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Everything posted by stu_ungar

  1. This game is pretty sadistic, too big part of it's "design" is based on resetting the players progress, and that defeats the purpose of role playing. Not only old companions, I liked HK-55, worked on his influence and he got killed, on my sorc they took my SCORPIO also with tons of time and money invested. Now I don't care about any companion, because tomorrow they'll all die in a car accident and you'll have to grind them up again for the Light vs Dark event (not same as DvL, you need to create a new character)
  2. I also extremely excited about new story, and I think gearing system is vastly superior to previous. t. eric_musco's_10th_alt_in_this_thread
  3. I attribute that to absolute brilliant original story setup. I still feel chills when I visit Hoth for example, no matter how humongous it is. Finished stories on all classes with no boredom of grind. On the other hand I never finished alliance alerts or star fortresses on any of my characters, and in fact I only progressed story to the end on one.
  4. What people here said is valid, but let me tell you one thing. I would never leave the match because someone does not know rotation or is asking question on chat. In fact I used to almost never ever leave the match. And I find myself leaving all the time now. Because in ancient hypergate everyone would run to the middle and nobody would bother to go to cap our pylon. Because in alderaan I'm on my healer on mid and we're near cap, but the snow is not capped. I take a look and our guy is just standing there. Enemy runs toward him, no call out. I go to help, heal him up, catch enemy without breaker in whirlwind and start capping using los. Our hero heals himself while on full health, hits enemy to break his stun and runs off to mid, leaving me with the angry jugg. Today: Novare, both trashy teams, but we're better in dps, so we beat them everywhere we swarm, but all the turrets are enemy, because no one caps. Voidstar, play on my tank, we can't break the right door, I go to left to take a peak, and guard probably calls for help. For 2-3 minutes there are 5 people against me 1, and instead of team using 7:3 advantage to break right what do they do? They run to help me! Odessen, and this happens all the time, 4 people go behind me for the same powerup, I grab, it's green and at that moment everyone disperses leaving me to capture and protect node alone. All these things can be avoided by simply having a courtesy to learn the objectives before entering warzone.
  5. Hate premades, tho it's always sadistically fun when I'm in one I think premades ruin the regs PVP as distribution of unavoidable bad players falls always on one side (except against other premades) Can't blame people doing it though, BW dropped the ball with ranked warzones.
  6. stu_ungar

    Lag in WZ's

    Just terrible, got logged out of 2 warzone matches yesterday, choppy is understandable to occur, but this is beyond lag.
  7. There are lot of new players that are "forced" to do PVP due to various events and quests. Most of them don't bother to read up or watch a video to get acquainted with the warzone objectives. That usually means they'll start running around like headless chickens ignoring objectives and dying, at which point if any regular player was in the team he/she would leave, and it would be even harder to win. It also doesn't help that there are warzone regulars that queue in premade groups, meaning they are unwilling to take their share in carrying thrash players, which usually ends up in one sided matches and queue times getting longer and longer,.
  8. True. I really love my gunslinger but lately PVP is just a tedious travel back from the spawn point.
  9. - I bought tankiest gear for my tanks, and for a while my powertech could hit virtually nothing - I too carried the ball to the wrong side - Jumped out the Alderaan spawn point just before the wave hit - Run from one end of Alderaan spawn point to the other just to have barrier raised again, then wait out the blast and get kicked from the game for waiting too long in the spawn point - Mixed up left and right inc call in Voidstar - Avoided carrying the ball with my jugg in hutball - Died/got damaged seriously countless time in hutball acid thinking I have enough time to pass through - Prepared to call incoming or say something then couldn't do anything in fight because everything I clicked continued to be written into text box - Disabled my UI unintentionally in the middle of the fight, died and couldn't respawn for a minute - Clicked alt+tab or windows key unintentionally in the middle of the fight - Was not proactive in counting enemy but waited for inc calls - Did not focus priority targets - Did not (and still do not) play all my toons at the top level. Probably should specialize one or two.
  10. I'm sorry to say, but being a programmer I think there's no way to close this particular vulnerability that allows the majority of hacks (one hack to be honest, with different types of results) without seriously affecting performance. Come think of it, I haven't seen known cheaters on TRE for few weeks, and server was affected by ton of lag at that time, maybe they've tried to implement something and are now rolling back after banning major offenders? One can dream
  11. Agreed. Vehemently I think the game should reward same (scalable) credit rewards for same amount of playing time whether one chose heroics, operations, flashpoints or PVP. I hate having to break my PVP queue just to jump in on call for heroic group so I can have enough money to toy with my augments setup.
  12. Agree completely. My original main is concentration sentinel, and I just hate to PVP with it My jugg on the other hand is ton of fun and I think is one of the best balanced PVP classes. When things get rough my sent would pop his medpac and that's it, time to die. You can pop up one of silly DCs that do nothing more than postpone your death by several seconds. With a good healer near you it's very playable but otherwise it's just frustrating.
  13. Since I started PVP I never left warzones even when we're loosing badly, and I always vote for ppl that stick to the end. Lately tho, I've been quitting when: - Joining arenas. For some reason, I don't like them anymore, guilty I try to leave ASAP so another player can re-queue. - Playing against obvious cheaters (speedhacks, superjumps, floats and teleports). Again - cheaters, not great players knowing their classes like super-operatives, I adore playing against them. - Playing with very very bad team against premades with voice chat (or whatever they do to instantly coordinate and focus attacks). I try to stay as long as possible but at one point it is obvious your team is ignoring the objectives and is just running to get killed. - Joining a team with fake players (lately, depending on the time of the day, in great deal of matches there would be a character that would just run in a corner and stand doing nothing.)
  14. Yeah, you're right, I forgot about juggs stealthing, saw that a lot, thought they might gotten a temp stealth like maras, but now that I think of it, it did always look weird. All these hacks are result of single design vulnerability (which is probably forbidden to be discussed about) but being a programmer I'm really not sure how would it be possible to fix it. And I can't see how any dynamic online game of this design wouldn't suffer from the same exploits. Constant monitoring would be too resource expensive, some sort of random sample would be doable but then you'd need to ban for life for it to make any sense. Probably the best solution is let the community point out the cheaters, check logs and ban for life.
  15. Ah, so that's what this was... I got quite used to hacks related to cheater's movement, but this was new to me. But have any of you had experience with hacks that actually moved your char without you purposefully interacting with cheater? This happens to me more and more on TRE, for example I would continuously get pulled from the center of the hutball arena to the other side into flame while cheater would hover over it. Or i would get pulled from one of the final doors on voidstar to the other, and they are not only too far apart they are around corner. Thx for making these things public, it sucks for having to pay for ruined experience.
  16. I'm also pretty sure they are bugged, never had any problems with them in regular FPs before the latest patch. This one was super hard, around 60k seems the average damage at kill, I was one hit with 124k the first time, and as we tried different tactics, standing in a shield does seem to prevent damage for non-tanks, but droid smashed through tank in 5 seconds and entered shield to wipe everyone else. We managed to pass through at like attempt 10, by sneaking behind them, dying and reviving in the elevator. All other content in the FP was super easy.
  17. Man, know the feeling I rolled my first tank as VG shield and gave him the best 208 set. It melts like a butter I've been grinding ever since to try out all possible combinations of augments and enhancements hoping to find out what stat is wrong but with poor results. If I'm 1 vs 1 against properly geared toon I'm dead, and if he/she has more stuns than I have cc breaks, I'm dead in matter of seconds It is a much better with healer around but I can see the terrible amounts of stress healers are under just for dumping mana at me.
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