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Everything posted by Adryn

  1. ok so this is just me don't speak for anyone elses experiences. My fps is still poor and i'm still losing 10+fps going indoors, according to the ptr guys high rez textures are still not in and kira is still bugged. Don't get all praisy just yet. That said though extreme kudos on short maintanence time thats pretty cool.
  2. 0.o clicking on the quest in your quest log then clicking the button that says abandon usually does the job for me.
  3. In a maximum security prison there are massive walls forcing people to travel through choke points?! no wayz! wonder why they did that?!
  4. ok so prolonged manipulation of darkside energy corrupts you physically, just being nasty/sith does not. Maul was a zabrak, not sith and had traditional zabrak tattoos. Atton saying the exile had kinda a glow about her was clearly metaphorical and the closest we've seen the lightside give someone a kinda aura was in the NJO when anikin solo gave himself over to the lightside completely while on his way to buying the farm. Think that covers it.
  5. there has to be a balance though. Can people not see the insanity we have reached? We, as a community, have reached a point where we are justifying that fact that products we are purchasing have defects. It's ok its only just released, all new games have bugs, it'll be fixed and so on and so. In what other area of consumerism do you see that? It's perfectly reasonable to expect a product we've bought from respected companies to be free from defects. The fact we will happily shell out god knows how much and then defend the fact its flawed is insane.
  6. please do point out the specific lines in the ToS that states a lower lvl player is not allowed to enter a non lvl locked zone...go ahead i'll wait. Are lowies going to ilium to exploit? yes. Are ALL lowbies that go to ilum going there to exploit? No. Should every lowbie that goes there not to exploit but to further crew skills, loot the odd chest and genrally explore be insulted by the community and banned or suspended by bio?
  7. Holy crap 20 are you serious?! 20 tries and your crying foul? I REed blue focuses for 12 HOURS yesterday before I got the purple recipe. My only comment was a brief oh thank god finally to my guildies and that was it.
  8. holy crap i did not realise that. Retconning this and that is one thing but how could they not see the knock on effect it has to a HUGE amount of the EU. If sadow died on korriban not yavin then his spirit (bound to his tomb) on yavin 4 would never have taught freedon nadd, if nadd never went dark side then the entire history of onderon is changed and the freedon nadd uprising never happened, ulic and exar kun were never pushed to the dark side and the sith wars never happened and so on and so on. That is one hell of a horrendous oversight, who the crap is in charge of vetting this stuff?!
  9. you've never carefully edged round mobs to get at a chest or node i suppose? not to mention nodes that are out in the open with no mobs near them.
  10. jeezy chrissy would people read the whole thread before shouting it was deserved and dumping on the OP. The person in question got their crew skills up while still low level, something perfectly reasonable and possible by game design then needed to go to higher lvl zone to collect nodes. Something done in mmos since the dawn of the freaking genre. If a lowbie was banned for going to tat to collect nodes people would be screaming blue murder, but there is no difference if its ilum or somewhere else. It would appear the ban was most certainly not deserved.
  11. while midichlorians are not mentioned in game they are mentioned in the related novels (Red harvest)
  12. knights look so awesome, when i don't look like a drag queen i look like a space gypsy more cool consular gear plz devs
  13. In every game with a CC i make my toon look as much like me as possible, it's me in this universe, as the tag line goes it's MY star wars saga not some chick that happens to look cool.
  14. If your in a guild that won't let you raid because you don't have +2 cunning then you REALLY need to find a new guild.
  15. People just DO NOT get it do they? For group content you DO NOT need a dedicated tank or a dedicated healer. Classes have been specifically designed to be hybrids, all classes have heals for example, a trooper can shoot heals with his gun for god sake. Even specced and geared for dps that person can act as the healer, i do it all the time for heroics and FPs. Sure a dedicated healer will heal more efficiently but there is nothing stopping dps from healing or even tanking, its down to the group to communicate and manage their aggro properly, if people are douches that is not a design problem.
  16. bhaha! felt exactly the same way, then there's tat.....i see your bajillion quests and raise you 2 bajillion. if i ever have to kill another sandperson i'm gonna puke my guts out.
  17. you gotta do a couple quests in act 2 to get the master title to use.
  18. only logged out to get the patch lol, est 40 min wait, 35 mins later 397 from 550. Me thinks the 'estimated' timer is complete bs. I will admit to getting atad annoyed at this point.
  19. No way to know, at least till some one at bio actually comes out and says there's abit of a prob with optimization, which they havn't yet which has caused abit of grumbling over in the customer support forum, we can only have faith at this point that they are looking into it. Doesn't sound good I know but, while I don't have to much faith in EA i'm convinced the boys and girls on the 'factory floor' of bioware so to speak, the people that do the real work are great people, working their asses off to bring us the best game they can. It's them i have faith in to get this sorted.
  20. Sorry, but this really pisses me off, People need to STOP telling others they need to upgrade their system when they meet or are over the recommended requirements. If you meet or are over the recommended, or hell, even the minimal requirements, have the latest drivers and windows updates you do NOT need to upgrade anything, the fault does not lie with you and don't let anyone make you think it is. Like many newly released mmos, it's not optimized well, many folks on low end machines are fine, many folks on high end machines are fine AND many folks on both low end and high end machines are reporting terrible fps. All many of us can do is hang in there and wait for the optimizations i'm afraid. I just want to clarify, i'm not criticizing bio, all new mmos deal with this, i'm happy to wait.
  21. *waits for the obligatory 'my epeen is huge, check out my rig and I get 100 fps constant so it must be your machine' post* It's becoming clear that the game is not optimized very well, and to be honest that's a bit of an understatement. Many on low end machines are fine, many on high end machines are fine and many on both high and low end machines are having horrendous fps issues. I chug on through only because of the belief that all new mmos seem to have the same problems and it'll be fixed soon enough. But rest assured OP your not the only one.
  22. way back when the classes were announced bio said ok you can be tank, healer, dps, if you want but you don't have to be all classes are viable for an alternative. but people are people, whats the the poor shmuck dps sage forced to do group after group?...no one even bothers to ask, they just charge in assuming your gonna start healing...freaking nightmare. But yes, dps sage IS completely viable and can pack a punch just make sure people know your dps.
  23. With an unlimited budget it would be fine, but a fairly common occurance is that either graphics are sacrified for time, resources and money put into developing gameplay or vice verser. The general rule of thumb for gamers is that if it has great graphics the gameplay won't be great and if the gameplay is great the graphics won't be that hot. Simplistic and not always true i'll grant you but generally right. 'Realistic' or even hot graphics, would look dated in a couple of years, instead Bio put the money and resources that could of gone into graphics into developing its other features.
  24. hero engine first line wikipedia: 'HeroEngine is a 3D game engine and server technology platform originally developed by Simutronics Corporation specifically for building MMO-style games.' I loled what about the rest of ya
  25. four waves will take us up to the end of nov, if as people are saying they intend to do more waves then ever then we'll be into dec, possibly even all of us.
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