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Everything posted by Archonitek

  1. I'm confused by which GSF Records thread is the one I should post on. I have a ship that I will tentatively nominate for this thread since it fulfils all the requirements, however it doesn't reach any of the numbers being put up on the other thread.
  2. Reminds me of that scene in Independance Day...
  3. Could also be ping. In Australia 250ms is the best I can get and sometimes when I hold down rail or missile it doesn't seem to register, so I'll realise and try again only for it to charge/lock as soon as i release the button. With rail gun it usually means a shot going way off target and with lock it'll just reset so it becomes this frustrating game of *press*...nothing...*release*...PEW...****!...*press*...nothing...*release*...PEW...****!
  4. It might be a Condor/Jurgoran since they also have access to PD and DF
  5. I've found that I'll pick up the power up if my wings just brush it, but if I fly dead straight at it at full boost, nothing happens
  6. Noooo move away from tie's and xwings. it's supposed to be like 20000 years in the past. Give us something that looks NOTHING like they're from the movies. I refuse to believe that there has been 0 aerospace engineering and design changes for 20000 years in a galaxy that is in a state of civil war 99% of the time.
  7. Do the aces have particular paths they take at first spawn to shave down travel time?
  8. I NEVER try to 1v1 if I can help it. Mainly because I'm not that great a flier, don't fly a battlescout and I'm a bit of a coward, so I rather slide behind someone and shoot them in the back before running away and finding someone else not aiming at me lol
  9. Even a TDM map like (or in) denon exosphere would be interesting. Two capital ships with frigates/destroyers facing off and shooting at each other. Turbolasers will just be cosmetic but it'll build atmosphere. The smaller ships + ship debris can be used as cover. They could even add in something like periodic laser barrages by capital ships that will destroy or deal significant damage to ships around it or in specific areas.
  10. What about running to C or A? I always run bloodmark on my bar, tensor and head straight to either a or c. Although I guess my mind set is different since I run repair probes with shield regen. This way in the first minute or so of dom I can reach A or C and keep myself alive long enough either to delay the other team until B and one of the other sats to get capped, or cap it myself is nobody around.
  11. Yeah, just a thread for a bit of fun. If you do decide to put on a bit of music during a match, what is your go to choice? Does it change depending on how well you're doing? Does the song have anything to do with flying? Add a link to share with us all! I usually just put on something random, but these songs have always been something I put on more than once when I'm flying, or if I'm feeling silly. Van Halen - Dreams cos Archer is awesome
  12. Gault: On hit: Wings Clipped On Kill: Problem solved!
  13. Thanks for the feedback guys. The reason I asked is because there would be times where I'd chase a bomber, see him deploy a mine and I was never sure if I got hit from behind due to it activating and going off behind me because i was still in range, or that it blew up straight in my face as soon as it was deployed but it only registered behind me due to lag or something.
  14. Are mines active as soon as they are deployed? Or do they activate once they stop moving?
  15. I dun mind gunships. Most that I fly against can be taken down pretty easily, and the one's that I can't are usually pilots who out fly and out shoot me regardless of the ship type so that doesn't really bother me either.
  16. Lining up a gunship, boosting in for the attack, and watching helplessly as you sail past at full speed without firing a shot.... Good times!
  17. The only way I see how challenges work is if the person who declares the challenge organises a time on a particular server. People who wish to participate sign up like 3-4 days advance with a new toon. This time period gives them to unlock a particular ship they chose to fly and at least get enough req to get their desired components before the challenge starts, then have everyone team up and queue. Awkward and clunky, but at least its a way for everyone to start on some sort of level playing field.
  18. I loved the space battles in Battlefront 2, although I could never do online play since there were never any aussie servers up and trying on any other server was like playing whack a mole while holding the mallet between your toes while being hung upside down . It was still one of the main reasons that drew me to SWTOR and GSF. I tried booting up the old girl the other day for a bit of a spin, and to my surprise, i found the space battles quite clunky and slow. I know it's been a long time since BF2 came out, but it just seems my fond memories of flying didn't translate as well when I tried my hand at it again. So my question is, when Battlefront 3 comes out with their space battles, would you prefer GSF type game play or Battlefront 2?
  19. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=753999 I don't understand why you're still posting here Teschmacher. You didn't enjoy GSF, fair enough. Coming back to the forums, chewing over what you disliked and getting into a epeen **** is a waste of everyone's time. Move on mate.
  20. type /who denon lost mesas and then hit the little magnifying glass at the top. will show you who is flying on these maps
  21. Wouldn't happen to have a 'average damage taken per battle' category in there somewhere? cos i reckon that'll be the only one where i have a fighting chance to be listed
  22. The system should be that anyone who is only self destructing also gets the not contributing flag, and anyone with a not contributing flag can get shot down by both teams without penalty towards their side's score.
  23. Or do you mean that you don't see the colour trails from your engine?
  24. Maybe if the developers implemented a thing where if a character has less than 60 games in legacy their ship gets a health/shield bonus so they don't feel like their getting blown outta sky as soon as they get to a fight.
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