinlich nicht kennst, als Blizzax versuchte die GSFSchool auf T3-M4 zu organisieren war ich neben Danalon und dir der einzige regelmäßige Teilnehmer. Momentan bin ich Feiertagsbedingt bei Verwandten und nicht im Spiel weshalb ich deinen Beitrag erst jetzt gesehen habe. Erst Mitte Januar bin ich wieder zu Hause und im Spiel. Danalon habe ich Mitte 2016 zum letzten Mal im Spiel gesehen und schon damals war er eher an anderen Spielen interessiert. Ich hätte auch nichts dagegen ihn mal wieder zu sehen. Dafür hatten Zidius und ich uns vor Weihnachten erst darüber unterhalten wo du bist. T3-M4 litt spürbar am Sommerloch nicht nur aber auch GSF. Zu dem Zeitpunkt war ich auch unsicher wie es weitergeht jedoch trat ab Oktober wieder eine Erholung ein und bevor ich in Urlaub ging war die Aktivität vergleichbar wie im Vorjahr zur selben Zeit. Auch wenn die anderen recht haben was die Anzahl an Spielen angeht sollte man noch etwas berücksichtigen und das ist das Neulinge einen Listenvorteil gegenüber Veteranen haben und Gruppen einen Listenvorteil gegenüber Einzelspielern. Mein imperialer Main ist im dreistelligen Match Bereich angekommen, wenn ich den Solo liste warte ich eine Stunde bis ich einen Invite habe. Da man mit /who sehen kann ob Spiele aufgehen und ich wenn ich mit einer Gruppe liste ich direkt invites bekomme und auf imperialer Seite viele Neulinge listen bin ich mir ziemlich sicher das meine Wartezeit durch den Veteranenmalus kommt und nicht dadurch das keine Spiele aufgehen. Das ist jedoch etwas was man berücksichtigen muß wenn man Solo listet. Da ich primär Imp fliege und meine Rep Chars dadurch noch den Neulingsvorteil haben kann ich jetzt nicht sagen wie schlimm die Veteranenwsrtezeitrn auf Rep Seite sind. Ein Punkt wo ich den anderen widersprechen muss ist das T3-M4 zur Stoßzeit (18-22 Uhr) eindeutig Rep dominiert ist. Dies liegt zum einen an der hohen Anzahl an Neulingen auf imperialer Seite. Wenn man auf Imp Seite Solo Listet landet man in der Regel in Teams mit 4-6 Spielern die ausschließlich Startschiffe haben, auf Rep Seite siehst du in der Regel wenn es hochkommt 2 Spieler mit Startschiffen. Ob dies wirklich daran liegt das Imps mehr neue Spieler haben oder die Rep Veteranen besser organisiert sind, sprich häufiger in der Gruppe listen, lässt sich schwer sagen das Resultat bleibt aber das zur Stoßzeit die Reps in der Regel den Materialvorteil haben. Zusätzlich haben die Reps mehr Veteranen die Regelmäßig, also fast täglich, listen. Wenn du in der Stoßzeit fliegst kannst du in der Regel davon ausgehen das du auf Rep Seite entweder Imoss, Kentarras oder Zappathero siehst. Alle drei sind gut genug auf T3-M4 ein TDM im Alleingang zu entscheiden und regelmäßig genug online damit du damit rechnen musst ihnen zu begegnen. Auf Imp Seite fällt mir niemand ein der ähnlich dominant und regelmäßig online ist. Das soll jetzt weder heißen das es keine guten Imp Piloten gibt oder das die drei genannten die einzigen guten Rep Piloten sind aber dominant und regelmäßig online fallen mir nur die drei ein. Zumindest im genannten Zeitfenster, Werktags vor 18 Uhr bin ich halt eher am arbeiten als am GSF fliegen weshalb ich wenig sagen kann was dann passiert. So sehe ich auch den Qualtätsvorteil bei den Reps. Man kann eigentlich davon ausgehen das man in der Stoßzeit fast immer einen der drei genannten als Gegner hat, mindestens einmal in der Stoßzeit zwei der drei genannten wenn man dann genau für das Match die 6 Startschiffspieler auf Imp Seite erwischt steht das Resultat des Matches schon relativ fest bevor es begonnen hat. Das letzte mal als alle drei im selben Match auftauchten, natürlich ein TDM, gab es im Imp Ops Chat wetten ob wir als Team 5 kills schaffen oder nicht. Am Ende waren es 6 wovon 3 oder 4 von mir waren, da ich mich selber eher als besserer Durchschnitt den als wirklich gut ansehe überlasse ich es jedem seine eigenen Schlüsse aus dem Ergebnis über die Stärke der T3-M4 Imp Seite zu ziehen. Falls jemand noch zusätzliche Infos braucht hier ein paar Vorweihnachtliche Imp Ops Chat Kommentare: TDM wo die Reps durch eine Kampfschiffmauer am gewinnen waren: "Alles in die Bomber und eingraben." Dom bevor es losgeht: Spieler 1: "Tensor unten. Fliege nach B. Viel Glück, Spaß und Erfolg." Spieler 2: "Für Tensor ist egal wo man hinfliegt. Noob!!!! Lol!!!!" Anderes Dom Rep führen knapp aber Zeitlich noch aufholbar. Imps kontrollieren C, Reps A, B umkämpft: Spieler 1:"Spieler 2 lös mich bei C mit deffen ab damit ich bei B aushelfen kann." Spieler 2: "Ok." Wechsel passiert B fängt an für Imp einzufärben als Spieler 1 bei B ankommt auch wenn die Reps alle Tricks raushauen um das endgültige Einnehmen so lange wie möglich raus zu zögern als plötzlich C alle Geschütze verliert und anfängt zu blinken. Spieler 1:"Spieler 2 was ist mit C? Geschütze weg und blinkt." Spieler 2:"Ist mir nicht aufgefallen." Also B eingenommen, C und das Spiel verloren. Ich hätte noch mehr Storys zum fliegen auf Imp Seite auf Lager aber da das Schreiben auf dem Smartphone doch ziemlich nervig ist hebe ich sie mir auf wenn ich wieder zu hause bin.
  7. And DarthCognusSion strikes first with his 5.0 Guide. Ok beside the nerfed to the ground part there where not so much chances to Lightning so not so much testing regarding what effect the chances have was needed compared to other classes. So the only thing about the guide I am a little bit surprised is about the varying degree of details between the different parts of the guide. For example you went in great detail over the buffs and procs what triggers what, how it affects other abilities and so on, this is the part where the guide really shines. If someone has never played Lightning before you can point him to the guide so that he not only knows what to do but also why to do it and what to keep track of to see what is going wrong if something is going wrong and how to correct it. The other side of the guide is the gearing section. One of the first question you got on Dulfy after publishing the 4.0 version of the guide is what relics should be used, it seems that you like to answer the same question again after you didn't mentoin relics again. Similar you mentoin that it is no longer viable to use the dread master set bonus with out explaination that dread master had advantages before. In both cases you need information from outside the guide to fully understand what is written in the guide you just update on what happens before. While you can argue that both methods have advantages and disadvantages it really comes down to what is the target audience of the guide. Do you want to teach someone that just started playing the game and is trying to learn how the class works what to do? In that case the section about the buffs and procs is spot on because you start from zero and walk the reader to the steps what to do and how to do it. On the other side the gearing section requirs to much information from outside the guidefor someone starting from zero to understand what you talking about. Of course if you just want to update the people that already know the class to what has changed in 5.0 the gearing section is fine because you don't need to tell the people what everyone already know. But then you can wonder why you feel the need to go over the buff and procs in the last detail because woudn't someone that already knows what the Dreadmaster bonus is and what relics to use how the procs work? Personally I prefer your approach how you walk the reader through the steps of the buffs and procs much more than the gearing section, because why does someone that allready knows the stuff have the need to read a guide? So I hope I didn't sound too negative because overall I like how you wrote you guide and just wanted to give some feedback what still can be improved. Regarding the discussion on the state of lightning I agree with your assessment where Lightning stands right now. I really "like" our new burst. While in 5.0 I was so far only in SM OPs because of Gear status I really was disappointed with my DPS in fights with lots of target swapping. Before 5.0 if you went from Crushing Darkness to the first Thundering Blast you at least saw that you did something and where ready to move on. In 5.0 you are feeling more lke a DOT spec that is still building up it's resources and is waiting for the right window of opportuity where everything is set up only that with Lightning in 5.0 this window is not coming. Than you swap targets and then when you return to the original target you can do everything again without really seeing any pay off. In this fights I was beaten in terms of dps by players of other classes which I beat on dummy parses by 1k dps. That really seems strange.
  8. As you might noticed by now every Crew Skill gives dark / Light points based on your allignment in the dark versus light system. However there seem to be a bug with Diplomacy. Despite showing that the mission gives dark / light points based on your allignment there are still missions that give you dark point independent from your allignment and some missions give you light points independent from your allignment. This means that you have a 50% chance that you don't get the dark / light points that the quest show you and get the opposing points instead. After I am using the German UI there might by a change that these bug only happens in the German UI but I think it might be better that you take a look if your diplomacy mission really giving you the dark / light points that you expect them to receive. If you get the crafting mats the dark / light points that you get can be seen on the mission reward window.
  9. Thank you for the clarification and thank you for the chance. Well I had an reply to some of the comments but with the clarification that is no longer necessary.
  10. As someone that does an above average amount of crafting as well I don't want to be the one spoiling the fun, however after there was no anouncement that they move away from the 1 companion useable for crew skills for every 10 level you charakter have rule there is a chance that this is a bug. Continuning using it might than considerd to be an exploit. If you look into the staff warnings regarding potential command point exploits you would know that using an exploit can depending on the degree of damage its coused can be punished by removing everything you got from using the exploit like credits and items, resetting progress on what you did which in this case could be a reset of your crew skills or even a ban of your acount. While I personally woundn't consider it a serious exploit especially after 1 companion for every 10 level rule is not as visible as other in-game rules, if you want to stay on the safe side follow the procedure outlined for the potential command point exploits. 1) Report it as a potential bug and ask for clarification if it is a bug or not. For this use the regular ticket not the bug report, because for the later ones you don't get answers. 2) Stop using the potential exploit until you get the confirmation that it is working as intended. 3) Don't spread the word that it is possible because if it is an exploit that would be considered promoting using an exploit. And while it is not part of the procedure of course if you get a confirmation that 8 companions for crew skills is working as intended than of course you can share this information so that others know that they are on the safe side using 8 companions. At least that is what I will be doing when I get an answer to my ticket about the topic
  11. After there are reports from other parts of the game that starting from Level 66 the EXP you get is lower than the the mission says what you should get, I would consider it as a bug for the time beeing. Here you can find a bug report about story chapter giving the wrong EXP. Because of that I strongly advise you if you affected by this write a bug report using the in-game ticket system to report this. Use both the regular ticket, only than can customer service try to refund you should EXP by refundable like other mission rewards, and the bug report, because only this way it will be forwarded to the developers as a request for a fix. I know writing tickets is not what we want to do in-game but you should always expect something to be broken after the release of a new expansion and I personally also write about 99% of my tickets after an expansion release. Personally I didn't level with GSF to safe the daily and weekly for the Galactic Command Points so that I can't say if I am effected by this. However the bottom line of this post is combined with other claims of wrong EXP expect a bug not a cap and because of that report it.
  12. While I'm personally prefer range DD, I wanted to try different classes to see how different classes play and it was your guide and your answers to questions in the comment section why I did choose Carnage for my marauder. So at least from my point of view you did a good job as a guide writer. And if it was something about you why you wasn't invited as a guide writer, other than not being invited to the Beta and Beta tester getting preferred to publish the Guides faster, I wouldn't understand that. But with the complaints from different guide writers that the mirror version of their 4.X guide wasn't published despite being send in to gether with the version for the other faction, some comments from Dulfy about what was said in the live streams I honestly was asking my self if we will get 5.0 class guides from Dulfy at all. If you publish your guide on your webside instead of Dulfy I will point the Marauder players of my guild to your webside instead of Dulfy. Do you have plans to continue your operation video guides for 5.0? At least the damage calculations will be no longer up to date. My main is a Lightning sorcerer, so I spend the last days of 4.7 to get as many 220 token for my arsenal mercenary as possible just in case the class changes will be as bad as every one say they are. Just in case that the old set bonus is better than no set bonus at all until I have enough command levels. However I still hope for the best.
  13. Just found this now, this is wrong. The Quest givers for the Alderaan, Nar Shaddaa and Hoth Bonus series are there. However and that surprised me as well they now require Level 65 to pick up. After completing them the also reward you with the boxes you can turn in at Odessen for your Alliance specialist. So this seems to be an intentional change. The lack of information about this change however is still a little bit surprising.
  14. Nachdem Blizzax ja schon im Englischen Forum aktualisiert hatte das am Donnerstag 12. Mai von 20 bis 21 Uhr der nächste Termin ist und dies eventuell der letzte ist weil nicht mehr Leute kommen für die es gedacht ist, sprich die die noch etwas dazulernen können, möchte ich ihm schon mal für seine Mühen danke. Mir hat es definitiv geholfen und ich finde es schade das nicht mehr die Gelegenheit genutzt haben teilzunehmen.
  15. I want to point out that the current double XP week as well as the one from May 26 – 30 will also reward double GSF requisition according to the SWTOR homepage http://www.swtor.com/may-the-fourth/reward
  16. As one of the usual suspects I want to thank Blizzax for his efforts and want to point out my disppointment that not more people used the opportunity to show up.
  17. Thank you all the answers are very clear. I only have new ones because of it. Ramalina and Drakkolich mentoined a Legion / Gunship tatic for TDM, how exactly does the tactic look like? Currently most of my group found the Mangler the "most Noob friendly ship" so you got my interest. How exactly does the Tensor field on the Bloodmark / Spearpoint works that you can give your team a speed boost? I havn't seen on in action so far. If someone want the Ocula as a second Sting what builds make the most sense for both if the goal is to have two build to cover different situation? I am not sure if someone wants that, after I am not sure how many wants to spend cartel coins and most of my group consider the Sting the "most Noob unfriendly ship" but so far we have to see how my group develops. After Drakkolich mentoined two Legion builds, one for TDM and one for Domination, does it make sense to use the Legion and the Onslaught as ship 4 and 5 or does that limit your option to much? @ Danalon Yes I am from T3-M4. I will send you a private Message tomorrow or at latest the weekend how to reach me ingame. After I fly usually with my guild would you mind giving a group advice instead of a single person? We have a TS server. Usually we are around 2-5 people. The main group is three people where one currently gets medical treatment and is not available and the other two just joint during the last two days and I have to see how much they like it. @ Ramalina I didn't realized that the Imperium and the Legion have two different repair systems. Thanks for pointing that out. @ Drakkolich I got the Imperium, Bloodmark loadout from your opening post in your ship build thread. There you wrote that this two are ure usually your ship number 4 and 5. About the Youtube videos, take your time, but especially the combined build and gameplay tutorial where really helpfull. For similar reasons the "from stock to mastered" serie about the Sting was great because it showed the steps during the "leveling the ship" process. Most guides only write buy the components / updates first which have the most impact and show the final version of the ship. However as a new player you usually have no idea what components / updates have the biggest impact. That you went through the steps in your build tutorials and the "from stock to mastered" serie were a big upside for them after that helped to get an idea what is important and what is not. As for specific whises I am probably still at the stage where I have to figure out what are the questions that I need to get answered so right now I don't have so many whises. However after the answers to my previous questions I definitly would be interessted in a Legion and a Bloodmark build / gameplay tutorial.
  18. Sorry for interrupting the conversation but as a new player with about 10 matches played I probably have a few more basic questions. 1) Some companions increase the sensor range while other increase the sensor focus range. While I know what the sensor range is what is the sensor focus range? 2) Being from a German speaking server I help some guild members, with equally low numbers of matches played, by reading english guides and tell my not english speaking guild members what was written in them. As a result they usually ask me what to purchase and things like that. Which leads to the following question if we have bought the Sting, Razorwire and Mangler (yes imperial guild) are there any other ships that are worth purchasing when we fly together as a group? I read that Drakkolich prefer the Imperium and Bloodmark as support ships and ship 4 and 5 in the ship bar is that a consensus choice or are there other alternatives worth having and maybe alternating between players? What I mean with alternating between players is when we list as a group should player 1 use ship a und b while player 2 use ship c and d so that every situation is covered even from different players. 3) While it could be mixed with question 2 I think question 2 is long enough, what is the advantage of the Imperium as a Repair Probe carrier compared to the Legion? After bombers are usually more dureable than strike fighters I would imagine that the Legion should be more dureable and after a dead healer can't heal that would look like an advantage for the Legion. 4) Are there maps of the GSF maps outside of the game? With more experience I think knowledge of the maps will come by itself. But now as a new player I often struggle to find the right routes, for example to find the fastest way from the spawn point to the satellite. My worst enemy in that regard is Kuat Mesas with all it tunnels through the mountain. On that map I managed more than once to reach the enemy spawn point while trying to find where I have to leave the canyon to get to the satellite I wanted. And after the game is usually to fast to read a map while flying it would be nice to be able to look at a map before the game starts. 5) Will you, Drakkolich, upload more Youtube videos? While I am aware of your stream I went to youtube for the more guide like videos like Build / gameplay tutorials or the "weapon stats differences explained" video. And yes searching for informationes in a small video is a little bit easier than going through hours of stream to see where the information was.
  19. Your Mangler use Salana Rok as Copilot and Malavi Quinn as Tactical, which off course does not work after both are in the Tactical Compartment.
  20. Ich habe kein Early Access, und habe damit den KOTFE Kontent auch noch nicht gestartet, trotzdem ist mein Schiffsdroide weg, er ist weder im Gefährten Fenster noch im Crew Fertigkeiten Fenster auswählbar noch steht er auf dem Schiff wenn ich es betrete. Dies scheint definitiv ein Bug zu sein auch wenn er nur bei einem Teil der Spieler aufgetreten ist. Ich habe deswegen auch schon ein Ticket an den Kundendienst geschrieben. Was aber noch schlimmer sei könnte Talos Drellos ist weg. Ich hatte erst gedacht dies ist weil ich noch in der Hoth Klassenquest bin, ihm deshalb nur im Gast Modus hatte und die Klassenqueste ja ein Stück zurückgesetzt wurden. Wenn ich vor dem ausloggen richtig gesehen habe wurde die Klassenquest aber an einem Punkt zurückgesetzt wo ich ihn schon haben müsste und jetzt brauche um weiter zu machen. Dies muss ich nochmal überprüfen wenn ich wieder zu Hause bin. Wenn das aber wirklich so ist wie ich denke hat mir der Patch wohl die Klassenqueste verbugt. Was bei mir auch nicht funktioniert hat, beim Hauptcharakter der mit den Gefährten Problemen wurden die Stims nicht ausgetauscht. Beim Zweitcharakter ist heute morgen auf Korriban noch ein alter Stärke Sim als Loot erschienen.
  21. Hallo Faulenbach, du hattest deine Bewerbung in unserem, Nemesis, Gildenforum hinterlassen. Wann und wie kann man dich in-game erreichen? Auf imperialer Seite kannst du entweder Vonfaust, Dishtus, Mellikaa oder Hoyshonzo kontaktieren wenn wir gerade on-line sind. Unser republikanischer Ableger ist noch im Aufbau, die genannten Personen können dir dabei aber weiterhelfen nur ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit uns auf imperialer Seite zu erreichen höher.
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