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Everything posted by Gamesux

  1. Well when it stems down to the 4v4 meta this game is poor with it because this game was designed with 8v8s in mind, so virtually no matter how balanced this game can closely get to 8v8s 4v4s will always remain broken
  2. Lol it won't happen what you said is pure conjecture. Do you have access to some metrics you could post that would show us this type of change would occur? common knowledge is that most pvp'ers don't like Arenas or at least prefer 8v8s to 4v4s so something like the OP or Cycao just mentioned is sorely needed.
  3. /QFT /Agree if EAware cannot regularly update their game with new content, subscribers will keep getting lost and then this game will not be profitable and will be more poorer quality then it already is and will be shutdown faster then SWG was.
  4. What you said is false, please read the latest EA quarterly reports.
  5. /Agree Id just like to add that even though some of this uncreative junk can sell for high value once the packs are embargoed only a minority actually play the market. If this is all as you embellishing put it "just icing on the cake" then why is the CM getting more focus than actual content ??
  6. This game has been consistently losing subscribers so that thesis is an absolute POS.
  7. Go to my threads made on my profile. Post in the petition for Bolster for pve pls.
  8. This. Zayne Carrick's set is probably one of the very few sets recently released that is of great quality and pretty cheap since it just released.
  9. Lol Recruit gear had NOTHING to do with the population of the pvp community and if it did, those were just a minority of bads who can't really play the game. The reason why pvp is as it is is because the devs are bad and their top priority is the CM. Thats common knowledge by now.
  10. Hey pistols this is Deo from HT, I could get one of my toons to look like a priest or something and I can try to minister if Hywhan or Xeno can't. Got lots of creds so if you wanna recommend me a specific look for any sort of position hmu.
  11. Sorry I don't think 46s should be anywhere near competitive to Oboran or even Conq gear
  12. Lol you shouldn't be instantly competitive or even that close, you should work for the gear like the rest of the PvP'ers it's the way of MMOs and that's progression
  13. nah EAware doesn't really care about their own game, those of you getting milked keep getting milked. Continue being bads and preventing this game from being what it can be ToR had some much potential and now I'm Wild for Wildstar. Sick of this. I'm all for customization and I am addicted to fashion but game is losing subs subscribing is losing its meaning and licensing probably won't be renewed. You guys will be able to purchase the upcoming expac Rise of the Reskinned Republic™ for only $20.00. Enjoy your lame quality items and lack of content
  14. And yet this isn't working either ....
  15. Cmon sign the petition, let it be known that we are sick of the way Bolster works and want it removed !!
  16. So glad to see u guys only care about trolling the boards... as always
  17. Are you kidding me? This game should be renamed to Coin Wars: The Cartel Republic. Maybe release an expac and call it Rise of the Reskinned Republic. No wonder why lots of other people in the mmo community call this game a cash grab. I want to love swtor so much more but its sad to see EAware just milking this game until its no longer profitable. Before anyone asks, profitability ≠ quality. This games quality has just been going down and down since f2p. Many armor sets from the gen 3 and 4 packs lack quality and besides the toys and emotes and some mounts there's really nothing that wows you that comes out of the CM.
  18. Ever since the ranked 8s were canned, I noticed a lot of the pvp guilds died down and became inactive. The one I'm in on the Pub Side wasn't an exception to this but I'm staying in it bc I <3 them guys. Anyone know of any guilds both Pub and Imp that are exceptional PvP'ers?? Can you list them? And plz, no BRAZIL FORCE, HVND, Crimson Kingz, Storm, and the like. lol Imp Side guilds would be grateful as I'm starting to play Imp Side. And if anyone can tell me if I AM LEGEND still plays and does tryouts I'd appreciate tht.
  19. There's a dye slot in it but the color of the "robes" around the solid piece and the solid piece itself doesn't change color at all. It's a pet peeve of mine but I was wondering if someone from the community team could weigh in on that.
  20. So how is making Recruit gear better by making it modifiable awful?
  21. False. This petition improves how Recruit gear would be handed out.
  22. It's a defender COM, and really the OP shows nothing new and I read it. Not impressed. At all.
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