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Everything posted by thelordofhate

  1. The entire GTN, mail system and vendor system have been down on Harbinger for two days now, and I haven't been able to find a single thread about it. Would the wonderful devs please take a minute out of their obviously boring day (since you're obvious not fixing anything) to at least pretend to give a damn about your players and update us? That would be swell.
  2. I've been against this idea since they announced it, but I bought a hypercrate just to give BW the benefit of the doubt. It was exactly as I predicted. It is absolute garbage. BioWare has had some stupid ideas since 4.0, but this one takes the cake. BioWare, I used to spend hundreds of dollars a month on the cartel market. Literally. And with the CDN$ so low right now, this is not a small expense. Because of this stupid idea, you will now get $0.00 from me. I will continue to sub, just because I don't like the restrictions, but I will not spend another red cent on your packs. Your absolute ignorance of the community is shameful. When are you guys going to stop making changes that only suit YOU and actually listen to your paying customers for a change? You are now getting NO further money from me on cartel packs. If you continue down this path of stupid ideas and complete ignorance of the community, my subscription is gone too, and I will never buy another EA/BW product ever again. I know I'm just one guy, but I also know that there are a lot of others like me. Pull your collective heads out your collective rectums and pay attention. You are losing loyal customers.
  3. WOW, you guys are clueless. The "consistent topic" has been this: THIS IDEA SUCKS, AND IF YOU MOVE FORWARD WITH IT, WE WILL STOP SPENDING MONEY. We don't have "questions" about the packs that you can answer in FAQ format. The community has been clear - this is a BAD idea, and it seems that the only people who are happy with it are the devs at BioWare. You are proving, time and time again, that you guys DO NOT listen to your community. So quit acting like you do.
  4. So, BioWare.... pages and pages and pages of negative feedback. Are you going to prove that you actually listen? Or are you going to continue to be dictators?
  5. Ok, I do like these changes. See? I'm not biased.
  6. So, in other words: SWTOR community: "We really like the grand packs! Please bring these back exactly as they were before." SWTOR devs: "We LISTENED to your feedback, so we're going to completely change what YOU liked to make it closer to what WE like, and then trumpet like we did with that entire expansion pack that everyone hates!" You guys just really don't get it AT ALL, do you?
  7. Yeah, we can add this lie right on top of the "Choices that ACTUALLY MATTER" BS that they fed us with KotFE.
  8. Guess I missed that announcement. Oh well, I guess they miss out on more of my money. Brilliant revenue plan, BioWare. Just effin' brilliant.
  9. Was planning to buy some armor packs today, but I logged on to find out that the Cartel Market has been gutted again. What gives?
  10. Thank you - pretty much exactly what I was going to say.
  11. Oh, and I'm just talking about the Tactical and Hardmode versiona. The single player version as part of the storyline is somewhat bearable. The tactical is near impossible. The hard mode version is beyond impossible.
  12. Seriously guys, this fight needs a HUGE nerf NOW. Like it's not bad enough that you took literally every single annoying feature of a boss fight (multiple targets, adds, knockbacks, slowdowns, hazards, you name it), but I've been in groups with people in Ops gear and it's an absolute wipefest. This is absolutely ludicrous. You can't even get a group together for it anymore! People see that they get thrown into Blood Hunt, and they drop group right away. NERF...THIS....FIGHT... NOW.
  13. I'd just like to add that the anger that some of us have towards BW is because we are (or at least were) very passionate about this game. I'm still subbing, but not for much longer if this garbage doesn't improve, and I'm not even talking about the content itself - I'm talking about the stupid, annoying bugs that never should have made their way into a release. I'm also referring to BioWare not even making an effort to communicate with us. That is beyond unacceptable.
  14. I currently work in IT in the software development space. I'm a technical writer, release manager, QA expert, database administrator, and I have done coding. I have over 2 decades of experience in my field. So when I say that these devs are incompetent, it's because if I was a VP or director at BW, and they put out a release with as many obvious bugs as the current release has, I'd be calling people in from their vacations, and some heads would be rolling. But really, you shouldn't have to be an IT expert in order to have an opinion, because the bottom line is, people who are playing the game and PAYING for it have the ultimate say in whether or not your efforts were worth it. When the most BASIC of things have MAJOR bugs in them (like the unsearchable cartel market), it doesn't matter if you actually understand C# or Java, or SQL. What matters is, you are playing the game, there is a MAJOR problem, and you feel like you are paying the salaries of a bunch of fools who can't get their sh*t together. As for the content, being a "professional" in this field doesn't amount to a hill of beans. The real experts are, again, the ones who playing the game. If the majority of your fan base is annoyed, you will quickly go out of business, end of story. Your "expertise" doesn't mean squat. So don't try to discredit the opinions of the user base, because some of us actually ARE experts in IT. But even those who aren't IT experts quite frankly don't need to be. They are the consumers of this game, and if they take their time and money somewhere else, what is expertise worth then?
  15. I have a toon that is now level 37, and doesn't even have his ship yet. You'll level fast.
  16. That's like doing your grocery shopping, and having the clerk say "Ok. You pay with all of your own money, or you can use this pile of money over here. It's free for the taking."
  17. AKA "Why your stupid a** keeps dying" Apparently, this needs to be said, sadly. 1) If you are queued as a tank, and you don't have tank gear on (and I mean in EVERY SLOT), you're going to die. Don't blame the healer. It's your fault for not gearing properly. 2) If my heals take 2 seconds to cast, and you're so squishy that you're dying in 1.5 seconds, it's simple math - you're going to die. 3) If you're on a tactical, and it's a healer and 3 DPS, USE crowd control, and DON'T BREAK crowd control, or you're going to die. 4) If you have no group awareness, and you move out of range of the healer, you're going to die. 5) If you have no group awareness, and you have a penchant for moving behind solid objects, you're going to die. 6) If you have no group awareness and you are too stupid to see when the healer is being attacked by trash mobs, then it's simple - the healer will be healing themselves. Which means they are not healing you. Which means you are going to die. It doesn't matter if you're not a tank, get the damn boss/mobs off me, or I won't heal you. Thank you.
  18. I've said it before, I'll say it again - attempting to discredit a message because of the tone of the message is an attempt at controlling the message itself. We have responded in a manner that directly reflects our treatment, not to mention, our personal monetary contribution to the company in question. We have also TRIED to be constructive, only to be ignored even more. This community is at a breaking point, and the worst part is, all BioWare has to do is admit that they screwed up, apologize, and fix the damn game, and I bet things will go back to being "constructive". But demanding "constructive" from a community that is frankly being sh*t on is unrealistic and is a feeble attempt at controlling the message. Too bad. I will not be silent and I will not change my tone. If BW doesn't respond to this SOON, it may even go beyond the point of forgiveness from their PAYING player base.
  19. I agree, this cannot be quoted enough. So I'm quoting it again. The epic sh*tfest that is this game has gone FAR beyond the point of "constructive criticism". The bugs in this game are absolutely unacceptable, but moreso than that, BioWare completely ignoring their player base by refusing to acknowledge their screw up is infuriating. I'm a professional software tester with over 16 years of experience in my field, and I know that these bugs are not the result of poor testing. These bugs are the result of a management team that DOES NOT CARE. Just rush the content out the door, and to hell with proper testing. Bugs are one thing, but trying to pretend like nothing is wrong is grounds for a complete revamp of your company's idiotic management team, and probably 80% of the development team who apparently can't even query a database and display results (I'm talking about the problems with items being unsearchable on the GTN - this is sheer incompetence, end of story.) I did not invest thousands of dollars into this game to be ignored by the very people whose salary I have helped pay. You want "constructive" criticism? I have dozens of suggestions, but why should I post "constructive" ideas when BioWare won't even fix what is horribly and unacceptably BROKEN?
  20. Attempting to discredit the content of a message based on the tone of the message is a feeble attempt at controlling the message itself. We have tried repeatedly to get the developers to listen to us, with absolutely no results. They refuse to admit that anything is even wrong here, and nothing could be further from the truth - these are not small bugs we're dealing with here, these are HUGE bugs that should have been caught in testing. And when some of us have spent WAY more on this game than just our subscriber fee (yes, I spend a LOT on cartel coins, and until now have never regretted it), we are responding in a manner that is befitting of the situation. I am not just angry with BioWare, I am absolutely incensed with them. I feel like I've paid my own money for a game that THEY broke, and that THEY are completely ignoring. I don't think it's in any way unreasonable to be absolutely furious at this point. All we (the extremely incensed subscribers) are asking for is for BioWare to admit that they completely screwed up here, and that they are redirecting all of their resources to fixing the extremely broken game before they add new content. Delaying the release of new content will not anger people anywhere near as much as the broken cartel market. I'd rather have a delay than a game that doesn't even work now.
  21. Wow, BW... over 14 pages of vitriol, and I'm yet to even see you incompetents ACKNOWLEDGE that this game is BROKEN, and needs to be fixed immediately. If you even showed a little bit of concern for your players, that might be something, but you are ignoring us. How long do you think you can stay in business when you break the game in the most heinously stupid ways, and then act like NOTHING IS WRONG? I have seen nothing, not ONE thing from you guys that even tells us that we have a reason to keep playing.
  22. I haven't either. But don't expect BioWare to care. Right now, they would rather annoy their players with a bugged game, and absolutely no communication around when it's going to be fixed. Just add this to the extremely long list of incompetence.
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