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Everything posted by assatrap

  1. Let me formulate it in another way so that your little brain can comprehend it a bit better lets say you and a bunch of friends had planned something fun an exciting adventure for a few days. You had planned this for a while like a month before. Your all excited for this tommorow and there are no hints for this to be canceled or anything.. Suddenly all these friends call you like 12 hours before your about to go on this exciting adventure and CANCEL it all! and forcing you to push it back 7 days. Now how happy would you be?... lol
  2. Its not an overreaction dude think about: 1: On monday they updated the launcher saying to all players tusedays the patch is going live and servers offline. Why would f you do that? like seriously... you send a message out to everyone just to cancel that message a few hours later 2: I understand delay, like 1-2 or 3 days? but delaying it for 7 DAYS... that just means either there are too lazy and taking the week of because of easter. Or they knew they had to delay this for a while because alot of work remains to be done. Either way its very dishonest to push something back 7 DAYS at the very last day without a the slighest hint beforehand 3: My sub runs out 20 april... and i had planned this weekend to play alot of swtor. After that i have to work on exams. With this new delay it means iam only going to be sub for 2 days instead of 9 days. I had planned to grind some gear and explore the ops a few times. Now i can only grind cxp for 2 days and have 2 days to do the ops. Which iam probaly not going to succeed. EDIT: aka 7 days of sub gone to drain like all of you players. People are right to be pissed when bioware treats us customers like ****.
  3. I also do only pvp. But when i pve..occasionally ops i only play anni mara. Something extremly satisfying about the up and close personal style. Melting enemies with mara. Very mobile and fast, extremly high dps, good aoe and mini stealth in the form of vanish.
  4. Plasma probe needs to be adjusted. The only thig that needs to be buffed is PT survivability. Swap some of merc DCD's to PT - thats it. I dont even play PT class yet i sympathise with them. Whenever i see them on WZ... i know its farming time because they are so easy to kill. To the point i actually feel sorry for those who still play PT in WZ...how come there is like no outcry for buffing them, their DPS is ok but their survivability is probaly the worse ever in the history of this game. ***Shame on you devs and Bioware*** for nerfing PT so much you made them extinct in pvp. To think that this has been going on for months and months...and you done absolouty nothing for PT while at the same time buffing mercs to the point everybody and their mom is playing them.
  5. 1 comment only: Low slash is dodged alot!...since in pvp you have very little accuracy almost half of the time my low slash is dodged in my experience now ofcourse if you dont play assasin... you dont know this... because you only notice low slash when it actually hits you... not when they miss you constantly. Just a reminder to OP: we have light armor: which means we have the lowest damage reduction. Alot of our DR comes from MAUL which is requires being back of the enemy every 15sec... lol.
  6. This is so TRUE anyone who actively pvp daily can confirm this. Premades now more then ever destory regs. To make such a huge difference in winning and loosing 8 for winning and 3 for loosing is going to give rise to even more premades. I have been playing daily for a few hours the last 2 weeks: 7-8/10 matches are losses. I consider myself a pretty decent player. Lets say for once you end up in a decent even game.. suddenly you loose snow, someone plants a bomb or loose mid..immediatly you see experienced players leave the game and the tide turns and the loss is confirmed. The moment your side seem to loose advantage people leave because they dont want to waste their time grinding through to the bitter end - this increase difference in Unassembled Component will encourage this even more. Devs needs to understand: the more difference their is between winning and loosing: the more players will find ways honest/dishonest ways to winning. This increase in winning/loosing will just suck the the life of fair matches and enjoyment. A better way to reward Unassembled Component: should be a combination of objectives: if your a DPS how much damage you have done, if your a tank how much protection and if your a healer how much you have healed: in combination with the amount of valor and time spent. Simple FORMULA devs... Ofcourse on top of that should be a difference between winning and loosing but not a difference of 265% like it is currently 3 vs 8... This is what happens when you have devs they dont actively play the game.
  7. Most of the dedicated pvpers are already 240+ geared. Thats effectively 2 tiers above newcommers and casual players who cant play more then 2 hours a day. Now after the new Command rank which is 400 dedicated pvpers are going to be 2-4 tiers above everyone else. They will just slaughter everyone and even regs will soon become like ranked. The least devs can do if they dont want the pvp community not to die soon is to atleast make tier 1 cheap and easy to get the set bonuses atleast.
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