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Everything posted by chumppi

  1. Uhm... if you mean story wise? No. All AC's have the same story.
  2. Quite funny, the comment about "Operatives stun-locking in warzones." Stunlocking? Right, our 3 second knockdown followed by our stun.. .no wait - it used to fill up the whole resolve bar so we couldn't stun for the next 10 seconds.
  3. Don't play space mini game.
  4. There you go, was it so hard to put the cooldown timers? Now everyone's happy. Thanks BW.
  5. Just put the fu**ing cooldown timers on the bars please. "1:59" 119 seconds "60:00" 3600 seconds(1 hour) Less than 1 minute = "59s" = 59 seconds Less than 1 second = "0.6s" = 0,6 seconds Cooldown timers + individual buttons are grey when not available + the skill you just used rolls the 1.5s cd.
  6. Make diagnostic scan castable while running, then I'm good.
  7. 42? At 42 you can get 72 expertise + 15% buff. I wouldn't be suprised at all if the op did 12k damage in 7s what you describe.
  8. So BW thinks we should all play cookie cutter builds? Cool.
  9. @JColquhoun About balance? Yes, yes you do.
  10. Lethality Sucks, there should be a way to get more TA's in that build, there just isn't. 3 points in 15% more damage targets below 30%? WHY?
  11. 8pc-bm, getting ~4300-4500 crits with full buffs via hidden strike. It really feels like I'm useless.
  12. Lethal Dose from Lethality tree doesn't work for hot heals either, even though the talent says "Increases crit chance by 16% of all periodic effects."
  13. Can I put "owning since" to my signature?
  14. http://youtu.be/-XoaDVwwKpw Dunno if this is any help because I'm just spamming heals and channeled abilities but here you go anyway. Post 1.1.0b patch.
  15. Why it failed? The rewards for going there were removed, duh.
  16. I use it quite often, especially in Huttball. Snipe+Explo probe can crit for 5k+ if lucky.
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