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Everything posted by Marroc

  1. http://pc.ign.com/articles/121/1217537p2.html sorry trolls /thread
  2. Everything you list I do as Republic on a daily basis /thread
  3. population is growing - at least on my server .. /shrug
  4. while we're at it what's with all the accuracy and surge on tank Tier 3. Is Tier 2 BiS as well? If so I guess I'm done raiding
  5. completed it yesterday on Lord Praven Republic side. Took some serious co-ordination. Edit: did it with a group of 9. Everybody got it. Nobody needed to suicide either.
  6. your GT might simply be dying ... mine did that for few days then finally croaked. Put in a new one and no problems. That was a couple of years ago though.
  7. If you want all MMOs to release with ALL "established" features no MMO will ever get released again. It would take more than 6 years to develop and when those 6 years are over you'd need another couple of years to catch up with the developments that happened during those years. MMOs have to launch at some time. I already know what'll happen in a year when this game has caught up. All the whiny crybabies will come running back and will start ************ that it's not fair that people who stuck it out have an "unfair advantage" because they have a bunch of legacy levels on them.
  8. 1 & 2: learn to read upcoming patch notes 3: I'm currently sitting at 4.7 million credits AFTER buying the 1.5mil speeder and raiding on a regular basis. 4 & 5: sorry you suck /bye
  9. We don't outnumber them on Lord Praven but the last few days have been a spankfest in wz and on Ilum.
  10. yup problem solved ... well time to cancel I guess.
  11. "requires some time to investigate" http://www.twitch.tv/skrigg There investigation done. When do I get paid?
  12. What's shocking is not the exploit itself but Bioware's complete lack of response. The fact that servers are still up is a complete F U C K I N G joke! oh yeah don't forget to warn me for this. Cause that's high priority.
  13. Just get rid of Republic entirely Bioware. No point. Make it a 1 faction game. I destroy any Imperial 1 v 1 no question asked. 10 to 1 .... not so much. You essentially removed Ilum from the game for Republic. This guild is re-rolling Empire.
  14. spoiled kids! Everquest 1 boat rides anybody? lol "gamers" these days...
  15. longest load time I have is tattoine and it's just under 20 seconds
  16. population on Lord Praven has been increasing steadily - at least Republic side. We're hitting multiple phases of fleet on a regular basis now, which has not happened in the previous weeks.
  17. no, please keep the baddies on empire side
  18. ^ THIS Doesn't anybody remember the glaring favoratism for Alliance during vanilla wow? Look how that turned out. Underdogs for life! P.S.: I win about 60% of my warzones so ...myeah!
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