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Everything posted by bluehufsa

  1. Hi. Since we are kicked off every group and not allowed to have any good gear, it is not fair to make us pay the fee payed by the overpowered classes or force us to play classes we don't like. We underperform because we are the foster children mommy BW don't love, so would be adequate to not take as much money from us as you take from your BELOVED lethality operatives and marauders! I don't understand WHY, even if i followed the so-called "guides" WORD BY WORD , i still cannot do any decent damage ( 25k + ) while an operative with THREE knife skills does 75 k damage !!! This is outrageous!
  2. Suuuure!!!! Take you time, be FORCED to play lethality operative and marauder, FORGET about your arsenal merc, GET IN LINE, be a good little slave and play ONLY the classes liked by the NiM raiders .. NO THANKS ! NEVER ! I will never play operative or marauder, i LOATHE the stories, the companions, the everything! Still, i have to pay as much as they ones who play overpowered classes, why? To get kicked off KP because im a merc???? To be FORCED to do Black Talon 12 times/day because thats the only content im allowed into???? I request a subscription discount for arsenal mercenaries, since we have NO CHANCE IN HELL of getting any good gear.
  3. This is actually a very good suggestion! Personally, i would love to play my main ( a BH) and summon as a companion my secondary BH, because im my personal story I've created for them they are sisters.
  4. Your class companions should know Lana and Theron because, if you do SoR, the active companion you have with you actually meets Lana and Theron..
  5. Other players suggested this in other topics. For example, Lana could take a break, go to her home planet or something My suggestions : 1. Lana locates a former apprentice of Darth Malgus and decides to go to talk to him/her alone. While she's gone ( for at least two expansions..) she is replaced by Hylo Visz for Reps and by Commodore Pardax for Imps. 2. Lana decides to retire and become an overseer at the Sith Academy or go on Voss to study the other aspects of the Force. 3. Malgus escapes. In an epic battle between Malgus and the Alliance Commander, Lana sacrifices herself. Her physical form is destroyed, but her spirit is caught in a holocron, so she can still appear as a Force Ghost or Force manifestation of some sort. Of course, this will require new romances or ways to re-connect with the old ones or even cross class romances.
  6. People LIKE to have something to farm ! There was TC, then the EV renown , now Nefra/Dash. This is what people want, so locking the best gear behind harder content is a very bad idea, because some people don't even do Nefra for gear, they do it because they want to FARM something. Same goes for DF/DP/KP SM, people farm tech fragments.
  7. Exactly. And with the exception of weapon, Vanguard and Powertech can share too.
  8. Strongest? Bounty hunter pyrotech, without question. About influncial?.. huh this is a tough one, but deffo no.1 is not agent. What exactly does he acomplishes? The BH wins The Great Hunt.. The smuggler finds the truth about a galactic legend, Nok Drayen and even meets him. But agent.. sorry but agent is a grunt who does the job of a grunt and on Corellia becomes one. The agent goes crazy and hears voices, much like Commander Gargun in BH story. So sorry, but being nuts is not "influencial"..
  9. No offense, but this mindless blind worship of IA has to stop! Every single day i see in Fleet chat the same thing: how great is IA story ( i found it excruciatingly boring..) , how great is operative in any situation, how the IA ship and companions are the best.. and ofc, how shi**y is mercenary, how everyone hates Torian and lets him die because of Vette, how arsenal has to be kicked out of ops because of low dps.. That's ENOUGH! I am sick and tired of all this not-deserved excessive praise of IA, no matter how hard is it shoved on my throat i will still hate it and NEVER play it.
  10. This reminds me of a joke : a guy at the airport tells the lady at the luggage check-in : " i'd like the green bag to be sent to Tokio, the red one to Amsterdam and the blue one to Paris" . The lady replies : "but sir!! that's impossible!! " .The guy says, with a grin on his face : "really? but how did you managed to do this last month? " Same here, nothing is impossible
  11. Honestly, no. At best, we will get some more development in the relationship with Lana Beniko, but that will be all. Why? Because " this game doesn't produce enough money and the VA are expensive". I'm sorry.
  12. There's on in the Mandalorian Raiders flashpoint too, first one on the left side as you face Mavriz Varad as he jumps to the middle of the room.
  13. Hi. In the past few months, i and a number of other players from Easter Europe have experienced huge lag and frequent random disconnects. I have checked, re-checked and even called my internet provider, Vodafone, and they said there is no reason ( my computer, router or other gear) why the connection fails so often. Please look into it? The game is unplayable and entire teams get randomly disconnected in operations, flashpoints and Rishi strongholds. Thanks!
  14. That's exactly my point. As a Mandalorian bounty hunter and associate of Mandalore the Avenger, my loyalty lies with her, not with the Empire or Republic. How to solve this problem? The rebellion led by Heta Kol was put "on pause", so i see little to no reason for a Mando to get involved in galactic politics.
  15. From my point of view, Zenith is the only companion that actually makes sense for Jedi Consular and i wish he was also recruitable by trooper and smuggler. Why? Is the old formula used in many American & Canadian movies and TV series - the unlikely pertnership that, against all odds, works. Besides, i see nothing wrong in the association between a Jedi and a freedom fighter, they both want the same thing, but their methods differ. Take a look at the other JC companions, they are simply boring and pointless, Iresso for example, a guy with no backbone, first thing he does when he gets on the ship is to start flirting with the female Jedi, even if he knows Jedi aren't exactly marriage material. Nadia Grell: naive girl that cannot do anything right, she's probably the most uninspired choice of Senator ever made by her people. Qizen.. let's say i replace him with Shae as soon as i can, on each and every new JC character.
  16. Hi. Since SoR, none of the expansions made any sense to me, as i play non-force sensitive classes ( bounty hunter, smuggler) and the cherry on the cake was the choice i didn't wanted to make, the return to Empire or Republic. My main is a Mandalorian , so i see no reason why i should be bossed around by Krovos & Rivix. What do i have at this moment : - The Allliance, people from different backgrounds ( Imperial officers, Sith, Jedi, smugglers and so on) - an entire planet where can be build settlements, bases, hunting camps ( Odessen) - a partnership with the warrior queen of a professional army ( Shae Vizla and the Mandalorians) Now why would i want to give up my independence ? Only to be mixed in stories that are none of my business, like whatever does the artifact taken by the jedi girl, Malgus & so on? From a non-force sensitive perspective, it makes absolutely 0 sense! OK, as a bounty hunter, maybe finding the artifact and selling it to the highest bidder would be interesting, but the rest , not so much. Now i would like to hear more opinions about this, somehow i don't think im the only one who wants the future expansions to be more class-oriented.
  17. That makes actually a lot of sense since for example
  18. Yeah, but at least Shae has a way better dps than Kalyio or Corso and does approve or disapprove of anything
  19. Hi. I'd like to suggest the moving of inflammatory and problematic topic to the off-topic section of the forum. At this moment , one topic from the General section( where a person is making wild accusations , bullies other posters and refuses to listen to any suggestions) is becoming increasingly disturbing and upsetting, since it deals with social issues in a very agressive and radical way. We are here to play a game and enjoy ourselves, not to be insulted and called names by a person who's turning a General Chat comment into a war against everyone that does not share the same opinions & lifestyle. Thanks!
  20. Darth Marr and Kalatosh Zavros.. if i remember well, Ashara's ancestor wasn't exactly a Jedi.. or he was a fallen one
  21. I'm not here to put you down for your post, but as other posters said, you are not doing any favor to the LGBT community by asking EA/BW to censor everyone who does not agree with you. You have to understand something, no one is asking you to be an emotionless droid, but you have always the option to not let yourself be affected by what the people say in general chat. Who are they to you? Nobody! You don't have to play with them, talk to them, interact in any way with them.
  22. Ahahah, i would have loved to see that!!! Unfortunatelly, "my" Zenith came fully dressed But i'm experiencing a related bug, when i replay the chapter where you recruit Havoc Squad, Jorgan is naked and has an imaginary riffle
  23. Hi Kalyio, of course! She doesn't fit well within the agent team and personally i wish there was an option to reject her on Hutta.
  24. Hi, how exactly am i "privileged" ? I deal with a lot of hatred and discrimination too, it is either because of my birth country or because of the class i play ( Arsenal or IO mercenary) . But, for my own good, i learned to ignore people, stop feeding the trolls and go on with my life. Being kicked out of each and every NiM Nefra raid because of too low dmg ( 20 k) doesn't sound like privilege, does it? Being accused of being a gypsy and a thief because of my nationality doesn't sound like privilege, does it? And so on, and so on. I have 7 years of playing and maybe, just maybe, you , the people upset because one troll or another said something offensive should take my advice and ignore them.
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