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10 Good
  1. Thank God Tait! My guild pvp night was kinda ruined actually by this. Had some first timers too
  2. This is truth. Fear of being kicked, fear of disappointing people. Fear of making mistakes and ending up on the worst pug member post on this forum.
  3. With all due respect, I have yet to see numbers from anyone on how the game is faring with any kind of comparable metric. Save @swtoreconomics attempt to tease out some kind of numbers. So I would say to those who believe raiding will make or break this game, prove it. People leave games for many reasons. Prove: 1. Everyone left because of lack of raids. 2. That they would not have left anyway when the next new challenging game came along. 3. That they would not have left when said content was finished a la what was that guilds name? ZORZ? AAA single player games are where the money is not MMO's. I would be interested to see if Bioware's other games are not funding, at least in part, SWTOR even at the beginning. And speaking of AAA single players, the content cycle is what 18 months and then on to the next one? This game is how old? Another new reality, those bits and pieces that make mmo's special are being included in those same AAA single player games. Things like group matching, crafting, in game voice. Mass Effect 3 multiplayer is still going! I can get a queue pop at almost any time of day. And the devs are still tracking the numbers. People are still streaming the matches and bioware devs are even streaming matches on twitch. That game came out in 2012! And this holiday season Mass Effect Andromeda is set to release the new verion of the multiplayer (you know the game the last SWTOR ops director just jumped to? Wonder what he will be doing?) Destiny, the almost MMO, is huge right now. The similarities between SWTORs beginning and Destiny are eerily similar. Bioware would be stupid not to be looking at that game and wondering if it is possible for SWTOR. The point is, much of the "raid or no raid is killing the game" argument is based on emotion. The possible disappearance of what was and the disappearance of what people hoped in the future. Interlaced with that are the threads of community connections that may not make the transition to the new SWTOR going forward. The SWTOR we have is the new reality. We can either live with it or walk away. Now about the last dev stream. Umm why are we discussing this? What is there to talk about? A crap ton of things went wrong in game prior to that stream. Im sorry folks, don't use the stream to prove anything. It just won't fly. I am enjoying the game for what it is. I have not finished even half of what is in the game. I am content. If you are not or have finished everything in game, I am sorry you are unhappy and bored. I truely am. Veteran players take experience and information with them when they go. I believe there will be more ops at some point in some fashion. Will it really matter though?
  4. I agree that one may do what they like with ones writings, but, you would be hurting the people who play more than bioware. I have truly appreciated the help that more expierenced players have offered me both guide and direct response. Hopefully those in the community have expressed this in some way to the guiders? (I think thats right? Lol). This is especially true for folks who are not guilded.
  5. Most people only play balance sage in pvp where they shine better.
  6. It's because you are playing balance. Change to telekinesis sage. Balance sage has some of the lowest single target dps in the game. It's a dot spec. I leveled my first character a seer sage, unknowing how painfully slow and how many times I would die before I got nadia. Then it was easy. Qysen sucks.
  7. This is my first mmo as well. I died a lot too my first few levels. I was a Seer Sage healer. That was a grind. Took me a month to level with 12xp and doing planet and flashpoints too. You dont get challenged really until boss fights, then you wipe a couple. Stick with it until you get to the end of chapter 2 . Things generally smooth out by then. And did you know whatever ability is in the #1 slot on your bar is what is cast when you right click your mouse button? Make sure you have a fast, short cooldown, go to ability there. For my ranged sage I put throw there instead of the melee ability originally assigned.
  8. I appreciate what you said. Thank you for that. I know I am not ready for HM DF/DP yet let alone rav or tos hm. I tried rav sm, I wasnt ready. But I come to the forums to reasearch and The judgemental attitude is rampant in the forums. It is frustrating. We need new players to keep the game alive. If we care about keeping them, we all have a responsibility to at least not make them feel bad about being new. Or say its someone else's problem.
  9. I havent tried this one yet because my ravagers experience sucked so bad. I refuse to pay for a subscription and then be treated like a second class citizen because I am new. I would rather play older content and become familar with that then try. Hopefully people will be less anxious about thier own reputation and time when I try again. And guess what, new players are not being carried, they are learning. Do you remember what that feels like anymore?
  10. As you may have noticed this is a major issue for me. My personal experience so far has been broken guild finding for recent new players. Is this going to improve before the expansion?
  11. How do you find a good guild? The forum lists are frequently old and neglected. People spam guild invites on. How do we know if the guild in question is big enough or raids. They spam the same stuff in chat.
  12. The fall damage on each on each platform jump. In the past you would cast salvation for the group before the the next platform jump. I couldnt do that. Salvation put me into cooldown and since I had no resplendence stacks due to salvation cast, I had weary too. I guess I should have tried wandering mend instead of salvation on the move. Except I couldnt cast anything. Up until then, everything was fine. My inexperience with the class is showing here, but also the change is very noticable to me again due to my inexperience. No one was healing themselves either.
  13. Okay I need to preface my statement with a disclaimer. I am a new as of June new level 60 sage. I did fp as I was leveling, but thats it. Started doing hm fp and level 50 ops no problem prior to 3.3. Could proc my abilities at the needed times and managed my force well. Last night sm EV, only healer 7 man group, got to the part with the platforms. Half my team died by the time we got to the bottom. I was expected to keep casting salvation. Need advice on a better strategy for this op at least.
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