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Posts posted by Solomace

  1. Hi peeps,


    I have gone balls out healing and I am enjoying my questing and PVPing.


    Any idea what I Power I should be running at at level 40?


    At the moment I am doing around 130-160k healing (most of the time a lot less) in Warzones, but I see others with bigger scores.


    I am no where near the best healer ever and I know a lot of it, is just me sucking, but one thing I would like to know is am I modding my equipment correct or are those figures from healing okay?


    Any tips :)

  2. No, we all don't really care that much about the color of our crystals/gear. Some do. Most don't.


    You may not care about the colour of your gear or crystal, but are you saying you don't care about the appearance of your toon which having a purple LS for me, is just as important as me being bald, black with a goatee and size 3.


    So how did you pick your race or did you just click on the first one it came up with? Second did you just keep it at female and the stock appearance? So in no way did you talior the look of your toon to what you wanted him/her to look? Big, small, black, white, hair no hair, all these things are appearance of you toon which you did nothing at all too?


    If you were to say no to all these things, I call butkiss on what you say;). Okay, I know that some people don't care at all about their appearance, but I bet it's a small amount and by small I mean smallllll...

  3. Since Mace Windu was the only Jedi ever to obtain a Hurrikaine crystal, how can you obtain one 3000 years before he does?


    That just doesn't make sense.


    Sith get them because we know where they are...


    Hmmm, let me see, you know enough about the Purple Crystal that Mace got, but seem to exclude the cannon set 3000 years before him?


    3000 years ago in KOTOR 1 and 2, you could get Purple Crystals from many people including getting them from the Crystal cave. So either all Purple Crystals were Hurrikane Crystals and were widely available 3000 years ago, or there were many different types of Purple Crystals.


    All this harping on about Mace Windu and Sam Jackson, tbh means diddly about getting the Purple Crystal. I love Mace as a Character and want to model my own toon on him, but how and why he got his crystal 3000 years later, is totally irrelevant when put against KOTOR 1 and 2 and the EU universe at this time.


    They are not that Rare that the Sith side can get them are they?


    Tons of Sith NPC that I fight and kill have them, so why can I not pick theirs up? I don't see many mobs with Magenta LS or White or any of the fabled ones that are rare, so why make Purple rare for Sith and unobtainable for Republic?

  4. You're very quick to assure me that you liking black is not a fashion statement, so why do you think that my liking purple is one? Also, what's wrong with wanting color crystal diversity? Why don't you want your favorite color(s) available as color crystals in the game? Why do you care if anyone else does? Why do you act as if you are personally offended by things that other people would like to see added in the game? Is there anything you deem important enough to ask Bioware for? Should we know what they are so we can nitpick you over them and try to make you feel stupid for it like you try to do to.. well everyone everywhere that I see you post. Why do you post on these forums if you don't like anyone here? Why do you play a game with people you don't like?


    So many questions.. but I have more. Have you ever thought about seeing a therapist? Or possibly someone that could teach you some social skills? Either one would probably do. Good luck out there~!




    Eloquently put m8. I couldn't have responded any better. Er, am I okay calling you m8 or is that an insult;)


    Devs, wheres the Republic Purple Crystals please...

  5. Oh forgive me your royal wordliness!


    Of course, it couldn't be that BW may have considered purple crystal to be rare in the SW(TOR) universe and therefore has made it an exclusive item to a chosen few characters?




    You may want to notice the difference between the SW(TOR) universe lore and and the game mechanics.


    Or can you show me anywhere in the SW(TOR) universe lore that Reps are actually incapable of touching purple crystals?


    That they disintegrate upon contact with the crystal?


    To allow only certain characters access to purple crystals it is a game mechanic that BW has implemented so that purple crystals are considered to be rare.


    (You may also want to notice that when I say SW(TOR) I'm actually talking about both the SW Enhanced Universe lore as well as the specific SWTOR lore...)


    You really do have some issues don't you. You take things very personal and I think your age is more on the younger side then you are trying to show others. Not sure why but hey, their your hang ups not mine.


    That said, this game's Cannon is KOTOR, the old republic, not Sam Jackson or Mace Windu. How he got it (which trust me, I know most things about Mace windu as he is my favourite character) has absolutely no bearing on this game. Want to know why?


    1. This game is set 3000 years before Mace Windu.

    2. In KOTOR 1 and 2 it was no great shakes to get 1.

    3. In Beta, both sides had them from quests and from vendors so at the time Bioware didn't see it as something they wanted to be rare.

    4. If they decided it is to be rare, then why rare to non existant (as in no one I have seen or read has got on on the republic) on the republic side and then PVP on the Sith with some columbi or something crystals on the other?


    The original question still stands and that is why do Sith get Purple and not Republic.


    Please feel free to once again use your condesending tone on me and other posters, but in the end I would prefer it if you crawled under whatever bridge it is you hibernate and troll on someone elses post please.

  6. Ha!


    You are funny! :rolleyes:


    Okay, guess what: I get that MMOs are all about the 'look' of your avatar.


    Believe me, I'd bet on it that I've had a case of 'toonism' for a good many years more that you, potentially even longer than you've been alive (visual design for late 70s D&D characters!)


    But here is the catch: just like back then no chainmail bikini was included in D&D (which obviously would have been great for 'babe' characters) SWTOR opted to keep the purple crystal an extremely rare item.


    Why? Ask them! (Or try to paint your own picture using that fab tool called something like 'ghooooouuuggle'...)


    Which in your case makes things rather simple: work with what you you got i.e. the available crystals (which may potentially lead to 'oooh, wait, I can't use a blue lightsaber, that just clashes with my overall look! I guess I have to go dark side...)


    Or put all your energy into getting a purple crystal. (What did another poster say: for 500,000 credits on the market? Well, there you go!)



    First of all, you don't know how old, I am m8 so what a stupid thing to put into a conversation;) and way to go trying to be condesending m8. But guess what, I am "old" enough to deal with people like yourself:)


    However that said, when you say ask them, why do you think I am on here? What does the first line of my original post say?


    Please, if your going to respond to a post, please read it first and also have the right information and don't post false stuff. You cannot buy purple crystals at all for either Rep or Empire. You can buy Magenta, but not Purple.



    Nice try though.

  7. Well, of course we all want to 'deck out our toon with gear we like the look of'... hey, wait, I love latex fetish gear, I want my Jedi chick to look like a deathdealer from Underworld (not going for more X rated option... though... ;))


    Or maybe I feel like playing a bodytype 3 dude in drag today: some silver high heels, miniskirt... oh, wait, no, I actually want him to wear the dancer outfit! Yeah...


    Seriously, are you sure that you want a purple lighsaber because you think it fits your character just right or because it is kewl to have one? :rolleyes:


    Interesting. I take it you don't care about the look of your toon? Well guess what, a large portion of players like the look of their toons and try to get them to match their favourite character from SW.


    Guess what, I like Mace Windu and I like his purple LS.


    I take it you think it's cool to use the word kewl, or are you just a crap speller as well as a troll;)

  8. there are no restriction on purple colour crystals. You should google or youtube it first before saying republic cannot get the purple crystal. You can get both light and dark purple crystals and you can get both empire and republic. They are just very rare and very hard to get.

    There is a vid on youtube also showing how to get the schematics to craft a purple crystal you need a 4 man group of lvl 50s with competant gear to defeat world boss on belsavis i think which can drop a schematic for the crafting of a purple crystal. The mats to create this are even harder to get which is why they are rare to see people with purple lightsabres.


    considering alot of people will want purple crystals im sooooo glad bioware made them a really rare item for the best players and guilds to get thats wat makes these games good to make sure everyone cant get everything by just doing their class quests.


    well done bioware



    and that is purple and not magenta i was talking bout



    Wrong. Purple do far is empire only. Magenta is pink. Check these forums, especially about crystals and it shows purple is sith only, pvp or columbi (spelling) items.


    By know I think a lot of these "best guilds and players" as you say, would have found schematics and stuff with purple in them but nope.


    Talking out of your....;)

  9. The only weapons that have it are empire vendors on the Imperial fleet. Same with the cyan crystal on the Republic fleet. For those of you who haven't made 50, you'll note that all 50 gear is unmoddable. The actual "crystal" doesn't exist in the game per se. It only exist as a part of a locked item from reward vendors.


    Yep, this is what I have been told.


    Also, wasn't purple crystals and removal purple crystals in Beta and on both sides? I read people could get it from an early level and that it was no biggie.


    When I look at all the database sites, they show a ton of items with removal purple crystals and quite a lot of quests that gave out purple crystals. This is no longer the case and the mission rewards have changed and the items changed too.


    I am still at a loss as to why if this was the case, they changed their minds at release and said, "nah, Reps don't want purple and Sith only need it at 50".


    Who thought it and why?

  10. Not sure I don't think the crystal says requires dark 1 or anything so and it may just be it is more easily obtainable by the empire I don't think there has been anything says republic can not get it.


    From what I read, it's obtainable as a LS only on PVP Empire side and Republic equivelant is Cyan.


    I also hear that Empire only can get it from some other sources, but it seems it's "impossible" for Republic to get it. And I am not talking about Magenta.


    All I want is a simple purple crystal that I can get a level 10 (I am 40 btw) as to me, it's all about the apperance of my toon. Isn't it with everyone? Do we all not like to deck out our toons with gear we like the look of?


    Doesn't even need any stats...


    And before someone talks about entitlement etc and that you have to work hard for rare stuff, trust me, after camping the Sandgiant in the ocean of tears for the ancient ring of ro in EQ, I know all about working hard. My point on this is that this crystal shouldn't be hard to get at all.


    It wasn't hard to get in Kotor 1 or 2 so what makes this any different considering TOR is supposed to be Kotor 3,4,5,6,7 etc?


    Finally, nope don't bring in the Mace Windu had to work hard for his, or that Sam Jackson asked for it, I know all this and it means squat because Kotor 1 is canon for this game, as it's set 3000 years before what we know and as mentioned, in Kotor 1, I was purpled out with 2 LS and was loving it.


    Wheres my Purple dudes...

  11. Yep, that's right Devs. I know your busy fixing stuff, but every day I will post asking for an explaination (please), why Republic don't have access to Purple Crystals and what your mindset was behind this.


    To me it's just as big an issue as Ilum, as I haven't been to it so it doesn't effect me. I know that sounds selfish, however I am sure there are things you want that others don't care about and guess what, I am paying the same amount as you so I feel I have some justification in voicing my opinion just like you are free to do the same (even to flame me is fine as your paying dosh too);)


    If they give a reason why, that would help as I don't have to agree but at least I would have more respect for the logic as to why Reps cannot get purple crystals.


    /rant off.

  12. Didn't a dev respond to a post about the magenta crystal and how to "kinda" get it?


    I see post after post about people like myself wanting a purple crystal. I am kinda disappointed by the lack of response.


    What really worries me is that a lot of people say that in beta, lots of items had purple crystals that could be removed, but when it went live, they removed them? This is obviously an design decision that I don't understand.


    Oh, and I don't want to wait until I am 50, I wanted my crystal at level 10.


    Poor show Bioware and everyday I am going to make a post for a response from you on this ;)

  13. It's been 1.5 month since release, you defy logic man. When people say that there's nothing to do at 50, they say it because there's nothing to do at 50. Get your head out of the sand. Sure, there's players who would like to brag about hitting 50 early, trying to disguise it as something else, but it's been freaking 1.5 month. This game is probably the easiest MMO ever to hit level cap in.


    1.5 months and reached the level cap. This is the problem. Biowares for not making levelling longer and people for getting to 50 as fast as they could. Hence the whole reason for my original opening post.


    1 year to reach 60 in EQ 8 months in vanila WoW. 2 months in TOR.


    However at least with TOR I can play a new story when I get to 50 if I wish and by the time I have got to 50 again on another toon, new stuff may have come out that makes me go back to my other 50. So on and so on.


    However, TOR will suppliment ME3 and D3 nicely thank you very much...:)

  14. Ive not been playing it for 3 days and went back to Rift. I'm enjoying my SWTOR experience so much more now!


    And yet you feel the need to post here? Why? You have left, you made your statement to Bioware by unsubscribing (I assume). Why are you posting here?


    Because you haven't left have you?;)

  15. those people are in gaming for the 'achievement fix'.


    this achievement fix is supposed to replace the need they have it for in their normal lives.


    the toon on the screen is projected as self, and then this toon's progress and 'achievement' is interpreted as the self's.


    thats why you have that kind of endless addiction and boasting and a lot of other irritating behavior in mmos and the forums.


    when someone comes and opens a thread with a title "i am 50, so now what ? im bored", s/he is not saying that s/he is not able to find 'content' at level 50 - s/he is basically exhibiting his/her success for all to see "look, how fast i have reached 50 - im that good". its a subconscious action.


    the magnitude of 'boredom' displayed in the thread, and the extent of 'irritation and disdain' that is felt for 'not having anything to do', is proportional to their need to exhibit their achievement.




    you cant fix those people. they will do it in ALL games. they are not in games for entertainment. they are there for appeasing the achievement complex.


    we all have been there at one point. some grow out of it fast, some slow.


    REGARDLESS of how hard you make a game and how bad a treadmill a game will be, these people will exhaust everything in lightning speed and just move to other games by suspending their subscriptions in a mmo.


    and no - they do not like single player games much - you cant show off any 'accomplishment' in these. pointless.


    they cannot take on any REAL competitive gaming, like counterstrike, starcraft etc either. that is also too much for them. they need guaranteed 'success'.


    and as you can understand, they are the most vocal of any crowd. and complain about everything.


    those complaints are actually expressions of need for attention and approval.




    and, i was one of these for a long time. except that i wasnt as irritating and jerk-like.



    Wow, very interesting.


    You made me think at least.


    Not sure I agree with you totally, but enough to say I understand what your saying and well written.



  16. Other than claiming invalidity for no reason, I agree that the subscription makes a huge difference. When I sit down and play Uncharted 3, I constantly remember that I am currently paying to play TOR yet I'm not playing it. I may let my subscription run out for a month in March so I can play ME3 guilt-free and would do that with other single-player games as well, if possible. I still don't fully understand how this subscription business works, so I'll have to read up on that soon.


    And that's the problem for a lot of people, they feel because they are paying £9 squid a month, they are compelled to play. For me, I view it as £9 entertainment that I have budgeted for since 1997, so every month I have nearly payed for some MMo and I no longer feel the need to play constantly in that month.


    In other words I am used to paying monthly for my gaming experience as well as paying for any new single player game that comes out that I fancy. I don't smoke, I like a drink in the house and I go to Archery weekly, but I don't spend money on gym, or nightclubing etc so gaming is my main entertainment cost (shesh sounds like I am a right sad bustard).


    If I think I am not going to play for over a month, then I unsubscribe and come back when I am ready to play.


    It's a simple as that for me and I acknowledge it's not that simple for everyone else:)

  17. HERP DERP whoosh, I guess that comparison just went right over your head huh. What other game that has been out for 7 years is this supposed to kill, lets see, could my statement have been an allusion as to how this game is supposed to be taking on a bigger game that maybe has 7 years worth of content... I dont know, nope, I just dont know. Also whether the game SHOULD or SHOULDNT be a sandbox was NOT my point. I don't know if youre being obtuse or what. Older MMO's let people play for hundrends, even thousands of hours because they had sandbox content that let them keep themselves occupied while new content was being developed. That was my point. I guess you didn't even read your own first post because you seem to be misconstruing my responses pretty heavily. Or are you just being intentionally obtuse?


    So once again, where does it say it's a WoW killer? We, the community have hyped this game up to be the next WoW killer, the same as Rift and GW2 and any future MMo. WoW was a fluke, a perfect storm if you would, right game, right time.


    I think it is you who is misreading and or not understanding. Sandbox MMos don't bring in the dollar today like they did when you or I was playing them. SWG was on it's death bed and what else is out there that is a great sandbox game? (geniune question). I know EVE is a Sandbox but if you read many posts by developers all over the world, they are lamenting the loss of sandbox games because publishers and game companies want the dollar and themepark MMos for the "casual" gamer is where it's at.


    Not saying I agree or disagree with this. My job is to play games and have fun.


    Calm down. Take a chill pill m8.:)

  18. Your analogy fails because most of these single player games dont market themselves as having enough content to keep you playing for SEVEN YEARS. Honestly, I played Skyrim for over 200 hours and there are STILL things I could do in that game. Open world elements should be a part of every MMO because they give the player the chance to create content for themselves, to keep themselves occupied. SWTOR does not have enough sandbox elements to distract a gnat. They should have taken more elements from DAOC, Anarchy Online, SWG, so that WE could HELP develop the game, give us tools/methods of controlling how the world responds to us.


    Sorry, where did TOR say it was going to last 7 years? All I remember was that each class had up to 200 hrs play but nothing about lasting 7 years. To last that long it would need expansions.


    I too love Skyrim and will be playing it for hours, but it won't last years as a single player games.


    And why can some people not accept that TOR is not a sandbox game. It never market itself as one.


    Unfortunately rightly or wrongly, they went down the theme park route and they want to make as much profit as they can by making a game accessable to the masses ala WoW.


    In the end, it might be just not the game for you or others. Simple as that. No harm no foul. I am sure there are plenty of other MMos out there that you don't like so chalk this down as another and move on.

  19. total noobish post

    but i will answer


    some of us don't have jobs or school

    i don't have responsibilities against other people or family...

    so i play games with my time, i do not play single player games since 1997...

    i think single player gaming is for noobs, i can beat any single player game in any diffuculty...

    multiplayer gaming is better so i can beat other living beings instead of just beating couple 1s and 0s...

    as han solo said (im paraphrasing) "against a drone is nothing, against a living is something else"


    Swtor is huge dissapointment for hardcore pvp/pve players, warzones are boring after a month, ilum is terrible, nightmare mode raids are tuned for casual gaming... not to mention RNG bag system is terrible.. all the players who farmed valor on ilum somehow got lucky and got almost full BM set... the hardcore players who farmed warzones day/night is kind of unlucky with the commendation drops...

    i have no doubt this game is tuned for casual gaming.. thats why hardcore players will leave soon..


    i will keep playing this but once i get my gw2 beta access, i'm outta here with my guild...


    And yet look at the stupid response you gave... I don't have to say more.:)

  20. There's a big difference, I'm not paying a subscription for any of my single player games, this makes EVERYTHING you say completely invalid.


    How's it invalid? I have paid for DLC content in single player games.


    If a game gives me enjoyment for hours up end, then paying £9 a month is more then a fair price. Shesh, I paid £10 to go see many a crap movie and that was 2hrs worth of so called enjoyment.


    I know that an MMo will give me updates and new things added on and new features, most single player games just give you the game and nothing extra.


    My point is that MMos should not be played in a vaccum (my opinion ofc;))

  21. Hi peeps,


    I have been playing MMos since U/O (ah I loved my 9600 modem), but it wasn't until I played EQ that I understood the 24/7 mentality that that MMos had. EQ definately became Evercrack. WoW was simular, the same and so was DAOC (with insert every other MMo in here too).


    However, one thing that MMos did was to spoil my enjoyment of single player games that were released. 100s of top class games were released that I missed simply because they couldn't match my addiction to MMos.


    Now, looking through older eyes, I realise that the reason why I am enjoying TOR is that I don't feel the need to play it every day 24/7 and thus not "burnt" out by reaching 50 within 6 days, starting an alt and reaching 50 again, getting battlemaster title and doing the Operations, all within the first 5 weeks of release!


    I don't think MMos of today are made for players to play non stop. All these posts I see about people being bored with nothing to do in TOR, makes me wonder why they are not playing other games. I think a good MMo should be supplimented with other games.


    I am currently playing Skyrim and ME2 (for the 8th time) and like to play TOR for a few hours every now and then.


    So, nope, I'm not telling all you powerlevellers or people who play TOR 24 hours a day to change your play style, I am saying that if you play an MMo like a single player game and play it 8 hours a day +, then you are eventually going to burn out within weeks. Check your /played time, mine is on 5 days played and I have one toon at level 40. Thats over 100hrs played already. Not many single player games give you that type of enjoyment.


    TOR should have made "the levelling" the game and made it longer to level otherwise your endgame better be something new and special. I haven't reach end game yet, but from what I hear, it's the same stuff as many others except more "broken"?. Doesn't bother me at all, because once I reach 50, it's time to level a new toon as I am an avid altaholic.


    I know I will be playing TOR for a long time, but I will also be playing D3 and ME3 and others because at the end of the day, it's about fun and TOR at the moment is giving me great fun with a lot more fun predicted.


    P.S. not sure what the post is for. I am Pi$$ed on a nice single malt, and was a bit annoyed at all the "I quit" posts because their is nothing to do at 50. Shesh...

  22. Hi Peeps,


    Loving the game and warts and all and I understand the problems and pains that this game is having and is going to have, but that's still not stopping me from having fun.


    So, yes, please take my sub money.:)


    Heck, if I can pay £10 squid a month for a peice of crap like STO, then I can pay double for this gem (okay devs, joking, still charge me the £10 pls ;)).


    So, all you naysers who are unhappy, I say, go now and come back if/when, the game changes to your liking. If if never does, move on to the next big MMo (GW2?).


    To those like me that have come across bugs infrequently, love PVP and the crafting, love the Starfox shooter, love the story and getting excited that's theirs 7 others left to see and generally are having a blast with friends playing TOR (except wheres my purple lightsaber man), sign up here...:D


    P.S. Yep, I am a fan boy/bois. Love SW, Love BIoWare, Love TOR...

  23. Okay, are those of you saying let them win basing this on the current PVP which includes the 50s that are geared up, or are you also saying that when the brackets come in your no longer going to be saying let them win?


    If your saying it now, I still think you are the types to say it no matter the situation and that if you look like your going to loose, then you want everyone to give up so it's over quickly.


    My mindset comes from the -


    1. I don't give up.

    2. It's fun knowing you cannot win, but still give it a go as sometimes you can win.

    3. You just never know...


    People who find excuses to give in, will always find excuses. What's next? Give in because it's pre-made? Never beaten a pre-made before? I have and it's some of the best wins going as you know they are mega, mega pi$$ed off at losing.


    Remember fun people, if your not happy at losing, just leave until the next one where you win...

  24. I dont say let them win...i simply stop caring about the ball in huttball...win, lose, doesnt matter to me as far as i farm my 12+ medals per game. Which is pretty much same with the "let them win" i guess...


    Then yes,my post does apply to you too then.


    If your not happy with playing, don't play. Why do something you don't care about?


    At least you keep it to yourself and don't shout it out so that's something.

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