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Everything posted by Hoshkar

  1. I am sooooooooooo glad I bought 10 of them for 50k each months ago now Not sure what they are going for on my server, as I do not need anymore myself. Did they come out of the older Cartel Packs maybe? or maybe there was a %50 off sale on the Cartel Market and hasn't been another one for a long time?
  2. Open Collections. Start looking through it, find things you want. Buy what you do want. You may want to consider a +41 power level 10 color crystal, really good investment for you, your companions, and your alts (if you legacy item mail, or account unlock it). Do NOT open Collections if you have OCD issues.... (/sigh, 70% and counting....)
  3. If you have already equipped the full set on your old character, it can be unlocked in your Collection for Cartel Coins (which makes that set unlimited, and account wide from then on). The credits, you can sinmply mail, the unused mods you can also mail, anything not bound to that character is transferable to your new character. Anything you have already equipped on your old character is stuck with that character, you can strip out mods, and put those into a bind to legacy item, and then transfer the mods that way. Unless they are purple, it is not really worth it. (cost and time wise). If you only used half of the set, you have to equip the full set on a single character, for it to show up in collections. Supposed to launch in August, that is if it does not get pushed back, and as far as I can remember, there is still no official word as to what exactly can be put into this bank.
  4. http://tor-fashion.com/crystals/ and http://dulfy.net/2012/05/07/endgame-color-crystals-post-1-2-and-how-to-obtain-them/ (kinda better, shows bloom on, and bloom off) Might be handy Never watched the movies, so not sure myself, but that link shows you all available. Going off this image? (I assume is from the movies) Yoda with Lightsaber Kinda looks like the artifice made green one with bloom off to me...
  5. On the same server? Then you can just mail any unbound item over to your new character (vendor bound ones, and send credits, if you plan on deleting the old character). If they are on separate servers, then there is no way to move the items, unless you want to spend money on transferring one character to the other server. If you mean the inventory slot expanders, then no, those are bought per character (but can be bought as account wide, if you got that CC unlock, off the cartel market, or GTN).
  6. That would work, if I was selling them. I want the drake pet for all my ats, cause I really like how it looks. So instead of buying for the 500,000 that it used to cost, I now have to spend 25 contracts, which are now worth 1,125,000. Making most of the items on the BBA vendors way the hell overpriced. They need to cut a lot of the contract costs by half or more to be honest.... Not enough people do BBA to make buying them off other players even worth it. Which might of been what BW was shooting for, with the players complaining they had nothing else they can do with the contracts anymore.
  7. Tell him you are really a 50 year old, 400lb, married guy with 8 kids, bet he stops bothering you pretty fast.
  8. I pick up the weekly in the Supply area on Fleet, turn in same place. As far as Under Word Trade goes, yea, you will spend money sendin crew, but if it is for Metals(ignore gifts, and fabric( unless stronghold items require fabric to craft, then those items might see a turn around, but for now, just send for metal), you can sell said metals on the GTN for a nice profit (depends on grade). You can also make better mods for yourself later down the road if you wanted. Is really ones own choice in the end when it comes to any suggestions
  9. Only thing I want to see is the ability to store credits in this thing. Having to swap characters cause you see something on the GTN and you are just shy of buying tends to get annoying pretty fast. I wouldn't at all be surprised if there is a CC unlock option, along with insane amount of credits, or legacy level requirements involved.
  10. Welcome back! Tank classes in most games tend to be a lot more gear dependent then others. Kind of a toss up, sniper kills fast, operative has better tools to keep themselves and their companions alive. Assassin is pretty fun with stealth (lets you skip a lot of trash and go right to the good stuff) if you did not enjoy the Jugg, you will most likely not like an Assassin though. Other choice is the Sorcerer, more range, and healing abilities. Along with a companion you can kill stuff all day. Far as spec goes, more or less if you want to kill faster, or heal, or PvP Don't forget to grab Under World Trade with those. Cybertech is also an awesome way to make credits on the side. I tend to get away with just using planetary commendations every 10 levels or so. While I toss quest rewards / drops at my companion. You do not need blue or purple gear to level, but it does make it a lot faster! With the 1 million credits your Jugg has, check out the GTNs prices on CM items before spending CC. A lot of the time you can get items for very very cheap. I spend mine on account unlocking the more useful items, like a mount I really like, or a +41 power crystal. Be sure to grab your weekly, and run a flashpoint, good way to get some extra Comms / gear, even if the que is long, you can quest till it pops.
  11. 38 contracts, at 45k a pop (at least on my server's GTN, sometimes they go for more). Makes that come out to be 1,710,000.... Honestly, they should half the contract costs on a lot of the items...or more.
  12. Getting rather burned out and extremely bored of BBA stuff myself. Even if I do make 70 or so contracts a week, with the costs of the items now, and what I want, over various alts.... A time sink is nice but there should really be some sort of better way.... Nothing new at all each month also makes an event very very dull.... Faction tab for Collections maybe? I would rather spend CC to unlock 1 item then run BBA over and over and over and over and OVER AND OVER!!!!!!!!
  13. Wouldn't think it be that hard to put in, placeable mannequins, with inventory slots that open when clicked on, place items into said slots, and they show up on said mannequin. Wall mountings for weapons would be pretty cool to see, to decorate with, that come with their own slots to change weapons in and out of.
  14. 87 mounts and 100 something pets, I need more room then that!!!
  15. Get the power one, works from 10-55. Helps you kill things a lot faster! After you equip said crystal on character A, they can make unlimited copies in Collections. When you log onto character B, you can account unlock it with cartel coins (most are 240CC if I recall). You can then make unlimited copies of that crystal for all of you alts, and their companions! Be sure you get a modable offhand as well (can put crystals into shields, focuses, as well as offhand weapons). They are a good investment, and some just look awesome too!
  16. This might be a helpful link to your question. http://www.swtorhub.com/advanced-stats-guide Not sure if that is as up to date for more recent patches, but it explains what is what and why. Even a nifty chart near the bottom, broken down for each advanced class, and role they are.
  17. Everyone says Agent's storyline. I was not all that impressed, i enjoyed my inquisitor's story a lot more myself. Everyone seems to hate the bounty hunter one, and I liked it So far I do like the empire ones a lot more than the republic ones, not really into the whole goodie two shoes unicorn rainbow feel that side seems to give off most of the time....
  18. Pretty sure everything you want to know can be found here - http://www.swtorhub.com/sith-inquisitor-companion-guide The level you might be will vary, the quest is normally the end of the main class storyline on the planet listed on said link.
  19. Bought cheap character server slot unlocks off the GTN, then I made 1 of every advance class. One of them goes darkside, the other lightside. You see the story from different responses that way. Some are pretty cool. Right now they are all sitting at 15-45. Glad I did it this way myself. There are still planets I have not yet done. A lot of missing achivements to be found. Some flashpoints I still haven't tried. Having all these alts does come in handy with events as well. I can get 60-100 BBA contracts in 1 week. I was max faction only after 2 months. Also Master Crafter using all of them. Alts do come in handy, and there is nothing wrong with trying them all out, I even know some people who have 2+ of a single advance class, just cause they really like it. Good way to skip having to swap skill points as well. If you wanted to play the class a different way (tank one day, or DPS the next).
  20. My more recent /facepalm moment....A few BBAs ago, I was fighting the droid henchman on Kaas, on the bridge, where he pops up. I was unaware of this guys knock back.... I could see my house as I fell a long long ways down I now line of sight pull him around the broken down vehicle near the bridge.
  21. Why is this not a 2 person mount? Make your group member do the driving while you sit back and relax
  22. WHAT?! I love getting 50k tell offers all day for my million+ items! Then when I tell them how much said items goes for the reaction that follows can be priceless!
  23. maybe not 10,000 CC, 1,000CC seems more than reasonable for any armor set....
  24. Crazy idea for a new Warzone.... Geonosis Arena (sort of setting). You get qued into as one of the random beasts in there, kill each other, and various prisoners. Sort of a king of the hill, last man standing sort of thing. Toss Rancors and other cool looking normally not playable big beasty races in there as usable avatars. I don't even like PvP, but I would totally do this if it was avaialable
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