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Everything posted by Keii

  1. If you want to buy a Mac because you like Macs, that's cool and I won't hold it against you. Macs have strengths over Windows PCs in areas. If you want to buy a Mac for things that it doesn't do because Macs are cool bro and then ask everyone to cater to you, that's when I start having a problem. Part of buying a computer is researching your needs and what works best for them. Buying a machine that does not do what you need and then expecting companies to bend to your decision is the wrong way to shop. That's why when people always ask me "You're in IT, what PC would you buy? I was thinking about getting a (expensive computer)" I usually ask "Well what do you plan on doing with it?" 9 times out of 10 it's "email and facebook". Any machine will do that. No reason to spend $3000 on a laptop to email and facebook. What did you want your computer to do? If you answered "gaming" then you made the wrong decision picking up a Mac. Why would you buy a Ferrari to take offroading?
  2. I bought this (device) knowing fully well that it doesn't support a majority of (other device) functions, but could you please spend money making a version for my (device) anyway?
  3. I would recommending waiting to get any of the SWTOR Razer products until much later. The crystal isn't worth the trouble these products are. That's if you can get the crystal at all. Half the products are bugged and won't generate the code, the other half will generate a code that's not accepted by Bioware.
  4. Cunning and Aim are a huge dps boost for Assassins.
  5. I'd be happy with them putting only a tiny fraction of the content they took out of of the game from Beta back in.
  6. So out of curiosity, which operation drops the replacement for the Biochem infi-stims? Because I'm pretty sure any top level item any other profession can craft is replaced by Rakkata/Battlemaster gear.
  7. They're only marginally better than the PVP Champion relics. The chance at a augment slot is the only reason to spend the mats on them vs picking up Champion relics.
  8. What is this "PLZ" acronym I keep seeing? I've never been able to figure it out.
  9. 8.6 is like a C- on today's grading scale.
  10. This one happened to us tonight too. And with two party members dead, we couldn't rez them.
  11. I would rather they buff EXP in Warzones.
  12. I'm a disappointed the OST that came with the Collector's Edition doesn't have all the tracks....or like any of the planet tracks.
  13. Perhaps you are correct, but I have still found it to be far more balanced than 50 bracket. Most people didn't even start complaining about PVP until the 50s started collecting gear which is what prompted the brackets in the first place.
  14. I think it's even less balanced at 50 than it was 10-49. 10-49 everyone is scaled up to 49. I can kill a level 49 just as easily as a 49 can kill me. They just have a few more tools to do it with. At level 50 you're severely inhibited by gear. A level 50 with a week's worth of PVP gear is going to steamroll a 50 who just dinged.
  15. PVP at 50 is the same as PVP 10-49, it just has a cascading gear effect and a few more abilities. Flashpoints at 50 are the same as Flashpoints 10-49. In fact the only new things at 50 are Operations and the gear collection, and gear collection is only an alternative form of advancement from leveling.
  16. I don't appreciate getting lumped up in the "blast spacebar to 50" group from some guy who chose to play the game a little slower any more than I'm sure he would appriciate getting lumped into the "smelling every flower, humping every corner" category. Moral of the thread is that people play differently from you. Passive-aggressively criticizing them for their playstyle because it's not your own is stupid.
  17. I agree completely, and it's okay to do the former as well. But to come to the forums and passively criticize the latter because you're the former is what I'm upset about. And yes, there are people who blast the spacebar to get to 50 as fast as possible, but it's not the sweeping majority, and they have every right to do that.
  18. You can play 2-3 hours a day and slightly longer on the weekends without skipping a thing and still be level 50 by now.
  19. And some people just don't like taking long romantic strolls down the beaches of Tatooine with their companion, watching the suns set, perhaps having a nice dinner at the Cantina. Some of us are eager to see what ghost we're going to eat next, or what the next terrorist group we're going to infiltrate is. It's the "just one more level" phenomenon. (do dooo de do do) It drives us to advance.
  20. I'm at 10 days on my level 50 and I've been 50 for at least 3 weeks.
  21. So I guess the question to ask is, when did you start playing?
  22. So you chose to level slowly and you're wondering why people who didn't prefer your specific playstyle are farther along than you? /boggle For the record, I have a fulltime job, a social life, didn't spacebar any quests, completed all the flashpoints, am working on operations, have almost a full set of level 50 champion gear, maxed out my professions and am working on an alt.
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