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Everything posted by Powercow

  1. Yes, it is that. Players are in their own category of classification.
  2. It's you overloading the gun into one big burst of damage. Such things tend to be loud.
  3. Scrapper is very up-front DPS-wise. Lots of initial damage backed up with solid consistent damage. Very late bloomer though; it's not until about 40 that your rotation really fleshes itself out.
  4. Cheap Shot (and Headshot when you get it) can not be used on players. It's there to make killing enemies at higher levels, who sometimes have a lot of HP, a little quicker and easier.
  5. I dunno, I tend to destroy people as a scrapper. Scrapper is a very, very late bloomer though. It feels awkward until you get Shoot First at 36, and doesn't get fleshed out until you get Flachette Round. Then it becomes amazing. Before that it's... not bad, just not very exciting.
  6. I just checked the vendor in question and he doesn't sell focii, shields, generators, vibroknives, or scatterguns -- so no, he doesn't sell OH items.
  7. Or he could be 50 by then. I used Corso all the way through to 50, mostly because I was armormech and could make him gear. Otherwise I definitely woulda used Bowdarr -- a melee tank is much better than a ranged tank who keeps separating things. Corso does look much more ****** though, and his pull (while irritating 99% of the time) does have its uses when it comes to soloing heroics.
  8. Scatterguns are considered an offhand item, and they'll appear on vendors who sell off-hand items. This will include some of the Commendation vendors on later planets, as well as off-hand boxes from normal vendors.
  9. There's a wristband that lets you up to the VIP area on Carrick Station (and presumably the imp fleet too) for the reasonable and affordable price of... 1 million credits. Not sure if it lets you actually trade with the CE vendor though.
  10. The opening to the Jedi Knight storyline always makes me chuckle. The male JK is voiced by David Hayter (Solid Snake), and the very first NPC who speaks to you is voiced by Cam Clarke (Liquid Snake.) Boy is that an awkward conversation. >>
  11. I hit 31 just a bit ago and I've yet to see any alignment-restricted gear at all, minus color crystals. Not saying there aren't any, I just haven't seen any.
  12. Anybody who was that into the game pre-ordered on July 21st.
  13. Where are these banner ads? The only ones I see on those sites say 12/20. Some of them mention early access but give no specific date. I get the feeling you're just making this up. Honestly, if the "average" consumer doesn't bother to check something for 10 seconds, then they really weren't all that interested in the product. Let the people who pre-ordered within the first hour of the pre-orders being available enjoy the game they've been looking forward to, while the people who gave this game a "meh" can wait a couple of days to ensure not everyone gets screwed over. Like many times in life, sometimes it's worth actually thinking about things or reading signs before jumping to conclusions. (And if money is such an issue, especially during July/August, then maybe getting more hours for a few more days during December would actually be a good thing for your current financial situation.)
  14. I just checked all three of those sites and not one of them said you get in on any specific day, just that you get early access. In addition, all three sites clearly state the release date is the 20th, and if you pre-order you WILL be in before then. It's not up to EA to make sure everyone who pre-orders from Gamestop, Best Buy, or Amazon has respectable reading comprehension skills.
  15. ...why did he phone you up if you're over at his house? Seems exceptionally lazy.
  16. I'm gonna go ahead and say what people have said before: Nobody cares about BoEs. Credits are, aside from training, crafting and speeder bikes (which if you have any common sense, you can afford all 3 no problem without a single credit from another player) rather useless. Sure you'll wanna buy stimpacks and stuff for endgame Ops, but your guild should be able to provide those for you. I wouldn't worry about the economy in this game; it's doomed from the start, like so many others. With self-sufficient crafting, there's no need to rely on supply, and quest and flashpoint rewards keep you more than geared out for anything else.
  17. It's pretty light at the moment, and there's none of that horrible crippling lag that took place during the stress test to ruin the experience. Plus I can actually do bonus quests without having to wait and fight over respawns. I love it!
  18. You're not very good friends if you aren't willing to wait a few days for each other. Have your friends reroll with you so you can level up and play together. If they're not willing to do that and are gonna leave you all alone, well, they were probably going to do that anyway.
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