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Posts posted by Solomace

  1. Hi all,


    I've been watching a youtube clip where a guy goes to the Stronghold/Crew skills section and goes to where you can get Mods for commendations. The problem is that when I go to this part it's locked and no one is there?


    I'm a Sith Inq btw.


    Anyone shed any light on this.





  2. Advanced Purple crystals are made by players and are in constant supply on GTN, but you need lvl 50 char to use it.

    Derelict Purple is from cartel packs (no longer available) and can be unlocked in collections, can be used by chars at lvl 10. Colour-wise they are a bit more pale than "regular" purple ones.


    Stats wise there are the same.


    Advanced Purple crystals are worth sth like 60k or so, depends if you are lucky :)

    Derelict ones are expensive (from 1.5M on Progenitor server) because can be used by all characters (and companions) in legacy after unlocking.


    Great. Thanks friend. So the Advanced war hero one I have can be made and goes for about 60k?



  3. Hi,


    Haven't played in a while and just come back and in my inventory I still have an advanced purple war hero's crystal. I was going to sell it but can anyone tell me please what's the difference between mine and the derelict version? Is just the name and nothing else?


    Is it worth more :)...


    Cheers peeps.

  4. Well even if they are on different accounts, he can create an Imp on his Consular account, send money from Consular to that new imp then send money from there to his Sorcerer.


    I don't get what is the OP's problem with credits.


    Hi, sorry, I was under the impression that I cannot send mail from a republic toon to an empire toon. They are both on the same account, but am I wrong? I just simply send my Sorc an email from my Consular?


    Oh and to everyone else, great tips. Thanks alot for helping out.

  5. Hi peeps,


    First off, yes,I am sub human scum, as I am looking at ways I can twink my Sith Sor, so he can quest quicker.


    So here's where I am at -


    1. I have a level 47 Consular

    2. I have a level 40 Knight

    3. I am playing a level 13 Sorc, who I want to be my main.

    4. I still have 1300 Cartel points for when I re-subscribed.

    5. I have 2mil creds on my consular, but my Sorc cannot get access to it (/sigh).


    Taking all into account, what can I get/buy to speed up leveling.


    I can buy the packs that give 25% extra experience. What about getting HK? Is he a tough companion? Can I get him on my level 13 toon?


    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


    Any grief responses I get, will also be tolerated, if I get some reasonable answers from those reasonable people out there that are happy to help.;)



  6. Hi peeps,


    I have just returned again after a 5 month layoff and I have started a new Sith toon,


    Does anyone know when the earliest I can get a purple LS is please? I know at 50 I can but any before?


    I don't mean that pink thing, but the full Mace Windu monty purple :)


    Any ideas?


    Also, if I'm not being too noobish, can I transfer any money from Jedi to my Sith toon?


    Many thanks.

  7. So, with the F2p changes and the cartel store, what are the chances I can finally get a purple ls from level 10 instead of waiting until level 40s/50?


    It's been the one thing as an rper that's bugged me the most since launch. In beta purple was abound , but at launch, butkiss.


    I would still sub for purple.


    Anyone else wanting more colour choices in the store?


    Oh and I am not talking stats here, just colours. Keep your +1000 stats for the raids or high level stuff. I would be happy with a + 1 to sad git rating if I got me some purple :)

  8. Hi peeps,


    I was under the impression that when 1.2 hit, certain 50 only or rare crystals were going to become available at mid range and not just at 47-50. Is this not the case?


    I thought after a few days, someone would have had the schematic and purple colour crystals (and other colours) would be available to sell/buy on the GTN. Mid range I thought would be 25-35?


    Have I got this wrong or has Bio lied? Are the schematics that rare that this is why they haven't been seen on the GTN?


    My server is always heavy or full with 300+ on the fleet seen quite regularly, so I thought someone would have the schematic and be able to sell the crystals?


    BTW I'm a Rep.


    Can anyone shed any light on this or do I have to wait until 50? If so, still disappointed that I cannot get this crystal at low levels. TOR head shows plenty of purple crystals were available at low levels right up to then end of beta, but for some reason, BIO decided to take them off vendors and mission rewards.


    Many thanks :wea_04:

  9. Hi peeps,


    Just some advise please.


    I want to make a Chiss Inquis so I need to wait until 1.2


    What's the best way to get one, because at the moment I am a level 23 Jedi Knight.


    Should I continue with my JK and get as much money and legacy points as I can until 1.2, or should I start a Chiss B/H or Agent and get him to 50 asap?


    Any advise would be appreciated.


    Many thanks.

  10. Just finished watching the preview video for patch 1.2 and I would like to say that I'm really looking forward to just about all of the new features being shown.

    However as an RPer the legacy species unlocks bother me a little. Particularly shots of what appeared to be a Sith Pureblood Jedi and a Chiss Smuggler. I'm all for more variety and customisation, however certain combinations would bend the established lore a little to far in my opinion.

    Some may disagree with me, but I was kind of hoping that the species unlocks would still take into account faction restrictions.


    I understand how you may feel, however I have to disagree to an extent.


    A few points as to why.


    1. Most people don't RP. These are a minority people that even though they shouldn't feel marginalised, Bio-ware has to look at what would make the majority "happy".


    I for one, have wanted to make a Chiss Consular and a Chiss Inquis and was disappointed I couldn't.


    2. Also with lore, we are on shaky ground as it is and when it comes to an MMo, fun should take precedence over lore and canon any day.


    I also like the thought (and this is somewhat RPing), that a person has broken the chains of his/her/it's society doctrines and has rebelled against the norm, hence why they have the choice to become good/bad/indifferent.


    If you have ever heard of or read Drizzt Do'urden and his Dad Zak, who were both Drow elves, but were really inside light elves and they left Menzoberranzan (admittedly one in a box), to seek a new life with the "good guys". This is how I imagine my Chiss or my Sith Pure blood.


    I'm just still confused why they thought giving purple LS to the Sith was a clever wise move? Lore show's it was a Jedi that had one however EU shows that anyone had one. It's only really Red for Sith and Green/Blue for Rep that is canon and it's soft canon at that tbh.



  11. Actually, the Chiss are just largely unknown to the rest of the galaxy, and thats why most don't know about them 3000 + years later. They are in the game now because while the Empire was hiding out on Dromund Kaas for the last 1000 years, they found the Chiss and signed a treaty with them. The Chiss would join the Empire as an ally. Thats why there are Chiss BH's and Agents. But they are unknown many years later because the Empire in SWTOR lost (obviously) and was largely forgotten. Given that, I would highly doubt you would see a Chiss on any republic class in the future. On the Sith Inquisitor/Warrior? Maybe, but doubtful, since they aren't force sensitive. But, you never know.


    Okay, but it seems a bit far fetch that no records at all show that the Chiss were once allies with the Empire? No holocrons/datacrons anything at all that shows this race has already been discovered.


    Whilst playing my consular, there was a mission to save a Chiss that was defecting, but unfortunately he's dead when you get to him, so it may not be too far fetched that one might join the Rep. If not a Jedi then a Trooper or Smuggler if they are not Force Senstative.


    If it was me, I would let everyone have a choice of what race they want (currently in game) and let them be what class they want with that race (tinfoil hat on btw). Yes, I would even let Sith Purebloods be a JK.


    If Drizzt Do'urden can break from the norm, why not a Pureblood? :)



  12. Hi peeps,


    I understand that the Chiss are not force sensitive, however aberrations can occur, so with the upcoming legacy stuff and the possibility of playing races from both sides, what are the odds of a Chiss Sorcerer or JK?


    I'm just spitballing and I know lore doesn't have this, however weren't the Chiss only discovered 3000 years later during the outbound flight and Thrawn etc, yet 3000 years before, here we have the Chiss on the Empire side, so this game as we know is only casual lore (and even less canon).




    Cheers peeps.

  13. Its is despicable if they do this. I havent go my guild together to do the world boss for the magenta crystal yet or anything like that. I still dont think it should be handed to me through a vendor though.


    Also I spent alot of time farming enough money (nearly 2 weeks) to finally get my VIP wristband so i could go up to the VIP lounge and get the speeder there for 1.5 million. If they start selling this speeder for 1 million at a vendor like its nothing special at all i will be seriously choked. BW is going to isolate any player thats ever acheived anything remotely unique in this game, **** on it, and make sure that everyone can have it so that its no longer unique.


    I really hope this doesnt go live.


    Does any of this negate the fact that "you" achieved it your way? You still got it.


    Some else still has to get the money together to buy the item and you still have access tot he VIP lounge that others don't. Not sure how great having access is atm, but you never know.


    You and others like you are really being over dramatic in what is happening and BW are not just giving out items or giving out achievements.

  14. http://www.mmo-champion.com/content/2656-Dragon-Soul-Difficulty-Changes-Impact-Blue-Tweets-Comics-MMO-Report


    sample size ~5.6 million, 400k cleared


    400k / 5.6 mil = 7.1 % of population have cleared Dragon Soul (the last tier of raiding in Cata) on Normal or Heroic. This does not include LFR players who are also experiencing end game content. Basically everyone who *wants* to go and see the end game, can. There is no progression for it, no social aspects, just click "looking for raid", and wait to be teleported to the instance.


    Hmm okay. Not sure how these figures bolster the argument though? 1%/ 7.1% still are really really small numbers.


    Even 20% would be small.

  15. So anyway,


    Where's my purple ls please.


    It should have been available to everyone on both factions and from a low to mid level.


    Keep the high level ones for raids and ops with major stats on, but produce the low/mid level ones with even a 0 stat on it.


    I just want the colour because as I have mentioned before in other posts - Aesthetics are a huge part of avatar identification.


    Go go Mace...

  16. yup thats exactly it. firstly i guarentee you 1+ million of wows subscribers are gold farmers and another 5+ million are standing in there captial citys doing nothing at all. its not a dying universe either just go to any raid guild and count the amount of raiders you refresh monthly in vanilla/tbc youd see maybe 1 person quit a month now its on a weekly basis sorta like with SWTOR because their handing out gear like blues in earlier wow. lets not ******** and lets not be crying loosers if your a casual and play the game for fun then why do you care that the other person kills you in pvp. because he invested the time? and if you make that rediculous argument its the same as people who think they should get a new job and immdieatly get paid asmuch as everyone else. also dont make the whole irl vs game argument because you know what people try when there in games even casuals do dont ******** me and say when your in a warzone your not trying to win its the same idea.


    Please m8, punctuation.


    Still cannot read.

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