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Everything posted by Hoshkar

  1. I started doing the gifting thing, then learned it was sort of pointless till the 40s, when you can do their quests Thanks for the suggestions! I looked into the pets, most of them are not my style (to put nicely). Those regen items sound fun though. I will look into those. Been looking around for more appearance stuff for my various characters as well. Some interesting combos when you put the right dye mod into it! I might just start hiding around Fleet and give away credits to anyone who can find me for that day Anyone else has some suggestions I would love to hear them!
  2. Only been playing for a month or so now. I love making credits, and I love to spend them. I spend most of my time in game doing so. My highest level is a level 28 Assassin. I also have one of every single other class, they are all level 13-20. I am at the point where I am not sure of what else to buy with the credits that are stacking up very fast.... So far I have bought... Just in case I no longer wish to subscribe to SWToR, I bought all the unlockers to make my preferred account just as useful as a paid one...Also bought all the inventory and cargo hold slots possible. (right now I like having the rested cantina bonus, and no credit limit ) Coastal Varactyl, account unlocked it as well, my fav mount so far. (steal at 1.5mill) A silver blue +41 Power crystal, account unlocked that as well. (750k, easy come, easy go) Treek + Treek appearances, yea account unlocked it too (2mill+100k) Human Species Unlocker, someone told me the +100 presence was worth it (only cost me 300k) Sith Species Unlocker, I wanted a Sith republic character, so I bought it lol (500k deal from trade chat) Cathar Species Unlocker, love this race, 6 of my alts are Cathar! (another 500k find on GTN) I have also bought any useful Legacy unlocks as well, most of the character specific ones do not seem worth the $ (My Legacy level is only 5, so not much to unlock currently lol) Few alts I have bought some modifiable gear for appearance sake, but that isn't much...(not impressed with selection) (Never knew about the crystals till someone mentioned them in general, had no idea what Treek even was till 2 weeks ago) What else should I really save up for to buy?
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