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Posts posted by Yermog

  1. I played Light Side to balance out my friend who was all Dark. As I went along, I was actually really impressed with the way they did it. Light Sided Sith Warrior isn't a goody-two-shoes really, but is more about treating people decently and keeping mindless slaughter from happening. The actions made sense, and the dialogue was well written I thought.


    My character was sarcastic and cynical when not getting light-side points though, so I felt like even if the points were light, the snarky conversation kept up the illusion that she was dark.

  2. I still like Quinn a lot, but I feel like, as a Sith, there should at LEAST be an option for divorce in there somewhere if your character married him, or at least a conversation discussing the betrayal and it's effect on your relationship. I liked the betrayal aspect a lot, I just wish they could have made it a little more pivotal regarding the character's relationship with him.
  3. My Sith Warrior didn't grow up in a particularly powerful or close family; she's a Pureblood, which gives her a boost in respect though. In my mind, her dad was a Sith who died pretty soon after she was born, and her mother remarried and sent her to several people who could teach her to handle her powers skillfully. She's not particularly close to her mother or step-father, and has never met her two half-brothers.


    This lack of closeness led her to create bonds with people around her, which kept her from being a cynic and bitter. Her friendships kept her willing to sacrifice for others and unwilling to hurt others.


    Despite this, she's loyal to the Empire and wants to see it chance from the inside out. She follows the Emperor and believes the strong should rule, but not that the weak and the aliens should be downtrodden.


    I'm refraining from making alts at this point in time as I want to see if I can have new races and classes once Legacy opens up more fully.

  4. We all know by now that there are romanceable companions who will either propose to you (all the romanceable guys) or bring it up in conversation, which will prompt you to propose (all the romanceable girls).


    This is delightful and all that, but usually after the marriage convo, your new spouse will bring up the subject of having kids of your own, either naturally or through adoption if you're of different species.


    So, my question is this: It keeps getting hinted at that there's gonna be a chance to have kids at some point in the game. Is this going to happen or not? Maybe it's just something that they tossed in there to give the family-types something to be happy about, but with the Legacy and all that, I'm not sure.


    Any thoughts on this? Pro, against, happening, not going to happen?


    Personally, I haven't decided myself. It'd be cool to see a story involving having a kid of your own, but realistically, I can't see it happening.

  5. I think that if you play as a female Consular (or maybe it's Knight, I'm not sure) she will mention to her romantic partner (if you go that route) that if the Jedi Council knows and trusts the Jedi in question, they will make allowances for marriage and family. So, it's probably only the Jedi Masters that can legally have children without them being taken away.


    It probably is still very rare though. I got the feeling as I played through the game that probably lots of Jedi had a kid or two stashed away somewhere along with a secret lover.

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