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Everything posted by Opiklo

  1. you sir have serious issues on reading comprehension. the inflationary use of extraordinary isnt helping anyone. stick to the facts. average =/= total garbage. there is no difference between a gf heal and a nim heal on vacation. they have the same abilities in their quickbar.. all people should be judged equally. he did good does not mean it was extraordinary. it was just good. why different standards for different people? snowflake syndrome ? but discussing with you always is a pain in the a...
  2. if the healer would have done a extraordinary job no one would have died. you know that extraordinary means "außergewöhnlich"? i have seen scoundrels pull 19.5k ehps at that boss. that is extraordinary. http://parsely.io/parser/view/357648 some healers tell the tank not to move because it is fun to heal but with an average healer this wont work. but i am all with you in the guard on heal debate. as long as 1>0 guard wont help. because 1*0.75 is still bigger than 0. its a tank issue. if a tank cant grab aggro of all of the mobs in a group he is failing his job. and if you pull aggro as heal and you are attacked by melee mobs. dont run away - run to the group. all tanks do splash dmg .and if they hit those mobs 1 time he will take away that aggro from the heal. the only heal i guard all the time is my girlfriend <3 but thats just for symbolism and has nothing to do with game mechanics xD usually i dont guard any random player i dont know in the beginning of a fp. if someone (usually only vanguards/pts) should pull aggro he will get the child safety leash.
  3. nope i wasnt able to reproduce that... its simple if you have any stack when entering an instance it will not consume the stack but will only deal 1 stack dmg it has nothing to do with power yield / powerlode picture 1 entering combat with 4 stacks hitting power yield instantly -> stack consumed everything normal picture 2 entering the instance with 1 stack. stacking to 4 stacks not hitting power yield -> no stack consumption 1 stack damage https://imgur.com/a/R90mbAo here picture 3 not using powerlode -> same result like in picture 2 but without auto crit https://imgur.com/a/hGMX26Z
  4. whats the deal with this? https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/685163924269695072/797515733188739112/xj4235yyt6a61.png?width=839&height=538 nobody asked for it, no one needs it. you reduce the amount of information so that i can see my char better? you know what? i can look at my char without opening the character sheet. cant you spend your time on other things? the frozen mouse over timer e.g.....
  5. if you only want the datacron and not the matrix shard, then you dont even need the balloon. you just need someone to duel with at the bottom of the crawler with the datacron. just jump up and down in front of it and if timed correctly you can be pushed up there by another player
  6. situation: guy: thinks animations are kind of funny and asks for opinion scapper players: yOu InSuLTeD mY cLAsS! me: hey guys why dont you go here: https://cdn.virtualnights.com/news/47739/94ea5c192273b34115d30ce0bf86c707.jpg
  7. korriban- not really a dps check 6k per dps is sufficient manaan - has only the 5 min timer on the last boss. everything else including bonus boss its no matter of dps tython - has no enrage timers at all blood hunt - you need 4.5 k dps per dps which is what the tank should do lost island - only sav-rak has a real enrage which is at 4m 40s which is an eternity all traitor arc - none of the bosses has any enrage meridian - no enrages either the point is that if you have autohit cowboys- then you have autohit cowboys. gear doesnt matter at all. and what the guy says is that he will quit if their gear is too low, which is just stupid. you can have super shiny 306 and only autoattack or you can have green ******** gear and press the right buttons and will still do more than 2 the damage of an autohit cowboy. if you have shiny 306 set gear 1 dps will do enough for every flashpoint boss there is. e.g. blood hunt first boss: back in the days on lvl 70 before the increased enrage timer and the 500th nerf of the adds you needed 16k raid dps. now a vg/pt can pull off 14k at this boss. and you have 1 min more time than when you needed the 16k. this means the 2nd dps, the tank and the heal-pet need to get on a combined whopping 2k of dps. if we calculate wth the old timer. there are literally no dpschecks which are in any world gear dependent. gf is a lottery. and gear means absolutely nothing. and a good heal and tank can carry even the *******st dps nowadays.
  8. i would like to know which fps are demanding any kind of dps nowadays? a properly geared vg tank deals the dps which is needed from a dps...
  9. 1. nope 2. nope see my post in the previously existing thread on this topic
  10. as melee you are doomed when trying to solo it. period. no disussion. even in tank spec. 1 of i guess 50 or even more trys i managed to kill him as guardian skank. but in most cases he stacks. https://swtor.jedipedia.net/en/abl/stand-and-fight Golga is enraged by your escape from his grap(p)el Cooldown: no cooldown Range: up to 10 meters Requires LOS: no the funny thing is... as a melee he grapples you too. you stand in his face and do nothing and because of this you get the stacks. there are 2 possibillities 1. the buff description is totally misleading or 2. this boss is totally broken i would bet aric jorgans life on possibillity 2 (bad kitty) the grapple has no minimum range it just says up to 70m https://swtor.jedipedia.net/en/abl/energized-grapple-3#eff4 it also says: Only when the following conditions are met: < If PRIMARY TARGET does not have one effect from Fire Bomb (seems not to be the case though) AND If PRIMARY TARGET is alive AND If PRIMARY TARGET is a player the white debuff you get says: Energized Grapple Immobilized. Golga will become angry if you won't stand and fight! but it does the exact opposite. if you just stand and fight he gains stacks. if you move above 10m he wont stack, as this is the maximum range of the stacks. i would love to hear something from the devs on that topic. because all the data we players have is datamined and its nothing official. but there is a workaround even if you arent doing it solo on a range dps. the tank may never get in range of the stacks ---> tank it from above 10m this is tricky especially if you have 2 mdps. it requires a bit of time to get some aggro on the boss so that dps dont pull aggro. (wont work in typical pug groups because of stupid impatient dps players) when he grapples and manages to pull you and or charges towards you, just run back on over 10 m. whoever he charges to needs to run away. no matter if healer, rdps or mdps) THE BASIC IDEA IS THAT WHOEVER HAS AGGRO NEEDS TO OUTRANGE THE STACKS but again DEAR DEV BOIZ, GÖRLZ and MUSCOS... can you please say something on behalf of this boss? if this is working like its intended i wil cry.. it would be the worst boss design i have ever seen...
  11. how did you gear up? in mm fps? just like 99% of the players? that kind of behaviour is very anti social
  12. me as a wookie hugging champion from last year... i am pissed really pissed... i cant even hug 10 wookies these days without really getting angry while doing it. nice game design to rob me of my 1000 already hugged wookies... i am going to do 500 and then i expect my achivement for 1500 as i have hugged 1500 wookies and i can prove it. bioware... this is annother example for just giving a **** on your long time players.
  13. https://swtor.jedipedia.net/en/abl/energized-grapple-3#eff2 here see for yourself
  14. okay because there are rumors spreading here. the first boss is suppose to work like this: fire bomb: if you are above 10m from melee range of the boy you will get it energized grapple: he can only use it when target has no effect from fire bomb full auto: he can only use it when target has effect from energized grapple his stacks: come with the energized grapple. but the opinion not to interrupt him is kind of true as interrupting him screws his priority this is why gunslinger works that well on MASTER MODE he cant grapple you and so he doesnt get stacks. i am going to ignore the posts complaining " i have no slinger" etc. i am not talking about story mode. i did that 2 had no problems and dont want to be involved in that discussion
  15. i desperately want him to try to solo mm on a pt... that would be fun to watch xD especially with the strangee first boss which gave me 13.936 dtps on a gunslinger
  16. just to annoy you a little bit.... i actually did it solo on master mode... but rest assured you cant get "precision platformer" as you need to be grouped... although i think me and my companion count as a group... but i noticed something...the first boss seems to be broken. he gets his stacks even if you and your companion are both standing right next to him with a "fire bomb" debuff... its a matter of luck if you can kill him solo. there is no pattern i could find why he does that. Edit: just take a gunslinger stay at range and kill him..... somethings really broken there
  17. that would even get worse in a 2 v 2 situation
  18. i still dont see a point.... if its so unbalanced at least its over quickly
  19. whats the problem with arenas? that the skill level of each player weighs more than in oter wzs? even if you dont like them and you are bad at them.. they are over quick... and whats your solution for pvp if there are not enough people in q? this is one of the whiniest posts i have seen in a long time
  20. okay so lets take one of the most powerful tactical and make it truly overpowered and broken. making dot pt the most broken and absolutely overpowered dps spec...
  21. its a well known issue. if you come out of the loading screen and have 1 stack of energy load it will only count this one stack. easy solution: right click that 1 stack after entering the wz / fp /whatever, reload and be happy. if you would have taken like 30 seconds searching the forum you wouldnt have to make this thread. and tbh, to complain it hasnt been fixed yet is a bit whiney, as the workaround is very easy
  22. no mention of the mouse over freeze or an increase for weapon dmg in scaled content.... sad... really sad....
  23. sorry mate you are totally wrong
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