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Everything posted by Ambramotte

  1. Agree with this. Either they have the biggest idiot calling the shots for marketing (ESPECIALLY true when you look at what else is going on with other MMO platforms right now) or they're aren't any new raids. I'm guessing based on how long we've been strung along, that it's probably the later. We'll know for sure on October 7th! October 7th is either the day that what remains of the raiding community unsubs or we get a firm commitment that there are at least 2 new raids before KOTET is finished.
  2. Countdown to the the day when bw has sucessfully driven off the last of the raiding community: T-23 days
  3. At this point I think we all should know how to interpret ambiguity. Unless they say something VERY concrete, direct, and positive for the raiding community (e.g., 2 new 8/16M operations before the end of KoET) then I think we have our answer : "Raiding is no longer a part of the future vision for SWTOR". At this point, anything less than very clear and direct communication of things that we're looking to hear is enough for anyone to figure out where this is headed. People have hung on long enough.
  4. Honestly, if there were going to be new raids then from a marketing perspective bioware REALLY missed the timing on this one wrt a major content release in a 'relatively large MMO'. The aforementioned large MMO has new raids dropping very shortly and folks are having to make decisions about where they spend their time. A lot would rather play SWTOR, but the lack of communication and past performance indicates that raiding is dead here due to business decisions. What little amount of NiM or advanced HM raid teams that are left are waiting to hear very VERY concrete steps relevant to their interests. If the news isn't VERY good we can say goodbye to the last of these teams. Just to be clear, at this point, the news on Oct 7 needs to be more impressive than '1 new raid soon™'. Admittedly, new raids would be a gamble at this point given how much of the raiding community has left and given bioware's previous statements about how few people actually raid HM, let alone NiM. Either way, this ought to be interesting.
  5. Your video shows that is is. Which brings us back to the point that, for Revan's impel, unstoppable doesn't do much of anything special above and beyond what force charge alone does. This is kinda my point here.
  6. The combination of "Exemplar's Stalker Robes" and "Exarch Combat Tech's Gauntlets MK-1" seem to cause a clipping effect. I'm not sure when this started, but it wasn't always this way. http://imgur.com/j7ccxzI http://imgur.com/mqOKnUI The same gear done as a preview gives significantly less noticeable clipping http://imgur.com/lrlXvP1
  7. Confirming the gleeful analysis bug. We haven't isolated it ourselves though. From the OP, looks like if anyone exits to stronghold than everyone will be bugged. IDK, ymmv
  8. I've noticed that I get back stabbed while facing revan sometimes. For example, if I'm getting pulled in on second floor and I'm tanking revan outwards but I'm able to turn in mid-air and face him ... I still get backstabbed in the face: https://youtu.be/4ab9-OPNz-I?t=31 Also, if I phase phase walk while facing revan in such a manner than I'm still facing him when I complete the phase walk - I still get back stabbed to the face : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQzkMQQOX70 Please look into this.
  9. Yes, a fraction of the cost of making SM and HM. Add a new mechanic or two and buff the boss's health and dmg. gg. Point of fact, if the RAV/TOS were put back to where they were at 3.0 launch then a lot of the bosses would be close to correct tuning for NiM. I suspect however, that you're not the target audience for this. How many play NiM? You're not asking the right question. The right questions are "how many people use to play NiM", "how many players would play NiM", and "what is their impact relative to other players" The reality is, there are decent number of people who have played through all the HM content in 3.0 or 4.0 and either have played through all the NiM content in 2.0 or 4.0 ... and are leaving the game. Like it or not, these are the types of players have a disproportionate impact on the game: from writing guides, podcasts, and teaching the new crop of raiders. You don't just loose them, you also loose out on the SM folks who would otherwise would have graduated to HM and you also loose out on the HM folks who otherwise would have graduated to NiM. You see, I'm afraid it's a bit more complicated than you're making it out to be. Additionally, these players, on a per capita basis, have a much stronger influence on the community and therefore revenue than your average SMH. I should think BW would want to keep them engaged. Granted, the horde is much larger, so from a revenue perspective it's completely logical to pay more attention to your average player in X-Raided, Vice, COTP, etc. than it does to your average player in Zorz, Hates You, Exit Area, etc. However, paying more attention to the SMH player base does not mean ignoring the mid-to-upper tier players
  10. Here is a 4 step plan to help SWTOR get back on track 1) Release NiM versions of Rav/Tos asap. Minimal effort compared to doing entirely new ops. 2) Release 2 new *sets* of levels or 2 more modes for Eternal Championship, on par with HM and NiM raiding, respectively. Track achievements by spec, not legacy/role/class. This will help give single mode players something really difficult to strive for, provide a lot of replay-ability, and also help prog teams identify players who are ripe for HM or NiM raiding. 3) Release new Ops between KOTFE Season 1 & Season 2. Make this tied into the storyline with an end boss being someone notable in the game (Vaylin, some Exarch character you haven't introduced yet, etc.) 4) Different trees/specs for PVP and PVE. Lets face it, balancing PVP and PVE has proven to difficult to manage up to this point.
  11. From the sounds of it, I was expecting it to work like the Sin's 'deflection', 'cloak', and PT 'hydro' tricks .... sadly, I was disappointed I feel like this should really work here if all the other ones do.
  12. Master's basic AA is T/F, shroud negates T/F ..... cloakout gives shroud if you use the right utility .... any more questions?
  13. Bioware, this really needs to be fixed. I'd say the things that need to be addressed here are: 1) The double and triple grenades, especially when they happen on the tank holding master. It's a wipe based on RNG when that happens. 2) Either put the Overpowered Charge Arm back to 3.0 damage levels, make Shroud & Saber Reflect work on it, or turn it into Melee/Range attack type.
  14. Bumping this. Shroud and Saber Reflect still don't work on Master's Overpowered Charge Arm (aka Auto Attack). Please either fix this or better yet, change it back to a melee/ranged attack like it was in 4.0.
  15. Please include a 30 or 45 second reduction for Stim Boost in the healing tree. It would greatly help the burst capabilities of Op Healers.
  16. Saber Reflect is also not working on Master's Overpowered Charge Arm (auto attack). Please see post here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=875512 for additional details and video.
  17. 1) The Ion Cutter didn't show up for anyone in the raid so I don't think it's a platform specific thing. 2) Jugg Saber Reflect does not work on Masters Overpowered Charge Arm, despite the fact that the attack is Tech and the damage type is Energy. IIRC, none of the other T/F cheesy DCDs work either (e.g. shroud). While I used to just suck it up and deal with this, I think it's a bug so I'm including it. You can see both on display here: https://youtu.be/cgBn6jv3hN4 Youtube is still encoding the video. If it's only in 360p resoultion, please check back later for 1080p resolution.
  18. While a lot of the comments about the OP needing to Lrn2Play / get better pugs / etc are all on point, I think this quotation provides the essential context for the previous assertions. SM players need to learn mechanics, rotations, etc if the game is to provide a transition from SM to HM. That necessitates that some people will found out the hard way that they're not good enough. Reality sucks sometimes Given that there are only a few bosses like this, it sounds like it's working as intended.
  19. It looks like you have 3 tanks, rotating tanks on Ion Cutter, and having DPS eat the Ion Cutter. I'm assuming the tanks are popping DCDs on AutoAttack instead of IonCutter (because the DPS are eating it) which is pretty much what I was suggesting. What I specifically like about the way you guys do it is to have the tank back up and then you rotate dps through. A lot less messy than having the tanks trying to dance trying behind the DPS.
  20. This , so much this. I'm hoping the champion thingy they're introducing will help with this. Basically there is a spiral of suck that a lot of players are stuck in and I think B/W could help introduce something that would gently & gradually incentive them to get better.
  21. A couple of points here about M&B 1) I'm not sure stealthing impacts the # of 2x/3x/4x grenades as I've seen this happen before anyone dies or stealths. People should be taking AOE Dmg reduction to mitigate 30% of this dmg and popping DCDs if they have 3x+ or (2x and low on health). 2) Master hits like a truck now, I think, in an attempt to get people to stop cheasing the ion cutters. The sin/shadow strat from 3.0 isn't *as* viable as it used to be because of the increased damage from auto-attack and the fact that stealthing out on IonCutter forces Master to AutoAttack for the remainder of the time he would have been doing IonCutter. This happened before in 3.0 but it wasn't as much of an issue because AutoAttack didn't hit as hard. 3) Instead of burning DCDs on the ion cutters, tanks should instead burn Tech/Force DCDs on auto attacks and using other raid members to take ION cutter stacks. 4) IMPORTANT CONSIDERATION - Master primarily does Tech/Force dmg while Blaster primarily does Melee/Range (aside from his knockback). Subsequently, if the tanks swap on RoP then they should have their appropriate DCDs up for the burn phase. If you're on an assassin, here is a way to make this work 1st AutoAttack - Adrenal & Recklessness 1st FireWheel - Don't stand in stupid 1st IonCutter - Sorc Bubble/Marauder Undying Rage/etc (something that can eat all of it) 2nd AutoAttack - Shroud 2nd FireWheel - Don't stand in stupid 2nd IonCutter - Have 2 players take each 5 stacks each, then Stealth (make sure you have both utilities that give you 4 seconds of shroud to cover the 'fill-in' AutoAttack that he does). This will also reset the medpac in case you had to burn it. RoP 3rd & 4th set - Master is other tank's problem. You burn recklessness and deflection on Blaster's normal attacks. Use Phase Walk to get back in healer range after 2nd KB. Save all other DCDs for Master on burn phase. It's actually better to take a 2nd RoP to let your DCDs reset fully and then push Master as soon as RoP is done. This will give you the highest probability of success in the burn phase. RoP mechs are an individual responsibility - no excuses for failing that. During this time the other tank is burning M/R DCDs on Blaster while you're burning T/F DCDs on Master, then the other tank burns T/F DCDs on Master while you burn M/R DCDs on Blaster. When the burn phase hits, you're T/F DCDs should be back up to take Master and the other tank's M/R DCDs should be up to take Blaster. You should be able to hold Master for ~50-60 stacks if you burn your DCDs right (including your stealth+4sec shroud combo). Once you die, you get rezzed and then tank Blaster. At this point, if your group did the 2nd RoP then your M/R DCDs should be up for Blaster and the other tank's T/F DCDs should be up for Master. Hope that helps
  22. /signed I honestly understand that raiding is too stronk for a lot of people. I think having more tiers is probably the answer, not focusing too much on story. An easy way to do this is to have 4 levels built around 2 difference sets of mechanics. Story Mode - Easy, Story Mode - Medium, Hard Mode - Strong, Hard Mode - Nightmare. I hate to admit this, but given how bad some people appear to be (e.g. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=864692), I think the current versions of operations for TOS/Rav align to Story Mode - Medium and Hard Mode - Strong.
  23. It seams like there is a list of players that Blaster decides to spread the bombs across and whenever anyone exits combat (e.g., stealth out, dying, etc.) that person is removed from the list. It looks like that if the person re-enters combat (breaks stealth, rez) then the list is not put back into the original state. It seams like it could be a problem with updating pointers in a linked list (head or tail pointer) or something like this. At any rate, it's very annoying to have double and triple bombs go off on a single person when all members are alive. This can't be working as intended.
  24. Since Musco's thread is specific to gear rewards for eC, I went ahead and created this one to deal with ideas about the eC more broadly than just gear. First of all, I think this training mode is a great idea. Also, thanks Musco for the communication on this. I think it can do wonders for easing new players into advanced content. However, I'd like to bring some concerns to BW's attention. 1) Static gear. Enough has been said. 216 token at end bosses should be fine (especially if there is a high chance of getting implant, ear, or relic tokens) 2) Potentially DPS centric. I'm not sure what this will do to get healers or tanks used to raiding mechanics while they exercise the tasks appropriate to their role (triage healing & threat/positioning respectively) 3) The concept needs to expand to include HM level difficulty - maybe additional levels beyond what one would need for the weekly/dailies/mission. This may be something for iteration 'next', but we need better/easier ways of telling which new players are ready for HM raids (beyond KP and EC). 4) Please make achievements for this that are specific to the spec or role. It would be very nice to know that a Jugg got to a certain level as a tank vs a dps. Thanks again.
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