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Everything posted by -OBITUS

  1. The UI is in the C:\Users\(yourname)\AppData\Local\SWTOR\swtor\sett ings\GUIProfiles folder and you can upload it to any cloud storage (google drive, homtails "onedrive" ect
  2. Can you share your interface? I like how you have Target/Target and Focus setup
  3. <snip> Ranked does pop; and not just group. If you don't see it popping, it is likely due to your lack of queuing. Anywho, queue up for ranked everyone.
  4. Not to be overly critical, but Enjin does all of this. Your calander idea can be solved by creating multiple google calander and then embedding them into your enjin page. I'll fix my tag later but I do play in Bc now.
  5. I'm interested in doing Ravagers/ToS runs on my operative. I can heal/dps both but have never been lucky enough to get the gear ;D. What days/times do you guys do?
  6. Best event ever. Glad I moved from Jung Ma to this server for the event!
  7. Go DUUUUUUUUUKE!!! All the practice wrecking my face on the guild ship payed off ;D
  8. I reckon Busy will win the tourney anywho. I've watched Mosh before and while I can appreciate the skill, I've also watched and been destroyed by Busy so perhaps that's my bias. As it stands right now, the "best" guild pvp-wise has left which leaves individuals seeking a way to make a name for themselves. I wish all of you the best--wish I could make it myself! Damn work ;D
  9. If I wasn't working, I'd definitely come. Best of luck to all
  10. These sorry souls that have no life but to send messages deserve an express trip to your ignore list. As others have said, Jung Ma has one of the tightest, home feeling communities and I certainty invite you to play a hand on our server. Scraps or five hand usually work--make sure you pay Zephyros your entry fee for chips
  11. I GOT MENTIONED BY BUSY! Can I has your autograph now?
  12. I won't lie. I have never completed DF NiM. Sure, I've cleared up to Brontes but a full completion in the old gear was hard (rightfully so). The main problem you'll have demanding help with the 'hardest' content in a game--this pertains to both ranked warzones and nightmare operations--is that you have the set of skills required to complete the task. While I'm sure I could help you with rotations and tactics, until we form a group that consists of eight players all capable of the required set of skills, DF NiM is quite the feat. I say this only because your past replies and threads suggest you want the hardest content--namely ranked warzones--handed to you on a platter without a) showing up to kickball/practice runs or b)having that cheerful attitude that Jung Ma craves. Anywho, serious **** aside, I'm working most of this summer so until the end of July, I can't help too much with actual operation runs. But if you need help with anything rotation/tactic (really anything that can be explained verbally over voice comms), I'd be glad and willing to help
  13. Congratulations. *slow cap*. Let us all ponder the mysterious nature of these ill-wit rhetorical questions. OP, Jung Ma, while tiny, has one of the best communities I've had the privledge of interacting with. Because of the small nature of our server, everyone knows everyone; the big kids are known, and the small no bodies become known. And contrary to Zygo's *********, people WILL help. I recently started playing my operative a few months ago. To say I was a baddie/trash would be an understatement. I asked for help and help I received. Months later, while I'm not Busy (epic operative/scoundrel), I can hold my own weight. In short, Jung Ma is the community of doing if YOU make a valid effort. This isn't elementary school where the teacher asks for homework. As long as we see you are willing to making a valid effort and not waste time (cough, who could that be? ;D), someone will likely help you. I wish you the best of luck kf you transfer! P.S: But obviously, imperials would be the best route
  14. /signed It would be nice for days like Memorial day. It's hard to simulate a half-mast ceremony when you can not turn right/left face sharply, about face, or stand at attention.
  15. On a completely unrelated note, I will be staffing at a BSA summer camp this year so my playtime is limited to Saturdays when I'm not stone tired. I'll logon every once in a while to keep up with the new content they plan on releasing but I won't be on too much Anywho, thanks for good times during Gree Event to those that showed up. --Zeph
  16. Slight typo towards the end: Should read "Civilians saved during the Mission "Temporary Residence" now consistently give proper credit." Although technically (I think), the verb should also be plural.
  17. Hello, Before I start asking for help, I suppose I'll introfuce myself as I don't post on the forums often. I started the game as a healing sorcerer--Aeolus. Mainly, my computer sucked so much at the time melee was not an option. Now I play a concealment operative, Zephyros. I'm fairly decent in regs but compared to say, Lucke, Sabir, or Busy, I could use a lot of improvement. Also, just help with understanding ranked so I don't drag down teams all the time would be great. Perhaps if one of you are free this weekend, you could teach me the ways? --Zeph
  18. Please unbind shiv. Please. Please. Thanks!
  19. Close! Try the below link; welcome to Jung Ma. http://www.swtor.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=402
  20. Arcanum sends its thanks for the event. Very fun --Zeph
  21. I should be on this weekend. Sorry about last Saturday; work came up ):
  22. Just saying that scoundrels/operatives and slingers/snipers are the same class and thus use similar weapons. While he can't use a shotgun (and neither can you--blaster pistol if I recall), the barrel/mod/enhancements can be stripped for both classes. Not sure what you called him for but cool. Nerf FL, buff stupidity within the intelligent.
  23. As long as it stays to SM, I am always interested in a good time. Zephyros Operative (Medicine or Concealment) 192 with a few old armors for bonus--fully augmented ItsLearntoRead Sorcerer (Lightning/Madness) 186 with augments
  24. 3D... xD Yeah--the last bit's got me thinking. I'll come up with something tomorrow. Jotting down some stuff so I can test it in game. If x and z are left/right + forward/backward, these calculations are going to be oh so joyous when we move diagonal and gain elevation. Anywho, if our characters have no height assignment, (and our position is measured off the red circle), do we measure our elevation by map altitude? After your response, I'll probably make a new thread so we can keep the guide relevant.
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