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Everything posted by thelordofhate

  1. I lost over 6 mil in total. Not as much as some, a bit more than some others. I don't expect that BioWare will give a rat's fuzzy butt about this, the broken GTN, or basically any other major problem with this game. They would rather just watch it fade away into the void. I've invested too much into this game to quit playing it, but BioWare has proven that they absolutely couldn't care less about their fan base. Depressing, really. This game had potential, but it's being destroyed by the most incompetent team of neckbeards in software development.
  2. I lost over 5 million credits in cartel market item sales because of this rollback. I have contacted customer support, and in the usual BW fashion, I have been ignored.
  3. I just wonder what would happen if the people who make this game actually gave a rat's fuzzy arse about the people who pay to play it.
  4. Flashpoints are unplayable, the GTN is completely broken, companions have been nerfed into uselessness, we have an expansion pack that has hours of cinematics and minutes of gameplay, not to mention the game taking away ALL of the companions we have grown to like, and you are complaining about the color that comes out of your gun?
  5. This hasn't been added to the Developer Tracker, and the "Known issues" list hasn't been updated since October. Now we are stuck with a completely broken game, and no word from the devs as to when this serious issue will be fixed. Do these twerps need to be reminded that our sub fees are paying their salaries? Come on Devs, either FIX THIS NOW, or at least reply to your angry customer base. This show of incompetence and lack of care is destroying the reputation of this game, and is literally wasting OUR money, and no, I'm not talking about in-game currency. You guys are making your subs pay for a game that is horribly broken, and you don't even have the decency to tell us when it will be fixed. Pathetic.
  6. Hey BioWare Devs - If you could maybe even reply to these customer concerns, it would probably go a long way to improve your reputation of not taking major bugs like this seriously. Just sayin'.
  7. I just posted two decorations: Turret(Large) and Encased Warhead Stockpile. No searches are coming up with them.
  8. I sold some items on the GTN today. First off, I got double-mail for the sold items, one with credits attached and one without. Then, I'm in the middle of a flashpoint, and I get forced logoff. Come back on, some of the items I sold and/or listed are back in my inventory, and my money from the sales has gone missing. I sold a Herald of Zildrog partial set for close to 1 mil, and it's vanished into oblivion, along with the credits I got for selling it. What is going on here??
  9. Just read the patch notes. Way to go, BioWare. First you make Flashpoints unplayable, then you nerf a bunch of the classes because somehow they are too powerful? Do you guys even PLAY this game, or are you just trying your best to lose as many subscribers as possible? Couldn't help but notice that you have completely ignored the overwhelmingly negative feedback about your stupidity on flashpoints. Oh well. Looks like I'll be going back to your competition. Oh, and you might want to look at my purchase history before you think that you're only losing my sub fee. Idiots.
  10. Even more simple - a 25% nerf to the health and damage output of all elites and champions would probably solve 90% of the problems. (Except Blood Hunt, which needs at least a 50% nerf, because without a tank healer, it is almost impossible. Heck, WITH a tank and healer it's a wipefest.)
  11. Because they would rather dictate our game play experience to us rather than admit that this is the worst idea they have ever come up with. This is not a L2P issue, this is not a fast leveling issue, this is plain and simple, either they need to give us the option to only queue for trinity pugs, or they need to nerf the hell out of flashpoints. But right now, they are too busy patting themselves on the back for coming out with an expansion pack that is 4 hours of cinematics and 10 minutes of game play, so don't count on them fixing this any time soon.
  12. "I got one shotted by a trash mob! Wheeeeee! I LOVE this game! I'm having SO MUCH FUN!" said no one ever. FIX.FLASHPOINTS.
  13. Occasionally you'll get a group of 65's which makes even the (former) lower level flashpoints manageable, but it's unreasonable to expect that only high level people will be entering them. In fact, the opposite is true - it's lowbies who need the daily data crystals. Some of them don't have all of the skills to make an effective rotation as has been mentioned. But I think the de-motivation for anyone to bother with tanks or healers is the worst factor at play with this. I outright deleted a level 45 tank because I couldn't stand the frustration anymore, and yes, I DO know how to play my class. But all the cooldowns and player skill still don't amount to a hill of beans when you're pulling all of the aggro and not being healed.
  14. Bring back the trinity. Right now, there is absolutely no reason to play Tank or Healer characters, since you will just end up with a tank who gets all the aggro and no healing, or a healer trying to heal through people being 2-shotted by trash mobs. Bioware has absolutely RUINED flashpoints. I'd rather wait 15 minutes in a queue and know that there is a chance of completing a flashpoint rather than pull my hair out when I have to queue OVER and OVER and OVER because the group keeps wiping before we even get to the end boss. This was the stupidest thing Bioware has ever done.
  15. I can't say I agree, I think this is a fundamental problem with the entire idea behind it. I certainly haven't played any tank or healer toons, even the ones with high level gear, because essentially they have nerfed us while leaving everything in the FPs at the same strength. I'm sorry, but CCs, CDs, Kill orders mean NOTHING when you get 2-shotted by trash mobs.
  16. I like the suggestion of giving people a choice between a Trinity queue and and Tactical queue. Yes, the Trinity will take longer, but will be A) Worth the wait, and B) Worth actually playing a tank or healer again.
  17. Way to go, BioWare. Seriously, Bravo. Not only have you made all flashpoints unplayable, but since you did away with the requirement to have a tank and healer, NOBODY is playing tank or heals anymore. Why would they? A tank can be grouped with 3 DPS, so they get all of the aggro and no healing. A healer is now trying to heal squishy DPS that get one-shotted from bosses. Even at 65, I have a Merc that is getting killed on trash pulls. Not to mention, people are queuing up, and when they see no tank or heals, they cancel, then queue again. I swear, every time I queue up, I get spammed with "Your group is avai... oops, never mind. Your group.... nope, sorry. Your gr..." YOU NEED TO FIX THIS. I don't know where you guys get your ideas sometimes, but making all FPs into tacticals was nothing short of raging stupidity. You have literally ruined this game.
  18. Long time lurker, first time poster. I'm inclined to agree with the OP here. Treek is extremely effective. But listening to her babble during and after fights is the equivalent of listening to goo-goo-ga-ga baby talk for hours. Even sending her on crafting quests, I get more and more annoyed on every quest return. I shouldn't have to mute the entire game to enjoy questing. I mean, the cinematics are what sets this game apart from most others. Now I know Treek is cute to many of you, but well.... just because everybody thinks their baby is cute doesn't mean there are no ugly babies in this world. A general "Companion Mute" button would really enhance the enjoyability of this game, and probably wouldn't be all that hard to implement. Just my $0.02.
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