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Everything posted by Hoshkar

  1. Maybe, was nice to get some of the older pack items for a cheaper price off the GTN during the sale As much fun as paying 12 mill for a meditation chair is right now.... Glad I snagged mine for 2.5 mill when those packs were up!
  2. Beware my lack of sleep and one to many zeros!!! I swore they jacked the price of them up the next week afterwards though.
  3. Didn't they already kinda do this with the First Grand Acquisitions Pack? Think this full set was one of the many available out of that pack. That was a 9,000CC item the first time around, think they put it back up a second time for 12,000 or something. Wouldn't mind seeing this pack back up on the CM every now and then myself.
  4. The guy sent me a mail about selling it to them, I responded, they never got back to me about it, I was even going to sell them the crystal for 9 million. Instead a few days later they bought it off the GTN for 10 million. Nothing is really stopping me from selling out of trade, I attempt to all the time. After some time I would rather head out and do other things, or sleep, so I toss them up onto the GTN. The items I try to sell out for trade for 5 mill, end up selling over night on the GTN for 6 mill a lot of the time.
  5. Sold a crystal for 10 million, that is a 600k chunk the GTN took out. I would have rather talked to the person, and sold it to be honest....
  6. Necroing old posts is all the rage now days
  7. Pretty much this... I might be on Fleet for a minute or two. If not I have a ship transport I use to skip loading that place if I can. Unless my storyline is sending me there, I avoid it. Bought all of the ship legacy unlocks as well. So if I need a GTN I can just use my ship. I expect strongholds to make the Fleet population drop more as well.
  8. Who is going to sit around on Fleet all day for a headcount? 250 people, how many of those are just credit spammers / GTN bots?
  9. These ones make me laugh, and are very fun to call out in trade chat. They tend to stop trying to sell their over priced junk pretty fast and toss it on the GTN.
  10. Little sad that this is still an issue in today's MMO. Just another reason to only run group content with friends / a guild.
  11. I will admit, I am a total fashion whore. I like to look good while I make things dead. I am also on a Roleplay server, so clothes make or break some of that interaction. I might spend all day picking out exactly what I want to wear on my character, what mount looks best, and what pets to go with it. I also enjoy flashpoints, warzones (when I do). I am to low for operations right now, but I have raided in top guilds in the past on other games, and look forward to trying some of that content out when I get to it here.
  12. Are you also F2P? Pretty sure if a subscriber opens trade, they can still put items in there, you just need to start the trade is all.
  13. How do some people go from 1-55 in ONE double exp weekend? I know I have read a few posts that people have done this.
  14. Happens in every game, F2P or not. Put them on ignore, and move on. Still a good chance you will never run into that person again in the future anyways. If not try to run group content with a guild only. Plenty of good reputation guilds out there looking for respectable players to join them. There is always that rare chance that the person who is needing on everything does not understand what they are doing wrong. They are new, and have no idea what stats they should be using for their class. Seeing as even on the starting planet any stat can be dropped off mobs / chests. I try to give people the benefit of the doubt on that. If they more or less tell you to muck off or ignore you completely then all you can do is Vote kick them out, and toss them on ignore. Seems like 9 times out of 10 it is a new player who had no idea until someone mentioned it. I have noticed that 1/10 person seems far more common in some of the other games I have played as well. As far as the community on this game goes it is pretty high up there on standards. At least on my server
  15. Hmm, when I use rocket boost on my merc, the back pack seems like it was pushing out the right animations. Haven't had a character with that armor style in awhile though. Was always cool to see that when others were running around. I need to find somewhere else to store my juice box and sammich now
  16. The rifle in question is not worth 300k. On my server it has 3 pages flooded, and is worth 3,000 at most I think right now....It is a pretty easy scam to do if you have an alt / second account / friend who is as crooked as you are.
  17. Don't forget, if you have some Cartel Coins piled up, you can also get some pretty cool looking mounts off the cartel market. These mounts all scale for 90%, 100%, 110% training. They also come with the Speeder Rank 1 skill in the pack (which can be sold on the GTN if you do not need it, tends to net an easy 90k or so).
  18. Pretty much this. Be careful on what guides you find online as well, come of them are very very very out dated. Some are also designed just for OPs, some for flashpoins, some for warzones, some for dailies, some for leveling. Sometimes you are better off playing around with the points yourself as well. Early levels I tend to spend points in all 3 trees on some classes. Around level 30 the priority shifts, cause you are getting new abilities, and better things in the tabs are going to be available as well. Seems like a giant pain the the butt, those who do bother to take the time to read the skills, and understand how they would work best in their situations tend to turn out to be much better players in the long run as well. People that just cookie cutter their class barely seem to know how to play it. Just cause it pushes out top numbers for the guy you copied it from doesn't mean it will for you as well....
  19. I was hopen they had this feature in game myself. You need to find something for an achievement, you tab down, find the loc, then putting in onto the map as an icon would be pretty spiffy. I guess some features that come standard in other MMOs tend to spoil you for other ones sometimes
  20. Better off going that road, also works on Tablets (that is how I get mine). I think there is also a PC emulator.
  21. Glad they are adding a credit sink like this into the game. Only been playing a few months, and I own 70% of all the cartel pack items (collections). Going to need somewhere else to funnel piles of credits soon!
  22. Just started playing the game not to long ago myself (end of January, this year). Only reason I tried it was because it was F2P, I heard horrible things from other people from the MMOs I was growing bored to tears of (5+ years of the same MMO, tends to happen). Really glad I gave this game a shot now. I was a subscriber a few weeks afterwards. Really enjoying the storylines. LOVE how customizable characters can get with armor, and companions. Found an awesome guild, and made friends pretty fast. Compaired to some of the other MMOs I have played this game seems to have one amazning community! My highest level is only 43, and I feel like I have barely scratched the surface of this game so far. The only thing I am getting a little burned out on is the BBA event. Done it 4 months now (maxed faction after the second one), nothing ever seems new or exciting about it now. Really looking forward to the events I missed, and the new ones coming up! The new cartel pack items look pretty awesome as well. I like the fact they keep putting new stuff into the game each month like that.
  23. Just started playing when this event was coming to a close, I cannot wait to try it out myself. As many times as I died because of the infection, going to be sweet revenge to pass the love along to others
  24. Sweet, I may just get my first character to 55 yet (sitting at 43 now!)
  25. This right here is why I quit making them to sell. I will only make them when an alt of mine hits 21, or a guildie makes a request. Now I need to find another use for my 450 Biochem, who sits on Fleet doing nothing at all now.... I am open to suggestions
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