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Everything posted by ConVallian

  1. Where is it stated? because i heard from Lucasfilm everything is now uncanon, save for the stuff i just mentioned including the novelizations
  2. he approved of chewie dieing as well, he approved alot of the EU, but as of now the only Canon is the 6 movies 2 tv shows and everyhting printed after the disney buyout. sorry but thats fact
  3. Give him time.. wait to see how the trilogy plays out then judge him. Anakin was no different than kylo, he was whiny and always complaining but look at the ****** he became. He's still learning wait and see what happens
  4. Seeing as how GL worked on the recent CW you have to admit his depiction in said show and the 3rd movie is in fact the "real" or Canon grevious , thus the General from that other stuff (novel included) is nothing but fan-fiction as said by lucasfilm themselves. And we all know how Mr. Lucas likes to change his vision..so...GG is NOT an unstoppable jedi killer. sorry:D but yeah i can see why people are upset me personally i have never been a fan of the old legends Clone Wars or PT era really at all(characters yes, stories involving said characters no) but for those that did love it i can see the frustration. I'm just glad the new canon isnt going the route of "i was in the clone wars era, and im the strongest and best because of it" with their characters
  5. Rey's powers= Rey opening herself up to the force and let the force flow and guide her, her abilities are not unbelievable. The Force is not magic. The Force is an entity and it awakened in Rey and it became her ally and guided her. "do or do not. there is no try" and rey did
  6. Because TCW series is canon and the fan fiction is not. Grevious is as strong as he needs to be, i.e. he is what the creators intended him to be. Menacing but not this invincible Jedi Killer. He's just a cyborg warrior with 4 arms and lightsabers. I normally dont agree with all of what Filoni has said and done by i fully stand by him on this. beacause if grevious was so good at killing force users why did Dooku need n apprentice? Why didnt mister best duelist in the galaxy and general jedi killer over throw sidious like Dooku had planned in the long run. Or why didnt sidious just say "well with GG i dont need a sith apprentice he gets the job done". Dont say Sidious needed an apprentice to continue the Sith legacy, he just wanted hands to get the job done, he never intended for his apprentices to be as powerful as he was he didnt give a damn about sith traditions he just wanted control. Why would he need a sith apprentice if GG could get the job done just as well nd he wouldnt have to worry about trying usurp him and take the Sith title. Grevious is fine the way he is an incredible warrior but no where near this "jedi killer only kenobi can beat" *bracing myself for calling the Old EU fan-fiction*
  7. People who consistently bash Kylo Ren for being "weak" in this movie fail to realize this new saga is just as much about his development as it is Rey and Finn's. And the lightsaber combat in this movie is totally believable. I mean Kylo was probably taught how to use a lightsaber from Luke who basically made up his style as he went along with mimicking Vader's moves. So its natural to think Kylo's sword skills are sub-par compared to others we have seen , because like Luke his style is his own. The last practitioners of the "seven lightsaber forms" died with Vader and Sidious. To me it would've been more unbelievable if Kylo Ren was pulling off Makashi style bladework than it would losing to a "scavanger". He's NOT sith guys. The movie made it plainly clear he is at war with himself, he is "trying" to be of the Darkside. Adam Driver even said he is more like a religious fanatic than he is a "villain". His control of the Force is still impressive. Everything he has done is still amazing even by the other movies standards. Give Kylo time, at the end of this movie it is implied he has fully given himself to the darkside as his Master said at the end he is ready for his true training or is ready to complete his training(whichever line he said). So by 8 we will probably see a Kylo who is over his past and has become an agent of the darkside like his grandfather. i.e. much more menacing and powerful. As for Rey's force abilities. The Force is not magic, its not ki that you need years of training before you can use it. The Force "Awakened" in Rey. The Force was guiding her much like it did luke in ep 4. If you open yourself up to the Force it will guide you. Much like how rey resisted ren's mind probing, the force was guiding her protecting her, the mind trick, the force was guiding her, plus even old Ben said the mind trick was one of the most simple force techniques. We are shown an aspect of the Force that was shown in the OT. Rey succeeded because once she opened up to the force she let it guide her and flow through her. "do or do not,there is no" and Rey did. The only difference in Rey and Luke at their first stages of using the force is luke was not a fighter and Rey on the other hand has melee experience. So there s my two cents
  8. Have you equipped it yet? is the crystal from the CM or was it made by a player? also if it was bought from a rep vendor it wont show on collections
  9. I got a red SW t-shirt with the silhouettes of Luke vs Vader from the RotJ poster, and i got the Original trilogy on the new blu-ray Steelbooks
  10. i guess my biggest gripe is that most new stuff is just Star Wars characters doing stuff and not much meat to the stories
  11. Lost Stars and Lords of The Sith are the only new SW novels i have read that i liked.The others that were hyped *im looking at you Aftermath* fell short and was utterly boring like Heir to the Jedi. The Vader and Star Wars comic by Marvel is a fun read if youre a Vader fan other than that i have not been impressed with anything else.
  12. np, i had thought when i was typing it i had put the quotes in bold lettering but i mustve not gone through:confused:
  13. They said he seen the rise and fall of the empire, i doubt he is an inquisitor but its still possible i guess. I hopeSnoke is not his real name though i hate that name, love the movie hate the name
  14. i have three theories 1 he is plageuis 2 he is a former sith apprentice who tried to over throw his master..and failed believed dead and came back into his own after the 2 sith lords died on the death star trying to create his own empire not a typical sith but was once a sith. 3 he is just a powerful being strong in the dark side who has been training on his own and is now strong enough to rule. I hope they release a novel filling in the gaps between 6 and 7
  15. that was audio from ep 6, just to make us guess and speculate who the new skywalker might be
  16. http://www.comicvine.com/profile/wildbantha88/blog/gnost-durals-lightsaber-skills-styles/100861/ If you like reading this has a more in depth look at Gnost Dural's lightsaber skills
  17. Fighting 4 sith after hours of torture on a DS nexus is little more impressive then fending off Ventress with a broken arm if you ask me:D And his ability to perform Soresu almost perfectly would be a great counter to Plo Koon's Djem so. I'd say his Soresu mastery is just about one level down from Kenobi who was a soresu specialist
  18. Gnost-Durals next two fights take place after he was tortured for hours and driven to the brink of insanity. Although he did have time to spend in reflective meditation, mending the damage he could, I doubt he repaired all of the damage. Although I was originally under the impression that his torture was purely mental, it does suggest in this next quote that his body was also damaged as well. Gnost-Dural had spent the hours since Darth Karrids last visit in quiet, reflective meditation. As per the Sith Lord's instructions, the interrogators had spared him more torture with Mekhis's infernal machine. The respite had allowed the Jedi to calm and focus his mind, subtly drawing on the Force to refresh and restore his ravaged body and spirit. ―Star Wars: Old Republic Annihilation (Page 305) He also fought off a fresh apprentice after being tortured witthout his goggles and mask for over 10 hours extremely exhausted and weak he still fought the sith off. and killed her in straight up lightsaber duel. In this next fight Gnost-Dural is fighting one of the apprentices to Darth Karrid and two Sith Lords, Lord Quux and Lord Ordez, who swore fealty to Darth Karrid. He killed the apprentice and held off the other 2 sith lords until the Ascendant Spear was on the brink of destruction and the sith fled. He fought a total of 4 sith 2 apprentices and 2 Lords almost immediatly after being freed from his prison after being tortured for 10 hours aboard a dark side nexus that is the Ascendant Spear and managed to kill 2 of them. Here is a couple quotes regarding the Ascendant spear The power of the dark side all around him was impossible to ignore; it seeped from the very walls of the Ascendant Spear, a twisted creation of a brilliant yet diseased mind. ―Star Wars: Old Republic Annihilation (Page 305) He could feel evil and corruption enveloping him, growing steadily stronger during his decent, and he knew it wasn't because of his former Padawans presence. When Darth Mekhis had created the Ascendant Spear, she'd use a combination of experimental technology and Sith alchemy to imbue the ship itself with the energies of the dark side. By the time Gnost-Dural stepped into the turbolift that would take him to the black-heart of the vessel, he was feeling physically nauseated from the effects. ―Star Wars: Old Republic Annihilation (Page 230) Being able to fight at all is impressive in and of itself after all he went through let alone 2 apprentices and 2 sith lords at once and managed to kill 2 and fend off the others. There is a start i highly recommend the annihilation novel it is one of my favorites
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