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Everything posted by Gamesux

  1. Does a Sent or Sin DPS have a pull? No. Can a Sin DPS use Shadow Strike in front of someone? No. Can a Sent throw annoying DOT attacks such as that grenade and spam DOTs? No. Can a Sent switch from DPS stance to a Tank stance? No. Can a Sin spam their Resilience every 30 seconds? No. Does a Sent have an ability like Hydraulic Overrides to stop movement impairing effects every 30 seconds? No. Can both these classes kite and play both ranged and melee? No. PT DPS is ridiculous.
  2. It was after the fact... therefore you paid for it and so did every other subscriber. No preferred or f2p player is getting it and that further proves that speeder is NOT free. If it is free then why am I not getting one? Exactly...
  3. Yes you did. With YOUR continued support with your subscription, and everyone else who is subscribing and currently subbed
  4. No, the speeder is NOT free because u don't get a free sub unless you get complimentary/compensation days. It costs how much your paying for ur sub. Therefore, it's NOT a free speeder.
  5. Well now you have to sub to get the speeder. It costs $15 therefore not free. You know what's free? Allowing everyone who plays this game to get the speeder f2pers, preferred players and subs. That's free.
  6. It's not free. It costs $15. End of story. What they should be doing is giving out CC or credits but not a laughable amount of it...
  7. You know it's funny bc if you knew how the refer-a-friend system actually works, you wouldn't have had to type this. If you refer someone, they don't AUTOMATICALLY become a subscriber. For example, if u refer a totally free account, that has never subbed, they will not be eligible for the free 7 days and your account will not be eligible for the 600CC UNLESS they pay some money to subscribe. If u refer a preferred player, they get free 7 days and u won't get ur rewards until they decide to sub. If u refer a sub, well that's the part that's broken.
  8. Gamesux

    A sad day for PVP

    Lol I know they're fast and I never said I'm getting burned in 3 seconds that was just a way of describing how fast Arenas are. They're broken - the class system in this MMO was never designed for the 4v4 meta and IMO balance should never be focused on i. Arenas are crap and really the majority would rather have resources spent on more Warzones and WPvP. Anyone who takes this meta seriously is prob someone who could never make into in Ranked 8v8 meta so this is their little way of having that time wasted trying to get into an 8v8 team made up. I found that when i used to stay in the arenas either I was on the demolishing team or on the team that was about to be demolished. At least in 8v8s it was way more balanced and more classes/specs had a chance. In Arenas it's the complete opposite.
  9. Ummm didn't we only get 500 CC? And the thing is ppl were complaining not about the reward but the thought that bw put into whatever they were gonna give us. And I mean c'mon if ur gonna give us something like CC, give us an amount that we can actually spend without hitting near 0 in pretty much 1 purchase Again, another speeder that many subs will never use and nothing really cool. Its funny how "hard" ea/bw is trying to make subbing meaningful yet failing each and every year
  10. The ppl who are still using it correctly are not exploiting it, no matter how you try and spin it.
  11. Even look at the SWTOR fb page. Tons of ppl spamming their referral links and quite frankly biofail just doesn't care THAT much. They'd rather be focused on the cm as always. Besides it doesn't even matter anymore anyways, almost everyone I talked to has used it or helped out their friend and clicked theirs so if you want all those ppl banned well you can say goodbye to your only sw MMO.
  12. It's not an exploit. I gave ppl my referral link and it worked. We both got rewards. Its biofail's job to do something about it to fix it, but hey as I've said before this is trivial to them and really right now as far as they would go is just start banning ppl on the forums who're still using it whether they're hiding it in shortened links or not. Oh they're also too busy with the CM development to be worried about as something as trivial is this so yeah there's that as well
  13. Pretty much this, but dude I suggest u edit that post where you embedded ur referral link. I don't think you should get sanctioned for it. That guy with the Hutt porfile pic is just gonna say BAN HIM BAN HIM, you've been reported everyone if you click this LINK **** just contact support and asked to be removed along with that Essence guy.
  14. Um just for the record, I never admitted to anything and futhermore I never exploited anything. Gave ppl my referral links, told them what it would do, what we both would get, and that's how I got rewarded. I'm not going on the forums just to get my account sanctioned by hiding it in link shorteners or whatever. And btw, those were just examples. TONS of ppl in-game were spamming their referral links when this became prominent and quite frankly this MMO that pretty much flopped can't afford to lose anymore customers:o
  15. Oh yeah bc in chat they're hundreds of ppl in the ship instance and bc you can invite all ur friends to ur ship...
  16. they shouldn't be, but the best solution is to just make an authorization but even that's too much bc bw just sees this as something TRIVIAL so for now ppl are just going to have to watch out for suspicious links if they don't want to get "scammed" (which it really isn't a scam) and take some responsibility for themselves it's not that hard
  17. You CAN sit, but the features like the emotes and stuff that will allow you to do more of this kind of stuff is what ea/bw will be charging for. If ppl didn't pay for this crap then it'd be free which it should be.
  18. Andrea is, and whatever she says is the only thing that's perfect/acceptable bc its positive. Anything else is just hyperbolic.
  19. over 200 pages and it's been months without any update, wouldn't expect anything less:rolleyes:
  20. I've used it tons in the past, but I've never hidden it in a link shortener or whatever just to get more CC. I've gotten possibly a little of hundreds of thousands of CC thanks to this, but if they fix this exploit I couldn't care less. It's just CC, and what's mainly available is just reskins and rehashes of previous items. First, BW does bad by making the RAF system borked and not counting referrals. Next, they do too much and give subscribers more than what you're bargaining for when using your referral link. And really, can you blame everyone who's exploiting this? Who wants to buy overpriced CC and hypercrates when you can do it for free? Maybe you want to just save them up for the future, or use the CC after you go to F2P status. Honestly, some ppl should just have some self-control, look at the link and if its the referral link or something suspicious don't click on it. BW can't control every aspect of this exploit. In addition, I think those policing the forums resulting to callouts and publicly announcing their reports should be banned from the forums. That IS harassment and against forum policy. If you don't get that, then your probably someone whose guilty of this form of harassment or prob someone that says publicly "Welcome to ignore".
  21. Yeah pvp content was just right behind story nerds. I agree whether casual, hardcore, pvp or pve many diff types of players still Q for WZs and no one can dispute that. I just find it here on the forums where the apologists like to diminish the importance of the pvp'ers as much as they can while the focus should be on pve and "story". And what I find hilarious too is that they have the audacity of presenting the pvp player-base as a minority yet never provide any statistics or other forms of factual evidence and that's just more opinions presented as facts. But I wouldn't expect anything less from the defenders.
  22. However I think there's a huge diff between those who Q and are PvP'ers from those who just Q and are casuals/PvE'ers and getting their daily done or for the BiS relics. IMO not everyone who Qs for PvP is a PvP'er but hey Q pops fast and if I see someone in worthless PvE gear or with their old PvP gear on I can just leave and wait for another pop.
  23. Nice idea but never happening. This MMO is mainly ur cookie-cutter WoW reskin and bc of that it's themepark w/ "story" lol. Not only that if this was available you could expect different house units being sold for prob $25+ on the CM.
  24. I can't imagine all of the debuffs that'd appear on my screen from all the nerfs that the "combat" team has done up to this point.... I sure wouldn't like that lol
  25. You do realize this game is just a cash grab now. Guess the devs are getting even lazier now but still ppl cough up hundreds of dollars for wat these devs label as content Im a huge supporter of customization and cosmetics but eaware is taking this to a ridiculous level. Now guess they're getting lazy or theyre going to make completely new items with an Ultra Rare dropping that'll end up costing 10+ mil on the GTN. This company gets shadier and shadier by the day. /Queue_Apologists Edit: I suggest you just wait for the new packs to release and check GTN a few days after. A lot of the stuff in the packs become EZ mode to obtain bc a lot of cm cows open hundreds of dollars worth of packs. VERY cheap credits. Don't wait your $$ on this garbage and sleaziness.
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