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Posts posted by CaptainHagbard

  1. Imagine after the 20th, after a TON of people will be leaving.


    It's really sad to see, even now.. you maybe see one or two people leveling with you. Feels like a single player game.


    I never understood that particular argument: While you are solo-questing it obviously is scaled for one person, so it doesn't hurt if there is nobody around. And if you want to do heroics, there are (at least in my experience) always enough people around to form a group, which I always managed in under 5 minutes on every palent from Korriban to Taris.


    So is it really "MMO-feeling" if you see hunderds of of people with blue/gree/red nameplates buzzing around you doing their thing, while you do yours, whith no interaction whatsoever? Because that's what mostly happens in any MMO when a lot of players are together in one point.

  2. Perhaps it's an issue of where players are at in the game. But currently, on planets like belsavis and Voss, your looking at around 4-20 players on planet.


    The thing is, your right, the game is great for solo play. Also when I hit max level, I'll be doing flashpoints, and quests with the rest of my guild, so the population won't bother me so much, and those at the end game is getting bigger, so they'll be a bigger population there.


    But if you see the cut off of player after tatooine currently, the world feel empty and life less.

    Even on the more populated planets, when instances of the planet become 'full' at around 75 as one person stated earlier, the world just seems incredibly under-populated. Especially when your on an RP server, where population and community are pretty important.


    Okay, the RP-argument is absolutely valid, because for that you really need players around you. But for a normal PvE-server it's even better that there arent that many players in my vicinity. It makes me feel more like the hero my character is supposed to be and yet there are still enough people on the planet to form a group when needed. They just have to gather somewhere.

  3. I don't support an ingame-recount, because I don't think anybody really needs this. The only somewhat valid pont is that raid-leadrs can root out lazy players, but I (as a part-time-raid-leader) never needed these things to see who was the one semi-afking.


    I do however support a personal damagemeter, which will obviously be possible due to a personal combatlog, because players who like to use this to improve themselves should have the opportunity to do so.

  4. That's a tiny amount of players per planet your quoting, especially when you start to see the size of planets like Alderaan, Taris, Belsavis, Voss.


    So what do you expect? Of the 1,000 people that are propably playing at the same time per faction, there should be 500 on one planet to make you feel homely? Well, it will propably come to this, but it will take a few months for every player to reach the levelcap with their main.


    Also if there are 75+ players in my instance of a planet, there are propably 120+ players total on the planet and that should really suffice to find a group for heroics. At least for me it always did.


    Also it doesn't really impede my personal experience when I don't fall over another player every two squarefeet. I want to group when it's due and when I'm doing solo-quests, I really like to do them solo. Alone. Withount anyone around me the make life easier for me, or killing that dude I needed to kill.

  5. I suppose it's a lore-thing. You know: plausibility of the game-world and stuff. Your faction doesn't have spaceports on every planet and since your ships need to be properly docked, an orbital station is obviously the best solution.


    But it's not very surprising, that people complain about a few minutes walking in a time, where other MMOs let you teleport to any dungeon from any place in the world AND back. For me it's really great to actually have to walk somewehre to get things done. I was really unhappy, when they included the teleport-options in LotRO, because for me it's part of the experience to gather in certain place and then enter the dungeon or quest-area together.


    On a sidenote: Todays MMO-player sure get slapped in the face a lot, don't they?

  6. What's wrong with mods? Why are people so against them? They have made every MMO I have ever played better. Who cares if it makes it easier to play the game. Don't use them if you want a challenge. Macros too. Some nice focus targeting macros would make play 100x more enjoyable.


    So WoW was the only MMO you played? Because the ones I played (LotRO, RIFT, EVE, ST:O, UO, WAR) only allowed a very limited modification to the game, if they allowed it at all.

  7. Strange... Yesterday I was on Tatooine, Korriban, Taris, Dromund Kaas, Alderaan, Nar Shaddaa and the Fleet of course (the class quest sent me around a bit and I played an Alt) and every Planet (or ship) had at least 50 players, in the case of Alderaan and Tatooine there even were two instances with 75+ players in the one I was in. Even at 3am (I really should not let this game consume 30%+ of my usual sleeping-time) there were still 45 players at the Fleet.


    So no: I haven't noticed a lack of players.

  8. Even though some of OPs arguments are a little far fetched, I (as a die-hard PvP-server-avoider) think he has a point. On a PvP-server you should have safe havens, but only a few and those should be the newbie-zones. In the open world, PvP has to be allowed everywhere, even in the other faction's cities. In my opinion even in the other factions capitals, but that'd require some new mechanics in this game.


    Of course there should be guards. Heavily armed Lvl. 50 guards, which can't be easily beaten by a random dude, who just happens to wander along the other factions territory, but a well organized raid should be able to do it.


    So as a PvE-only-player I can see the problems people on a PvP-sever have with that particular mechanic.

  9. I bought the CE, already subscribed for half a year and I still haven't had the feeling I spent a penny in vain. I know the game has issues, but lukily they don't really affect the enjoyment I get out of the game. So yeah: I'm here to stay. That is until I get bored and move on, but at the moment I can't see that happening.
  10. This games success depends on our ability to PvP. Its the difference between 500,000 subscribers without it, and 1 million with it. I cannot state how important this is and how important an option like PvE is for people that don;t like to be ganked.


    Ah I see. BioWare and EA gave you the complete customer-database for TOR and you just made a quick representative survey on that subject, which you then projected on the whole playerbase. You have to be the only person not professionally involved with the game, who has this kind of data. I'm impressed.

  11. The whole number-crunching is taking a big chunk out of the overall enjoyment of the game. You know, it's okay to have tools to review your performance and see what you can do better next time. AFTER the battle. But a live-update on how the damage is distributed right now, boils the game down to running a max-damage rotation and can also lead to wipes, when players want to be on top of the spreadsheet and neglect basic movement rules and threat-control.


    Also: Of course there is a lot of stats around, when it comes to sports, but again, this is only for review-puropses. You won't find Aaron Rodgers (or any other QB) calculating the wind and the average thorwing-power of his arm before a passing-game. He decides in the few seconds after the snap what he does, even if the basic play is set by the playbook. In that particular second, statistics don't matter at all.

  12. Right, FarmVille3D just like I said.


    They're going to remove even the remotest chance that someone can outperform someone else. How will this be different from a prettier( and hopefully less perverted ) Second Life?


    When you put your main or only focus on "outperfoming" other players in a co-operative game (I'm talking about PvE here), you've somewhat not gotten the meaning of teamplay.


    This is a RPG. So the game's focus is not getting the highscore, but experiencing adventures in a fictional world, while facing one or another challenge. The challenge doesn't need to come from trying to be on top of a spreadsheet, it can just be the collective effort of defeating a difficult opponent without too much help from outside.

  13. Georg Zoeller stated in an interview (some Norwegian pocast, google it, if you like) that the reason, why we don't have combat-logs right now is, hat the combat-log way too messy and causes more trouble than it's worth. This is mainly due to the fact that we fight roughly three times the enemies we fight in other MMOs, so if the combat-log is displayed for yourself and all the players around you, it tends to generate a heap of information, that can't be properly processed in the short time a fight lasts.


    So in that respect, I suppose the personal combat-log is all we will get, but I'm fine with that. I want to see my information and work on my personal game, that's all I ever used it for in other games, too.

  14. 20 FPS maximum and my laptop is only 6 months old, just wondering is everyone else with issues running the client they downloaded for beta? because i am and seriously considering reinstalling using the discs.


    Without knowing the specfications of your laptop it's difficult to ascertain wether your problems are due to your hardware or a client-problem. I'm afraid the fact that it's six months old doesn't say much for it other than that it's new. Often laptops that are not specifically marketed as gaming-laptopts have a decent CPU but a slow GPU.

  15. I do hope they start merging Servers soon, though. The game is pretty much a ghost town


    I'm right with you dude! Everything short of a two-hour-queue is definitely an absolutely crystal-clear indicator for a ghost-server. :D

  16. I like the idea of a tram system that quickly takes you from each quarter and you just walk to the middle/hangar bays. It annoys me that vendors and the GTN/Mission terminals are blocked by inconsiderate people afking on mounts.


    That idea doesn't sound too bad, but I'd like to know where they should put the tram-lines. Maybe some kind of subway or turbolifts...

  17. Why only speeders? People having sprint and run toggled on constantly looks wrong too. I say only allow walking. Except on Hoth rebelside ofc since we all clearly saw in the movies rebels running around in their base there. It is afterall very important with realism in a game where we have aliens with long elephant trunks as nooses.


    That's not what OP was complaining about. It's just that once you come to the fleet you see piles of speeders on every hub (GTC, Storage, Mail, etc.) and that a) goes heavy on everyones performance and b) in some cases prevents you from clicking what you intended to.


    So if it's this neccessary to have speeders all around, then at least use collision detection, so that people riding speeders in confinded spaces are not able to block (or reach) mailboxes or GTN-terminals.

  18. Reroll a tank and faceroll with a healer at your back. Problem solved.


    That won't do you any good, once you start encountering healing mobs in the open. They heal themselves faster than a tank can do the damage, so even in the open world it's sometimes neccessary to adapt your tactics every once in a while.

  19. So you're saying that we shouldn't be allowed to drive around golf carts in shopping malls? How am I going to get from the food court to Babbage's quickly? You are a killjoy.


    You could run?


    Also the big speeders are more the equivalent of full-size cars... and that gives me THE business-idea of the year: Drive-Thru-Malls. :D


    please dont


    in fact please enable speeders in spaceports. its not lazy, its just that after the 500th time of going through dromund kas' spaceport, it feels like a waste of time.


    And while we're at it, we could completly remove travel by foot at all. How about implementing a teleportation-system without cooldown? We'd just click a point on the map (any map in fact, so we won't have to use those cumbersome spaceships) and the game teleports us there.

  20. A tank actually helps, but it's mainly what most people said in this thread: CC. Also it helps, if you pay attention to the casts and use interrupt if it's not on cooldown. As a little tip, because you will encouter way more healing mobs as you progress, put your interrupt-skill somewhere special, so you won't miss it when you need to. I bound mine to one of my side-mouse-buttons (I don't have a Naga, so there's only two of them for me).
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