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Everything posted by xstortion

  1. May be a stupid question but how do you get the surge percentage? On askmrrobot it only comes up in a numeric value.
  2. Use Group Finder its at the top left of your on screen map. Diagonal from your PVP button. General chat is usually for stuff you can't get via Group Finder.
  3. Wouldn't it be nice to have a double set bonus lol.
  4. Wait so if I am reading this post correctly in open world pvp it is better to wear lets say Campaign over WH?
  5. I used Torian as soon as I got him on. No need to use Mako. At 50 though I think I am going to stick with Blizz for dailies. Either way those guys are all aim besides Mako and Gault so you can hand your gear down to them which is huge.
  6. Thanks for the response. This sounds like a similar formula I use for my dps sorc but with my sorc lettered mods were a no no.
  7. Yeah same here I have noticed gen chat begging for people to queue during all hours of the day. So this change must have spurned great improvement. I 2 have BiS but I would definitely play to get my daily and weekly sadly I haven't even bothered now. Disappointing.
  8. Just as the title says looking for this. I checked mmo-mechanics but it looks outdated there did a search here with no luck. Anyone have any resources on this I am looking for BiS even if it is outdated meaning if it is all 61's rather than 63's. Thank you in advance to anyone that can help.
  9. I have still yet to q up for a WZ due to this change. I used to enjoy it. I wonder if quitting wz's is that much better now?
  10. I'm leveling a guardian as well. I know my recently leveled Marrauder has slice droid. Just wondering if the guardian/jugg tree gets that. Thanks
  11. Yup field medic is the way to go. A followup question does pvp gear help companions in open world pvp or does it really matter?
  12. To be honest Wraiven these threads should have been merged at least that is what happens when we have enough mods to take care of it. As I said in Wraiven's original thread I really dislike this change and it has taken away from my gameplay. This change has made the game worse rather than improved it for the majority of the population. As mentioned several times by doing this you are limiting the pool in both PVP & PVE which doesn't sound good to me. Please Bioware check out some of these solutions and at least say we are looking at it, give us something. I like many others have a DPS which takes forever for GF but I also have a tank and a healer which used to be instapops pre 1.4 now even they are taking a little bit longer. Not as long as a DPS but it is definitely not as fast as it used to be.
  13. Yeah I agree this patch has made things look worse on my end.
  14. Again this really sucks. I consider myself a 50/50 PVE/PVP person. This change has knocked me down to like 20% pvp since as many others have mentioned my time is very important to me. When I am in a WZ I could care less if someone rage quits or GF pops or whatever. As the patch stated back filled slots will be filled more frequently so not really a huge issue to me. Congrats if you wanted me to PVP a lot less than I did b4. One less person even bothering with his pvp dailies.
  15. I agree with Wraiven 100% and it shocks me that there aren't more people that do. Leaving warzone for rage quitting is the same thing as leaving for a GF pop so y bother removing it at all? Doesn't make any sense to me. My solution for my 50 was queue GF and didn't even bother PVP'ing at all in protest. This post below make a nice point though about a possible change that would benefit both parties but it isn't a complete solution.
  16. Haven't pvp'ed a whole lot since the 1.4 nerf but the self heal is pretty great thing to have. I just don't think it is enough. As people always say we need some burst for once so we can do some decent damage without the dots or as also suggested the dots should do more damage. I still have fun playing with my sorc but some love would be nice in the damage aspect.
  17. Honestly just wish people would make it known from the start that they have never done it b4. This way you can plan accordingly.
  18. I thought the other way I thought it was going to be a girlfriend bashing thread.
  19. Trust me I know the fight never really checked the peoples gear around me but Malgus seems easier at times. If I know my party this is a breeze but certain pugs seem to have a much more challenging time. I am not screaming nerf in any way.
  20. This is literally one of the hardest fights in Story and HM with over geared people. All other fights go extremely smooth but this one seems to hit a lot harder than FE, Kaon and Battle or Ilum. Seems a little weird. It is not saying that I can't get past it it just seems to be harder than the others. Lots of times it does tend to bug on both Hard and Story. So yeah I can relate to the OP. I guess u can say this is one of the more unforgiving fights if you do something wrong.
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