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Everything posted by cardmonkey

  1. Really only need generic 60gear and put out more dmg than the AI imo no strategy needed
  2. I'm just doing eternal rest is garbage and a lame event
  3. I play on eh and it is iffy at times. I personally recommend shadowlands maybe even harbinger . But maybe thicker skin is needed
  4. Accepting or not doesn't really matter consequence wise but it matters for personal rp
  5. It's like super transfer essence basically for me immortality and captain Ginny's body change all in one
  6. IDK it's been dying for what 5 years like a cancer patient on chemo but it's swollen and running
  7. The single blades are too long too I'm a body 1 both game and real and I'm no fan of wannabe dual phase light sabers without purchase
  8. Main issue is looks being rendered properly then story blah blah and menagerie of other issues. Much I'd like this it seems like a drain on already iffy resources
  9. Seriously is yellow the new red or just the generic colour for Grey force sects
  10. I didn't get that feel til chap 12 and 16. Felt like I was barely ahead before arcann caught me
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