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Posts posted by Solomace

  1. The game is great Single player is excellent and polished in my experience. I just quit because of PVP and maybe if Bioware see this is and make the PvP system decent people will want to stay. I in no way want to ruin the game for others because if they are like me the PvP does that anyway if thats all they want in the game PVP


    Damn, I cannot say "see you at launch" now can I?:eek:


    Okay, how about if your now happy with end game (at 42) then fine, come back when the updates and fixes have been done and if it's still not good for you, then you know TOR is not the game for you. Try STO instead:D


    Have you not played many MMos before? Most only start to get really good after 6 months or so. That said, to me ToR was really good on December 15th when I first started playing:)

  2. Yes, SWTOR PVP is all about fun.

    With ilum empty and empire (my side) overcrowded, SWTOR pvp for me means only huttball...


    Reasons i love huttball.


    1) After getting cc'ed by 10 sec and my resolve bar getting full, i make a step forward with resolve maxed, and im getting cc'ed for another full 10 sec. So annoyed that they havent fixed this bug yet... I know it hard to notice it since operative needs only 4 sec to kill u whiled stuned.


    2) I charge to a player that stands behind that wind crap , i get blown away and i land on a "different" dimension where i cant attack or be attacked, until i charge an enemy again to get unstuck.


    3) I use Ravage on ppl, only to notice that id doesnt do dmg or triger the cd, but does only the stupid animation which CANNOT be canceled for some reason. Or i force choke ppl and while the spell bugs and doesnt cc them, i cc myself only...tahts the most fun.


    4) i play almost a full warzone game, scoring some goals too and when its about to finish, u get a dc, or stuck through textures or missing once the troll door and getting kicked cause of innactivity....wasting 15min of your life without any reward.


    5) Finaly, i get to enemy line to score, but that seems impossible, cause some enemy ********, wil pull u to his spawn area and get instant death without score. What a nice game mechanic.


    6) Most ppl agree that as melee, huttball is the worst possible warzone ever, but seems its the only SWTOR PVP out there.


    I quited allready pve cause of the over 9000 bugs.

    I only "stay" till tuesday to see what is gonna get fixed. If the situation remains the same, then there is only 1 thing left to say. Blizzard hurry up with diablo 3 or next wow expansion.


    Okay, fine. But I don't hear you saying "let them win" in your post. This is what this whole post is about.


    Your's my friend is a different topic and subject, one that even though I don't emphise with, I understand and you can make your thoughts known by not playing the game and not subscribing.


    Remember it's less than a month old and I think it was released still a little to early. Having said that, I am glad they did release it and I am enjoying the whole game immensly. Even getting facerolled by 50 in great gear, maybe disheartening but it's not stopping me from helping out the team and trying to win the Warzone.

  3. Im going to play the devils advocate here and say...


    Because the PvP in SWTOR is broken I would say Let them just win and let's move on.


    I say broken because you can win 10 matches and get credit for 2 wins. This leads to much frustration when wanting to do your daily and roll the dice on a gear piece in your bag or crate.


    In Huttball.. If an opponent got to 5 points and then just started farming the opponent... which I have been a part of, I would just say let them win, but lets try to get some points for comendations.


    On the Voidstar, if you are the Attacker and fail to get past the first door, then the opponent rolls past their first door. I would say "let them win and let's move on to another match.

    You will have already lost and nothing much will be gained other then losing time for a repop of a next chance to win in a WZ.


    In Alderaan... I would never give up, but there is that point where even a 3 cap will never catch up...yet I would still fight for comendations and points.


    Well your not exactly playing devils advocate, your coming right out and saying "let them win" ;)


    Yes, I agree that PVP is not as fun as it should/could be (roll on patch), still both sides have just as much chance of winning/losing as the PVP situation effects all.


    So nope, cannot agree that saying "let them win" still has a place in TOR.


    When the patches come in, people will still be saying "let them win" simply because they give up too easily or are not happy because either the team they are playing are good or the team they are on are crap.


    All I am really saying is that if your not happy with the team your on, the go or even better, take charge. That's one thing lacking so far is leaders.


    I loved WoW and don't have a lot of the hangups others do when comparing games, but some of the best BG wins I had there were when someone myself included, took charge and directed people. Shesh, we even one a lot of ABs because of this...:)


    Don't give up!

  4. It depends if you are contributing to the objective at hand. If you are running away from the objective, and you're pulling several people with you as a diversion so they can't do their jobs, then you are doing your job correctly. It's just up to your teammates to pick up the pieces there which they might or might not do and that's their fault.



    I agree, but surely if I am making a post about people asking the Warzone to just let them win, them surely it must mean I do participate helping the team win. Otherwise someone asking others to "throw the match" when losing, wouldn't matter to me at all as all I am doing is HK killing and I am in there just for myself? That's how I read the post.


    Ok, maybe I am reading too much into it so I will say for the recored that I do particpate, I use the map to see where people are on the objectives and I try to keep people alive so the "team can win".


    The only thing I fail at is Huttball and this is because I still find passing the ball not instinctive...:o

  5. And its players like you that progressively ruin objective-based PvP, leading the players overtime to just start giving up when they see people fighting and ramboing away from the doors, away from the turrets and nowhere near the ball carrier/positioning to receive a pass.


    That is all.


    How do I ruin it?


    Please do give me the insight?


    As I said, I want to win, I want gear, but I also want to kill people. Nothing in my original statement suggests I don't participate in objective based PVP. In fact I think from my post you can sumise that I don't want people to give up and just either sit or just spam chat with their just leave speech or even worse, the insults.


    I think you have misunderstood and from the replies, it seems I'm not the only one to get pi$$ed off on those who just play to farm gear, wins and HKs.


    I could misunderstand your post and say my original post was directed at people like you...

  6. Okay peeps, having played WoW for a long time, I remember when this saying became prevalent and that was when they changed BG's to just a way to farm points for gear.


    Already I am now hearing people say "let them win", so they can get start again.


    My problem with this is that I like to PVP for fun. I want to win and I want gear, but primary PVP kililng is the part I love the best.


    So what am I missing then? Why do people PVP but want matches to finish quick if they are losing? I think some people have forgotten what PVP is really about and that's fighting another player!


    Okay, I know some of you will say PVP means different things to different people and that some just want to win, well guess what, just leave the warzone if your not happy.


    Please don't start the WoW routine of PVP is simply to get gear and if your not happy you want others to just type /sit so the next game starts.


    One note to those like this, have you never grasped victory from the jaws of defeat? I have played a few warzones now where it looked like we had lost easily and we have come back to win. It's a great feeling I think some people never have experienced.


    Okay rant off. Sorry.

  7. Hi peeps,


    Level 34 Sage and finding the TK fun, however I like to heal in PVP and I find I cannot keep myself alive to good and even worse, my heals don't seem to be up to much when healing people in the warzone.


    I know that if you take out the level 50's this will be a massive boost, however if I change to seer, will I notice a massive difference in healing others? If so, what spec should I be at 34 for seer please?


    Also, I seem to have made the mistake on looking for willpower all the way on my equipment. Should it be +Power and anything else, or can anyone give me some advise on what I should be looking for on gear.


    Finally, if I stay at TK spec, I am simply going up the TK tree. At the moment all my points are in TK and I know deep down, I am missing something else in the other specs.


    Can anyone give me advice on what I should have at 34 talent wise if I do decide to stay TK spec.


    Sorry for being a noob and I wish they put the search option back in so I could look for some of this info as I bet I am not the first to ask.


    Thanks in advance.

  8. Hi peeps,


    I know this is asked and asked but without a search option, I am having difficulties finding posts:o


    Do any of you Republic Players have a Purple LS or Crystal and if so where did you get it from.


    Can you list here the places or finds etc please?


    Sith players, if you know where to get it that a Republic player could also get it too, can you say too pls?


    From an RP point of view, I want the Purple LS and not in the least bit bothered about stats.


    Thanks peeps.

  9. So here I am, a veteran of playing MMo's since 97.


    Level 30 Sage, running all the way to the shuttle port in the republic fleet, catching a shuttle to Coruscant, running all the way from the space port to the hanger, just to get into my ship.


    Didn't realise their was a hanger on the fleet taking me staight to my ship.


    Been doing this since I got my ship, lost count of the amount of times I have shuttle to fleet and ran all the way back to the hanger on Coruscant.


    What a teat I am...


    At least General Chat got a laugh at my expence.:o


    Shame overload...

  10. Hi all,


    I am reading on some forums that you can get straight to the republic fleet and pick up a harvesting skill (say Bio) and start havesting straight away.


    I tried to do this but I cannot get to the fleet.


    Do I have to wait until I finish my starter planet before I can get there?


    Many thanks.

  11. You are making perfect sense.


    Let people transfer from high pop servers for free.


    Problem solved.


    There you go, I think this is also a good solution.


    I even think you will find they will be doing it very soon.


    So far whenever there is a large outcry over something they tend to come up with a good solution.


    The only problem you might have is that if they have too many servers and allow free transfers, it could eventually lead to light servers and ghost towns and they have to start merging. Nothing shout's "crap game" as much as server mergers...

  12. It would be nice if people not concerned by queues, or not having a problem with them, would avoid posting in threads like these. We don't need your "deal with it or reroll" childish comments.




    But I possibly expect too much from anonymous people on the Internet.


    So, what exactly are you and he expecting from this post? Is this post a mass "I feel your pain and lets share together" post?


    I am confused?


    People saying re-role is a valid repsonse. It may not be a response you like or he likes, but it's not a childish repsonse.


    Your's on the other hand...

  13. No, but people saying 'if you don't like it leave it' are even more insulting and don't really deserve a courteous response. That's not voicing your opinion -- that's trolling.


    I have absolutely no problem with different points of views, but they need to be discussed at a calm and rational level. I always take care to be courteous in posts I write, but I will not feed the trolls.


    I agree but he's calling everyone who doesn't agree a fanboy. He's not eactly calm and rational himself so he's getting more hostility.


    He's being very dramatic about a situation and he does have some simple solutions if he wants to play. They may not be the best for him or he obviously doesn't like them, but at the moment there is little he can do.


    Seen all this type of thing happen before in MMo launches. In a week or so, it all goes away until another problem hits, which will be the inevitable "Nerf" this class or "this class sucks".

  14. Mate, I really appreciate the response, the sea of fanbois responses turn my stomach. They are blaming the victim, its like blaming a woman for being ***** because she wore sexy clothing. (well maybe not that extreme) :)


    Ultimately all that need to be done is provide the guilds that were placed on these servers the ability to move for a week, then when it settles down take it away.


    They would be heroes to the guilds that are being punished for using the tool they provided to help commuities play together, it is not just our guild on this server but 5 (well 4 now) guilds all of which have splits on whether to stay or go.


    If you weren't so insulting to people, I would appreciate more what your saying.


    Just because people don't agree with you, doesn't make them fanboys. Are we all not fanboys of SW and MMos anyway?


    I for one am glad your not happy and from the sounds of it, you deserve all you get :) Good day to you sir!.

  15. Hi all,


    I was not aware that getting a purple crystal or LS was going to be so rare. Reading all the forums and stuff, it seem only a few if any have dropped.


    Why make something that a lot of people would like at an early level, so hard to get?


    I am not talking about stats here, I am talking about look. I want to have my Windu look and of cause the crystal colour is the most important part to my gear. Geting to 40s or 50s seem a bit late in the day.


    I hear in Beta it wasn't nearly as hard to get and you could get it from vendors.


    Why the change? Anyone know?



  16. Yep, I will get flamed.


    Yep, I will get called a Fanboy/bois.


    But do you know what, after 3years + of waiting, I have to say a big thank you to the Devs and Bioware for creating a game so far that I think is great.


    At last I have found my new timesink and I love it.








    You fit in well with all the above and surpass some of them (lets see in 4 years if I am still playing).


    Well done.:)

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