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Posts posted by Solomace

  1. i could do it but people dont get that other people want to feel special. like i said i dont care about the mounts really or the color crystals but its like the community is now run by working fathers and wives or 12-14 year old kids but i guess thats because these days older teens and college kids are never themselves so their afraid sorta say to play an mmo or something stupid like that. either that or this decade of gamers is bad lol. any for the person that said i could still do it that way it does not make one unique. you dont get get it im not following the croud and saying i do it for fun or others do it for fun im putting out there loud and clear for kids that are afraid to say it SOME PEOPLE RUN RAIDS FOR GEAR AND TO BE "More unique" THEN OTHERS. plain and simple. if casuals truly dont care about what hardcores have then why would they care if they cant get one or two mounts because they require time and effort. also for pvp its very simple they should come up with some sort of pvp system later on that basiclly ranks you according to gear or ranked wz level when that comes out ooor valor. so people who just hit 50 and are valor 10 wont be thrown in with battlemasters, and casual gamers will stop moaning.


    Holey wall of text batman...


    Sorry couldn't read it.

  2. Well the rise and fall of WoW is a "shred" of evidence, and by shred I mean mountain. Casuals get everything they want, leave in droves, game that once had a great community now is near-devoid of meaningful social interaction.


    my history:

    UO(casual + pvp)

    EQ (casual)

    DAoC(Raiding and mid level RvR)

    FFXI (casual)

    WoW (Hardcore Raiding)

    AoC (Raiding and PvP, game too broke to matter though)

    WoW (Top Tier Hardcore Raiding)

    WAR (Endgame PvE and Top Tier PvP/RvR)

    WoW (Hardcore Raiding)

    FFXIV (Leveling, quit because game was broke/incomplete)

    TOR (PuG raiding, PvPing, still forming opinion of game )


    So because a game that has been out for 8 years and is basically still the same format as it was in 2004, is proof that casuals have basically ruined the game? Could it just be that people are getting tired of the WoW universe?


    I could argue that WoW became as popular is it did because it was made for "casuals".


    No death penalties, corpse runs and a lighter vibe to the whole MMo experience.


    10 mil is not my idea of a dying game.


    Still not buying this argument.


    How many people in WoW still get to see end level high raiding content? Isn't that the one thing the devs say that it's still only 1% of it's player base?


    As I have said before, an MMo needs all types of players, however I think you will find it's the hardcore players that need the "casuals" around to keep said game going or you can kiss the game goodbye. The same cannot be said the other way round.

  3. The game is the way it is because they want to rake in as much cash as possible, a deep, immersive MMORPG that is difficult and time consuming won't draw in 10 million subscripbers.


    Correct, why would anyone make a game that only caters for a small amount of people when they can make games that cater for all types?


    If I was making a game, I would want to make money from it, so I would make it for the "majority" not the minority.

  4. This, exactly this.


    The casuals who say they don't have time for mmo's, yet still play mmo's, confuse the hell out of me. You don't understand the situation because you don't play enough to understand it. And when you do play enough, you do exactly what he states above, get bored, then move on. You don't understand the concept of character development unless its told to you by a voice actor. You don't understand the concept of 'working towards a goal' as being fun to many of us. You simply buy, consume, throw away. Weeks later, you're on the next game's forums, saying how much SWTOR sucked because it got old so fast. Then you start playing that new game and wish that X was easier to get and Y was faster. You get what you ask for, get bored, then move on again. You enjoy each one less and less, and get less and less from each one.




    Massive generalisation without a shred of evidence.

  5. Absolutely. but perhaps you're misunderstanding me when I say struggle. I believe that game would be more fun if the leveling process was stretched out. and once you got a max level, you then had to prepare to raid or pvp. This could be dailies or HM FPs etc. As it is there's no prep needed.

    I can understand people not wanting to spend a year getting to 50 and another 6 months farming resist gear and getting keyed. That was extreme (though fun for me, onyxia/BT key quest lines were awesome) and it's not for everyone. Granted. But in it's current form it's to far swayed to the easy mode/instant gratification side of things. You can get to 50 in a week or two if you really go at it. This should simply not be possible imo. Players are tearing through the content because that's what many people do. And once they are in full columi after only a month they feel there's nothing left to do and unsub. This is not good for the game.I did 8 man EV the same day I hit 50. I knew nothing about the fights and when I asked what to do for boss fights they just said something like "lol there's nothing to know just dps" I got 3 pieces of gear in that run. That's just too fast, too easy.


    Once again we see thing differently. Yes you can get to 50 in a week or so however as I mentioned before, this is only the minority. And if you have the time and you don't have any distractions, then yes you can get to end level in a few days.


    Also you are assuming that the natural progressions is levelling, then raids or PVP. This is not the case for the majority. The point of playing an MMo is to have fun in whatever you want to do in an MMo. Crafting, PVP, Raiding, alts. All these are what make up an MMo and their is no natural progression.


    The question you should be asking yourself is why are you putting so much time into one game and nothing else? This doesn't mean it's wrong and if you and any other wants to spend hours upon hours every day playing a game then that is down to you. What I think you don't understand or appreciate is that most devs now know that the "majority" of their player base still are at low to mid levels and they tailor the game to them.


    You see, I fit another type of player, the altaholic. I like replaying the same stuff over and over again with a different character to see things from different angles be it a DPS or a tank, Stealth or full on charge, so I don't really feel the problems others have at max level.


    TOR gives this to me in spades as not only do I have different toons to play, I also get the added bonus of 8 different class stories too boot.

  6. I think what we are seeing here is the days of the hardcore MMO are over. I mean losing all my gear every time i died in lineage 2 was fun, it got silly after awhile. It doesn't make sense to focus on the hardcore market when the


    Stay at home moms



    People with jobs

    People with school

    People with limited time


    All want a chance to play a great game with friends and family.


    I hear ya m8.


    Some of these so called hardcore players are too young to remember hell levels, dying at 59 in EQ and not getting a rez, wiping on raids and spending 2 hours to getting ready again, The words "train" in mistmore and dying at the entrance or camping the giant in Ocean of tears for hours and hours for a ancient ring.


    I have been there and done that but it's only as I have got older I realised that that type of thing isn't fun it's chore.


    Now I like a more "casual" stance to my gaming. Casual does not equate into lazy or "just give it to me". I am happy for those who raid to get top gear. I am happy for those to who PVP to get top gear. I am happy that they allow others to obtain similar items/gear at a cost or a longer time sink.


    Win win for both eh?

  7. Was I trying to speak for everyone? This is simply me expressing my opinion to Bioware in the hopes of influencing future game development.


    So you're saying you don't want to struggle in an MMO? I find this trend of easy mode in MMOs disturbing and I've lost a lot of interest in MMOs in general due to this trend. This may not mean much to individual players reading this post, but I'm not the only one and I dare say me and other people with like minds make up a good chunk of the subscription base.


    In SWTOR You can go from lvl 1 to raid geared in less than a month. This offers a shallow MMORPG experience for me. I enjoy certain aspects of the game but overall it's a great disappointment.


    See that the problem right there. Why should I want to have a struggle in an Mmo? I play for fun not work.


    I have a family, a job, debts, mortgage, health issues, why would I want to switch on a game that's going to make me struggle?


    Also you do not go from 1 to raid gear in a month. That once again is the minority. The majority are still playing the game, enjoying it and have not got to end level yet.


    Are you seriously saying that unless a game is a struggle it's not fun for you?

  8. You didn't bother to read what I posted, did you?

    - I never told I want game made for "me". Stop putting words in my mouth.

    - I never told I want things hard to achieve like in MMOs that don't exist any more. Stop putting words in my mouth.


    And to answer your question - I don't know, depends on what BioWare actually does. Either way the bill was already paid so I can play game for a while still. Don't know if gonna extend sub though.



    You don't pay for magenta crystal. You pay for a right to play TOR.

    Read EULA.



    Actually you should read this before posting assumptions. Thank You.




    I am done debating with you m8. Your posts are all over the place and don't make sense.


    I think most people have "poo pooed" most of what you have said and as much as you pretend your not an elitist, your whole posts scream exactly the opposite.

  9. I think the point people are missing here is that without the challenge of getting rare items and gear, the game loses a lot of it's fun factor. Used to be that you had to farm resist gear or go on some epic key quest line to get into an instance just to get a shot at raid gear or whatever other equivalent game reward be it pvp etc. Now there's little to strive for and without that challenge it just isn't as fun.

    It is gratifying to know you struggled and in the end got some rare item that many don't, but that's just a small part of it.


    And I think your missing the point in that it is the challenge for getting rare gear and items is fun for you not for everyone. Its also gratifying for you to know you struggled however it's not for everyone.


    This is what's called an MMo. Horse for courses and such.


    Still not heard Bioware saying they are "giving" items for free, stopping items from dropping from boss mobs and giving them from free and generally cancelling OPs and raidings.


    Think m8 before you post.

  10. Buying item for cash worth 30 minutes of space combat is not awesome. I'm sure that's something with what we all agree. ;)



    So for 30 mins of space combat, how much can I make? How many 30 mins would I have to do to buy an item worth 250k? 2mil?


    It may be easy to make, but it would be time consuming and repetitive, so if someone is prepared to put the time in to do this then fair play to them.


    You see, you are very blinkered in thinking that to achieve something you have to raid or do an op or PVP extensively or loose an arm or sweat blood.


    If I did the space combat for "insert tons of hours here", that to me would be an achievement if it payed for my purple LS. It would also be awesome to me as the end justified the means.


    As you can see from the posts of many others, you are in a minority. Doesn't mean you are wrong and you opinion still has merit, it just means really that most people don't agree with you and Bioware are thinking of the majority not the minority.


    Sounds like a good business practice to me.

  11. Audigy - I kindly request not to put my words out of content and twisting them for own purpose. If you don't agree with me - so be it, but no reason to accuse me of being wrong kind of player.


    So it's better to go and buy stuff from vendor, right?

    I also don't have much time, I'm generally well under-geared comparing to many members of my guild, yet I enjoy some of the items I got cause I know that me, and several other people on the server took time, skill, knowledge, and team-play to get them. After 1.1.5 it will be worth as much as going to highest spot on Alderaan.

    Or actually less cause few people been there while now majority of 50s will get their magenta crystals just for the sake of having it.


    I hoped for new adventures, new ways of obtaining rare color crystals, some quests, epic battles, something to keep me interested in game till next big content patch will be released.


    Instead I got items given to vendor for credits. And even more: items previously achievable in interesting ways items were also given to vendor. LOL


    That's most lazy work I've seen so far in TOR, a game that's FULL of lazy work.


    So lets have an honest answer from you.


    Are you staying or quitting.


    If Bioware are not making a game for you, why not go? Admit this game isn't for you and go play something else that has what you looking for. Hard things to achieve. Not sure if that still really exists in an MMo any more, so maybe gaming isn't going to give what you need anymore.


    Heck, even insanity mode on Mass 1 and 2 is too easy so not sure what game out their really is hard (except chess ;)).


    Why not take up archery or shooting or some other pursuit where you can get a trophy if you any good and know that not everyone is given one if they pay for it?

  12. It always comes down to casual bashing.


    Of course casual gamers, which make up all but a tiny percentage of the base, are No different from hardcores except for one thing.


    Hardcore gamers schedual their lives around their video games. Casuals dont. I wish I could devote that kind of time, but some of us do have to work for a living.


    So if casuals make up a tiny percentage of the base, who makes up the majority?


    According to most MMo devs, the Hardcore are only a minority, so if casuals are the minority and hardcore are the minority, does that mean that the majority are those who just play and have fun? Those who don't frequent the forums like you and I and are oblivious to our ramblings, wantings, rudeness and generally rubbish that we mainly sprout, but instead are either enjoying the game or leaving quietly to play something else?


    Hmmm, me thinks that us forum lurkers enjoy too much the fun of the forums, somethimes maybe too much.


    Gotta admit, I cannot stand STO, yet I still lurk in the forums, making posts and belittling the game. Not sure why I cannot move on and leave it. Maybe it's because they killed an IP I love (not as much as SW ofc :p)...

  13. SWTOR is a game for casuals. Thats the way this game is designed. Its not for people who want to achieve something awesome, its for people who dont wanna spend alot of time doing stuff. As more patches and expansions come in, you will see more of it.


    You do realise that "casual's" do spend a lot of time playing a game, they just don't do it in large chunks like the "hardcore".


    Just because we didn't race to 50 within 2hrs and like to play at our own time and leisure, doesn't mean we don't like spending time doing stuff.


    I have yet to see someone really define what a "casual" player is and what a "hardcore" player is?


    I know people who race to 50 and only play on "OP" nights. Is that person a hardcore player but they only play 5 hrs a week? I play about 15 hrs a week, I am not in a guild, I am level 46 and I like to PVP. Am I a casual or hardcore?


    I think the word casual was made up by the WoW raiders who were pissed off that Blizzard dumbed down their game so that you could Solo dungeons if you wanted to.


    What is the "not to achieve something awesome"? I thought that when I got to 60 on EQ back in the day, that was awesome. I thought that when I got my Epic in EQ that that was awesome. When I got my mount at 40 in WoW, that was awesome. When I got my Spirit pet for my hunter, that was awesome.


    Awesome to you, means something different to everyone.

  14. Casuals are the plague of modern mmos.They want everything and they want it the most easy way possible as they dont have time to farm, they dont have time to raid, they dont have time to think on how to achieve something, etc etc....I cant care less about SWTOR anymore as i canceled my sub anyway, but its sad to see where SWTOR is directed.I guess we will see each other again in 1-2years when it goes F2P like every other mmo.


    What I think you and others who sprout the same rubbish now forget, that if they made games just for you, those who want the end level raiding, hard modes, have a large amount of time to play, then the game would be dead within weeks.


    I have no truck with items and achievement titles only been available to those that have sweated blood and tears, but for items (not achievements), I have no problem with them being sold for large amounts of dosh, crafted by high level crafters, or a long solo quest.


    Like it or not, those of us that are "casual", you know those that play for fun and enjoyment and not just for the achievement crack or the "look how much better I am than you" items, are what developers are looking for. Remember they don't make the game for fun, it's for profit. If you don't like it, then go elsewhere is what they are basically saying. However, they do try to make it so you have stuff to do so they do want you to stay, but not at the cost of "us" the "casual's".


    I remember playing EQ and 40 of us queuing up for planes of fear or hate, hours of prep time, buffing, wiping. 6 hours for 1 raid, corpse runs, hell levels, death penalties, all these things I have been through and I don't wish to go through them again tbh so devs have taken all these things away to make their games more fun.


    They are not giving us "casual's" an I win button. They are not giving us top level equipment or crystals for free, we still have to "pay" for them.


    In the end, I would think that you, the achievement junkies would be happy with the self knowledge and guild knowledge that you have "done it" and that cannot be taken away. So what if I get a rare item for XXXXXXX price and you have the same item but you killed xxxxx boss. I still had to work for my credits.


    The time of EQ is gone now, sorry as much as I think MMos have been dumbed down greatly, I have to say I am happy in some ways for this.


    Still want my purple LS at level 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 on the Rep side though. Will pay mucho wonga to a vendor for this:cool:

  15. I agree, to spend weeks working on something to find it can be bought later is a pain, but the problem is you have to keep the weak players subscriptions. I am not talking casual because casual players do get what they want, The sort of player they panda too is the type who wont put the effort in,those that generally go to gold suppliers.


    The only hope I have is that as they degrade one item,they usually add something new


    Wow m8, do you know what a complete and utter fool you sound like? Catering to weak players who effort goes to gold supplies?


    I would suggest you stop and think before you post such utter garbage.


    The one thing that you and those others who are complaining about their achievements have been cheapened in some way by allow other players to buy items, are forgetting one thing, you cannot buy the feeling of what it was like when you did achieve something hard or time consuming. In some ways isn't that what the reward is? Isn't that what drives you, the achievement of doing something only a small amount of people will do?


    In the end and it's been mentioned many times before, the raiders are a small vocal minority and if they want to keep the majority, they need to make things more accessible and attainable.


    What they are doing is catering to all crowds.


    Weak people. Shesh, some people out there need a reality check.

  16. You may be reasonable, but there are many who are not.


    If they say 2 months, and it doesn't appear in 2 months, then whatever explanation they give people will start speculating on various reason instead ranging from "Devs suck" to "they're secretly never going to implement x feature but don't want to tell us"


    Every time you see someone posting some tinfoil hat conspiracy as to why X feature isn't in game, or X bug isn't fixed - thats the reason we never get full details from the devs in advance.


    Okay, so if they are in the position of damned if they do, damned if they don't, why not give courage to their own convictions and give timescales to stuff and if they are delayed, say why knowing that they are going to get flamed either way, but stand by it.


    Would get more respect from me and it is only me I can answer for.

  17. ETAs are the single most bloodiest double-edged sword in gaming. Providing them and missing them by even a little and you get burned. Don't provide them early enough (a subjective judgement) and you get burned.


    Knowing when to give an ETA is like playing Russian Roulette with 5 bullets and one empty chamber. You don't pull unless you are DAMN sure you are right.



    EDIT: What is SGRA?


    Okay, I understand this. So why bother saying anything at all if it's only going to be a stock answer of "soon TM"?


    If they say 2 months and 2 months later it doesn't appear, I would expect an explanation just like in any field where you set realistic time scales. I am a reasonable person and if they say it's delayed because of this or that, I can understand however it also makes them more accountable if they keep on delaying sighting more problems and you get a good picture then of what they really are capable of.


    If it's really going to take a 6 months to get the GTN fully working, then fine. When 6 months are up and it's not done, then give a reason as to why it's delayed.


    Aren't we just really letting Devs of all MMos off by not making them accountable for their timescales?

  18. Gotta say, so far these Q&A are, well tbh, boring.


    It's either on the cards, "soon tm", were discussing it.


    Why not just supply us with a roadmap of what you actually are doing and a realastic timescales like 2 months/4 months/ a year etc.


    Okay, I know I am being a little bit churlish and that these answers means something to some people or even many, but tbh, if this is only going to be a feature where you "cherry pick" easy questions, or supply answers as "it's coming", then I for one will just ignore them.


    Sorry, I am feeling narked about Crystal colours, I'm pissed on my single malt and the wife has a headache...Again...


    Ahh well, ways Seka when I need her...;)

  19. So from what I can see on the PTR forum, coming soon vendors selling crystals until the "cures everything patch" 1.2


    Originally Posted by Red-Dwarf

    White lvl 50s - 2.5m

    White lvl 47s - 1.0m

    Purple lvl 50s - 250k

    Schematics (emerge as lvl 49) - 250k

    Other colours all lvl 50 - 125k


    Now does this mean that Purple was not in for Republic side? The CS response to someone saying Rep can get Purple is butkiss?


    Okay Tinfoil hat on. I know that this possibly means Purple is now available for us Reps, but I'm still am not happy that it's at end game? I mean really, what's the point of it then besides it being a stat stick for both sides?


    My initial question still stands, what's your design philosophy of making Purple rare, available to sith (and now rep?) but only avail at end level?


    Yes, as much as I am semi happy purple "maybe" available, it still seems I have to get to end level to get one.


    Even though it sounds like nothing they do will please me, this is not the case, I am just "surprised" at some of their choices.


    Check this thread out too. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=3084731&posted=1#post3084731


    Interest reading? I think so.


    Shesh, I do talk and complain don't I . I do like the game though.

  20. Support the thread. Bioware, your silence on this matter is DEAFENING.




    As you can see Bioware, Colour Crystals for LS and Blasters is something that is important to "alot" of your customers (not eveyone). Customisation of anything is what makes an MMo really stand out so you can stand out differently from the crowd. Nothing worse then to see at top level, everyone basically looks the same.


    Now I know this isn't a sandbox game however I know that a lot of SWG play and would like to have some semblance of RPing in a theme park game and took of your toon, goes a long way to help in that.


    Open up colours to everyone please. Let it be craftable and or quest able and for those who like their raids and think crystals should only be for those who put the raid effort into it, fine, make those crystals "stat" heavy.


    I just want a bog standard purple colour LS please. If not, please give me the reasons as to why.

  21. There's a post in the rare crystal thread showing a cs ticket

    Stating that it is possible for pubs to obtain

    Purple crystals


    Yes, I saw that too.


    I have also heard that CS tickets aren't always correct.


    I would rather have a response.


    Surely by now, someone on the Rep side would have one? If not and it's still in the game, why not give us clues like they did with Magenta?


    Still wouldn't answer the question why it's not easily obtainable for Rep and Empire can get it at 50.

  22. Mace Windu only had a purple crystal because he asked it from Lucas during the recording of Episode 2. There was no lore behind it at that point.


    Oh please, read my OP post.


    Have you actually thought of what your saying before you post?


    The lore was set when KOTOR 1 and KOTOR 2 were made when you could have purple LS /Crystals as a JEDI.


    This game is suppose to be KOTOR 3,4,5,6 etc.


    Empire have it.


    Sith NPCs have it.


    Think m8.

  23. Maybe they do, but I think it is more because BW knows that most people just don't care and those that do aren't likely to quit the game over it.


    Too true.


    I'm not quitting (not yes anywho;)), but there does come a time when my sometimes "irrational needs" may force me to rethink playing the game. I say it's irrational because I know deep down, the game has a lot more issues then purple LS for Republic, but as i have mentioned many times before, it's something I am waiting on an answer on, especially the reasons as to why give it to Empire.


    Sometimes it only takes a little thing to stop people playing a game. It sound silly I know, however I am sure people have quit games for other reasons that you or I might sound silly (racing to 50 in 3-4 days, spacing barring through all the quest and quitting because there's nothing to do).

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