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Everything posted by PiiTarr

  1. Diplomacy is the only crew skill that has missions that are inherently light or dark by design. What you are seeing is not the result of the mission being classified as "light" but rather your alignment toggle has been set to "light" so therefore every crew skill mission will show up as "light." So long as your alignment is set to "light" every single Treasure Hunting mission on that character will have the light side symbol displayed next to it.
  2. Unless they added it recently without mentioning it in the patch notes, it's not in the game.
  3. I'm sorry to report this appears to be one of the many vendor items that is no longer available. https://torf.mmo-fashion.com/m-500-elite-stealth-enforcer/ If there is an item that looks similar, TOR Fashion usually has listings. I've only seen static (non-moddable) lookalikes in game.
  4. "Arma Rasa" is the quest that brings back HK-55, not "Shroud of Memory."
  5. Thanks for the article! I still have a couple questions which I have not seen discussed anywhere (but I haven't been able to read everything that's out, so I apologize if this has already been mentioned). What will happen to any items in our command stash? What will happen to any unopened command crates?
  6. Your memory is not faulty, you did get it much earlier before BW changed it a few years back. For me, the change to level 59 made Powertech less fun to level.
  7. Thanks for the update and explanation!
  8. So if I'm reading the updated in-game event page correctly, there will be no Bounty Contract Week at all during the month of May?
  9. What if BW were to run the following promotion: Purchase a six-month subscription and immediately receive the Arma Rasa alliance alert (which grants HK-55 as a companion), all of the monthly rewards offered during the time period of the previous promotion for the bonus chapter (I'm not sure if I remember them all and really don't feel like looking them up, but I believe they are the HK-55 inspired helmet, weapons, companion customizations for the ship droids, eternal empire patroller, and the jet pack), and access to the bonus chapter "A Shroud of Memory" (with the ability to receive the deco and Zoom as a companion, depending on the player's choices). In addition, players would receive 6 months of premium play and access to all content released during those 6 months, just like any other subscriber. Essentially, everything that was given before would be available and for 6 months of subscription rather than 7 months. Would this proposal satisfy those who are asking for the bonus chapter and HK-55 to be made available again?
  10. That is not how it works. Anyone with CC can purchase things from the cartel market, with or without a sub. Therefore, it is theoretically possible for someone to build up a CC balance through the security key grant and the in-game achievement grants and purchase whatever they want from the cartel market. Yes, it would take a long time for them to have enough to purchase the more expensive items, but the bottom line is someone could conceivably purchase anything from the cartel market without ever spending even a dollar on the game, so a cartel market listing is no guarantee of revenue for BW.
  11. That is correct (unless they've changed the cutscene since the last time I played through it on a vanguard several months ago).
  12. I have 170+ characters across all five servers. There are some I have not logged into in more than a year or two. I've been a paid subscriber the entire time. Why should I lose a name to someone else simply because I choose not to use a particular character for a while?
  13. Every single incident of griefing I've encountered in this game took place before PVP instances were introduced and involved flagged players trying to get me to initiate combat with them by physically obscuring my quest objectives in hopes I'd accidentally click on them (or become irritated enough I'd intentionally attack), inserting themselves into the middle of mobs I was actively attacking (or they knew I'd need to attack), or healing mobs I was trying to kill. Since PVP instances were introduced I haven't been griefed once, so based on my own personal experience I'm going to have to say my sanity has been preserved by the introduction of PVP instances.
  14. Sorry, I had not realized you had a specific time-frame in mind for the re-issue of the chapter. How would you feel about it being offered immediately to anyone who pays for an additional 6 month subscription? That way it's playable right away during the content drought and BW still gets additional revenue for it (which seems to be the entire purpose behind subscriber rewards in the first place) and it's very close to the requirement that was originally met by those who received it initially. I would think this solution should please everyone except those who are staunchly against it ever being released again. Ultimately I agree with what several others have stated in feeling it was a mistake for BW to put actual content up as a time-limited reward. I believe a system that rewards continued loyalty is better than offers that are restricted to specific time periods (there are things I'll never be able to obtain simply because I was unable to play the game prior to 2014).
  15. Are you suggesting that a new offering of the chapter would not include retaining HK-55 as a companion?
  16. If it were made available again it should require the same 7 month continuous subscription that was needed to obtain it before (and that should not be retroactive, as the previous offering did not take into account prior subscription time).
  17. You'll need to abandon the flashpoint and go somewhere that is not a personal instance (fleet works well) and right click on your character portrait and select "reset phases." When you pick up the flashpoint again you should be able to get it in story mode.
  18. In your chat window type /gquit
  19. Forgot to add, it's fairly easy to obtain credits now simply by playing the game. Running heroics (and dailies and weeklies) will net you a decent amount of credits if you feel the need to grind for some. As a subscriber, heroics have the added advantage of giving you some level-appropriate gear up until you reach level 61 (two pieces for each completed heroic, but it's RNG so you'll wind up with duplicates from time to time). At level 61 heroics begin awarding locked alliance supply crates, which are legacy bound and something you'll want to hold on to until you get a character to the end of Chapter 9 of KotFE, at which point you'll be able to turn them in. If you care about story, do not skip ahead to KotFE or you'll be locked out of the story elements (and certain rewards) associated with Forged Alliances/Prelude to Revan, Shadow of Revan, and Ziost.
  20. One option would be to make a new character and play from level 1 so you get a feel for how the game has changed in the time you've been away. After you're feeling comfortable with the game again you can return to your level 50 and go from there. Your other option is to go to the mission terminal on your ship and see what's available to you. I'm guessing you may not have played through the Ilum story yet, but if you have, Rise of the Hutt Cartel would be the expansion to start following Ilum. You should be fine with a level 50 and your current gear for anything story-related/solo play. Crew Skills currently have a max level of 600, so you can work on increasing them too if you want. Crafting was changed in a number of ways with an additional step being added, requiring an attachment or a component or whatever to be crafted in order to craft any of the new schematics (some of the older ones were updated to require it as well, but not all of them). You can increase your crafting level simply by crafting these attachments/components.
  21. In the mission tracker next to the listing for the flashpoint there should be an icon for the combat support droid. That is the only way I know of to summon it if you lose it during the mission (or if it fails to automatically spawn, which can happen from time to time). However, if you don't see that icon next to the listing, it's possible you are not in story (solo) mode, in which case the droid is not available. If you don't see the icon and you confirm you're in story mode, then it would seem you have encountered a bug and your best bet would be to exit the FP, go to fleet (or somewhere else where you won't be instanced in a personal phase) and try to reset the FP and rest your phases (right click on character portrait to bring up the reset phase option).
  22. As others in this thread have pointed out, your level is too low to fight him without it being incredibly difficult. Your best option is go to level up and try it again. I can't remember his level off the top of my head (and don't have the time to search the thread to see if it's here somewhere) but generally speaking, if an NPC is 5 levels above your character's level (or more) it's extremely difficult to hit them, let alone do meaningful damage quickly enough to kill them before they kill your companion and you. I'd suggest running some heroics to get yourself closer to his level (which will also net you some gear).
  23. What determines which listing is shown? Would it be random, most recent listing, oldest listing, highest price, lowest price? Are you taking into consideration the unintended consequences of the implementation of any such filter (i.e. players who don't know about the filter thinking the one listing showing is the only listing, or players who can't be bothered to disable the filter or run the advanced search)? While I am not totally opposed to the idea and agree with the notion it would be nice to remove clutter at times, I suggest the filter should be disabled by default and require a player to actively enable it, in order to avoid the unintended consequences that would accompany having it set as the default search mode. However, that still does not address how to determine which listing actually shows up, and the unintended consequences of that process.
  24. Go back and read the post of mine that you called "ridiculous." The entire time I was speaking in general terms. I've continued to speak in general terms in each subsequent post. You are the one who is fixated on this one particular person, not I. However, even in this particular instance, an investigation is still required, because that is where all of that information is put together into a coherent narrative, detailing what this person has allegedly done, listing all evidence against them, and specifying which account is theirs and what other characters they may have that may also be doing other things that have not been caught or reported. It's called case building. If you don't believe me, look it up. At this point I've grown tired of your insults, so we're done here. (You also failed to address the point I made earlier about needing to investigate in order to determine how the hack was being done so they could put in place the means to prevent such hacks in the future.)
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