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Posts posted by Yermog

  1. I don't hate Kira, but she's certainly not my favorite. To be honest, I found both Kira, Nadia, and Ashara to be fairly annoying. Kira and Ashara are very judgmental and arrogant, and Nadia is naive and not very mentally mature. For the first two, I think it's a problem of being over-confidant and letting their abilities go to their head. They believe that they should be immune to the 'regular' rules and regulations of the Jedi Order, because they're so much more advanced and skilled- supposedly. Kira irritated me because she thought she was better than the Jedi rules, and Ashara bugged me because even though she was no longer 'Jedi', she still held it over the SI's head like it was so superior. Nadia only irritated me because of her naiveté and immaturity. I think my problems with all three could be fixed with a healthy dose of reality for them.
  2. I dunno, everyone so far turns my crank but for different reasons. Age doesn't bother me, accents, their morals, but I see them as meant for my character. Like Quinn might not fit as an LI for ALL female sith warriors, but he fits 100% perfectly with mine. While he's straight laced and almost by the book (he's not as bad as Dorne, egads) he's perfect for my Light Side 5, goofy as hell, tosses SW's version of popcorn at her holoscreen along with Vette and Light Jaesa, her BFFs. I can see Quinn married to MY sith war and face palming a lot at her antics. lol


    I think this- its impossible to say who is the best LI for a character because everyone plays their character a little differently. Some people might not like an age difference, others might not care, and some might love one LI while another hates that LI. It's very difficult to compare which one is better than another because in the end it all comes down to individual tastes.

  3. With how all the classes intro the character, I can't imagine how anyone can say they're in their 30's. Even the BH (which does seem to have the oldest sounding voice) comes off as inexperienced and brand new to the job, except for Smuggler, which may just be more bragging than anything else.

    I imagine all my LIs as being in their mid-20's. None of them sound "young" to me.

  4. Honestly I think people think too much about the ages. If it really bothers people just headcanon them to be different ages, or that they've had really good medical treatment or something. I'm half-convinced that the writers didn't give any serious consideration to the LI's and companions ages anyway. If Talos Drellik can be 27 but look 47, then I can easily imagine Quinn being 5-7 years younger than he "canonically" is according to Wookiepedia. :p
  5. You have to keep in mind two things:


    1. In the Star Wars universe, medical technology has advanced to the point where most humans are fully capable of living up to 150 years, even more than that with the right tech, AND they don't really age until towards the end of their life. Which means that even if he is 37, he's still got a loooong life to live, provided that he doesn't die in a battle. Which is still a very likely possibility for him.


    2. Talos Drellik works with Sith Artifacts. SITH artifacts. Nico Okarr keeps himself young by using an artifact he found, it would make sense that in one of his adventures, Talos found one that aged him a good bit. Either that, or his age is a typo.

  6. Weird. I just did two playthroughs of SoR and although I wasn't interested in romancing theron or lama I did do the exploit to see what the dialogue would be while flirting by choosing then pressing escape to start the convo over again and when I did flirt with them both Kira on my knight (married) and Ashara on my SI (romanced but bugged last quest so couldn't marry) didn't seem to give a damn so I don't think this bug is fixed. I was thinking it was VERY messed up that Kira wouldn't care I was flirting :/

    This isn't going to ever be fixed, we'll just have to pretend that we flirted with Lana and Theron when our original LI's aren't around. It's not thrilling, but what's done is done. At least we can look forward to hopefully excellent reunions, and if Kaliyo and Aric are anything to go by, they'll all be pretty delightful.

  7. Nadia on the other hand, was trained much later in life. She's an adult. She may be naive, she may have been sheltered, but that doesn't make her any less of an adult. Even in RL you don't have those to things stop one from being in a relationship. :p

    I completely agree with this in the sense that Nadia is a legal adult and she can be intimate with whomever she wants, but that doesn't mean that mentally or emotionally she's able to truly understand and/or deal with actual romance and love.


    If you're in a formal teacher/student relationship, as the Consular is with Nadia, you might let that stop you. ;)

    And I feel like the Consular, having had so much more training than Nadia and having so much more experience, would realize that her feelings for a male JC are probably not as deep as she believes them to be, and would try to find ways to get her to realize that she's defining herself in regards to another person rather than defining who she is on her own terms. She went from always being at her father's hip to always being at the Consular's hip. Now that she's alone, she has to deal with all the emotional issues she was able to put off before, and added to that, with the loss of her first lover and potentially husband.


    In regards to love being a weakness/negative thing for Jedi: I'm not opposed to the Jedi cautioning against love, I'm opposed to how they go about it. Instead of trying to help their students understand the (significant) ups and downs of romantic relationships as a Jedi, they just say "Love is bad, can lead to the Dark Side, have a nice day". It sort of reminds me of when high school students are taught that the only safe sex is abstinence. Jedi have and are going to fall in love, but many of them are so ill equipped to deal with it because the Council doesn't say anything in regards to love other than "It's bad!"

  8. I played a LS Inquisitor who romanced Andronikus, and I really enjoyed it. As others have said though, it's not a lovey-dovey romance and he's not a guy who likes to be tied down. He values his freedom and independence above all else. If you romance him, he'll make it clear that he cares about your Sith, but if she ever starts to think that he's 'hers', then he's out of there. He doesn't like possessiveness, and he's not possessive of you. That being said, if you continue the romance he will clearly begin to show signs of deep attachment to you, and at the end of his romance he basically says that he's around for as long as the Sith wants him (so presumably forever). Also his romance letter in KOTFE is wonderful.


    Now, romancing him as a full LS Sith can be kind of tricky because he has a real sadistic streak and disapproves of mercy or letting people live when killing them would help you. But romancing him as a full DS Sith can also be tricky, because you take heavy approval losses if you kill unarmed civilians or people who have been upfront and honest with you. But if you're really into RPing and headcanons, you could make either one work. After all, every couple has their differences.



    My LS Inquisitor got along well with Andronikus because they both had difficult backgrounds. The SI was born and raised in slavery, and had a tough time of it. Andronikus was raised by at least one abusive parent (he says the last time he cried he was six and his dad shot him in the foot to shut him up- I wish I could say I thought he was lying), and although he was a solider in the Republic for a time, he felt betrayed by them and became a pirate- where he was eventually betrayed again, and tossed into Imperial prison where he was tortured for a year. So he's a very distrustful and cynical person when it comes to relationships in general.


    That works with my SI because, as a former slave, she completely understands why he wants to be foot-loose and fancy free, and she doesn't blame him at all. She's never been in a romantic relationship herself, so aside from a one-time thing with the Sith Urgal on Alderaan, he's her first ever real lover. When she was a slave she wasn't in a position to give or refuse consent. She's never opened up to the possibility of a true relationship because there was no point before, so this is all new to her.


    But I loved his romance with my SI because even if he didn't approve of all her actions, he grows to trust and respect her, and then falls in love with her, which is implied has never happened to him before. And when he finally reaches that point, he's clearly willing to follow her through hell and back, because there's no one else for him but her.



    My own opinion is that a romance with Andronikus is totally worth it if you're willing to deal with all the ghosts that follow him for a good part of the relationship. He's not what I'd call romantic, but he's got a very soft side when it comes to his Sith.

  9. Yeah I'm going to have a hard time on one of my characters. I RP'd one of my JK's as being emotionally drained and defeated by the time Lana pulls her out of carbonite (the events of SoR/Ziost are still raw to her as is Darth Marr's death and the realization she's yet again failed to kill the Emperor who now plagues her mind, which leaves her to think he's still not dead and gone). She feels disconnected from the world that's changed so much over those 5 years and the dream vision stuff Valkorion showed her haunts her. Despite Doc's love letter she believes they'll never reunite due to the circumstances they're all in.. then once she sees Theron again, she kind of seeks out the wrong kind of comfort from him. Sooo yeah.. gonna be interesting once Doc returns. :o

    So can you romance Theron even if you didn't romance him in SoR? I wouldn't have thought that you could, but I don't know for certain.


    Also, I would wait for Doc. You can romance Theron with any character, but you only get Doc with your JK. Plus... it's Doc. I love Doc. His reunion is going to be beautiful.

  10. I want everyone back. I'm still hoping I'll get a chance to rerecruit Tanno Vik sometime in the future or something since I never killed him once, but with this one, I won't hold my breath.


    I have SOME idea of who will be INSIDE the story itself and who will be alliance alerts.




    Inside story itself:


    Jedi Knight: Kira, Doc, Scourge (T7-O1)

    Jedi Consular: Tharan C, Nadia, Iresso

    Smuggler: Corso, Akaavai, Rishaa

    Trooper: Jorgan, Dorne (not sure about Vik...meaning to recruit)

    Sith Warrior: Quinn, Vette, Jaesa

    Sith Inquisitor: Andronikos, Ashara

    Agent: Kaliyo, Temple, Vector (I know we have Scorpio, but she's a droid)

    Bounty Hunter: Torian, Mako, Gault


    Inside an Alliance Alert only:


    Jedi Knight: Rusk

    Jedi Consular: Qyzen, Zenith

    Smuggler: Bowdaar, Guss

    Trooper: M1-4X, Yuun

    Sith Warrior: Pierce, Broonmark

    Sith Inquisitor: Talos, Xalek, Khem Val

    Agent: Lokin

    Bounty Hunter: Skadge, Blizz




    I KNOW things can change, but from what I read, at the moment, the above is how they'll do it. As you can see, it's mostly Love Interests/Spouses who are INSIDE the story.

    Well, we already have Qyzen, M1-4X, Taloxz, Xalek, Lokin, Yuun, Pierce, and Blizz as alerts, and we know we're getting Bowdaar back next chapter, and also probably Guss, so you're right for those.


    I'm willing to bet money that all the romances will return as main characters in chapters. Otherwise everyone who has done a romance (me included) will be up in arms.

  11. Y'all make some good points. I liked certain aspects of the Nadia romance, but it was kind of off-putting as well, for reasons I found kind of hard to put into words but I think have been given form now by previous posters. I'm a little curious, though: do you think some of the more negative connotations of her romance could have been avoided by having Nadia interact with the Consular starting earlier in the story? If she'd been treated as a companion and romance option from the very beginning, maybe even actually becoming a Padawan as soon as you learned about her powers, then I feel like the relationship would've had more in-story time to mature, and maybe become a little more palatable, even if certain elements were left in (the grief-hookup, for example, I actually thought was well written from an in-character point of view, though I'm glad that you can't actually take advantage of her there, and it's how that leads to the romance that makes it weird).

    I think that's a good question and you make a valid point as well. But I think what we need to make her more enjoyable as a character is not more time with her, but character development on her part. She goes through a great deal after meeting the Consular, but she never seems to grow as a person. She's always shielded and protected by her father, and after his death the role of guardian and mentor is passed to the Consular. Nadia is never given the time to grow and develop as an individual, we never see her work through her emotions in a mature, adult way, and her romance with the male Consular seems rushed and based on a crush more than actual love.


    I do think it would be easier to see her romance in a better light if she had more time with the Consular from the beginning. It might be easier to see it as actual love then, rather than a crush, but I still wouldn't trust Nadia's maturity to understand real love. But maybe if they'd given her more time to be in the story she'd have been able to grow up and develop more to the point where being with her wouldn't be so creepy.

  12. Yep if you send Kaliyo out first you get some nice extra line/s with Aric afterwards.


    And just wait for Chapter 11, Aric will tell you how things went after you disappeared.. it's somewhat heart wrenching lol. ;)

    They did SUCH a good job with Aric's reunion and how well he handles everything afterwards. He goes from disbelief, to wanting answers, to wanting to continue the relationship very quickly, but it fits him so well, though. Once he became interested in the vanilla story, he has no reservations or hesitations. He's just like that in KOTFE, too. As soon as he has the answers he wants and needed, he immediately starts making up for lost time. And I do mean immediately. Not that my trooper is complaining at all. ;)

  13. And let's not forget that she became your padawan right after her father was killed by a sith which deeply affected her. I think that since she was 'put' in the Consular's care just after that event she probably transfered the love she had for her father to you without realising the difference between fatherly love and real love between two persons.

    I agree with this completely. She hasn't had the life experience to understand all of her different emotions, let alone try to separate them enough to tell whether she truly loves the JC or is just using him as a way to overcome her grief. In so many ways, the Consular is a crutch for Nadia, emotionally, mentally, and for a male consular, physically. The Consular has a very strong personality, and Nadia, who despite being an adult physically is not one mentally, is naturally attracted to that and latches on rather than trying (or being able) to form her own independent identity.


    Damn your sense making. 100% agree. :o

    Alas, my sense making has been destroying headcanons and fandoms for years. It's both a gift and a curse.


    But hey, just bear in mind that Nadia wrote that five years ago in the midst of her grief. She had just lost her spouse, and her biggest source of support, and in that letter she's lost, alone, and hurting. Yes, she sounds very immature in the letter, BUT five years is a very long time. She's probably done a lot of growing up since then, and when you meet her next she may have matured into an amazing Jedi. You never know. If you're really concerned about her, wait and see what she's like when next you meet her. If she's as bad as you think she'll be, then you can end it right there, but if your consular really loved her, he may be hoping that this won't be the case. Hope for the best and prepare for the worst, as they say.

  14. It's been so long since I did the 1-50 Jorgan romance that I can't remember exactly (anyone else remember?) but in KOTFE I know that you say to him, "I'm your wife, not your CO." so I guess they must have been officially married at some point.


    I remember the Iresso romance about him wanting some giant ceremony on Tython :cool:

    There are three characters who you can get married to in-game on screen that I know of: Doc, Corso, and Torian. Doc proposes to the JK, and if she accepts he immediately calls out a ceremony droid who marries you on the spot. It's actually very sweet. If you agree to marry Corso, you can "officiate" your own wedding ceremony with him and exchange vows together right then and there (although I sincerely doubt that their 'marriage' would be legal in a court of law). And Torian is Mandelorian. In Mandelorian culture, all the couple has to do is recite some vows to each other of their own free will (witnesses optional), and BAM, they're married.


    I don't know what happens with the female romances except for Vette and Mako. Vette flat out refuses to sleep with you until you're married, so when you actually do "get it on", you're married at some point before that. And Mako just hacks into the Republic and Imperial databases and creates a marriage certificate for both governments, so in the eyes of the law, Mako and the BH are in fact married, regardless of the lack of ceremonies.


    For all the other romances, the game treats it like you got married. If you really wanted to be technical about it, they probably hopped off the ship on the nearest planet and signed a marriage certificate. There probably wasn't a ceremony or anything, since at that point in the game all the classes are having some pretty serious issues, but I guess if you wanted to headcanon it they could have had one.

  15. You married an obsessed fangirl with the emotional and mental maturity of a 13 year-old. What did you expect?


    I don't believe that love is a weakness for a Jedi, but it can be a weakness if you love the wrong person. Felix Iresso is a great example of romantic Jedi love done right. Now, I never romanced him myself because I found pretty much everything to do with the Consular to be boring, but I've watched the romance videos and I did like how they handled him in regards to falling for a Jedi. Felix makes it clear that he's first and foremost a soldier. He loves the Consular, yes, but he puts his duty to the Republic first, like when he stayed on that ship that was about to blow up to get critical information for the military. He willingly undergoes interviews from the Council to show that he's able to deal with being with a Jedi. Being in love doesn't change who he is as a person. He's still Felix Iresso, and he still has the same convictions and beliefs he did before. With or without the Consular by his side, he has duties and responsibilities that he's going to take care of, no matter how much pain he may be in emotionally.


    Now let's look at Nadia. Nadia was a very creepy romance in my opinion. She was purposely kept sheltered by her father, and she knows nothing of how the world works, nor how to properly control her powers, also thanks to her father. She claims to love the male Consular, but to me it's mostly just "OMG, you're so cool and handsome, will you be my bf?" She doesn't understand love, not really. How could she? She's been kept under lock and key most of her life. It's not her fault. But her response to loosing her Consular husband makes sense for her character. She relies so much on the Consular, male or female, that without him or her she's pretty much incapable of anything. Of course she'd go off the deep end after loosing her husband.


    To my mind, it's not love that's the problem here, it's the person in love who is. A mature person knows and understands that even if they're in love, they have to do their job. Two police officers who are married have to understand that while they're on the job, their only responsibility is to keep their communities safe. If they're both on duty and they have to deal with a violent situation, they're not going to ignore everything else to protect each other, they're going to do their job and keep the civilians safe. If one of them is injured, the other one still has to carry on.


    Now I know that in real life the chances of a married police couple posted on the same rounds together is incredibly unlikely, but my point is still valid. The problem isn't that Nadia is in love. The problem is that Nadia is in love.

  16. I liked all the male romances available, except possibly for Iresso. I didn't dislike him, and I'll romance him with another Consular, but I could barely get past playing a JC to begin with. I just wanted to get it over with. Interestingly enough, the story wasn't too bad, it was the voice that really made it hard.


    ANYWAY- My favorite romances for my Pub Toons in order:






    Despite all the hate that Doc and Corso get, I really liked them both. When you go through Doc's romance, you really get to see a side of him that isn't really shown in his regular conversations. He wants fame, yes, but ultimately he truly wants to help people. He cares about helping others and goes out of his way to dangerous places deliberately because no one else will. And when he romances the Jedi, he actually likes it when she challenges him on where he stands in their relationship. Doc makes it clear that he respects her, and even when he says he doesn't want a serious relationship, he wants to make her happy. When he finally does buckle down and ask her to marry him, its very sweet. When you get past the guff, he's very loving and supporting of the JK. I could never leave him for Theron.


    Corso is a complete and utter sweetheart. When I was playing a female Smuggler, I found it very easy to tell that Corso had immense respect towards her. Some say that he just wants to treat her with kid gloves, but my interpretation was that he knew she could do all these things on her own, but that he wanted to help her so that it wouldn't be so difficult. When someone is rude to the smuggler, he gets aggressive, and he's just protective in general of people in trouble. I loved the romance because I saw it as Corso being a gentleman to a woman who is used to being threatened and treated as a criminal, and for a guy to actually care about her wellbeing and treat her so wonderfully is a pretty weird thing for her. So I really liked his romance.


    I liked Aric during his romance. I thought he was cute. He was pretty awkward in the beginning and pretty much had no idea what he was doing at first, but once he got into the swing of things he was pretty adorable. And I absolutely LOVE HIM so far in KOTFE. His reunion with a romanced trooper is fantastic, and they've done a really good job with him in the storyline thus far. So I liked him in the Vanilla game, and I think he's great in KOTFE.


    I haven't romanced Felix. I like him, he's sweet, but his personality just doesn't mesh well with my Consular. There's not enough fire in him to compliment my Consular's icy personality. And it's not icy by choice, there's just no way to play a consular who has any personality. She ended up romancing Theron.


    My Imp romances in order of favorite:







    I don't know what it is about Andronikus that I like so much! Aside from his obvious charm that is. And his voice of melted gold and chocolate (mmmm, Steve Blum). I think my biggest and only issue with his romance is him saying he might just pick up and bolt even after you marry him. He claims to not like being tied down (in relationships I mean), and he constantly hints that he'll go whenever he wants to, but as the romance progresses it becomes more and more clear that even though he says he could do it, it doesn't look like he wants to. Still, that would be something that my SI would be worried about. After all, once he up and leaves, there's no telling how long he'd be gone.


    Aaaaah, Vector. Sweet, wonderful, buggy Vector. He's so loving and caring to my Agent, and the eye thing doesn't really creep me out. I mean, she's Chiss and her eyes are all red, so it's not like its a weird concept. It is a little weird how the Hive can see all his memories, but when he repressed the bond for his first time with the Agent, that just melted my heart. That had to have been weird for him. One second he's talking to who knows how many others, and the next it's just him. Had to have taken some practice to get used to that. But anyway, I love him, can't wait to find him. It'll be great.


    Actually something that I really liked about the relationship with Torian is that he probably several years younger than the Bounty Hunter. You meet him when he's 18, he joins you when he's 19, and if you marry him he's 20. He's the youngest romance out of all of them (at least for the guys), but he acts so mature and adult that he seems older. And that makes sense given (a, the Mandelorian culture makes it pretty difficult to have a regular childhood, and b), he got SO MUCH crap growing up for what his dad did. He had to toughen up or get left in the dirt. Or worse. He seemed so certain of how he felt from by BH from the start, there was no hesitation or doubt or anything. I liked that aspect about him. Plus, I liked that he's younger than the BH. A lot of the female romances are like 21 when you romance them, and frankly I find that a little creepy since several of them are about as mentally mature as middle schoolers (I'm looking at you, Nadia). The BH is the only female toon who gets to be a cougar. I'm excited to see his reaction when his wifey comes back home, especially since he was the only male romance to immediately think that she's dead according to his letter... And if he has a new girlfriend, weeellll... my mosly LS BH is willing to take some DS points for a good cause...


    Quinn. Quinn, Quinn, Quinn. Once you get past the prim and proper exterior and get over the fact that he metaphorically stabs the SW in the heart by trying to kill her, he's cute. But of course, first you have to get past the prim and proper exterior and get over the fact that he metaphorically stabs the SW in the heart by trying to kill her. I don't hate him as a romance, but it's hard to feel too romantic about a guy who calls your SW "my lord" all the time. I had my SW cheat on Quinn with Theron during SoR, and I guess I'll choose which one I want to stay with when Quinn comes back into the picture. I want to see how he reacts to the SW and what he's been up to with her gone. That being said, I did very much enjoy his displays of passion towards the SW when he has them.

  17. But yeah , romance for females and Gay kinda suck .

    I loved all the female romances personally, except for Iresso. I like him, but he falls kind of flat for me. Theran Cedrax would have been a better choice for the Consular to romance in my opinion; his flamboyance and eccentricities would have worked so well with the Consular's calm (robotic) demeanor and practical way of doing things.


    I can't really comment on gay romances since I haven't done any of them, but from what I understand, a romance with either Theron or Lana is the exact same whether you romance them as a male or female. I like Theron's romance, I think it's fun.

  18. But if you mean rekindle the romance after your toon rejected them when they were reunited, that is an interesting idea. It opens up a plethora of possibilities. ;)

    Yeah, that's what I meant, and the "plethora of possibilities" is the part that makes me think that it's unlikely that it'll happen. There's just too many variables, and at what point does it become ridiculous for our toons to keep switching back and forth between their old lovers and their new ones?


    Now, I can totally see it working under these circumstances:

    1: The toon has to be single.

    2: The toon has to have had a romance with the companion in question previously.


    I could potentially see the Outlander having the chance to break up with Lana/Theron/Koth as KOTFE continues on. I mean, you could have ended things with Koth like 3 times already what with him leaving, and I can see Lana and Theron both potentially doing something/reacting to something that makes them or the Outlander question their relationship, thus prompting the chance for them to end it.


    So I would see it working like this- the Outlander broke up with their first LI for whatever reason, and/or later they ended things with Lana/Theron/Koth for different reasons. Later on in the story after they may have shown that there's more interest there via flirts, probably right before a big battle, they encounter their former LI and get the chance to start their romance with them again. Bonus points if this is their last chance together- it either works or they end things for good.

  19. Yeah. Her constant chatter can be a bit irritating. I can see my smuggler recruiting her for her slicing skills, but that's about it. I'm looking forward to Gault more than Vette. Andronikos is the character is the one I really want back.

    I've said it before and I'll say it now- the other companions are fine, but I would trade them all if it meant I could be reunited with my toon's spouses.


    I can never romance Theron with more than one toon per server, otherwise it just feels like a weird harem situation to me. Plus the original romances were tailored specifically for our characters. It's hard to beat that!


    Except for Felix. It's not hard to beat Felix. The guy is sweet, but not much else can be said about him.

  20. Squick candidate? Both Sith ladies love interests. Quinn and Andro are quite a bit older than those PCs and in dangerously inferior positions.


    They're not necessarily older. They leave the age ambiguous on purpose, and if you play your SW and SI as starting off in their mid to late 20's, as I do, then they're maybe 10 years older at worst. That's not too terrible, I know plenty of couples with that kind of an age gap between them. Plus, the life expectancy in the Star Wars universe for humans is much longer than we'd think. Due to advanced medical technology, many humans live to be 150, and age very slowly. So even though Quinn's 37 years to us might seem kind of old, in Star Wars terms, he's still a pup.


    Also, I've read in some books of there being old Force techniques which can expand the lifetime of even a non-Force user by quite a bit. Granted, in those books it was never performed, but it probably is a real thing that exists in some comic or some book somewhere.


    Anyway, I never saw age as being a huge deterrent for my characters. They throw themselves into battle so often that they're a lot more likely to die before their spouses do, in my opinion.

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