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Everything posted by X-Funk

  1. X-Funk

    Is RE broke?

    http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=2800624#post2800624 they have a patch tomorrow and one possibly planned for the 20th. My money would be on the 20th.
  2. First off, the dev team has been extremely good about addressing problems and informing us that they know about and intend to fix bugs. If that still bothers you, then there's nothing they or anyone can say to stop you from raging. There is going to be bugs in mmo's. Period. Coming from another game that would take months and months to see a fix, SWTOR's dev team has been a pleasant change of pace. Now if the whiners in this thread took the time they spent typing resposes in this thread to look on the test server forum for the easy to find patch notes, as well as the dev tracker they would have seen the following.... http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=260731 Quote from that link on February 1st... "Major changes are currently on schedule for the next major content patch, such as extractable basemods (armoring, barrel, etc.) from purple items, critical crafting successes on orange outfits, more bind-on-equip schematic drops for artifice and other professions, increased relevance of augments, better reverse engineering chance, and other improvements" Another dev posted on the 7th, as someone on the first page pointed out.... Quote from Patrick Malott ( 2/7/2012): "The reverse engineering return rate is not currently working as intended. In an upcoming patch, we are improving the reverse engineering rates – especially for the higher-level items. We are also looking into the issue where a player receives "You already know that schematic" instead of learning a new research variation." Now with that information, a simple browsing of the dev tracker would reveal this tidbit, which talks about the global cooldown issues, but also lets us know that not one, but TWO scheduled dates of upcoming patches to the live server. "As this code change has come in 'hot' it was unfortunately too late for us to add it to the build being readied for As this code change has come in 'hot' it was unfortunately too late for us to add it to the build being readied for next week's planned patch (1.1.3, which is now available on the Public Test Server - here are the notes). We also want to ensure it's got some solid QA testing on it, as it's a change that will be seen by everyone playing the game. With all that in mind, we're currently expecting the changes to be rolled out with patch 1.1.4, which is tentatively scheduled for deployment in the week beginning Monday 20th. As always, the patch should be on the Public Test Server before that, and when it's available, we encourage everyone to try it out and see the changes made. I managed to find these quotes and links in about 1 minute. So learn to read,and stop crying.
  3. B-funk, disco ithorian, notorious theed spammer, master tailor. Nites ftw.
  4. I have more credits than i know what to do with. I'm artifice, and i make purple enhancements and sell them for ridiculous amounts of credits on the pvp server i play on. Why do they go for so much? because people think biochem is the only skill they should take, therefore there are 0 enhancements on the market, which means i can charge whatever i like.
  5. Op is either trolling or needs a better job. Unsub and leave?
  6. Red = dead. This sounds like a fun idea, i'm going to start doing it now. Thanks OP!
  7. The imperial side vendor is on balmorra east of the shuttle in the bug area ( i forget the name). He sells two versions, you also use it to unlock a datacron in the area.
  8. My guild on Helm of Graush has been rolling over some of the world bosses the last few nights. Tonight we went to Dromond Kaas to kill "The first" but someone had beat us to it. We happened to be in instance 2 and i suggested we hop over to instance 1 and sure enough, there he was. Thought i'd pass this along.
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