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Everything posted by traft

  1. It is more noticeable for melee classes or classes that operate a fair bit in melee range. It wouldn't be that big a deal for say a Sorcerer. The issue is not so much 250ms vs 250ms, it is 250ms vs 20ms, you can get out of range and facing issues on the very short range attacks.
  2. I run 64 bit with only 4mb ram, it usually does not go much over 1.5gb of ram. I have run the windows resource tracker thingy over many hours of play and it went up and down marginally. However, it seems my computer is using the swap file even though i still have plenty of free physical memory, I tend to find it is accessing the swap file after a few hours of play so have got into the habit recently of restarting if I play for a fair while.
  3. They could merge a hundred servers and not get the off-peak demographics unless you cloned us aussies.
  4. I like a low pop server. Low doesn't mean No. The main server I play on is fairly light on, we have 30 odd people in our guild, pvp queues are reasonable, there are usually people around to do stuff with.
  5. Are you running the game in XP SP3 compatibility mode? I got a massive fps boost doing so, not sure if they fixed the issue that caused the game to run like a dog in Win7 with some video cards. That card is fairly old though, I wouldn't be expecting miracles.
  6. Must be a very low population if you know what everyone is doing.
  7. They don't know what they will do, they know a lot of us are already on US servers. I wouldn't sweat it though, can just make another character on an aussie server. The servers will be physically located in Australia. Not sure about maintenance cycle and that jazz.
  8. Just an idea, why don't you go create a character on a heavy population server? I like a quieter server, might be a lot of people on your server that would be miffed getting piled into an over-crowded server.
  9. My biggest disappointment is that really DA is more customisable than SWTOR. It has a macro system for companions and you could mod the **** out of it. That being said, I do believe SWTOR lacks the polish because EA was eager to rush it out the door in any condition. If you are patient then I am sure we will eventually get the spit and polish. If you are not patient then unsub and come back in a few months. Game desperately needs: /companion_don't_stand_in_AE_like_a_moron function.
  10. You need to offer more than a, "Hey, I am a WoW burnout, please help me!" post. There is nothing really wrong with swtor other than people playing too much, no game is going to have the content for the hours of play some people rack up and if you are burnt out of mmos it is not really swtor which is the problem. Sure, game has plenty of issues. Sure, there are design flaws, but if you can pinpoint something that really bothers you and can suggest what would improve how you feel about the game then that would give Bioware some constructive feedback.
  11. You can ask for whatever you like, but what you think isn't a big thing might be. If it wasn't then why wouldn't they do it. I made a post early on that I didn't like the manner in which they handled in-game petitions by just closing them without a resolution and said I think it will harm you relationship with your customers. It is not really up to me to say or predict how hard/easy it is to overcome and what impact it will have for them, but I can only express how it impacts me. People tend to overblow the importance of whatever their beef is and predict it will have a massive impact if Bioware do not jump to it. From my experience, people wont simmer down and they will get hammered by forum opinion irrespective of what they do. And what happens if they come on here and say your major gripe is so far down their to-do list that you would be lucky to see it addressed in the next 12 months? Is that going to calm the minions? People just want them to come here and tell them what they want to here. That is a tough gig on an mmo where the guy who comes here isn't the one responsible for the decisions being made.
  12. If Bioware doesn't cure cancer or at least acknowledge it by the next patch then I am going to cancel my sub. They read the forums, the issues which get talked about a lot they will pay attention to. I think MMOs don't really need forums, they should just have an in-game suggestion box, certain groups of people can artificially push certain issues and make it seem a bigger issue than it really is, like the massive recount thread, it is a hot topic pushed by the minority of the playerbase I would guess but has a small vocal group beating on the dead horse. Some elements and features will be a natural evolution, people push for some things that are not a high priority and if they tell you it is not a high priority then some people will feel offended and bail, at present we have the ignorance is bliss scenario, you don't know if a burning issue that you feel is critical is to the developers or not. It may sound dumb, but I bet they will lose less people saying nothing than they will being open and it will take time away from the developer to express said opinions and it probably wont do them any good on the subscription level. I would guess Ghostcrawler has driven more people away form WoW by opening his mouth than he has ever inspired to stay due to his vision.
  13. They are official imperial paperweights.
  14. In theory having a strong category somewhere between a weak and an elite is a good idea, however, they are dumped liberally in junk packs you have to clear a bazillion of them, which slows down the pace of the game without really adding a challenge level, unless you are unfortunate to cop multiple chain healing strong mobs and you can't CC. which is just bad class/content design. Strongs avoid the debilitating stuns most classes have a few and it is often cumbersome to CC a strong in a pack without your companion breaking the CC. Again, this doesn't add to the challenge level, it is just a time sink or you have to go to annoying lengths to break them up allowing your companion to use half their abilities which have an area of effect. Strongs the way the game currently plays should have a lot more health than weaks, a bit better mitigation and a bit more damage. Some strongs are more potent than elites and some put out more damage than some champions of the same level if they are given a number of elemental or internal damage attacks. The mob rating system of level + weak/strong/elite/champion/boss should be fairly easy to determine what challenge level a mob is going to be. If you are going to have a lot packs with strongs in them then they need to be tuned down so the pacing is not way off. Given how long it takes to get from 1 to 50 having strongs there as a level time sink is pretty much obsolete as it wont add a material amount of time to the overall journey, it just makes the journey less enjoyable. Toning them down a bit also allows you to add multiple strongs in packs to adjust packs you want to be more challenging, but having them individually require a fair bit of effort makes them cumbersome for tank/healer classes that don't put out the same amount of dps as a dps class and much harder to balance packs across all types of class combinations. The flow of fighting, the pace of the game needs to be at a good place and I avoid packs with a strong in them where possible not because it is hard, but because it is a greater time sink, i will take more damage needing to spend more time post fight recovering but the fight is as much a foregone conclusion as the pack of just weaks. Multiple strong is the only time the presence of a strong is a challenge and 2 strong, especially chain healing strongs can be too difficult for tank or healer classes.
  15. I use a moddable cloth helm which appears as a band, its okay unless you expect the companion to tank.
  16. I was on my friend's ship today, even travel to other planets on her ship. As long as the owner doesn't leave the ship you shouldn't get kicked off it.
  17. I got to social 6 by levelling with a friend, would have got a lot further if we did it with 4 people. You also get social points doing the dailies at level 50 with a group.
  18. He means if they don't make it for Tuesday this week, do it Tuesday next week, can probably add more bug fixes with the extra time.
  19. That was the problem with SWG, most unsubbed to give it time to iron out the quirks and never went back.
  20. I'll lower the expectation when the sub is lowered/removed.
  21. The last body size 4 player I ran into wasn't wearing a chest piece, it is about the only thing that doesn't look like you are wearing modified curtains.
  22. WoW came out a long time ago when technology was far more limited and MMO experience was not as broad as it is today. How many A grade MMOs where there before WoW? The situation today is very different, there are tons of mmos out now and a lot of developers who have a lot of experience in this field. If a new car manufacturer was to get into the market would you compare it to what is currently available or what Henry Ford produced in ye olden years and say give it a go because god knows the original auto mobiles had issues. If a developer chooses to ignore the learning pains of MMOs that have come before them then they do not deserve your money blindly for their own folly. The market is a lot more competitive now than it was back then and the bar is a lot higher. Most people will have patience to a degree but they have made some unforgivable errors, however, these errors can be fixed. The question is are they switched on enough to realise what they have got wrong to this point or not?
  23. I think in terms of launch, Rift was far more successful. They just didn't have enough servers but they had superior graphics, a customisable UI, a macro system and it was quite flexible to change your class roles with their customisable talent system thingy. SWTOR seems very rigid, very few options, little in the way of customisation, classes are very static, it is expensive as hell to frequently change spec between say healing and dps and a lot of things don't work properly, there is an unforgivable amount of stuff that doesn't work remotely as it should from the obnoxiously lacking auction house system where it is hard to narrow searches down for what you are after to following not working properly, to the gazillion of little bugs which are not game breaking individually but as a whole can hurt the experience. I want the game to work out and be a success too, i think most do. Nobody forked over money hoping it would suck. Not that I think it sucks, but they will likely lose a material number of people over the next few weeks, like some of my friends who really wanted the game to rock but think it is 6 months premature and don't want to permanently ruin their experience by playing the game in the current state.
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