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Everything posted by Kakisback

  1. This is an absolute joke and just proves that you don't care about hardcore anything. I pretty much only PvP now but I raided in the months after vanilla launch. Sad to see that raiders are getting almost as shafted as the pvpers. It's literally like you want to drive off all the skilled and dedicated pvers by removing the incentive to run the only pve content that's remotely challenging. You're so out of touch it's ridiculous.
  2. You don't fail to disappoint BW, and I would also like to echo this fine fellow:
  3. 11k crit, wow omg so OP No, not nearly that bad
  4. all this post-2.0 ****, who cares. Real 8s were 1.X
  5. ah illegal test kitchen, i remember that name
  6. DP and MVP are the only ones I remember being better in general than Synergy, but I xfered my main to pot5 after like 2.1 so idk. Before the Aussie refugees I think. Don't even remember ITK or Rock Bottom, and I didn't hear of Tauntauns till arenas.
  7. I don't remember them doing that bad with that, but by then most of the OG 8s team had left
  8. that's some sketchy as f math right there
  9. It doesn't cost a global cooldown
  10. Every pvper I know is definitely not. You probably shouldn't make posts concerning things you know nothing about.
  11. Oh wow, a good player can 1v2 bads in regs. You're right. Ops are not a thing in group ranked. Even mercs are better.
  12. I agree with this mostly. AP really is OP- people are "shooting the gun" for a reason in this case. But yeah, there's of specs where's there's literally no reason to play them. MM is better than virulence in every category, and pve too. AP has better sustain, burst, and survivability than pyro- in 3.X it had more sustain in PVE, but now that's not even the case. I don't understand what they're thinking. They nerfed the surge talents for maras and ops, but kept it for AP and MM? Why do they think this is ok?
  13. You are correct in all of this, but I have taken all of this into account in my calculations, and still have found that power is mostly better than crit.
  14. I'm sure we'll start seeing triple sin and triple jug comps running any day now.
  15. Who said anything about the utility? I was talking about baseline. And mando heals is straight trash; nothing they do with propulsion round can fix that anyway lol.
  16. You think it's only useful if it puts you out of leap range? And therefore out of range of attacking them? Warrior dash is more than 2x the cooldown of propulsion round, and costs a gcd for them too. You should be able to kite them better then you were able to pre-4.0. And "blindly"? Would you rather have to turn around then dash, then turn around again to face the guy you just dashed from? As far as roots, it doesn't seem that bad to me.
  17. Yes, because no one plays melee in ranked... lol. Unless you mean yolos
  18. It seems pretty useful to me when I've used it
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