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Everything posted by Darklighter

  1. At this point, I'd rather they support this game 100% (instead of this bare minimum approach they're doing now) or just shut it down and let someone else make a SW MMO.
  2. While I usually tend to be on Team "I'd rather it Right than Right Now", this only means Chapter XI will be even smaller.
  3. I've played many MMOs. Not a single one I've played has had anything CLOSE to the CCs this game has. In frequency or duration. Not even close. Is there a game out there worse that I haven't played. Maybe. Yet another foolish trollbait comment. Seriously, does Bioware pay you to do this....or are you just an extremely unpleasant person that enjoys being snarky at every opportunity? You, CrazyCT, and Djiini should start a club...
  4. Good lord, PLEASE use punctuation. I have to re-read this nonsense 3-4 times just to decipher this crap.
  5. No, this would be a reasonable complaint. Expecting the restaurant to resume making your favorite dish because you decided to come back would be the entitlement reaction.
  6. The devs made what the game is today. Love it or hate it, your choice. Why you're raging at the playerbase is beyond me....
  7. Don't bother using logic and facts to refute little Bran's obvious attempts at trolling. I honestly don't think this guy actually plays the game. He just makes sure to chime in on pretty much EVERY post in general discussion.....regardless of the topic....he finds someone to attack....somehow. Why he's allowed to do this day after day after day, I'll never understand.
  8. Human trafficking. Oh....you mean in GAME?
  9. everything you mentioned makes perfect sense... IF they added the cube as an EXTRA item in the pack, not having it replacing a potential new item in the pack, it would have been brilliant. THAT'S why people flipped out about the change....well that and the ridiculous low drop rate of items in the new pack.
  10. If this is true.....that people are using rocket boost to go from the cockpit to the exit door.... That might be the laziest thing I've ever heard. How much time do they save doing that.... 0.5 seconds?
  11. "Bioware thanks you for your input and we'll work on that in a future patch!" Translation: "Go away. We don't care."
  12. ROTHC was partially finished when they were let go. The new staff finished it. My apologizes for wording it to seem that it was finished.
  13. It blocks me from using 3 storyline companions, and from getting Blizz. If it was just stopping me from getting some credits and crystals only, I wouldn't care. But blocking me from content I paid for? For a month? Extremely unacceptable.
  14. And to get that story, you have to be a sub for 8 months. And it's going to be one chapter. So, don't expect it to be more than 20-30 mins of content. And you mark my words....shortly after they release that, they'll make HK-55 purchasable off the Cartel Market.
  15. Because the people that made the core game were all let go after EA/Bioware didn't get WoW like sub numbers 1 year after launch. They gutted the SWTOR team and replaced it with a skeleton crew of people that seem to be new at all this. Everything after ROTHC (the last content created by the original crew) has been all the new crew. And it shows.
  16. Scourge tells you all about how he killed Meetra and betrayed Revan during your ship dialogue with him. He's not at all hiding it....nor is he regretful.
  17. And if you choose to solo Maelstrom Prison with Scourge, Revan still tells the story like the dude he's talking about isn't standing right there. I know when they made the flashpoint, they didn't expect you to be able to solo it. But they DID add a solo version later, and they could have redone the dialogue so it didn't stand out like it does.
  18. You're not the first to mention that. Adding a separate dialogue with Revan and Scourge if he's there wouldn't have taken much. If they had no desire to add this, they shouldn't have had the story involve Scourge with Revan's imprisonment. They could have just made Scourge some random Emperor's Wrath that becomes an ally of your character. Leaving out that interaction between Revan and Scourge is glaringly obvious and looks very lazy of Bioware to omit it.
  19. I'm surprised he's still allowed to post. All he does is antagonize.
  20. This is why I also play WoW. Mostly for the nostalgic feeling it gives me. Also, to get the hell away from this game when I need to. The part in red made me LOL....well played.
  21. This is the only reason I am still playing at this point. The hope for future things. By June, if all that has been added is 3 more chapters of garbage that Chapter X was, my optimism will be spent.
  22. Because of course they wouldn't edit that when they realized that they weren't going to make their original January deadline. Seriously, some of you people will believe anything....
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