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Everything posted by xstortion

  1. I have gotten defender points for guarding the pylon several times. Maybe the distance needs to be tweaked though.
  2. xstortion


    Just curious though did you guys get the elite war hero offhand and Mainhand? Did you require your WH stuff for that? I am assuming that would have been a sign for you. That being said I still think you should be able to just trade the gear with all the armorings and such to get the elite counterpart if you wanted.
  3. What is your gear setup, do u have it on AMR? What spec are you running?
  4. Haven't seen anything myself it seems that the only people left have done this for PVE and aren't really PVP'ers.
  5. Does anyone else find it troubling that you have to either PVE or purchase the highest PVE armorning to get BiS for PVP? Just doesn't seem right to me. Can't be mad at MusicRider for doing this but just doesn't make sense at least to me that he should have to do that.
  6. PRobably a little high based off of this thread here Doesn't look like it is hurting u though unless you are lacking in other aspects.
  7. I am going to try to get my percentages somewhere close to the PVE BiS, I assume that would be the best for PVP.
  8. Yeah good luck finding that list. Best thing is to look here for your elite war hero gear and check what mods work the best for you. That being said you can grind the mainhand and the offhand b4 1.6 drops. Least that is what I have been doing.
  9. I will sign this petition as well. Sucks and give you no real incentive to stay.
  10. Ok I am bumping this up for new BiS discussions for PVP for a full madness sorc. Just looking to min/max with 63 mods for max dps. I see above the BiS is listed for PVE Just looking for a good AMR profile to go off of since I absolutely do not want to purchase something that is incorrect and have to regrind. Any help would be amazing
  11. Ok I am going start by saying I start a FP by saying are we skipping what we can? If the answer is no I have no problems killing the bosses. I am not in the need of gear drops, daily comms, colum, tionese and even th BH comms I have very little need for but at least that is capped at 1k so I have a 500 or so before I hit that cap. I just leveled a healer and as a fresh 50 I still wanted to skip as much as a could but that's just me. I will do the whole thing though if someone speaks up. A quick solution and I am not sure if it is even possible have the actual bosses drop individual BH comms during GF FP's only maybe?
  12. Yes you can craft up to (27) in mods, armorings, and enhancement etc. You have to loot the schematics from OPS and you also can get the materials there as well. Lastly you can reverse engineer as we wlll to learn the schematics.
  13. I think you should be able to Q for whatever you want but lets say you have outleveled it you just not longer get the daily credit for that particular FP.
  14. No they are added dailies so they aren't replacements. Section X as I have heard is harder than the rest but I haven't done it as yet. Dailies are used for mods, armorings, implants, etc. So these new dailies give you an option of what you want to do. There are vendors everywhere Ilum, Bel and Corellia(Black Hole).
  15. Speaking of cargo bay I heard a rumor about legacy wide cargo bay. Is this true or false?
  16. Yes I ran in to this problem a few times. I believe that Quesh is the only planet that holds u to that leveling format which to me doesn't make sense. If you are under-leveled let you learn the hard way yourself or if you complete it let you keep going.
  17. Get out of here SAGEE!!! LOL j/k good to have the input from the other side
  18. Yeah all of them are fine as long as they are geared properly. I seem to use Xalek a little more since he gets so nice hand me downs. Once you get later on though you can pretty much gear all your companions so u can pick your flavor.
  19. The school of thought is that lightning tree is bad for PVP since it limits movement. So you would have to go either Madness or a Madness/Lightning hybrid.
  20. LOL I actually wondered what the hell was going on since my main was a sorc. I have gone back to playing my assassin and was like *** why is my WW breaking? I was blaming it on Khem until I realized alas it was not him my CC is just really short. Good news is that I just got Mind Trap at 21 or whatever the stealth CC is called.
  21. This. I did Corellia in full the first time around but the next 2 characters I just did everything I could on Voss before I went there.
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