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Everything posted by assatrap

  1. A tiny dps buff. Thats ok but its going to do nothing, its just extra bit of fluff damage. The main problem with Hatred is survivablity and virtually no burst/range. Its almost as squishy as a PT butalteast it has the best burst in game. Meh iam giving up on sin class simply no longer fun too manys classes that can do the same but better. If i want dot spec pressure i just go play mara annihilation which has more damage and better burst. If i want burst i go fury/carnage. Also 2 godmode DCD's with undying rage and obfuscate. Not to mention predation on 20sec cd. With very short duration on Vanish which is also undetectable. Sin hatred is completly useless. For what pressure?.. lol.. survivabilty?...raid utility?....ranked?... then we got exilove who thinks sins are basicly fine as and the players are clueless and almost nothing needs to be changed. Yeh dude not everyone got thousands of hours play time like you in pvp and nim raiding. Not everyone is used to being carried by hardcore nerds... your perception of sin is as skewed as it can get. 99% of the sin player base cant even relate to what exilove is saying... lol.
  2. Keith or Musco: You cant balance classes around both PVP and PVE: What you guys need to do differently here is to discern PVP from PVE stats: An example from alot of mmorpgs the way they gone to balance classes in regards to PVP and PVE: in PVE: all abilities are 100% working as intented In PVP: Lower all crit damage across the board with 50% Lower all damage across the board with 50% Lower all guard effectiveness by 60% (overtuned) Lower all healing effectiveness by 60% (overtuned) Lower all reflects with 50% etc ofcourse these numbers should be adjusted but just an example. these changes will remove globaling because the HP will remain the same and give all classes are fair chance in PVP regardless of how broken it is (meaning they can survive longer due to large hp thus making an impact before they die even if they are complete clueless) But at the same time healing and damage is nerfed. These changes will ensure that a player relys more on skills then just doing 1 single mistake and getting globaled in seconds. This also opens up for a alot more strategy and tactics since killing time is slower but at the same time healing and guard is nerfed. Also survivablity is not extremly high because healing is nerfed. This will game PVP indefinetly more interesting and fun then todays PVP which is broken where you kill players in 4-5 seconds and some players take 4-5 players for a while. The advantage to this system slight changes in classes where you nerf or buff someone a bit too much or too little will still have little impact in PVP - since the HP pool is so large a skilled/veteran player of the class still can make up for it. This also makes the devs jobs a bit easier and overall a more satisfied community where PVP players gets what they want and PVE players are not so effected by it. And ofcourse, capping nodes, doors, sap capping and huttballs etc should be adjusted accordingly to the new system. Or you can apply these changes only to ranked. Etc
  3. Absolutly true. Alot of low dps classes parse are actually the best ones in ranked. What matters the most in RANKED PVP is Survivability. The longer you can survive focus... or have dcds to kite long the more you can do DPS in ranked... and ofcourse having alot of gapclosers or big range is very helpful. Problem with Merc is: they have superior DPS... all 30m+ attacks and superior DCD.. and gamebreaking mechanichs against melee like Net... then reflect heal... energy shield..offhealing....insane crits etc.Unlike snipers they require basicly no skill either. Sniper: marksman and virulence is fine. But engineer probes need to be nerfed and heal on ballistic shield too. Juggs have very good DPS as good as mara or sniper when they are freecasting but it doenst matter because their Dcds arent up to par with other classes and they dont have a big breaker. Deception have good DPS but all their dcds are 2min, most attacks 4m and once they used vanish their pretty much sitting duck. PT AP has good dps and the best burst but again their DCD arent up to par with certain other classes. Mara is in a good place... very good dps...very short duration on vanish + 2 godmode dcds like undying rage and obfuscate thats why they are doing good in ranked. Sorc: probaly the only class that need some sort of dps buff but they have decent dcds but you have to know kiting Operative: 3sec immunity every 10sec +cc + offheals+cleanse+ reflect on evasion reduced cd+ 25s cd on shield probe..30sec cd on hardstun.... The class with the most survivability its ridicilous. But their dps is not high its balanced. But roll needs to be nerfed
  4. assatrap

    Ranked PvP Pop

    Well considering season 8 started when kotet was released that was in early december.. now its june so thats 7 months.. a very long season. The big majority of the people have already achieved their elo or assembled enough tokens hence when the pops are alot longer then say the first 2-3 months. But iam 100% sure the pops will be alot faster once the reward has been announced because alot of players will be returning to see if they have enough tokens or grind more elo.
  5. Iam currently almost 1200 ranked as a sin with almost 200wins and almost equal amount of losses. I totally agree with your thread. I have had my rating drop to as low as 950. 3 main reasons why players get stuck in the 900-1050 rating 1: They started playing mid seasons (so you start in the worse bracket with full of clueless noobs) 2: Your first 10 games was terrible - personally i had 7 losses and 3 wins which got me 1.1k immediatly. Had i done decent i might have ended up 1.2-1.3k 3. If your not playing a fotm class like merc/sniper or very good at mara or oper then you can't carry your team. My first 10 games as a sin was terrible i didnt expect to get focused so hard at almost every match and pretty much was useless since i could barely do any dps before i had to vanish etc took me a while to adjust to the fact the sins are almost garbage compared to regs. But once you end up below 1.1k you end up in teams full of garbage players who dont know how to focus or kite then you got trolls who rq or undergeared player who are complete clueless but wants to farm tokens. There are endless reasons that prevent you from climbing out of the bracket. So even if your a very skilled player the fate of the match lies on the team that is if your not playing a fotm class that can carry the team and unfortunatly the bracket of 900-1050 is very difficult to climb out of unless your playing a class that can carry your team or you somehow get very very lucky with matchmaking. EDIT: the only way to get out of the garbage tier: is to play as many games as possible on evenings/night time (and stop queing when theres bads in que) provided your good at your class and can carry your own weight eventually you will get higher and higher rating.
  6. Ye my bad about the force shroud i play operative too and mixed them up and they have melee and range evasion which resists all the BIG HITTERS...is exactly what sins should have but ofc... we get to dodge "force and tech" attacks... (gotta resist that lightning bolt.. lol) Also i agree we dont need 30m maul ofc. But 30m attack like force lightning could definetly increase our usefullness. Yes we got Ball lightning but its mainly used when proc... but Discharge is like every other 18-20sec a 10m attack. We rely way too heavily on 4m attacks. Whilst opers can ust spam rifle shot, grenade, overload shot and dot when out of 4m range. This is a serious issue when you try to duel against mercs and snipers. Something like force lightning is definetly needed. The current meta in 5.0 Its just too easy for enemies to push us/move out of 4m range over and over again. Yes we got ball lightning 1 single attack that is more then 4m range.. lol. Now notice iam not complaining about our dps or burst they are ok. Yeh but i totally disagree with you on operatives exolive. They have 15sec lower cooldown on hard stun THIS IS HUGE. With utility it comes down to 30sec which most opers have and with high alacrity opers the cooldown of the 4sec hardstun comes to about 26-25 seconds. Combine that with Shield probe every 25 sec which lasts for 10sec (so essentialy a 15s cd) and welltimed roll's...(+offheals) even our slightly better burst cannot compensate for that unless. This is why when 2 opers chase your pretty much going to get globaled because they stun chain. They just have too many advantages especially with that very short cd on hardstun they can burst us down very hard too and often. Whilst opers can quickly get away from 4m range with 2 quick rolls, los and offheal... if we do the same it doesnt work because they have alot of 30m range attacks and alot faster then us so all they have to do is wait us out for when our dcds are down. Our 5-10% better burst is pretty much meaningless because they have plenty of oppurtuinty to recuperate easily. The only advantage we have is the first like 4-5 seconds... And this type of scenario was exactly why Phase Walk was needed as a sin... but now we that removed.. wer just too vulnerable and limited in range compared to our stealth counterpart.
  7. to the op: CUCK DPS... focus on objectives and WINNING People in wz majority of them are dumb and lazy. When called for 1 most of the time 5-6 people go and abandon their node..its like minimap doesnt exist for them . There are just blind and dumb pack of animals that chase and follow in herds. why because? no one wants to guard...or defend a node (less dps/kills and chance of getting sap capped + need to call for help + blame if failed). Everyone just want to farm mindless dps numbers. Thats still ok as long as you have an eye on the nodes - it happens COUNTLESS time theres like 4-5 people in ancient hypergate, voidstar, novare.... people are just chasing kills and 1 enemy casual comes along and caps. The how focused people are on KILLING AND DPS. It just blows your mind how dumb people are. Chasing dps get you nothing whilst winning gets you: higher valor, higher CXP and 5 more unassembled components but people are dumb to realize it. Countless times i sap cap a pylon or a node... defend a node a whole round for my self... helping on calls etc. Zero MPV votes... because when i do these stuff i tend to have low dps and kills. But i dont care cuz i know i was the decisive factor in winning the wz. The fun part is: i have reached valor 100 on my sin for a while now and iam full 248 geared.. when i see the team is beyond hopeless i give up now aswell i dont bother... instead i just try to practice 1vs1 against mercs and snipers for the remaining of the round
  8. My personal suggestions mainly for PVP but equally applicable in PVE: 1: Some kind of modified Phasewalk is needed for Assasins. Our survivability is very limited. All our major DCDs are 2min CD besides Vanish which can easily be revealed even with force shroud utility by mercs and maras we are like sitting ducks most of the time. All we can rely on is Low Slash... but 4 sec soft stun which missed half of the time?... our DCDS are very limited and way too long CD compared to our stealth counterpart Operatives. 2: Force Shroud is bugged. Countless times i activate force shroud before ambush, blazing bolt etc.... yet the force shroud does nothing...extremly unreliable DCD just like phantom stride and its one of our major DCD...whiles our stealth counterpart Operatives have it on 150% reflect and with reduced CD! 3. 30m/10m attacks... (deception) i know we are a melee class but why do our stealth counterpart Operatives have Unlimited Rifle Shot, Corrosive Dart and Frag Grenade with 30m range? and we sins have NOTHING except low slash?... in 5.0 where all classes extreme mobility with endless knockbacks, pushbacks, speed buffs, cc's, roots, slows and RDPS have superior damage... and we have bascily no attacks over 4m range...this is part of the reason why our DPS suffers alot in comparison with maras and juggs. IF your not going to give us any attacks over 4m then atleast give us some form of CC immunity like fury maras so we can be usefull before we get globaled. With 5.0 all our range attacks were gone like Force lightning yet obviously Operatives got to keep theirs and even made Overload shot 10m range energy based....
  9. Guys there is no need to have high hopes or anticipation for the season 8 rewards. Its very simple and its not Keiths or anyones fault. By my very rough estimate about 5% of the population on servers play ranked pvp. The number can vary from about 1-2% to 6-7% depending on servers. Judging from the leaderboards. Of those 5% that played ranked pvp about about 0.5-1% have above 20 000 tokens (150+ ranked wins). Of those 0.5% even less have silver rating or above simply due to the nature of the ranked system. So all in all we are talking about less then 0.5% the population that demands "very special rewards" (20k+tokens/silverating). From season 3 and onwards the rewards have gotten worse and worse. With season 7 being probaly the worst in history of the game. Because less then 0.5% of the population were affected... 99.5% of the players were not bothered by it. This is just how the game works.. devs cant dedicate alot of time and money on something that effect only 0.5% of the population (especially when its given free) when team is already small and theres tons of stuff on the "to do list". This is just the reality... if we'r lucky we get some reskins from previous season which iam totally GLAD for!... if were unlucky a repeate of season 7 which probaly is the case. Game was different back in 2014 where the population was ALOT bigger.
  10. I think you got 1 thing wrong dude. Most of the class changes: are going to be "NERFS" or do you realy expect snipers and mercs getting more buffs? in that sense juggs will automatically get "buffed" since other classes will most likely be nerfed. PT are probaly getting buffed dont think they are going to be nerfed more. Assasins and Operatives...probaly not going to get nerfed since they are not close to FOTM probaly minor changes. That still leaves juggs in a good place since most probaly after class balances if there are slight nerfs mercs and snipers are going to be focus targets again.
  11. assatrap

    Season 8 End

    august LOL it could be 2-3 august or like in worst case 28 or 29th august? big difference... so thats like 3 months signed
  12. absolutely fantastic post, GREAT WORK by keith and the team. I just extended my sub with 3 months. Class balances!!! new wz map and changes to ranked? this is absolutly lovely news the rest is just bonus!
  13. For ranked: jugg tanks are doing better then sins due to them having a bit better dcds and more aoe dps For unranked: sin tanking is more versatile due to pull and stealth. Sap cap.. cc etc. Jugg tanks can last the longest and have better sustained dps then sin due to better aoe attacks and more stuns. Sin tanking has a bit higher skill cap then jugg. But you have to know tanking well and be experienced... skank tanking without a pocket healer when pugging in regs.... often is a very frustrating and ungrateful role.
  14. I stand by what i said. 2 weeks ago i went pref and wanted to do wz i did not get any pop for buying WZ passes. Anyone here can verify this for me who has been pref the past few weeks. So dont get butthurt by the truth your probaly one of those clueless noobs who feels your entitled to everything And dude iam just telling the truth.. no one wants to carry a undergeared clueless noob. .If you see wz as a casual thing "and just want to have fun" while being clueless. Your going to get crushed! but if your fine with that then go ahead
  15. Here is what you need to do: At the start of the wz: just write in Ops chat: "Iam new to this and but i will do my best". After this message ~95% of the players wont bother you regardless of how dumb you play. But try to follow the advice that people give on ops chat if you can. And from valor1 to 12 it shouldnttake more then 1 hour or so - thats about 4 games. Not a big deal!
  16. That was before 5.0. Its not possible anymore you dont get a popup window for buying wz passes after your 5wz/week. The only option you have is to join a active pvp guild. But you must be skilled and experienced enough that people want to team with you as it will benefit them too. Usually pref and f2p people are undergeared and clueless so it will be difficult If your a noob and needs to be carried. Trust me no one wants you in their team
  17. Merc and Sniper is pretty even when it comes to damage and survivability. Where a skilled engineer sniper can slightly edge out a Arsenal merc. But engineer requires a slighty higher skill cap then merc to perfom better. But its nowhere a big difference both in survivablity and dps with equal skilled players. So there are currently 2 stealth classes in Swtor. Lets compare the survivablity of Sin vs Operative because its very interesting! Force Speed Vs Roll. FS: 60% Damage reduction for 2 seconds every 15 seconds. Roll: 1.5sec x 2 = 3 seconds of total resistance and immunity to all incomming attacks, pretty much everything every 10 seconds if played smart. Assuming your not a total scrub. So a sin has 60% DR for 2 seconds every 15 seconds. Operative has total immunity and resistance to everything for 3 seconds every 10 seconds basicly. Ok iam sure sins compensate that somehow for this huge difference. Lets compare some DCDS aswell: Operative: Evasion on 1min CD: but will the right utility you can lower Evasion to basicly 35-45 seconds which is extremly advantageous + on top of that with the utility "Blow for blow" (which all opers have in ranked) you can return 150% of the damage while evasion is active... suddenly operative got a HUGE AUTO CRIT every 35-45 seconds ... the deciding factor in 1vs1 duels since a extra without effecting gcd 25k+ extra damage can tip the scale indefinetly over in favour of oper. Sin force shroud is stricly on 1min CD.... Shield Probe: 25 seconds CD Deflection: 120 seconds CD yes deflection is slightly stronger but realy? the CD is almost x5 longer... Ok... so far Operative has superior DCDS with ALOT lower CD both on Shield probe and Evasion. Not only that but evasion will act as a HUGE auto crit that potentially burst back 25+ damage. Then their speed is alot faster with roll on 10sec CD which has a range of 24m and total immunity to everything whilst sins have force speed on 15 sec CD with a 60% DR - but thats a UTILITY you have to sacrifice for other stuff to get the DR it does not come automatically like totaly immunity for opers on level 52... lol. Forgot to mention countermeasures aswell for the extra curcial speed boost for those tight situations. So sins are in every way in huge disadvantage possible but wait it gets better: OFFHEALS Operative: have very strong heals with added 6% DR if choosen the utlity. And Kolto infusions + toxic scan which a smart operative that can stall a bit and LoS can easily heal full back up. OFFHEALS for Sins: lol are you kidding? that would make SIN op....because we already have superior immunity and dcds then our rival stealth class. And we definetly dont need cleansing either...that might make us op. All these disparitys make operatives 10x better Kiters then Sins. Low Slash... yes i havent mention it! ok so as a sin you can mini CC for 4 seconds... WOW amazing yes will totally compensate for operatives superior dcds, immunity and offheals. Not to mention 50%+ of the time when you realy need it misses because accuracy is low in pvp and pretty much 2/3 of time... enemies are either whitebared or have some form of DCD up which will make low slash automatically resisted.... 30m attacks: So in 5.0 with endless pushbacks..cc's..slows...roots... nets and probe etc. Alot of time you wont be in the 4m range to get off any attacks especially if your the focus target. Its important to have attacks that have range beyond 4m if your going to contribute any dps. Operatives. Unlimited Rifle Shot 30m range. Grenade every 6 seconds with good damage with 30m range. + Decent damage from Overload Shot on 10m range which they even made energy based. Sins: Low slash anyone? lol.. Before 5.0: These differences was almost bareable before 5.0 because sins had Phase Walk, 30% AOE reduction in their Utlity and Force lightning with 30m range. Mercs and snipers were not godlike. But THEY WERE ALL REMOVED IN 5.0 and replaced with Reaping Strike... WOW a tiny DPS increase!!! Conclusion: Devs are clueless on pvp class balance (not talking about PVE where you fight against predictable bots).... the guy whos in charge of pvp balance on "parenting leave" will definetly not comming back infact other pvp devs will probaly join him too on "parenting leave" when they realize the mess and not wanting to admit the mistakes they made in 5.0. Conclusion 2: Nothing will change for atleast 6-12 months+ for sins because they are in a "good place" and things like "Weapons as a part of outfit designer" is more important. There is absolutly no reason what so ever to choose assasin unless your going to be a tank or you are like a masochist who likes to torture yourself. And ofcourse they will never give us Phasewalk back which would solve alot of the problems mentioned above... because that would actualy mean they have to admit their mistakes!
  18. Its about time someone said this what many sins are feeling right now. Sins are pretty much useless at the moment in ranked. Not talking about regs - all classes can decent in regs and sins are pretty good there. What do sins contribute in ranked: + Decent damage and burst melee in 4m range. Yes 4m.... lol compared to sniper and mercs even sorcs unlimited 30m+ freecasting. + CC's whirlwind and Low slash - yeh its good but barely makes a difference with skilled players. - Not enough gapclosers - yes we got force speed. But you just cant use it anytime you want you have to save it for when your getting focused. - yes we got phantom stride when it works 50% of the time very unreliable. - Damage reduction: we got 19-20% damage reduction at default. Lowest of all classes. Then we can add another 15% from maul and 9% from proc. - Our DR is the big problem: Catch a sin offgaurd - we only got 20% especially if he has no proc on its VERY easy to global a sin even if its almost full 248. - With endless amounts of pushback, roots, stuns and cc its very very difficult to keep the 15% maul proc dr active especially if your focus target. (mercs and snipers make about 2/3 of the que). -We have only 1 big breaker - Vanish - but it doesnt work especially if your slowed and there is merc and snipers in ranked they will almost always reveal you 7/10 regardless of how you vanish. - Problem is our Vanish is not undetectable for like 5 seconds like maras we immediatly get reaveled and we'r pretty much dead in seconds after that. -NONE of our DCDS work while stunned - NONE... this combined with our lowest dr in class makes sins very vurnebale. We have to anticipate all the time when we are about to get focused - to be absoloulty sure i usually pop a dcd or 2 the second i get attackted. Because iam so traumatized by the 2-3 times i got globled. If the players are smart they wont attack and you have wasted your dcds and pretty much cannon fodder after that. So what do sins do in ranked the typical process: typically gets focused - if lucky might able to get a cc or 2. Now at the openening is extremly dangerous for sins since we got very low DR. then vanish at about 40% - heal backup if you lucky and contribute a tiny amount of dps untill your quickly finished.... we realy need our Phase Walk back... our make vanish undetectable the first 5-6 seconds. Make some of our DCD's work while stunned. Sins right now are like juggs and PTs- difference being juggs and PTs can actually contribute decend amount of DPS before they die. EDIT: i made this post thread because most people think sins are in a good place. Yes we are in a good place when we got all our procs up and no one touches us...but sin DR is too PROC dependent ... a whopping 24% comes from proc. None of our DCD's works while stunned and our vanish is easily detectable. Summary OUR DCDS needs to be buffed - less proc dependent and some of them should work while stunned. Not enough gapclosers bring back phasewalk...
  19. Depends its not that easy. But snipers are generally focused as well one of the first ones actually. There is a HUGE difference between skilled and a random scrub sniper so sometimes its a gamble just like focusing a sorc. A very skilled sniper/sorc takes 4 man to kill a while. A random scrub gets globaled in like 10 seconds. This is why i think balancing classes is so hard. Since ranked PVP is a small community - generally about 40-80 players play it regulary on every tier-elo/server. If you play for a while you know the skill level of the majority of the players. Who gets focused first is a combination of 1. gear level - if the target has like below 115k hp then generally he gets focused no matter class. 2. if the target is wellknown in ranked community as bad or below average player he gets focused first regardless of class. 3. But usually its the classes with no big breakers that gets targeted first: like juggs, pts and snipers. 4. Usually in second round. Sometimes the player the has perfomed the best (carrying) will get targeted first since taking him down first usually means kill the rest of the team will be alot easier. (A tactic that is extremly effective but the team has to tunnel hard) As you can see its not very easy and very challenging which is why some people still love ranked regarldess of the toxic community and shi* talking
  20. For solo ranked as deception: I currently have about 1700 alacrity and 1700 crit and about 300 accuracy (105%) this is the setup i feel most comfortable with, i tried full power aug with 1-2 alacrity but i felt too vulnerable. I feel like for RANKED high alacrity is a must especially since "sins" get focused alot and hitting our dcds fast is CRUCIAL. I feel like iam in more control and can access my DCDs faster with this much alacrity, also i feel like i suffer no dps loss. Ideally i would aim for 110% accuracy but have to experiment around i feel like i dont want to lower my crit or alacrity anymore. Yeh but as someone mention earlier... that crucial low slash or enemy doding that 3 stacks of discharge or maul can alot of times determine a 1vs1 duel. I think alot of people are reevaluating ACCURACY in pvp especially now considering with 246/248 you have plenty of stats to distribute other then crit and power.
  21. Definetly agree. Electro NET IS A HUGE problem: whenever i play sin or any other melee class that i know will get focused: i live in constant fear whenever my HP drops below 50% i get super scared.... and you ONLE have 1 breaker against NET! so you have to time it perfectly if you misjudge it the slightest say your being focused by 3 guys and you use your breaker then get NETTED. Its over...its very very easy to global a class when a merc knows how to time NET. What is even more dam scary is the NET has ONLY a 90 SEC cooldown... are you kidding me devs? it should be atleast 240/300 seconds if its not going to get nerfed... because as a melee if you have no cooldowns left: which you probaly have not if your getting focused or maybe 1... you pretty much dead in seconds because you can LITERALY DO nothing expect EAT huge crits from mercs, snipers and mara focusing- health pool 70-80% gone in 3-4 seconds. it as happened me countless times and i fully 242/246/248 geared. Not to mention mercs 57 different cooldown,reflect which you just stand their eat crits and regen healths...as i said before i my mind is blown by the ignorance shown by the devs this has gone for 5 months.
  22. This post is AWESOME. Pretty much explains the current state of swtor endgame 2017... pvp well 90% of the playerbase are braindead zombies with the 10% having huge gear advantage 242-248 and years of experience aka premades. Ranked?: well if you want to upset your mood with toxicness and realy experience how fair the class balance is then its the place Operations: fine i enjoy them but not after i done them 500 times already. GSF: lol Whats left? grinding for decorations and RP'ing and buying CC armor sets from GTN? thats what swtor fun has been reduced
  23. assatrap

    So Bored now

    Agree with this 100% i love pvp its the only thing that keeps me interested in this game. But the amount of braindead zombies that play regs its seems more and more that all the veterans have left. Alot of noobs and scrubs have replaced them with no clue other then that "CHASE KILLS" and getting high DPS aka number farming with no care about objectives. For example... 2 people call for help g... 6 people on mid all go to grass to help and abandon mid... On novare coast you got 5 people defending south.... still 3-4 players cap south... because people chase kills and dps. Dont bother at all to intterupt. Or chase enemies half across the map and abandon guarding etc. Or how broken sniper's probe is and gamebreaking. Happened countless time and when i instruct via chat i get called arrogant or i should shut up. This has forced me to play RANKED: as someone who loves play melee i get slaugheter by snipers with their 57 different dcds and pushback and mercs NET (combined with their range and countles dcds) which is so gamebreaking if you dont have all your dcds you easily get globalled. Iam only playing a few more days to get enough season 8 token then iam out. I could care less for grindin a full 248 set (are you kidding with this current class balance?) Iam taking a long break for a few months the whole summer. Untill class balanced is fixed already cancelled my sub 2 weeks ago. The total disregard for class balance showed by devs in latest stream (it has gone 5 months since 5.0 dropped) just was very dissapointed. Shows to me these devs have no clue about the actual game. I can live with the gearing system since what would take 1 month now takes 2 months. But the class balance just sucks the life and enjoyment out of everything.
  24. Very impressive numbers! BUT.... You LOST despite your godlike numbers and healers in your team: that leads me to the conclusion: your a NUMBER FARMER: like majority of todays braindead pvp players who cares about nothing else except medals and valor. Minimal objective gameplay...big HUGE MEANINGLESS numbers... this post sums upp pretty nicely the state of swtor pvp in 2017 - winning or objective game play is useless... its ALL ABOUT THE NUMBERS!
  25. Mara is a bit better AND more usefull then jugg both in pvp and pve. BUT lots of people find juggs have a more fun playstyle..also its a bit better solo class then mara. But as usual... its entirely up to you what you find most enjoyable is the way to go.
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