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Everything posted by AceMasterSoul

  1. Hard pass, you know since it gets blown up and all... Truthfully I prefer they focus on expansions.
  2. Too many requests for one suggestion thread. Focus on one topic, it will make your request more professional. I am totally against removing the refer a friend feature. The fastest, cheapest, and most realistic way to address your concern would be to remove the links entirely. Nobody can force you to use their link. It's called refer a friend for a reason. If you're using them solely for quick credits you are the one doing something wrong.
  3. I like to set up off world conversation scenario with personnel and my companions.... So I would have to disagree. I would prefer they work on letting us donate companions to the guild before changing any other companion components. Mainly because they're non holo when you play as the toon who sets them.
  4. I think a Jet Pack with a missile Flourish would be cool to fly around with.
  5. Thanks for answering my questions! I have a few more if you don't mind. 1.) what is the difference between the gold on non-gold repeatable objectives? 2.) Does the 150% stronghold bonus show up on the projected point rewards or does it just get calculated after completing an objective? 3.) I see that this conquest allows a player to craft individual war supplies for points. Does this occur in every conquest week? if not can I get the name of the conquests that has this objective?
  6. If you search for Mandalorian pack it will pop up. I searched for it this morning and found it. I was pretty pissed when I couldn't find the 200cc packs. I posted a thread in the suggestion category addressing this and asking for them to be put back. Any supporting signatures would be appreciated. Tread Link
  7. It's been awhile since I've even attempted to actively participate in conquest. I'm hoping to farm a ton of encryption for my guild and had a few question that I was hoping to get answered before starting. Any information would be appreciated. 1.) Is there a minimum level requirement? 2.) Does a toon have to hit their personal goal in order to receive the Guild reward.
  8. I remember HK-47 being a pain in the butt when soloing foundry. As for the scans their drops are random so the time it takes to find them is greatly influence by luck and the number of people helping you.
  9. Went on the Market to Purchase 600cc worth of Ultimate Cartel packs only to find that they're gone. 98% of my market purchase are are individual cartel packs. One of the main reasons I subscribe is for the monthly cc, now I can't even use them. I'm gonna be really pissed if the packs were removed permanently. I would probably leave the game.
  10. Thanks for the information!
  11. Ha ha I feel ya. Have you tried asking in gen chat? I've gotten the decors I needed from doing that.
  12. If you want something bad enough you'll pay the price for it. That means your gonna have to play the operation until you get the drop or pay the requested credit amount. It really doesn't hurt the merchant if you choose not to buy it. What is the current GTN price on SS?
  13. Nico Okarr is a BA who does his own thing. That means Nico wears what Nico wants not your fancy little outfits. On a similar topic when you unlock HK-51 through the quest story you get a bunch of droid gear. What character is suppose to use it. It appears that the only thing you can modify on HK-51 is his gun and customization load out.
  14. You can see the companion as no-holo decor when you play as the toon who set them. I personally like the switch off. I have used the switch off to make it look like my companion was communicating to a group of soliders from a different world. I would like to see the option of decorating guild strongholds with companions, currently it doesn't appear like this is possible.
  15. For new players the stronghold isn’t as big of an asset until they progress further in the game, mainly when they get utility items, mailbox , storage etc. Focusing on reaching level 15 will allow them to get two of those right off the bat.
  16. Ha ha haI The moment I saw the previous post I knew you'd ask a clarifying question. ha ha ha! That information is defiantly needed though.
  17. The order in which you obtain the parts doesn't matter. Scanning will take awhile if you're searching for them by yourself.
  18. I think it would be a cool idea to add it to the VIP lounge. I disagree with it being put anywhere else.
  19. I recommend holding back on getting a stronghold and grinding on your starting planet until level 15. Once your level 15 you can accept a mission from a holostatue (right in front of the stronghold vendors). it can be completed by taking a few steps around your stronghold. Once completed you'll get a mail box, legacy storage, and other useful decoration.
  20. I really want this decoration for my Imp side guild (only need 1). Offering 1 Million credits to anyone willing to donate/purchase it to guild. I'm also willing to purchase to guild decoration I own (I can donate to either faction) Here is a sample of what I can offer: -Dark Eternal Throne -Eternal Flagship Command Console -Anti-Personnel turret -Planetary Holo Map Ilum -Commemorative Statue of Revan -Mandalorian Leader Packk personnel
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