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Everything posted by Goreshaga

  1. Would be nice. A Pub and Imp trooper helmets would be nice too. And as side not, why does Sa'har's headband remove hoods ? That's one of the few non face covering headpiece that could hide the hood induced baldness, but nope it removes the hood entirely (which if used on a Twi'lek is a useless feature as they remove hoods anyways even without that...)
  2. The montrals (the horns) are already pretty big, especially on male Togruta, and the lekku are fairly long as well, especially on female Togruta. That being said, if they added longer ones, i'd also like shorter ones like Ahsoka has in live action. And a few new leather headbands too, to change from the metalic jewelery.
  3. Yeah class and level restriction should definitely not be a thing, or at the very least not on the outfiter.
  4. Would be a nice idea, as long as they also remove the class and level restrictions that the other sets have.
  5. I like the idea, it would also allow characters who skipped straight to Ossus to actually have that customization as skipping doesn't grant it. Would definitely be nice to have more of these "hair customizations" that keep all the basic features of the companions except for the hairstyle for every companion tbh. As a side note, being able to put a customization on the companion before actually "meeting" them in game, as long as we already have the legendary status / have already played that part of story on at least one character before would be great. This can already be done with the ship's droid as you can summon him before you even board the ship and can customize him before his intro cutscene plays out, would be great to have like a list of the future companions and be able to put a customization on them right away, even if we don't actually meet them until much later.
  6. No, i'm not talking about the holster disapearing. While a bit annoying, i'm used to it, it doesn't bother me all that much. I'm talking about the pistol itself. So i liked the armor, i liked the pistol, previewed them both before byuing, no visible issue, so i bought the whole bundle, equipped everything on my character, started playing a bit, really liked the sound of the pistol, and then i entered my first cutscene and was utterly disappointed with how absolutely awfull it looks in cutscene !!! Most of the pistol just vanishes during cutscenes, leaving only some kind of empty frame that absolutely doesn't look like it could fire anything, which is completely immersion breaking. Here's how it should look like and does look like during normal gameplay, and here's how it actually looks like in cutscenes, and this is absolutely not what i paid for... It's a platinum item, the bundle costs 2430 PC, the pistol on its own costs 1800 PC + 400 CC to unlock it, there is no excuse for it to look that bad ! If for some reason you can't prevent moving/animated parts from disappearing during cutscenes, then you should just avoid putting them on the items in the first place. So please fix this, if you have to make the moving/animated part not moving/animated anymore, and change it so that's it only one whole thing, then so be it, it's not even really visible during normal gameplay anyways, but the missing parts.. that is extremely visible during cutscenes, and definitely not in a good way.
  7. I'm usually between 32 and 40 ms on the UE servers, when i played yesterday after it went back up, i was below 30 ms on The Leviathan (28-29 ms when i checked).
  8. It seems the dialogues with two [Flirt] and one jerk options are the lock-in ones and that taking the jerk option is the only way to completely avoid the romance. I got locked in the Nadia romance on my first JC because i picked one of the [Flirt] that sounded rather innocent actually and didn't want to pick the jerk option right after what happened to her father, and next convo i was left with 3 [Flirt] options and no way do undo the damage except by restarting the character from scratch, which i did because i actually never intended to romance her. Doc is similar in that unless you always pick the "I'm a Jedi" option (which in this case isn't a being a jerk one), you end up in the romance with him, even though the [Flirt] you take basically sounds like a "you disgust me and i'd never date you"... No idea why that's even labeled as [Flirt] tbh. I've read that the romance with Mako is the same too. It's just the base game romances having a rather poor design.
  9. From what i've seen these are available to Inquisitors on most species, except male Purebloods (no idea why since their female couterparts can have them), and maybe the more recents species like Cathar, Togruta and Nautolan.
  10. Yeah really like their stuff, especially the Epic NPC Man skits. To be fair the guy has been in a few things, including as Óin in The Hobbit trilogy, and KOTOR 2 apparently, so he's a fairly experienced actor. But yeah he went all in for this role. I guess it's not an issue to some people, it may also not be an issue for others if the PC never talked, but here i guess for some, the fact the PC always taked is part of the enjoyement and removing that would kill a lot of it.
  11. Yeah. For me, it's like for cannibithobbal, i just can't relate to my characters if they're the only characters in their whole game who don't speak. It's not an issue if nobody has a voice, it's a bit like reading a book, except there are images too, it's great if everybody talks as it's a bit like watching a movie or a series except i can participate in it by choosing how my character will react, and in this game, having a voiced PC really helped me shape my characters personalities, but if the PC is silent, i just can't relate, because they stand out in a bad way compared to all the NPCs by being the only lifeless character in the whole game. I actually can't think of a single game where the PC is the only silent character that i ever finished. This represents pretty well how having a silent PC with talking NPCs makes me feel about my character, like they're completely empty inside and the NPCs are just monologuing.
  12. Maybe having that as a full instance like the PvP one would make things easier as the Harcore instance itself would be different from the normal one and would allow everything to be Hardcore everywhere, and not just in the personal instances. On to the idea, as long as it's an option that doesn't affect me in any way and doesn't force me to have something harder / more teddious, i'm fine with it. I'd not use it, but i'd not oppose it either.
  13. For me either you voice everything or you voice nothing, but i absolutely despise that weird hybrid where the NPCs talk and the PC stands there silently, that's absolutely not immersive for me and since the characters have been voiced since the beginning of the game, their voice is part of who they are, not to mention the KOTOR-style cutscenes we have here are very static and super boring to watch. So yeah i'm in the camp who would rather have no cutscenes at all (and if there's no story, there's no point even playing for me) than all cutscenes being watching my PC's back with them just standing like they're completely dead inside while the NPCs are monologuing.
  14. I don't have time rn to watch the whole chapters, but thanks for posting them, i'll watch them later. About Koth, i suspect the fact he has a mind of his own and doesn't hesitate to speak his mind and even act against the PC if that goes against his moral code is at least part of why people don't like him (the fact he seemingly had a relationship with Lana during the timeskip is apparently another one, and i find that ridiculous tbh to hold a grudge against him and not Lana for that as he's not the one who had a thing with the PC pre-timeskip). Personally i like that he's not okay with whatever the PC does and will act accordingly, it adds to his character and adds replayability too, since his relationship with the PC will be pretty different depending on the PC's choices. Honestly as much as it'd suck for people who play DS pro-Empire characters and want to keep Theron, i think he should also act accordingly because that goes against everything he believes in and imo it does his character a great disservice to force him to stick with a PC like that when by all means he shouldn't. Same for Kira and Aric btw. I guess Kira still has reasons to stick around with the whole Nul and the Children stuff, but Aric should've left with Bey'wan, especially since he's not done anything since the end of KOTET (except take part off screen in the Battle of the Meridian complex, at least on Pub side, but i don't even know if it was also the case Imp side) Tbh, i also wish that Lana would behave differently depending on how the PC behaves. Since we can't have that much variation in the story itself, having that at least with the companions would give more replayability to the game post class story. There are a few flashbacks in Annihilation showing a bit of the relationship between Satele and Jace.
  15. Yeah, the arm is probably the main issue. Honestly a way to offer more options for him would be to make a bunch of new customizations with different kinds of outfits. I'd love an outfit similar to the one he wears as a kid in the KOTFE trailer (there could even be a white, a black and a gray version), still zakuulan looking but way more casual than his Emperor outfit. I'd also really like another one where he'd wears the same outfit as the one he wears on his "redeemed" model, but with the same color as his DS customization, i like the gray on him but the huge metalic arm and the even bigger face mask than the one he originally wore don't do it for me.
  16. I'm the same, all my characters exist in the same continuity, so my JK is the only Outlander/Alliance Commander, and the only one who romances Theron. I actually like that since i can see more romances that way, and honestly i quite like my different pairings, even though JK x Theron, SW x Arcann and BH x Torian are my favorites. ON Belsavis at least for the weapons, if you don't go, the Zabrak dude goes himself, but honestly sending our crew members would've made so much more sense. Yeah, would've been nice if either doing most of the AAs or sparing Arcann/Senya could've made a difference, at the very least by sending someone to help the one you don't go help yourself. I'd have been 100% fine with them failing anyways, but at least our PC would look like they really tried. Well, that's my HC anyways, my JK goes with Arcann and Senya to Torian (main reason in my HC being he's the closest to their position), and then my SW and BH go rescue Vette (they're not closer to her than my JK is, but they're closer to her than they are to Torian), but because they face quite a lot of ennemies on their way there, they arrive after Vaylin has already taken Vette and fail to save her. Then the rest plays out the same, but at least no one just abandoned Vette. That being said sending Theron and Lana to the rescue when you have Arcann and Senya with you would've been a nice gameplay alternative, even if it ultimately failed.
  17. Same. I'll probably take all these choices on the clone i'm currently leveling, that way i'll probably never have to take them ever again (hm maybe another time because i'd like to have these lines in french as well). Yeah, that really makes me wonder how the female JK sounds with these lines. That's a HC that works, after all he does say that he had nightmare every night while he was away, but same my JK would never, ever do anything like that to him. I don't think she would ever tryly believe he could betray her either, though she'd still be hurt a bit by the things Theron says on the train about the Alliance becoming a symbol of oppression, because that is one thing she fears that power would corrupt her and that she'd become the very things she fights against. And on another not-Theron related note, back to the choices that are a bit annoying, i really don't like the choices on Belsavis, like the JK is running against time to stop Krannus before he destroys the planet and there are two choices i really don't like that don't even fully make sense. The first one is with the weapons you have to secure so that the prisoners won't get their hands on them, and the second with the old scientist. You basically have to choose between wasting your time and risking the planet or not caring what happens and continue with your mission, when it would actually make so much more sense to just sent your companions do these things while you continue your mission. Like my JK is doing the whole things with Scourge (as he's the only one who knows Krannus i figured it'd be the most logical), so why can't she send like Rusk and T7 secure the weapons, and later let Kira and Doc take care of the old man ? Seriously it's so annoying that we have a whole crew and never really use it. Same with the Vette/Torian choice tbh, would've been far more logical to send other people rescue the one you can't rescue your self (even if they failed it would still have been infinitely better than doing nothing). It could even have been a difference between having Arcann and Senya or not. Like if they're alive you can send Theron and Lana rescue the one you don't rescue yourself (they could've been there too late or even have been captured as well and then after the one you didn't rescue is killed you also fight to save them. But nope instead you have a "oh well can't be at two places at once, too bad"
  18. Same, that's pretty much perfect for my sassy JK who usually behaves like that. Same, that would make the romance totally not OK for me. I could already not romance him with a pro-Empire PC, even a mostly LS one because for me he still has to give up too much who he is for that relationship, but a DS PC that's completely off for me. Also the way your JK delivered that line was savage. Wonder how my JK would sound tbh, so i may record that next time i'll play that part of the story, but obviously that will never be the canon version.
  19. Nice. Yep, really liked Koth mentioning helping Theron. I unfortunately picked the first one on the run i recorded and wasn't sure i could escape (since i had an unfortunate incident on Umbara where i escaped and was then unable to replay the cutscene), but i'll most probably pick the "loosing your job" one next time i record, that's the one that seems the most in line with my JK's personality. Ouch, that Force choke is brutal. But honestly considering the dialogue with "showing your true colors", assuming someone really picks that on a Theronmancer, to me, it doesn't really make sense for Theron to be in love with someone like that in the first place and even less so to want to go back to them. Yep it's nice. That HC works honestly. I only have one version because my only canonical Outlander is my JK, I HC my other characters as joining the Alliance at different times and having disapeared at various moments and for various reasons. I have a bit of an issue with T7 infiltrating Zakuul though, as he's very obviously a Pub model, and not one you'd normally find on Zakuul, honestly, imo he'd stand out a lot more than if Theron was infiltrating himself, so my HC is that Theron actually did the infiltration and left T7 with Lana when they found out about the poisoning and decided to act before they were 100% ready (so in that version, both Theron and T7 would take care of the diversion while Lana, and my SW are busy breaking into the spire to free my JK)
  20. ^^ Yeah, i really wish we could see him be awsome and badass more often. I think the only times we've seen him be like that are when we go rescue him on Rishi only to see that he's in the middle of rescuing himself, and there, which we can only see if our character picked the DS choice to kill Arcann and Senya, and to a lesser extent when he's remotely piloting the shuttle on Iokath. Yep i think these too could be friends with him, Kira maybe too, Scourge i'm not sure, Arcann maybe not immediatly after he joined the Alliance, but after Nathema most probably since Arcann spoke for Theron. Yeah same, a team effort for me mean everbody involved not just Lana, and i also think that the Commander wanting to honor everybody who fell during the battle of Odessen, even if giving a bit more credit to the one who was closer like Vette/Torian would be far more logical than wanting to honor only Vette/Torian. At least Torian's mail makes sense, he knows the choice was between the two and that Vette died because we saved him, so him wanting to honor her is logical i think, but the Commander was in charge of everybody, even if they know Vette died as a result of a choice they made, which is where giving her a bit more attention could be logical as well, mentioning everybody would still make the most sense. You're welcome ^^ Yeah it's cold, i don't think i can make an evil and completely rotten character, which is why i decided to just sacrifice a clone for that, as i know it'll never be "canon" for me, but yeah it'll be hard, i'm currently on Belsavis with that clone so still far away but getting closer, if i'm high level enough i'll just skip straight to Forged Alliances as soon as i finish the class story (i hope so because i really don't want to play Makeb tbh) Yeah. Which i don't mind with my male BH, because i see him as quite older than Torian, but it's also so weird to have my F BH calling him a kid since she's only like 2 years older than him, so i try to avoid the answers where she calls him kid as much as possible, just like i try to avoid as much as possible the dialogues where my JK calls Kira her Padawan (because it just feels off, not only do i not really see them as Master-Padawan, but Kira is actually older than my JK, so it's just weird). There is a desription of how his original body looked like in the Revan novel, and honestly they did a pretty good job with his model in EoO. It's nice that he doesn't walk away though, i think the fact he runs after the PC for his confession works a bit better if he then goes back, since he would technically be able to say all that on the way to Zakuul and wouldn't need to talk right there and then. That being said it would've been really nice to go with Theron, Lana, Arcann and Senya if they're both alive and just Theron and Lana if they're dead. Yeah Theron seems to get along well with T7 considering how he talks to him in the chapter we recruit Arcann. My personal HC, is that my JK sent T7 to Theron at the beginning of KOTFE, which is how he ended up working with Lana as well, thing is it only works for a JK PC. Ouch, yeah the PC definitely didn't think about Theron's safety here... Oh thanks for sharing it, especially the other options as i've never seen them. Honestly Lana's line about the cybernetics is so insensitive, she definitely sounds like she doesn't care at all that these scars are because of her... Honestly Koth isn't wrong in what he's doing here, but i kinda question how well he thinks he knows Lana, because she's the one suggesting the most to let the reactor blow up at the beginning of KOTFE and i'm pretty sure she'd agree with letting Kaliyo blow up the spire if she thought there would be any kind of strategical advantage in doing so, not to mention that she did help Senya track him and his crew. And yeah your IA sounds so done with everything
  21. Yeah would be nice, there are quite a few companions who i'd like to be able to give another hairstyle. We already have "hair customizations" for Nadia and Theron (i think Ranos, Hexid and Nico too) that only change their hair (and facial hair for Nico), would be nice to have the same for all companions. I don't use customizations on most of them (outside of the droids) because it alway change them completely to the point they're not the same person anymore, which considering we can't change them before recruiting them is very immersion breaking, and for most of the companions a simple change of hairstyle would make them look better without completely changing what they look like.
  22. Thanks for sharing. I like the romance exclusive lines there, i really need to speed up my clone so that i can get them. So the first thing they say on the way to Vette, Theron's line at least is the same as what he says about Torian, but i think the good kid part works better for Torian since he's the youngest companion, and it feels kinda weird that he'd call Vette a kid since she's actually older than my JK, even more so after the 5 years nap 🤣 The alt line in the elevator is nice, but i'd not really be able to take this one unless my JK is lying to Valkorion because she doesn't trust Lana.
  23. Thanks for sharing all that. I really wish we could have a customization for Arcann where he'd wear the gray outfit, but as a LS Arcann so without the mask and with the less visible prostetic arm. I really like the gray for him, especially since it's a mix of his and Thexan's color. Your edit works really well, if i ever get around to editing stuff, i'm definitely going to do that with my JK's recordings. And him being so badass being locked behind killing Arcann and Senya and never being shown anywhere else, really highlights how dirty he was done during KOTFEET, as we nearly never or even never if we keep them alive see him being so badass. I'm in the middle of watching the Mission Impossible movies (only had seen 1&2 previously and i can't help but think that this is what a Theron movie would look like) That's a sweet one yep. Really like what they say about him, not gonna lie. I wonder if Theron and Torian would be friends if we had more scenes with our companions interacting with each other. Yeah, that kind of things irritates me too. It's like when you're on Iokath and you have like two instances where the PC asks how is Vette, but nothing about anyone else who was there too, so i'm with you that option 2 but with Theron's response to option 1 works better. It's the same with one of the options at the beginning of JUS, when you talk with Lana on Odessen, i don't remember the exact dialogue but one of the response is basically "it was a team effort", that's what i picked at first thinking the actual line would be something along the lines of "we wouldn't have succeeded without all the people who fought by our side" or something like that, but nope the actual dialogue was something like "i'd never have succeeded without you [Lana]", with absolutely no mention of anyone else who participated as well, so i ended up picking something else. Yeah, since that dialogue has the PC saying "We lost the Gravestone" and Lana responding with "I never thought Koth would strike against us directly", getting Koth to betray you does seem to be required to get that dialogue. I don't think shooting at the shuttle is though, considering how the dialogue goes. I can't give a link to the video where i've seen that dialogue since i lost it long ago but i can give the dialogue since i wrote it down (too bad i didn't keep a link somewhere, but i'm so glad i wrote the whole thing down) : I'll try to get that dialogue on my JK clone who will kill Arcann & Senya but idk if you have to shoot the shuttle before being able to kill him during KOTET or not, so if it's required, i may have to play that chapter twice first to shoot at the shuttle and then not shoot at it on a replay. And she's still very far from that point so it'll take a while.
  24. Thanks. I need to get back to that, but there are too many things i want to do and no way to do it all at once, as i also started my Twi'lek IA and wanted to start recording a bit of my JC since i made some changes to his appearance to see if it was better with the English voice (which so far seems to work pretty well), and i also got into replaying Pokemon Scarlet with a copy of my Legend Arceus team because i wanted to see what these little guys were really made of, since LA didn't have all the abilities and move they can normally have, and well some of them really shine with all the things they didn't have back then, i'm nearly done with the main game so i should be able to get back to SWTOR fairly quickly though, but i disgress. I think to have the lines i saw where Theron brings up Rishi, you have to get Koth to betray you as well, other than that i don't remember the specific dialogue choices leading to that part.
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