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Everything posted by Bluttoh

  1. ya, its called create a new toon.. done and done.. your welcome
  2. Wow, I thought that was only me because I had an old PC, yes, log off first and then quit or you will have the pc freeze for 5min or more... amazing
  3. I almost never complain about bioware, but this was so stupid, for the first time I wasn't ignoring golds and killed them as well. How many damn years does this add to the grind? I'm not a fan of this in the slightest, maybe bioware REALLY is trying to drive the long time subscribers away. So I went from being ok with the cxp system to hating it. I know there must be another game out there I will like, must be.
  4. Every time I try to go to the Done and Dusted Uprising I just keep getting put back at the terminals on fleet, anyone have this happen?
  5. If you finish the expansion do you lose Lord Dramath as a companion if you have him for the V fight?
  6. It really is RNG, after 4 levels I had one set piece, helm, and one 230 schematic for boots. I hate to think I will have a dry spell with nothing but know that is the way RNG works. Play the slots, you will see.
  7. I enjoyed the story as well this time, too bad I have to play through kotfe to get to this again with my other toons
  8. Im thinking I wont finish just to keep Valkorians Daddy as a companion
  9. I agree with you, why put all that work into a suped up engine for new faces etc if you were closing the game, makes no sense to bean counters. Yes, remove the mngmt team as they are hopelessly lost.
  10. No, dont shut down the game, YOU just move to another that you will be happy with, k?
  11. Go back under the bridge!
  12. I could swear Indo Zal sold me a stronghold on Dromund Kaas
  13. If this was the last chapter then they wouldnt have hired ppl to supe up the engine and change the faces of these models, there was no point to it if they are closing down.
  14. Wow, really??? Try using one of your abilities/attacks on them, that should do the trick.
  15. Remember, you are nothing more than a beta tester... it is what early access means
  16. Yup, thou must not customize companions
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